My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3657: God's rules

"If Ye Di was not injured, would it be possible that there would be many ancient sages coming as before. At that time, there were more than a thousand ancient sages who were all beheaded to death by Ye Di’s "The Years of the Path". Turned into those evil ghosts." Gu Liuer mustered up the courage and asked aloud at this moment.

But guessing belongs to guessing!

No one is Ye Di, only Ye Di knows the situation himself! His plan, but including Gao Yue, more people think Su Jin is disguising! He is pretending, after all, he has lessons from the past!

He also deceived many people!

"Your deity is not the world-sovereign, and you will not damage the origin of the world-sovereign due to the backlash of the plane. still lied to me again." Gao Yue hated her teeth.


This guy pretended to be a rich man from Jiangdu City. She had a peculiar feeling when she first saw it. Now that peculiar feeling she has been determined, it is not reliable.

Mouthful guts... even lies!

"I never lied to you, but it doesn't matter what I say now. If you say lied, then it is lied.

Su Jin took a deep breath, looked at Gao Yue, and continued: "You must be very curious in your heart now. You have ancient sages as your backers. Why can I kill Dan Baizi, but don't forget, people Once you stand on a high place, everything is floating clouds. If you are all the juniors, all come to die, don’t your great ancestors be too late to save you one by one?"

"Shut up--" Gao Yue never believed Su Jin's nonsense anymore.

If it is placed in peacetime, with Taizu's short-term protection character, he will definitely save it! It's just today, I don't know if it's the reason for not being the world-honored, Taizu rarely did not make a move, which made Gao Yue a little bit unable to understand!

"Come on... If you lose, you will lose me a condition. If I lose, as you said, you let me judge myself on the spot and fall into this world, I won't blink my brows again." Su Jin stretched out his hand and made an invitation.

Damn confidence!

The more confident Su Jin is, the more bottomless Gao Yue's heart is! But she already knew that a battle with Su Jin was inevitable, after all, she had already challenged it!

Next, abandoning the worries of life, Gao Yue felt that he could let go of the battle... if he defeated Yedi, she would naturally wash away her shame, even the shame of the kingdom of God, and it would be regarded as a revenge for Dan Baizi——


Gao Yue settled down.

In this battle, she only needs one result, and that is to win—

Otherwise, God knows what conditions Su Jin will propose. When she agreed, Taizu might not be able to take her out.

"Although you consume a lot when you fight Danbaizi, I allow you to rest for a while. When you say you start, you will start." Gao Yue said slowly.

"No, you can do it--" Su Jin shook his head.

The Sunluo Plane is rapidly closing the collapse caused by this void, and the entire Sunluo Plane, like a tide, is quickly retreating.

Gao Yue's pupils shrink slightly...

This Yedi, doesn't plan to use the power of the plane?

If this is the case, does this prove that Ye Di was really backlashed by his own plane power? Because of his backlash, his old injuries have intensified, adding new injuries?

There was almost no hesitation, Gao Yue's beautiful fingers, like white onions, lightly knotted in front of him, and then, an extremely beautiful voice appeared in the void——


Three auspicious clouds rushed to the sky quickly, and then, the sky seemed to be paved as a colorful cloud! And Gao Yue's body, with the sound of "Phantom", began to turn into an illusion. Behind her was a pair of butterfly wings with endless prosperous colors, flapping lightly.

Su Jin nodded.

Gao Yue is indeed a natural god-man.

But can this method really make Gao Yue invincible?

In the next second, with Su Jin's move, this question seemed to have an answer!

A sky arm, condensed from before Su Jin's arm! His arms on this sky seem to be able to hold up rivers and lakes! But even if it’s the sky arm, when Gao Yue is grasped in the palm of his hand, it seems to touch the air——


Is this the supreme mystery of the gods?

"Rules... The supreme Protoss is different from the rules of the world..." Su Jin seemed to be guessing, looking at Gao Yue and said.

Gao Yue's current method is different from the way of heaven, different from perception, it is the rule of **** and man that she was born with and stood at the peak——

God's rules!

"You are very strong, you are the strongest person I have ever seen except Taizu, but unfortunately you met me." Gao Yue said slowly.

"Then... You, like Dan Baizi, can confidently kill me?" Su Jin asked back.

"I can kill you, I'm not sure! But I can beat you because I'm invincible." Gao Yue didn't seem to boast at all, and her eyes were extremely confident.

The air, as if there is a kind of solidification, carefully——

The original night sky, under the continuous auspicious clouds, seemed to reflect the sky and the earth into colorful colors.

Many people are far away from Jiangdu City.

The crowd of spectators kept retreating! They knew that Jiangdu City was a place of right and wrong, and it had already been drawn into the battlefield. A slight mistake would be like the previous vortex of destruction that can swallow light, leaving people without resistance and swallowing everything!

"A natural god, she... represents the pinnacle and represents undefeated! Ye Di guessed right, this is the rule of the gods!" There was a crowd of spectators who gathered in an arc-shaped trend thousands of miles away, looking at Gao Yue, Exclaimed uncontrollably.

