My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3654: Driven crazy again

The magical changes that appeared in Gao Yue naturally attracted Su Jin's attention.

Su Jin has now clearly recognized a fact.

The fact is that Gao Yue, not a human race, was born as a god, a true god! Unlike some spiritual practice leading to ancient sages, she can't judge race by human category at all.

Moreover, this Gaoyue is probably the only **** in this infinitely bordered land of glazed glaze, even her great ancestor, the ancient sages, can not be counted as a god.

"Protoss?" Su Jin looked at Gao Yue, thinking that this girl was truly outstanding, whether it was her figure, appearance, or temperament, she was especially dazzling under the halo of the gods' crown.

Gao Yue whispered: "It's a Protoss, and it's not an ordinary Protoss. My divine power is in control, and I can descend the rules of the heavens and the earth. Because of this, I have the confidence to defeat you...not the world-honored one!"

"The rules of descending heaven and earth? Then you try, can you descend my sky." Su Jin snorted, he really didn't care what kind of Protoss, he only cared about winning or losing this time.

Because in Su Jin’s view, the rules of heaven and earth are not as powerful as his plane power, and he may not even be able to force his imperial great divine power——

"Princess, be careful." Dan Baizi's face was solemn, although the rain of auspicious rain from the sky resisted the pressure of the night Emperor's calm plane, but he still felt something was wrong.

Su Jin is too confident.

Even with one enemy two, there is absolute confidence, which is absolutely abnormal in Dan Baizi's view.

"I mobilize the rules of heaven and earth here to resist him. Your "Desolate Ancient Sacred Road" can be played perfectly. You need to use the first-life body to fully exert the power of the Desolate Ancient Divine Mansion, and he can't help you!" Gao Yue said This battle is obviously also quite important-

After all, losing may be a lifetime loss!

It may even be the price of life and death!

If Gao Yue can't win this battle, then perhaps, as others thought, the emperor in the land of glazed glaze, or her ancient sage can only contend against this person——

Gao Yue, does not accept failure.

Since she was born, she has been a **** who has successfully stood at the top, the true master of the gods, although the heavens, the true gods can already be described as rare--

"I listen to the princess!" Dan Baizi naturally did not dare to be careless in the crisis of life and death. You must know that if the princess loses in this battle, he can live, and if he loses, he will inevitably die, even if even Taizu cannot save !

The voice fell off!

Dan Baizi felt suddenly enlightened! His "Desolate Ancient Sacred Road" seems to be ushering in an extremely dazzling tomorrow. The feeling of not being suppressed by the emperor of the night is so cool, his strength and his confidence are all back!

With Dan Baizi's burst of shout!

"The Desolate Ancient Sacred Road" expanded again in an instant, and it was even more than twice as big as it was at the beginning. His Desolate Ancient Divine Mansion is going to shine today, to accompany the princess, and kill this world-zun!

The power of God's Mansion is all there! Dan Baizi made a peculiar sound in his throat, he was hunting in his robe, and he lifted himself up!

"The Era of the Desolate Ancients is the longest epoch in the evolution of the heavens. It is also called the Era of the Desolate Ancients. I inherit the Desolate Ancient Divine Mansion. Although I cannot reproduce the glory of the desolate ancients, there are many mysteries, even if you are not the Lord, Only looking up can't resist—"

The robe on Dan Baizi's body began to gush out patches of divine haze that only existed in the desolate ancient times, that is the mysterious haze that can evolve only through long years, heaven and even the wild aura——

Immediately, on the "Desolate Ancient Sage Road", a pale yellow bell began to rise from the ground! On the surface of the yellow clock, there were twelve treacherous snakes that seemed to turn around alive.



"The Ancient Golden Bell" is trembling, and it keeps sounding dull bells!

And the twelve big forked snakes, at first as if they were following their respective trails, actually flashed scarlet eyes, and turned around. Each of these big forked snakes is like a river of gods that runs through the world, surrounding "The Bell" exudes supreme ferocity!

"Pick me Huang Zhongda Lu!" Dan Baizi burst out!

The sound of "Ancient Golden Bell" suddenly changed wonderfully! Within the dull and melodious bells, there are solemn, upright, sublime, harmonious, and even thousands of great monsters, as if the voices of the demon warfare in the "desolate age" are also manifested one by one——

Su Jin was not surprised to see this...

Because of Gao Yue's presence, this Danbaizi's power can be used perfectly, and the power of Gao Yue, a natural god-man, is still unknown.

"Good job."

Above the sky, Su Jin looked like an immortal facing the dust, looking down on the earth, as if swooping, he raised his hand with one hand, holding "Eastern Emperor Bell" in his hand, and directly covered "The Ancient Golden Bell"!


"Ancient Golden Bell" and "Eastern Emperor Bell" have a real collision! That kind of sound tore open the void, and the void in "The Wild Ancient Sage Road" has been lifted up by an unpredictable sky moat!

The impact continues!

But it is obvious that the "Eastern Emperor Bell" surrounded by the "Dari Golden Crow" is even better. When it collided again and again, "The Ancient Golden Bell" was constantly repelled.

And with each repulsion, Dan Baizi's face will be pale!

