My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3651: Youth under the stars

"The first-life body of the Wild Ancient God’s Mansion opened its eyes, and those eyes seemed to penetrate the present and the ancient, surpassing everything! The ancient sages, it is inevitable that they may look away from the Danbaizi’s first-life body. He has already secured the victory!"

"The Lord of the Plane? Naturally, it can't be compared with this Danbaizi who has inherited the body of the ancient first generation completely——"

"What kind of surprises will the deserted ancient holy road bring to people?"


As Danbaizi's first-life body opened his eyes, that piece of the holy road seemed to be transformed, and Danbaizi walked on the deserted ancient sacred road and merged with the first-life body!

Gao Yue is very surprised now!

Su Jin didn't stop it!

Don't you stop it? If Dan Baizi assimilates the first-life body, uses the power of the divine residence to completely revive the first-life body, and perfectly allows the first-life to come and fight against Su Jin, this Su Jin will have no chance—

At least in Gao Yue's eyes.

Su Jin didn't have the slightest intention to stop it. The entire "Desolate Ancient Sacred Road" was still perfectly exuding the ancient gods. This sacred road, like a galaxy, could not even be shattered by his "Silver Plane".

The sensation of this battle is not even weaker than the battle with the God of Slaughter not long ago!

Eight million goblin giants, thousands of great demons, and even the tide-sound banshee, all the beauties are all looking forward to it!

"The deserted ancient divine residence is not as powerful as he himself said." The life fairy Yushi concubine shook her head, "the wild ancient era, the heavens and great monsters are side by side, at least no less than a hundred people can compete with the deserted ancient divine residence, but now he Dan Baizi But claiming to be the first person in the wild is really puzzling."

"Ye Di just transmitted the sound, let us be careful of that Gao Yue... This girl actually came from the kingdom of God carried by the ancient sage, I really want to see, if she knows that the guy who abducted her is exactly what she wants to kill I don't know what expression she should make if I'm not the Lord Yedi." Xinyuehu said with a smile.

"Why does Ye Di kidnap beautiful women?" A demon girl asked curiously.

"Hehe, man!"


Su Jin's current expression is not as surprised as the world sees it. He seems to see through everything, his expression is always the same, with an extraordinary calmness.

"You still don't make a move?"

On the deserted ancient sage road, Dan Baizi was so despised for the first time, and finally couldn't help but roared at Su Jin. He was going to win this battle beautifully, and he had to prove himself to the land of glazed glaze, and even to the ancient sage grandfather!

But this unknown master of the plane, the expression that always kept calm, really made Dan Baizi feel disgusted!

"I want to see the power under the fusion between you and the first life——" Su Jin shrugged, and his whole body was blessed by the power of "Silver Plane", as he said, he was waiting for this Danbaizi The perfect blow.

"You are very arrogant, but I will be merciless and trample on your arrogance!" Dan Baizi went crazy, turning into a beam of rainbow light to set sail again, directly facing the place where the first-life body came to the north!

Thunder, everything in the sky around the silence--

Countless Dao Marks were erased densely around the Holy Road. Only the Heaven Dao Dao Marks could offset that power, but Su Jin's eyes at the moment were not paying attention to the Holy Road. His eyes looked towards the collapse of pieces. The depths of the void.

The Sunluo plane is called the opposite of the heavens.

Su Jin did not see the panoramic view of the entire Senluo plane. Even if he looked at one billion li, he knew that this distance was insignificant in the Senluo plane.


As he looked at them, the stars and continents were all emitting blue ink streamers, and those blue ink streamers were forming a vein like a spider web, spreading rapidly and accelerating!

The plane, how amazing is it——

Su Jin couldn't help being curious, his body now seemed to be occupied by the blue ink streamer, and his great power and his unworldly power seemed to be constantly merging with the power of the plane.

Although, he is not the deity now!

But the original power of the Sunluo plane, through the'Sunluo Dao', is affecting his clone, even his deity!

"The body of the plane..." Su Jin gasped.

If he had this feeling long ago, he wouldn't be there. He suffered a sword wound in the previous battle. If he had this understanding long ago, he would be able to pardon the war heroes only in the plane of the body!

There was an impulse in Su Jin's heart--

He approached the void in the collapse and walked into the plane of Sun Luo.

In the past, the'Siluo Plane' always gave him a sense of lifelessness, but now it is different. As the power of his "Lord of the Plane" is growing, where he is now, it looks like a radius of tens of billions of miles. Be intimate with him!

Su Jin is breathing.

The endless space of Sun Luo plane seems to be breathing, although others can't feel it, he can! Although he doesn't know why it is so magical!

just now! Before Su Jin appeared a huge star!

The huge stars of earth-yellow color, a circle of star rings are exuding blue ink plane power! Although Su Jin is young, under the shining of the stars, it seems to be extremely shocking. That scene seems to have suppressed the world in an instant!

"Is this the power of the Lord of the Planes..." The Chaosheng Banshee's face was ruddy and a little excited. She felt that Su Jin seemed to have realized something. Before, the identity of the Lord of the Planes, including power, seemed to have not been affected much. Su Jin paid attention to it himself.

But now... it's different!

The emperor of the night will reinvigorate the "Silver Plane", this mysterious plane is bound to shock the world!

"Na Dan Baizi is merging with the first-life body! And the night emperor..." The virgin concubine has always been paying attention to Dan Baizi, after all, the body of the first-life deserted ancient divine residence cannot be underestimated, and at this moment, when she looks back When Su Jin, Hua Rong was pale!

