My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3652: Rain shower

Collapsing, the entire world that does not belong to this world is collapsing, the barren ancient holy road, like a galaxy where hundreds of millions of stars gather, begins to collapse like dust!

Dan Baizi greeted Su Jin——

But when he was 100 meters away from Su Jin, he suddenly raised his head, with incredible eyes in his eyes!

Although it was only a hundred meters away from Su Jin, this distance seemed like an insurmountable moat, and it was out of reach.

"The deserted ancient sacred road, you can suppress my deserted ancient sacred road..." Dan Baizi's face became pale and he looked at his hands, "Impossible! Who can suppress the power of my deserted ancient sacred residence! Who are you! Who are you? what!"

The "Desolate Ancient Sacred Road" that was originally as vast as a galaxy has been suppressed! And it's still falling apart, all the ancient scenes on the holy road are in the process of falling apart!

How can Dan Baizi think of--

After communicating with the first-life body, he still couldn't get close to Su Jin! The so-called Lord of the Plane is now crushing his deserted ancient sacred road. If this continues, his divine residence will be destroyed, and "The deserted ancient sacred road" will also be erased!


Dan Baizi must not let this happen!

At the juncture of life and death, Dan Baizi seemed to have surpassed the limit, and the brilliance of his whole body showed another three points. Although he could move forward, he could walk to the high Su Jin, but it was as difficult as he was carrying a hundred thousand mountains. .

After about ten breaths... Dan Baizi's face was sweaty. He knew that he couldn't do it. In Su Jin's eyes, he was just a mocking ant!

Thinking of this, Dan Baizi was very aggrieved in his heart——

However, just when Dan Baizi was about to give up on himself, his pressure suddenly loosened!

"Dan Baizi."

The familiar voice shocked Dan Baizi...

It's a princess!

Princess Gao Yue!

Sure enough, Gao Yue walked up to the sky and sank into the battlefield. Her body exuded an impeccable sacred brilliance. In addition, her eyebrows flashed with a strange symbol, and there were three auspicious clouds all over her body constantly flowing in various colors!

Jiangdu City, once again because of Gao Yue's entry, caused a sensation!

"This is another ancient sage who came to the kingdom of God. There are three auspicious clouds on her body. This is the existence that is really favored by God. It is rumored that if the human race is surrounded by auspicious clouds, it is a natural god!" Jiang Du There is an extremely powerful power in the city, and his eyes burst into light. The appearance of this Gaoyue really caused a sensation in the world!

"Natural gods! In the true sense of nature, some people become holy and virtuous, but they can reach the level of born gods. There has never been one in the 100,000-highest heaven. This is a situation that can only appear in the legend. I think I can see you today!"

"A true god! She wants to join hands with Dan Baizi and fight the face master together!"

"This woman is born with a natural appearance of disaster, and she is also a born god-man. Not long ago, when he heard that the emperor was beheading the emperor prison, she summoned it and thought that the ancient god-man was a sword **** and killed the emperor prison! "

"Awesome! I seem to have met true love... This girl is so beautiful that she is so beautiful under the auspicious clouds of the gods and men. It's a pity... she has such a level that she can have extraordinary power."

"She came to save the Danbaizi! Danbaizi, as a deserted ancient god's residence, was suppressed by the Lord of the Plane. Now she appears as a natural god-man, helping her with all her strength. I wonder if the Lord of the Plane can carry it. live!"

"Oh my God, I am really a born **** and man—"


Jiangdu City, the land of colored glaze, the 100,000 highest heavens are all marveling, that kind of marvel is unprecedented! Even if Ye Di beheaded the **** of slaughter before, and displayed the "Wind Path Years" that frustrated thousands of ancient sages, there was no appearance of Gao Yue, a sensation.

This battle has had twists and turns!

The Chaosheng Banshee, the Maid Emperor Consort and all the daughters were stunned.

So Gao Yue, really so powerful?

Moreover, now with Princess Gaoyue's battle, every inch of the void in this glazed land is raining colorfully!

"Born to be a god-man." The empress virgin took a cold breath and stretched out her finger to catch a ray of rain and divine light. The movement made by Gao Yue's appearance was too big.

"Dan Baizi is going to fight Ye Di dignifiedly, but now he is fighting two and one, which is really shameless." Demon Ji said angrily.

"Emperor Ye has just inherited the origin of the plane. I don't know if the inheritance is complete. Now that this natural **** and man has entered the battlefield, the battle situation is really bad." The fallen angel ruler said.


For the beauties facing the Ye Emperor, this situation is indeed very worrying. Unlike the Dan Baizi, the Ye Emperor can only carry everything by one person. The physique of any female cultivator here cannot be compared with the **** born that day Comparable.

at this time.

Su Jin's face was calm.

Dan Baizi's expression improved a little after Princess Gao Yue entered the battlefield. The power of the plane's suppression made him breathless. Fortunately, Gao Yue's rescue! Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Aren't you surprised?" Gao Yue looked at Su Jin and asked coldly.

