My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3659: Your head is buzzing!

God man Gao Yue, if he doesn't make a move, he will shock the world with one move!

However, there are still people who are extremely puzzled. Ye Di has not shot Gao Yue so far. Is he really suppressed by the **** Gao Yue, or has other plans?

In the dark, many people can clearly see an amazing scene——

On Su Jin's body, there are wisps of blood-red power, which are gathering densely like the fire in the embers, and then, in the air, a terrible heartbeat suddenly appeared!

That heartbeat, like the heartbeat of heaven——

That heartbeat, as if someone was hitting a heavy drumstick, was shocking.

And then, Gao Yue was also slightly shocked, she was a natural god, and few people in the world could resist the amount of pressure under her palm!

But that night emperor! His whole body was faintly exuding a bright red color, and then, a shocking ape, like a real entity, began to pierce the sky with its majestic arms directly, blocking the hands of the gods who seemed to be like the sky!

"It's really looking for death--" Gao Yue laughed disdainfully, her power was poured again, and the surrounding void where Su Jin was all plunged into a big collapse!

Although Su Jin can't really see it, but bystanders are clear!

In the distance, the Chaosheng Banshee and the others, each of their exquisite faces is full of pale colors. In their eyes, Gao Yue's condensed palms of the gods really seem to be a piece of heaven and earth, living and suppressed in Su Jin. Above the head.

"Yedi is in danger!" The Chaosheng Banshee exclaimed.

This was the first time she was so worried about Ye Di, but the facts seemed to be right in front of her. Ye Di was really suppressed by the god-man Gao Yue, and the violent ape seemed unable to touch the god-man Gao Yue. palm!

"God, is it really that scary?" Xinyuehu's face suddenly turned white. The power of this Gaoyue is simply unheard of, and rare in the world!

"She is probably the only **** in this world. Even her ancient sage and grandfather cannot be called a god. Even the blood in the body of the **** is the true blood of the gods. The veins are the veins and possess Supreme power."

"Ye Di is obviously not as good as her because of her injuries..." The Fallen Angel Lord said: "Ye Di doesn't know if he will die under Gao Yue, but don't worry too much. He has a chance to resurrect, and ...After the resurrection, it will be the peak of perfection, and there will be no injuries."


All the beauties look at the fallen angels and the holy angels dominion-

All stunned.

In the world, there is such a wonderful power?

Ye Di injured his body, after he was resurrected, he could heal perfectly and be at the peak? !

The Chaosheng Banshee felt at ease again, at least Yedi hadn't died once, and immediately, she looked at the maiden imperial concubine, and pointedly: "Such words, it is better to remind some people less. Otherwise, what should the emperor know again?"

Isn't this to make it clear that she is the Empress?

Immediately, the maiden emperor looked at the Chaosheng Banshee with Sen Han's eyes. If Ye Di is not at a critical juncture now, with these words, she will fight the Chaosheng Banshee in a good battle! She has been ridiculed by the other side so much along the way! But she still held back it and didn't have a complete attack!

Regardless of whether Yedi was dead or alive in the battle of Liuli, this enmity was really recorded by the Empress Maid! Anyway, sooner or later she will have a battle with this tide sound female demon!

"Don't make a noise, don't make a noise--" The holy angel is not worried about Su Jin at all. Anyway, she thinks that Su Jin has the certainty of victory, otherwise she would not be so entrusted, and would not even use the power of the world-honored.


Su Jin was really surprised!

With his current strength, Ape Strike can definitely display 200% of his power. Even in the face of dozens of ancient sages, he can use "Ape Strike" to fight, but what is the situation now? He used the ape strike technique, as if jumping beyond the five elements, but above it seemed like the boundless deep space, he couldn't reach it!

This works too! Su Jin really took it--

"You really can't, don't be delusional, if you don't have other means, I will crush you mercilessly." Goddess Gao Yue said slowly.

"Come on! My Okuten Shenwu!"

Su Jin uttered a sky-shaking roar through the huge violent ape! In front of his arm, blue ink power suddenly gathered!




A piece of Senluo plane, directly distorted and collapsed!

Accompanied by a high-pitched rumbling sound, an extremely gorgeous magic axe fell directly into the hands of the ape! There are two slots on the Aotian God Axe, one of which contains the Tao Ying of the ancient emperor in the starry sky!

"This guy..." Gao Yue was shocked.

no doubt.

Ever since Ye Di possessed a lot of plane origins, this magic axe has also been sublimated, and don’t forget, the magic axe was born in response to his ‘Aotian King Bone’, which is the king of the sky bone!

The origin of the plane plus the king bone, plus the king-pin'ao **** axe, Su Jin will perfectly exert the power of the ‘Sen Luo Dao’!


