My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3658: Fangcun, buried!

Gao Yue's face was solemn, as if he was not joking!

Sure enough, when these words came out, the world was shocked.

Although Dan Baizi regretted his defeat just now, the destructive power he created by burning the first-life body definitely left a deep impression on the glazed land and the one hundred thousand high heaven powerhouses. Now, with Dan Baizi Gao Yue, who was born in the kingdom of God together, was confident to talk to Ye Di like this.

"Several times stronger than Dan Baizi's desperate blow--" The Maid Emperor was already a little dazed. Since Ye Di took them to the Land of Glazed Glass, she had never imagined such a situation.

"You have always said that the Lord of Colored Lime, that is, the emperor is invincible in the world, I don't know how his sword compares with the blow of Dan Baizi just now." Xinyuehu said to the empress concubine.

The imperial concubine shook her head, "Undoubtedly, the emperor is difficult to rival in the world, but there is one inside and outside."

"What's inside and out?" Xinyuehu was curious.

At this moment, almost all the beauties are looking at the Empress.

The Chaosheng Banshee snorted, "The ancient sages, who else, the ancient sages stationed in the land of glazed glaze earlier, the emperor she said bowed down and welcomed the ancient sages in, who is stronger? Weak, naturally clear at a glance."

The daughters suddenly.

Moreover, the maiden concubine seemed to have acquiesced, and did not refute the Chaosheng Banshee's words.

"If you let me rank."

The maiden concubine thought for a while, and continued: "First of all, the strongest is the ancient sage, the second is the emperor, and the third... is the night emperor. There is no doubt that you should not use this. Look at me, because of the horror of the emperor, you can't even imagine—"

"Hehe, it seems that the emperor has a great influence on you——" Chaosheng Banshee continued to mock.

The empress virgin admitted.

Ye Di walked all the way, refreshing his knowledge of him every day, but the Empress Maid had nothing to do. After all, she was not the emperor and could not prove herself, and the emperor had never taken action until now.

With all the questions, all the female cultivators, including the Great Elemental Envoy, all looked at the battlefield——

Gao Yue’s sacred degree seems to be in control of everything at this moment, although Su Jin used the eternal magic "Recovering the Heavens" to take away some of the rules and let the princess’ abacus be frustrated, but the first situation is still not tolerated. contempt.

Su Jin looked at Gao Yue and nodded silently——

It is several times stronger than Dan Baizi, Su Jin really wants to see and see, if this is the case, then this Gaoyue will be the strongest opponent he will encounter when he enters the land of colored glaze! none of them!

Gao Yue discovered that she hated seeing Su Jin's unchanging indifferent expression more and more...

He seems not to be afraid.

Moreover, Gao Yue is completely confident to defeat Su Jin with this technique——

"Profound meaning... rule zero..." Gao Yue's long hair floated, and two prosperous and beautiful imaginary butterfly wings slowly fanned. Then, a colorful storm of divine power directly enveloped her figure!


An incomparably huge goddess of emptiness, slowly condensed from the storm of divine power, her eyes seemed to be born in grass and mustards, looking down at all the ant creatures below!

of course!

Countless people in the land of glazed glaze are all looking up at this supernatural body condensed by Gao Yue!

This huge human-shaped goddess is full of all the beauty in the world. Her eyes are all colored. In those colored pupils, they seem to be two other distant universes, and every strand of her hair seems to represent the world. Ten thousand upright rules!

"God! The real god!"

The God’s Haohui embellished the colored glaze. Everywhere in this divine land, people were constantly worshipping the goddess under the auspicious clouds, from ancient sages to ordinary mortals, all of them were full of excitement!

Gao Yue, turned into a god!

Obviously, the imaginary Goddess Gaoyue is gradually consolidating. Her colorful eyes, with indifference to the world, slowly look at Su Jin. At that glance, time and space, truth, years, heaven and earth, and even ten thousand ways It all seems to be condensed!

"The majesty of the gods, this is the majesty of the gods--" Outside the ruins of Jiangdu City, in the arc-shaped human wall far away, the supernatural powers displayed to Gao Yue are all words of praise!

"It's so exciting! This princess, who came to the world with a true divine body, is going to punish the badly wounded Ye Emperor. She will use a power several times stronger than Dan Baizi to kill the unworldly Ye Emperor! It's too...too much. Mrs. Domineering!"

"I'm afraid Yedi never dreamed that it was not the emperor who killed him, not the ancient sages, but a god, a true god! After this battle, the world will fall, and the world will be peaceful!"

"Whether it is the ghost king or the world-honored one, they are all enemies of the heavens. The fault of his Yedi is that he has no foundation. If he is born again for thousands of years, it may be another situation."

"Staring... the gaze of the goddess makes me, a cultivator of love, eager to move. This is the power of the gods. She is so beautiful that she can't describe her beauty in thousands of words--"

"This is always a world respected by the strong! Dan Baizi's unwillingness to fall, will sooner or later be forgotten, and this goddess will be killed today, the battle of colored glaze, great victory! She will stand in the sky, The prestige is praised by thousands of worlds!"

"God, kill him—"


Pieces of auspicious clouds fell from the beautiful clouds in the sky.