"Why accident, you and him, originally came from the same place." Su Jin smiled.

Gao Yue:...

Dan Baizi glanced at Gao Yue in a daze. How could this Princess Gao Yue say anything, and Su Jin's words now meant that everything was under his control. For Gao Yue's battle, the opponent even had Expected!

"In this case, now I am going to cut you off with Dan Baizi now, you accept your fate..." Gao Yue's tone was also extremely calm.

Su Jin yawned, "Is that right? Did you ask your great ancestor? If I make a mistake in this battle and kill your princess, what will he do?"

"Are you dreaming?"

Gao Yue wanted to laugh at Su Jin! Although Dan Baizi was suppressed by Su Jin with plane power just now, the gap between the two was not as big as imagined, and now that he entered the battlefield, the balance of victory has begun to tilt!

In short, Su Jin cannot defeat her and Dan Baizi anyway.

By now, Dan Baizi had very big doubts about Su Jin's identity! He thought for a while, and still silently transmitted the sound to Gao Yue, and under her opposition, directly used the methods unique to the kingdom of God to transmit the sound to Taizu!

"What nonsense... all come back... neither of you are his opponents."

In the depths of the glazed land, Taizu was a little angry, and once again issued a shocking rhetoric, completely disregarding his face of the kingdom of God!

This Taizu... is really upright...

It was originally a transmission, who knows... the world knows.

After the voice of the ancient sage fell in the entire land of glazed glaze, it seemed that I didn't know how many people were frightened to the ground!

Gao Yue, a born god, plus Dan Baizi, a deserted ancient **** mansion! Neither are the opponents of the Master of Face alone? How is this possible!

"Did the ancient sages live too long, a little dim-eyed? This is a natural god-man, I feel that she can completely abuse this face master by herself!" In the land of colored glaze, there is no lack of such remarks.

"Natural gods are too rare. This kind of person is born to stand on the highest peak. They are true gods, and who can say that the power of gods is good! Old sages and sages are old and timid."

"I also laughed when I said that I was not as good as that. This natural god-man, with three auspicious clouds lingering, possesses inexhaustible divine power. Her power, divine art, and even heaven do not need to deliberately cultivate. In other words, everything is perfect! How can the Lord of this plane be comparable?"

"The ancient sages are amazing! But there is one thing we have to admit. Just now he said that Danbaizi is inferior to the master of the face. It is indeed inferior! But now with the addition of this natural **** and man, how can it be worse? This is outrageous. Got it!"

"Look... the face of the god-born man changed that day..."


That's right!

After hearing Taizu's cursing, Gao Yue lost control of her emotions——

She has always been a superior existence in the kingdom of God! It can be said that Zhongxing Pengyue is not an exaggeration! It is the first time that Taizu criticized her so harshly!

"I'm not convinced!" Gao Yue and Dan Baizi were the same as before, opposing Taizu!

Dan Baizi was cruel, and directed towards the direction of the depths of the Liuli Land, and shouted: "I am consistent with the princess, and Dan Baizi is also dissatisfied!!"

"Come back--" The voice made by Taizu from the depths of the glazed land made Danbaizi and Gao Yue feel angry, Taizu was angry.

Su Jin was happy, and faintly said: "I don't care about your ancient sages. If you are against me, you are my enemy. I will kill and bury it!"

Kill it, don’t bury it.

This is Su Jin's confidence.

The ancient sage, the only ancient sage to come to the Land of Glazed Glass, also accept Su Jin's courage!

The world is in an uproar——

Is this Master of Face already so tough?

This turned out to be the confidence to challenge the ancient sages!

Gao Yue's savage temperament began to erupt completely. Once she became mad, no one could stop it. You must know that when she was in the kingdom of God, she liked to sing against people and couldn't do things, she wanted to do it.

For example, if you leave the kingdom of God this time, you are going to kill the ‘not the world-zun’!

When Taizu was angry, Gao Yue glanced at Su Jin, "I have to admit that you made me suspicious of you. You deliberately approached me and deliberately helped me, but the more so, the more I feel about you. disgust--"

"So what?" Su Jin asked.

"Although you have a great opportunity just now, you won't be really arrogant, right? Here, there are people ruling you. For example, the emperor, such as Taizu, such as me and Danbaizi teaming up, and... !" Gao Yue said coldly.

Su Jin looked weird, "No World Honor... Ye Di?"

"Yes, you don’t really think that you can compare with the World-Honored One! You almost mean it. Although it is arrogant enough, you are not qualified to be here compared to the existence that really stands at the top. It's clamoring here..." Gao Yue responded.


The weird smile on Su Jin's face made Gao Yue feel bored for a while!

The power of the plane is certainly strong, but Gao Yue just entered the field and directly helped Danbaizi resolve the crisis. This plane can't suppress her, a natural god!

At this time, the ancient sage in the depths of the glazed glaze land began to exasperate: "I don't have any brains...I won't listen to the words of the great ancestor? Tell you, this little **** is not the world-zun!"

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