My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3655: Do you have little brother

Even Su Jin is a little surprised after seeing this scene——

If Su Jin is not mistaken, this ‘shrine’ should have been transformed by Dan Baizi’s first-life body. The burning flame was only used as a cover by Dan Baizi. I have to admit that Dan Baizi is very hard!

Even so, Su Jin still has no pressure in his heart——

Even if this ‘shrine’ is skyrocketing, and it even seems that the surface of the shrine is full of billions of monsters and gods, Su Jin’s heart is not half afraid!


At the critical moment, turn around!

Earlier, after learning that the Lord of the Plane was the Emperor of the World Exalted, none of the people in the land of glazed glaze and the 100,000 highest heavens were optimistic about Danbaizi, but this Danbaizi was so willing. At this terrible moment, Use the ultimate means of destruction!

And this is not a turning back. As long as Danbaizi's first-life body is burned, even if Danbaizi can survive in the future, he will no longer have this level of power against the sky!

"The deserted ancient god's mansion, it is really extraordinary!" There was a monk from Jiangdu City, sighing repeatedly, it seems that Dan Baizi has a better chance! And there is the burning body of the first life, even if it is not the world-honored person, he can touch it!

"Who would have thought that this situation would happen! The princess has obviously disliked Danbaizi as a teammate, but Danbaizi can still explode with such amazing powers. Now, how should the world-zun deal with this deserted ancient god's residence? A final strength?"

"It's horrible. The shrine has skyrocketed to the point where it covers several **** cities. Even our Jiangdu City is still under the'shrine' in the void. If this blow is not against the Night Emperor, we Jiangdu City and even the surrounding area Several big cities will be destroyed by this!"

"God, things can still change like this, Dan Baizi really deserves to be a deserted ancient god's mansion. His attack should have surpassed the **** of slaughter, and even thousands of ancient sages' power--"

"More than! Absolutely more!"

"Where's Ye Di? Ye Di has just played "The Years of the Winding Path" not long ago, can he do it again? I feel that he is a little helpless facing such a powerful Danbaizi now, and what is the meaning of this'shrine'? Magic power?"

"I am afraid that Ye Di will be difficult to avoid in this battle. He is going to have the first defeat!"


Exciting constantly!

In fact, these voices in Jiangdu City are not much different in the entire Liuli Land. Many great abilities believe that the final outburst of Dan Baizi will cause a headache for the emperor.

Anxious, worry is still behind!

The Chaosheng Banshee's face was pale, what would Yedi do with Dan Baizi's last resort? Obviously, Yedi’s sword injury has not healed. He is now playing in battle, facing Danbaizi who is struggling for life, is it clear to protect himself and retreat from the battlefield, or has another plan?

"It's hard to say--" The Empress Maid said with a solemn expression.

"The kingdom of God where Dan Baizi was born and slackened by the ancient sages. Obviously, his deserted ancient divine residence was trained by the ancient sages. In this way, the emperor is not dominant, and there is also a natural god. People help each other." The Goddess of Time also said.

"What to do then!" Qin Qingwu was frightened and asked quickly.

"What are you afraid of? Forgot what my sister said before? Yedi has a chance to be resurrected. As long as Danbaizi kills Yedi, his first-life body will naturally be lost. Of course, if the time comes When others see that the Ye Di is resurrecting in a strong and prosperous way, and returning to the peak, I am afraid that his eyes will fall." The fallen angel ruled proudly.

Facing the fallen angel’s opening and speaking, the Chaosheng Banshee felt a little calm, but she felt that Ye Di only had one chance to resurrect. He had to face the emperor, even the ancient sage, wasted on this high moon and pill. Was it too extravagant in Baizi's battle?

And based on what everyone knows about Ye Di, he is definitely not the kind of person who tolerates his own failure——

"Ye Di may not lose." At this moment, a different voice appeared.

It is the life fairy rain master concubine speaking.

She had just finished speaking, and the eyes of all the beauties all looked at her together--

"Why? Dan Baizi is so powerful, I feel that if Ye Di played "The Years of Winding Path", I am afraid that with the power of the current Dan Baizi, he can also break the technique of "The Years of Winding Paths", what else can Ye Di rely on now? Is it yours? It means he doesn't use the power of the World-Honored One?" Xinyuehu looked at Yushi concubine curiously and asked.

"No, haven't you seen Ye Di's plan yet?" Yu Shi's concubine looked puzzled. She seemed to be able to see Su Jin's meaning from beginning to end, but she did not expect that among these beauties with many masters, it was unexpected No one can see through.

"What's his plan?"

"Yes, sister concubine, you can say it quickly—"

In the face of all the beauties' inquiring eyes.

The Yushi concubine said slowly: "Yedi hasn't even tried the power of the plane origin, you all want to go, and he will definitely not use other powers, he must use this... The origin of the plane."

Yes indeed!

All the beauties suddenly realized.

If Su Jin had not been confident in the original power of the ‘Sinluo Plane’, I’m afraid he would have already used other powers, such as the Nine Ways, such as "The Years of Winding Path", no matter how bad it is, he can also use the great divine Dao!

But now, Su Jin is still standing on that piece of "Desolate Ancient Sage Road"!

This is also a representative, Su Jin will use the power of the'Siluo Plane' to contend with these two!