He... ignored Su Jin's possession of "East Emperor Bell". This result made Danbaizi a little uncomfortable. After all, he was a deserted ancient god's residence, and he was on the deserted ancient sacred road, and the body of the first generation was also being blessed...

Even so, with many blessings, "The Ancient Golden Bell" still fell completely at a disadvantage!

Yes! Without Gao Yue's move, he Dan Baizi, I am afraid that Su Jin has already been alive and dead.

Is this not enough?

Gao Yue looked at Dan Baizi and thought that this guy was really useless. She had known that when she was in the kingdom of God, she would not look for this person, and she would not need to reveal her whereabouts. This guy was really useless.


Pieces of pale faces appeared in the streets!

The sound of the collision of the divine bell is extremely harsh, and some people even feel the pain like a piercing heart. For monks with weaker cultivation bases, the seven orifices have begun to be shaken out by the bell!

"Dan Baizi is far from being an opponent of the World Zun Ye Di!" You Jiang Ducheng Da Neng said in fear.

"The deserted ancient god's mansion is indeed excellent, but if you think about the strength of the previous night emperor, you will feel that this Danbaizi is quite ordinary."

"Yeah! The **** of killing, destroying a thousand ancient sages, and sending the emperor to the road, which one can this Danbaizi do? Now there is a princess who is born with a **** and man, who is supporting him to suppress the plane. It’s a foregone conclusion that I have been losing and retreating in this battle."

"I can only count on that natural **** man--"

"Natural gods are gods, not humans! God's rights and prestige, this woman probably has all. I feel that this will be the most difficult battle during the Yedi's coming to the Land of Glazed Glass."

"God, can you kill the emperor? I don't think it is necessarily, although the chances are also great...this is not too enchanting, and she has not displayed the power that is not the world, and even just inherited the origin of the plane. , To add a little bit of bargaining chips to his capital. If this natural god-man can't cut it off, I'm afraid I can only wait for the ancient sage, or the ancient sage to make a move."

"What a desolate ancient divine residence, this is too weak...not as scary as its name."


Although this comment from the spectator...

But who can appreciate the powerlessness of Dan Baizi!

Donghuang Bell, the first bell in the world! The one who casts this bell is not the world-zun Yedi! Dan Baizi's "The Wild Ancient Golden Bell", many mysteries have been suppressed, how can it be fully and thoroughly displayed!

"Get down--" Gao Yue was very disappointed, and said to Dan Baizi coldly.

If this continues, Ye Di can even kill Dan Baizi without any effort. If so, it is better to live and let him return to the kingdom of God to be a dog!

The princess...the princess also looked down on him--

Dan Baizi's complexion suddenly became horribly disgusted, he didn't hate his incompetence, but... he couldn't be looked down upon by his own people!

"Ye Di!!" Dan Baizi let out a monstrous roar, which resounded throughout the world! Immediately afterwards, Dan Baizi's deity turned into a red light, separated from the body of the first life!

"You are crazy..." Gao Yue's heart jumped.

Dan Baizi laughed grimly, "Once Taizu said to me, I can't live in the past forever! Otherwise, my achievements can only stop here! But who can understand me! I can't abandon my previous glory! Abandon the first-life body!"


There were silent sighs all around.

Ye Di drove a man crazy again. Seeing that this Dan Baizi turned out to have a desperate posture, but it is also normal. Ordinary magical techniques and methods are useless to this world-honored person. They only have to abandon everything, give up their lives, and maybe have some opportunities. !

"In this battle, everyone in the world will laugh at me Danbaizi! But I can't tolerate it, and the princess sees me like this! I am proud of being a person of the kingdom of God. I can't bear this humiliation!"

Dan Baizi said and said, laughing sadly: "The first-life body, burn me! Let me finally relive the last glory of the year!"

The deserted ancient god's mansion, the first-life body, the monstrous deserted ancient gods began to burn! That flame seems to be the only dazzling color between "Eastern Emperor Bell" and "Ancient Golden Bell"!

Even if the rain of auspicious rain that Gao Yue descended at this moment seemed to have become a foil for Dan Baizi!

"East Emperor's Bell! The first bell in the world, so what!" Dan Baizi's deity closed his eyes, and a strand of divine essence entered the burning body of the first life!


Dan Baizi's first-life body directly raised his arm, as if directly transformed into a big hand that lifted the sky, pulling out the "East Emperor Bell" for life!

"Desolate ancient sun and moon, trillions of demon races, remit to my divine residence!"

Dan Baizi's first-life body, the tone began to sink, he walked away in one step, the world changed to the sun, the moon and the new sky, the ancient stars, the gods, the moon, the trillions of demons and gods seemed to begin to gather towards him——

And Dan Baizi’s first-life body, in the burning flames of the gods, began to condense a very special huge artifact, that is a primitive'shrine', trillions of monsters and gods, all were sucked in by that shrine. !

If there is this shrine on the deserted ancient holy road, then open all directions!

Even the Sunluo plane can't stop the shrine from exuding supreme brilliance! Gao Yue, stayed fiercely... She had never seen Dan Baizi's strongest power, after all, this was Dan Baizi's first-life body burning power!

It turned out to be... it was able to shake this senescene plane... Gao Yue, a natural god, was really shocked!

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