"Emperor Ye has definitely been hit hard... The current non-World-Honored One has absolutely nothing to do with the natural gods, even if he uses his heavenly arms, it won't help!"

"God is a god, not the same as monks, humans, demons, demons, and even the creatures in the three thousand worlds. If you change to an ordinary ancient sage, the sky arm of the emperor just now can be easily killed. The other party."

"Yedi is going to be defeated... He is a human in this life after all, unable to defeat the true god!"


In the eyes of the world.

Gao Yue didn't have the slightest intention of avoiding. No matter what power Su Jin used to attack her, she would never be harmed. This is what she calls ‘invincible’!

"It seems that there is really no way for you..." Su Jin sighed.

"So, I advise you to give up as soon as possible, I may be able to spare your life." Gao Yue said.

"Giving up these two words does not exist in this king's world at all! You are a born god, true, but do you really have no weaknesses..." Su Jin squinted.

"You can try--" Gao Yue said confidently.

"Try and try! God, what about it? Humans should be born humble? Today, my emperor is supreme, and I will grab a **** and go back to study!"

Su Jin walked directly in front of Gao Yue, and Tian Dao's right arm exuded waves of heavenly power. He swept past where Gao Yue was standing!

It’s just that Gao Yue is clearly there, but he seems to have swept a piece of air--

This is the same effect as the previous Heaven Arm. This attack is completely ineffective for Gao Yue!

"It's amazing!" Su Jin exclaimed without hiding his face.

Gao Yue appeared in another direction for an instant, and then she maintained her beautiful handprint posture, turned slightly, and then said: "I, Gao Yue, in the name of the **** of rules, will give you a death, your life. , Yuan is in the rules of my palm, and your flesh, blood, and soul are in the depths of the divine sea within my rules. I declare you to fall!"

A series of rules, as if with Gao Yue as the center, are spreading to the surroundings. At this moment, she is sacred and indifferent. Those rules seem to be orderly in chaos, abnormally mysterious!

Su Jin shrugged nonchalantly--

When that piece of rule, like a sea tide, Su Jin's body did not even shake!



Gao Yue's heart sank. Although she had expected it earlier, after all, she had no confidence to kill the Ye Emperor, but she couldn't fail to affect the other party at all!

"You are not in the Three Thousand Avenue, in the Five Elements, in Reincarnation, I forgot..." Gao Yue frowned deeply. The other party is not among these types, but her rules are there. No wonder it can't affect the other party.

"So sister, how can you beat me?" Su Jin asked with a smile.

"Naturally, there are ways, and there are many." Gao Yue snorted, and lightly slapped Tankou. A spirit of **** and man floated out, but a compass was getting bigger!

This is Gao Yue's natal rule compass!

Once "Rule Compass" appeared, it directly sealed the surrounding area of ​​billions of miles!

Seeing Su Jin not speaking, Gao Yue said again: "Although you are not in Three Thousand Avenue, Five Elements, and Reincarnation, as long as you are in my ruled world, you can't escape death!"

"Hey, you guys want me to die every day, I'm tired of hearing it, can you get something practical?" Su Jin said helplessly.

Gao Yue's expression was unusually solemn, she always wondered if Su Jin still had the means, how could she still have such a calm performance in the face of her in such a state.

"God of rules, grant you death!" Gao Yue shouted again.

There is no movement, why is there still no movement!

"In the name of the God of Rules, I grant you not to die!"

This time, Gao Yue blushed--

She knew that the land of glazed glaze, including the 100,000 highest heavens, were all watching this battle! Even Taizu must have seen it.

But three times in a row, why still not work!

Gao Yue has never encountered such a situation before, never! Her former opponent, no matter who she was, she had tried this technique repeatedly, but why did it completely lose its effect on Ye Di?

Gao Yue, now I almost want to find a hole to go in, it's a shame!

"The world of rules, the power of rules, and the special mystery that can be controlled by the true gods is a long experience." Su Jin affirmed Gao Yue's performance, then he gently raised his hand, and on his fingertips, a wisp belonged to The power of Gao Yue's rules is flowing in the gap between his fingers!

"" Gao Yue seemed to have seen something terrible, she was stunned!

The power of rules around Su Jin's fingertips clearly belongs to her rules, why would they be taken away by the opponent!

Gao Yue was speechless for a while, and her mind was completely blank. She is very gaffe now, because before the war she had never thought that this would happen—

"Don't be surprised, this is only an effect caused by an eternal art, so you can't sacrifice to kill me with your rules." Su Jin flicked his finger lightly, and the power of that wonderful rule was directly shaken away.

See this situation.

Gao Yue's heart was stunned, and her beautiful temperament burst out in an instant. The virtual crown on her head was exuding an unimaginable prosperous luster!

"My next blow is several times stronger than Dan Baizi's ultimate technique of fusing the first-life body! You... be careful!" Gao Yue reminded.

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