The terrifying violent ape is like the **** of creation jumping between heaven and earth. It leaps high and slashes with its axe. The axe blade crosses the sky and the earth. For a time, the whole world seems to be scarred and mottled!

The **** Gao Yue suddenly covered the horrible palm. She felt that Su Jin could no longer use it, although she did not know why Su Jin did not use the power of the world to counter her——

Who knows Su Jin's thoughts!

Now, the power of the world-zun absolutely cannot be used on Gao Yue! If Gao Yue can't handle even a mere god, what kind of capital does he have to counter the emperor! Contend against the ancient sage!

It can be said that Su Jin really took a breath now...

The previous eradication of Dan Baizi had a considerable impact on Su Jin. His injuries were really aggravated and a lot of strength was wasted.

But this Gaoyue is indeed worth fighting--

kill! kill!

The blood-red eyes of the violent ape seem to be the most aggressive existence among the heavens. The "Aotian Divine Axe" has opened up how many layers of time and space, even if it was the hand of the gods who covered it, it was smashed. There have been a few terrible ravines like a moat!


God's blood-

A drop of blood flowed from the hand of the god-man.

"Wanjun." Gao Yue's arrogant and cold voice spread all over the world again.

Those blood drops did not land! Not only did it not land, but it was still in the void, forming a rolling mountain of gods!

The terrible gravity appeared directly——

The blood-colored violent ape seemed to be pulled directly down, the god-man mountain, no one could see its top, there were terrible rules and powers everywhere, but the most important thing in this god-man mountain was the ‘wanjun’ rule!

So heavy!

Su Jin felt as if his legs were filled with lead, or he was sucked on this mountain of gods, and he didn't even have the ability to lift his steps.

"You are nothing but that, the world said you are too god-" Gao Yue saw Su Jin's appearance and immediately sneered.

"Is it enough?" Su Jin's voice gradually became cold.

"Not enough, God is a height that your human race will never reach. God's rules will never be out of reach for any mortal powerhouse. You know now, why do I have the confidence to come and kill you-- "Gao Yue asked in a voice.

Su Jin fell into a long silence.

In Gao Yue's proud expression, she couldn't help feeling a little proud. Seeing the violent ape constantly struggling, she said: "Because I am a god, you are not as good as me, but it is normal."

In Gao Yue's gaze...

An unimaginable giant vertical wheel was suddenly condensed from the Shenren Mountain! That is...the wheel of the secret!

The current wheel of the secret of heaven, it seems to be extremely mysterious! That high place seems to lead to the distant past and the future, and among these nine powers, there are weird and unpredictable "heaven, earth and **** bridges"!


Bao Yuan raised his footsteps with difficulty and took a step!

Gao Yue's heart slammed, although the violent ape was still in the mountain of gods, he already knew that the violent ape was condensed from a magical technique, and that Su Jin's deity was completely revealed!

Su Jin is already sitting cross-eyed--


The roar that shook the sky again came from another direction! At that moment, the yellow light was overflowing and filled the sky. In everyone's eyes, it was a great dragon! Golden Dragon!

The dragon posture of the golden holy dragon cannot be ignored! Each piece of dragon scales can be compared to a "Shenren Mountain" condensed by Princess Gaoyue with divine blood. With its extremely magnificent body, it hovered in the sky to shock the world's dragon eyes and look down on the world!


A row of stars, ten stars, began to line up from the distant deep space!

At the end of the ten-star chain, there was a star giant stepping forward! Ten steps in a row, ten steps shook the infinite mountain of gods!

Gao Yue had a kind of inexplicable panic... Did Ye Di really not intend to use the power of the World Honored against her! Is he so confident that he can use these powers to counter her!

When a pair of golden wings that covered the sky and the earth gradually appeared, Gao Yue’s colorful eyes were immediately dull--

"Kunpeng! It's Kunpeng!" I don't know how many people are trembling, trembling and shouting on the ground below the earth-shaking vertical wheel.

咚... 咚... 咚...

The bronze barren bell, the Eastern Emperor’s Bell, and the Wushi Bell, as if the prelude to the battle, burned the world one after another, not afraid of the rule of ten thousand, and roared to the sky, and when it represented the Eastern Emperor’s Bell, the “Great Sun Golden Crow” 'When it appeared, ten dazzling scarlet suns had already risen!

The mountain of gods is melting!

The blood of the gods is being evaporated! The goddess Gao Yue seemed to be stimulated, watching in disbelief, watching the scenes like magical works appear!

On the horrible wheel of the secret, when an "Infinite God and Buddha" appeared, the world could no longer use words to describe the inner shock——

The golden light of the Buddha's intent that the Buddha resorted to alone suppressed the Wanjun rules in Gaoyue's "Shenren Mountain"!

"God, would you be surprised too..." Su Jin's voice seemed to have brought Gao Yue back to reality, "The **** who is high now, I'm afraid the head is still buzzing?"

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