"Your strength, when transformed into this shrine with the first-life body, has skyrocketed twenty times, or even more, but your move is really something." Su Jin made the final blow to Dan Baizi. Positive evaluation.

Dan Baizi's deity, his face was a little abnormally red, he stepped on top of the huge shrine, and this stabilized his mind.

Only by standing on this shrine, Dan Baizi's deity can protect himself! But now, when he heard Su Jin's evaluation of himself, he was a little unhappy about it!

Just something?

After ruining the body of the first life, Dan Baizi is certainly sure to kill the world-zun! Otherwise, his loss will be unimaginable! Even if he survives by chance, he will be severely reprimanded by Taizu when he goes back, and he will even suffer a great punishment!

"I want to kill you--" Dan Baizi's murderous eyes made people see the firmness. His voice seemed to be suppressed, and the suppression did not erupt until the last moment.

And now, as the body of the first life burns, and the entire shrine is still soaring and absorbing power, Dan Baizi knows that it will take some time!

The barren ancient times can no longer continue, but even if the wax torch turns into ashes, Dan Baizi will want this barren ancient era to shine on the heavens at this last moment!



As the power of the shrine is still skyrocketing, Dan Baizi's face is determined! "Desolate Ancient Sacred Road", like a huge galaxy, began to burn rapidly, and then burn again!

"Oh my God! The power of that shrine is still increasing! Now that Danbaizi burns "The Wild Ancient Sacred Road", what does he want to do? Doesn't he leave behind?" Someone was on the wall of Jiangdu City, far away Saw this horrible scene.

"He doesn't want to give Ye Di any chance! After all, as the Lord of the World, Ye Di, he can hide in the depths of the plane no matter how bad he is, but his Dan Baizi has exhausted everything, and this is never allowed. It happened!"

"Will you become benevolent if you fail? It's a pity that after this war, the deserted ancient god's mansion became a legend. Even if Dan Baizi was immortal, he would no longer be dazzling in the heavens. His "Desolate Ancient Sage Road", the body of the first generation , It's all going to be destroyed—"

"Perhaps, we were all wrong before. This Danbaizi has a posture comparable to that of the World-Venerable! Even without the gods born that day, he can kill the World-Venerable Ye Di!"

"Burning the body of the first life, this method is harsh and enchanting, this method is unique in the world, but the cost of using this technique is also extremely high."

"The natural god-man who just let Dan Baizi roll down can only watch Dan Baizi become invincible now. That princess may also regret what she said!"


Gao Yue regrets...

Naturally not!

Dan Baizi is an important existence in the kingdom of God, and this person's "Desolate Ancient God's Mansion" must have nothing to do. The reason why she let Dan Baizi go before was naturally to save him, not to let him be killed by Ye Di! But I didn’t expect that he would be so easily irritated--

Of course! It is completely useless to think about this now. Dan Baizi takes the blame for all of this. If she can kill the world-zun Yedi, Gao Yue will take less credit.

Gao Yue now really wanted to find some fear from Su Jin's expression, but it was a pity that she couldn't even see the slightest solemnity.

Could it be that the Danbaizi who burned the body of the first life could not enter the eyes of this world-zun Yedi?

Gao Yue doesn't believe it! Because of the power of her even this villain! If it hadn't been for the reminder of Taizu, she would still be kept in the dark!

In short, Yedi can’t get out of here today——

"I want to ask, when are you going to prepare?" Su Jin looked at Dan Baizi and asked.

"Dignified, Ye Di! Ghost King! Are you scared? If you are scared, just take action first!" Dan Baizi said confidently standing above the shrine.

"It's just that the night is sultry, and I'm a little tired. Do you want to prepare until tomorrow, and I will be here to wait for you until tomorrow? Don't worry? Don't worry, it's just that I let you, this ridiculous ancient divine residence, exert its ultimate strength..." Su Jin Said lightly.

Really confident--

The murderous intent in Dan Baizi's heart has risen as never before. Although his shrine is his last resort,...but he is absolutely confident and will not let this Ye Di be disappointed!

"Although you are very good at hiding your emotions, I know that you must be very scared in your heart..." Dan Baizi was also not afraid, questioning Su Jin's performance at the moment.


The sky full of laughter erupted from the several **** cities below.

Dan Baizi, so courageous! Have courage!

Many people feel that what Danbaizi said is the truth. The current Danbaizi is no longer comparable to the emperor's disciples and the gods of slaughter. Just burning the body of the first life is already invincible!

This Ye Di, even dared to speak up! It's ridiculous!

Su Jin crossed his arms in front of him, closed his eyes in the air, completely inaudible to the laughter!

A quarter of an hour passed--

Banzhuxiang passed.

Dan Baizi became more and more excited, and even with his background, it was difficult to conceal it. This Ye Emperor's support has increased his chances from the initial 50% to the current 100%!

This night emperor! Must die!

"Ye Di!" Dan Baizi laughed loudly, "Why don't you use the power of the world-honored to show me insight, or... let me defeat you with integrity!"

"Are you worthy of a little brother?" Su Jin smiled.

Dan Baizi's face suddenly became fierce, and said: "I am going to kill the World-Venerable! Not the Lord of the planes! don't think that I can't kill you from the World-Venerable now!"

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