Su Jin's eyes condensed, and the world in his eyes seemed to have completely changed!

In this emptiness, in addition to the auspicious clouds, there is also the existence of God transformed into Gao Yue, but he can't see any scene of the land of colored glaze!


The lightning-shaped mark on Su Jin's eyebrows suddenly opened! Several pupil techniques are directly superimposed on each other.

"It's useless, you are in my rules, you can't escape, can't leave, everything about you will be controlled by me, and I will be the only **** who rules this world." Gao Yue issued a very magnificent and sacred sound.

It's useless!

It's really useless!

Su Jin was astonished. With his current strength and the superposition of several pupil techniques, all the falsehoods can be broken, and the rules and methods currently exhibited by Gao Yue can actually deceive his pupil technique——

Of course, Su Jin knew that he was still in the land of glazed glaze, this was just Gao Yue's original power as a god.

"Isn't it several times stronger than Danbaizi? Is there any way to do it?" Su Jin said to the vast Goddess Gao Yue.

"Rules...Fangcun--" Gao Yue raised her arms like a mountain range and gently pointed at Su Jin.


Su Jin was speechless, he only felt that he seemed to be getting smaller, of course, this refers to the size, and other things seem to have no effect.

Moreover, with Gao Yue’s magical powers, a layer of colored mist began to form around Su Jin’s body. Then, Su Jin felt that his body, from the inside to the outside, began to condense like crystals. Control power.

The current Su Jin, if compared with Gao Yue's present, is like a small dust, of course, he feels that at best he is not much bigger than the jujube kernel. The power of Gao Yue's rules is really amazing.

"If you don't use the strongest force, I'm afraid you won't have much time--" Gao Yueqing's arrogant voice echoed between heaven and earth.

"Just with such magical powers, it can't help me." Su Jin chuckled lightly, and moved the "Heaven and Earth Bridge" in his body for a while!

All the heaven, earth and **** bridges in his body shook with rumblings, and those wonderful regular crystals began to be shattered into nothingness like dust!


Boom boom boom!

Su Jin directly restored the original shape, which is the normal height!

"There are tens of thousands of God's rules. The ones you are most familiar with are hot and cold. I can use thousands of rules to torture you." Gao Yue said.

"Then give me an ice and fire two-tier meal first!" Su Jin smiled playfully.

Gao Yue:...

If it weren't for her to be a **** now, and the majesty of the gods cannot be offended, she really wants to ask what "Two Heavens of Ice and Fire" is. Of course, she doesn't need to say anything to a dying person.

In her opinion, she still overestimated Su Jin——

Dan Baizi was beheaded to death by Su Jin earlier, and now the other party is trapped within her own rules. Here, she is absolutely invincible, let alone Su Jin, even if she is the ancient sage and great ancestor. Sleepy for a while.

Su Jin is still admiring Gao Yue, her current height is too terrifying, even at such a magnificent height, the kind of beauty, it seems that no one can compare it, maybe...this is because she is a god.

Gao Yue's colored pupils stared at Su Jin closely, and then she raised her arm, quietly committing her palms, and shouting in a solemn and sacred voice: "Rules...bury!"

The huge rumbling sound seems to only appear in this rule!

Compared with the ‘Fang Cun’ just now, the ‘burial’ in this rule is obviously too scary.

Su Jin deeply felt the meaning of'burial'. The surrounding void completely turned into darkness in his eyes. The feeling was that the night sky was collapsing, and the surrounding space seemed to be distorted, and it turned to his location. Squeeze it over.


Su Jin had this wonderful feeling in the battle against the enemy for the first time!

"Use your unworldly power!" Gao Yue's voice seemed unquestionable.

In the darkness, Su Jin's face still smiled!

This feeling, in addition to suffocation, has an extremely tyrannical amount of suppression, which is similar to the effect of his Ninety-Nine Zhiyou Xingchentian.

And Su Jin also knew that, in fact, this was the amount of pressure that Gao Yue used the palm of God to exert over him——

"God! Suppressed Ye Di!"

Cheers the world!

In the land of glazed glaze, one hundred thousand people from the highest heaven, seeing this scene, in addition to cheering, more shocked! Since Ye Di walked to the land of glazed glaze, he has been almost invincible, that kind of completely crushing power, it is almost daunting to many great abilities——

But now!

The god-man Gao Yue obviously suppressed Ye Di, how can people not shout with excitement!

"Don't get excited! Just as the goddess said, Ye Di hasn't used the power of the world-honored, and now Ye Di is in the rules of the goddess, we don't know if we can see him use the magical powers of the world-honored!"

"Hahaha, it seems that without the emperor, Gao Yue can kill Ye Di alone, and it seems that there is still a big gap between the two. Ye Di has fallen into an absolute disadvantage."

"When you get here, you can no longer develop as Yedi expected. He is very unlucky, and he hasn't even met the emperor, so he will fall into the hands of the real god."

"Zhan Ye Di! Almost cut Ye Di!"

"Ye Di was suppressed. Just now, he wiped out Dan Baizi with a thunder strike, and he didn't even let off a strand of Dan Baizi's spiritual essence. Now... it's time for him to feel the feeling of being crushed into ashes. Now, moreover, God is God, that's awesome!"

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