The young man under the stars is like a truly invincible **** of the plane! That kind of aura is too terrifying, any heaven, truth, years, even three thousand great avenues, countless powers, seem to be inferior to the magic of the plane!

"He is truly inheriting the "Plane of Sun Luo"." The Chaosheng Banshee looked at the Empress Maid with cold eyes.

Sunro plane...

The opposite of the heavens...

A mysterious place that even God can’t get in touch with--

"Ye Di..." The big element made me feel nervous, this Ye Di, it seems that no status is inferior to his "Lord of the Planes" position!

"Sure?" Xinyuehu hesitated and looked at the Chaosheng Banshee.

"How do you know Yedi is inheriting the plane of Senluo?" The Goddess of Time also asked.

"It's very simple, billions of stars are breathing. With the breathing of the lord of the plane, Ye Di, those mysterious powers are not just as simple as Sen Luo Dao." The Chaosheng Banshee concealed her inner throbbing and said slowly .

"You mean... the origin of the plane?" The Empress Maid's face was slightly startled.

"Yes! It is the origin of the plane. The Yedi must completely inherit the origin of the plane and completely achieve the power of the lord of the Senluo plane. And the ancient sage must have seen the disguise of the night emperor, knowing that he is the night emperor. , And said that Dan Baizi is not his opponent."

"It turned out to be like this—"


At this moment!

Dan Baizi's "Desolate Ancient Sacred Road" shines with billions of rays of light! On the other side, Ye Di was in the plane of Senluo, with Senluo's origin constantly overflowing his body, and both of them were extremely powerful!

At least this is so in the eyes of the monks in Jiangdu City and even the entire Liuli Land!

"Is this the original power of the plane..." Su Jin felt curious. Those powers seemed to be different from any ‘Tao’.

And where Su Jin was sitting cross-legged, his body seemed to be popping beans, making a burst of crackling noises.

Su Jin paid attention with the soul of the soul-

The left arm bone of his deity was exuding bursts of blue ink secret clouds.


Is that the bone? Or the plane **** bone?

Su Jin was shocked in his heart. He looked at the rivers, lakes, seas, forests and mountains where he could feel the peculiar veins. Even the leaves swaying in the wind, every swaying arc could be felt by him——

The origin of the plane is really amazing!

Su Jin even felt the power of the plane, as if under the bridge of heaven and earth in his body, like the waves of the sea, roaring constantly in his flesh, endlessly falling apart!

"Ye Di!" Dan Baizi has merged with the body of the first life, and the light radiating from his whole body makes him seem incompatible with the rest of the world!

It was as if the gods came, as if the perfect fusion of ancient and modern!

Su Jin turned a deaf ear! He was still immersed in that wonderful feeling. Now, in his body, the heaven, earth and **** bridges are crisscrossing, and the plane origin has been integrated into his flesh and blood, and his physique is also becoming stronger! The change made him feel terrible!

not good!

Gao Yue's face was pale. She originally thought that Dan Baizi could secure the victory, but now it's different! Even though the night emperor was the lord of the plane before, he is now inheriting the origin of a certain plane. Under this way, the gap is clearly manifested!

For Gao Yue, there is another thing that cannot be ignored, that is, Taizu also knew of her departure. If Dan Baizi had an accident because of her, this pot... she couldn't remember it!

How to do--

How to do!

Gao Yue felt a little tangled in her heart, she felt as if she was panicked!

Now Gao Yue himself doesn't know what to do. Should he fight side by side with Dan Baizi, or break through the defense of these eight million evil ghost giants and kill the world-honored one?

Dan Baizi now feels that his power has reached its limit! His most extreme point, he is fearless now, he does not care who Su Jin is, because whoever he is, he thinks he will win!

Boom boom boom~~~

This piece of void, destroyed and then destroyed, the young man under the huge star finally turned silently and looked at the Dan Baizi on the "Desolate Ancient Sage Road"!

"It's a mere divine residence, I really don't put you in my eyes now." Su Jin swept away his clothes and lifted up his steps, already appearing in the void on the deserted ancient sage road!


Su Jin stepped down tightly, and the huge power produced had already caused the entire "Desperate Ancient Sacred Road" to roar and tremble. That terrifying plane force was constantly squeezing the scope of "The Desolate Ancient Sacred Road"!

"Taizu said that I am inferior to you! I will kill you with supreme means now!" Dan Baizi went crazy, his first life body seems to have lived back in the same year, although a little old, but that kind With his destructive power in his hands, there are very few people who can compete with him in the entire glazed land!

The voice fell off!

Dan Baizi was on the "Desolate Ancient Sage Road", wrapped in rainbow light, and rushed towards Su Jin!

One is the Lord of the Plane, who has just inherited the origin of the Plane and has a peerless edge!

One is the Desolate Ancient Divine Mansion, which communicates with the first-life body, completes a short and gorgeous turn, and possesses the complete and invincible power of the Desolate Ancient Divine Mansion!

What will happen to the two people fighting together!

Jiangdu City, the world is among the best! To the south of the forbidden land, Gao Yue frowned. The whole world is paying attention to this battle! Will Dan Baizi win?

Gao Yue, naturally hope that Dan Baizi will win! I don't want him to lose, and that young man is just a stranger, she doesn't bother to care about him!

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