My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3661: God man carrying coffin

Feast of God!

Gao Yue has the last insistence. Even if he can't kill the Emperor Ye Di, he must try to defeat the opponent. After all, as long as he defeats, the bet is won!

Su Jin kept looking at the other party, the one hundred and three phantoms of gods and men seemed to come from different time and space. Of course, these gods and men could not really exist now—

It's like Su Jin used that god-man sword at the time to realize that he used the god-man sword.

If it were a hundred and three true gods, Su Jin might have to treat it with caution, but now, these gods and ghosts are nothing but a magical power used by Princess Gao Yue!

With the phantom shadows of one hundred and three gods and men, they were constantly worshipping Gao Yue, and the void seemed unable to withstand the oppression of so much power!

All heaven, earth and **** bridges are shaking!

Su Jin accidentally discovered that his Heavenly Secret Wheel seemed to have been affected, and the light was being suppressed. He was no longer curious about it, but surprised!

"The light of God is incomparable to all things. Even if you are the Lord of the Plane and have been recognized by the Celestial Plane, you... still rely on the fact that you are a human monk, and you have not found a way to defeat me at the moment. Now, this is your last chance--" When Gao Yue looked at Su Jin, there was a touch of regret in his eyes.

Su Jin, after all, looks similar to her age, like this peerless young evildoer who can stand up to the heavens, it is difficult for the entire heavens to find a few more.

Why does Gao Yue feel sorry?

Because Gao Yue thought that Su Jin might not be able to withstand the power of the'God's Feast' unless the other party used the unworldly origin that she had never seen before!

Su Jin was more and more surprised-

Although the phantom shadows of the one hundred and three gods are fake, their power is still there. This kind of magical power is indeed several times more powerful than Dan Baizi's, and even ten times!



The light of the Secret Wheel of Heaven has already begun to fade. In the huge standing wheel, the heaven, earth and **** bridge across the void are also breaking one by one. The ten suns condensed by the'Burning World Golden Crow' and the'Great Sun Golden Crow', It's also like ancient stars, gradually dimming--

"Ahem -" Su Jin stretched out his hand and touched the corner of his mouth.

The suppression by the one hundred and three phantoms of the gods could actually break the many magical techniques he used, and Su Jin's injuries were once again affected.

Su Jin did not hide this scene! Moreover, his condition definitely excites many people!

"It's really hurt! The powers that the emperor used, the Kunpeng is crying, the golden crow is wailing, and the Buddha is crying! The golden bridges that run through time and space are also being quickly crushed. All these are powers from the gods. , God, is invincible!" Some spectators were extremely excited.

"Yes, there are rumors that Ye Di was seriously injured. Now this princess has used "Feast of the Gods" to directly suppress Ye Di's many mysterious methods. He is not far from his fall!"

"That ancient sage might not have thought that this natural god-man would be so outstanding. If she kills the World-Venerable, her status will be far above that of the World-Venerable! Even the emperor can be on par!"

"It's a pity that Dan Baizi couldn't see that scene. There is one more thing, that is, Yedi didn't die in the land of Liuli, or in the hands of a monk of one hundred thousand highest heavens! This is a pity, but he is going to be crushed. died--"

"For countless years! This is the first true **** who is using transcendent power. We are witnesses. Perhaps not many people will be able to see this scene in the future."

"Look! That Ye Di, will be suppressed by "Feast of Gods"! His body is shaking, and his injuries will only get worse!"


Gao Yue's expression became more and more confident, she wanted to let the world know, God, don't offend! No world-zun, no emperor, the status is far inferior to her!

"Don't give up yet?" Gao Yue said coldly and proudly.

Su Jin now seems to be the only tiny duckweed in the sea, experiencing the power of the sky and the stormy waves, vacillating in the world of rules.

"You are so much better than Dan Baizi and better than the God of Slaughter..." Su Jin looked at Gao Yue, "The Feast of Gods, I really underestimated it--"

"Unfortunately, you have no chance. Now, you use the power of the world-honored, let me use the "Feast of the Gods" to suppress you-the power of the world-honored, otherwise, the people of the world will say that I can't win by force!" Full of shouts.

"Without the power of the Lord, your "Feast of the Gods" may not be able to hold three breaths, and you will fall completely, so I will definitely not use the "Great God Dao" of the Lord." Su Jin shook his head. .


Gao Yue was shocked and angry--

No matter how far the world-zun was awakened, he could make Ye Di so arrogant.

"Are you bluffing me?" Gao Yue said angrily.

"Naturally not, I want a living god. If you are too ruthless, you will lose your jade. Wouldn't this king catch the water with a bamboo basket? However, although your "Feast of Gods" is amazing, it is in the eyes of this king. , It’s not impossible to break it.” When Su Jin said, he didn’t plan to talk to Gao Yue again—

Gao Yue's colored eyes... saw the most shocking scene in her life!

In her eyes.

Su Jin raised his hand, his left arm was raised!

In an instant, Gao Yue seemed to see Su Jin's arm bone, which was glowing with blue ink.

"Tiangu?" Gao Yue's first thought came up.


Although Gao Yue had known before that Su Jin possessed three king-grade celestial bones in his body, when Su Jin raised his left hand, the kind of mighty aura was definitely not the divine will of the king-grade celestial bone.

"This bone is the condensed origin of my Senluo Plane——" Su Jin nodded and said: "It does not belong to the Sky Bone, it does not belong to any. I call it the Plane God Bone."

Gao Yue... dumbfounded!

Su Jin's voice was heard by everyone in an instant!

God! I don’t know if someone wants to shout these two words--

"This night emperor, it turns out that he hasn't used the plane origin all the time! So what was he doing before? Just using the power of the plane to kill Dan Baizi?" Someone was scared to death, looking from a distance, Among the spectators, all the faces were pale.

"It's too scary, how many hole cards does Ye Di still have! Does he really think that Huanggu Divine Mansion and this natural **** man are weak?"

"I heard that the celestial bone of his right arm can control the realm of heaven. It is the realm of the realm of heaven. That is Wang Pin. Now the bone of his left arm does not seem to be under the realm of Heaven.

"At this moment on the battlefield, if you are any of you and me, I am afraid that you will be suppressed into ashes by the terrifying pressure. And the princess, as the true god, obviously wants to make the world-zun yield with this method. The supreme power, let Ye Di kneel down—"

"Although Ye Di is trembling, his self-confidence surpasses anyone I have ever seen! It is not unreasonable for such a strong person to get this far!"

"Bone of the plane, against the "Feast of the Gods"? Sorry, I feel that God will defeat the World-Honored one--"


A loud discussion gradually pushed the atmosphere to the highest level——

Su Jin's plane origin is following his raised left arm, unfolding mystery!

In the prosperous world of rules, colorful lights burst out, but as soon as Su Jin raised his left arm, it seemed to affect this world! Senluo plane, everywhere!

After all, the Celestial Plane is the opposite of the heavens! As Gao Yue as a god, no matter how powerful it is, the rules cannot be separated from the heavens!


Amidst the lightning and thunder like the sea, faintly, the ten billion mile range of the Sun Luo plane seemed to manifest. Su Jin could only do this!

If he was at his peak, he might use this arm and be stronger, but his body is now damaged, so naturally he can't perform perfectly!

"Sen Luo is here...Sen Luo is here..."

In the dark, the unknown and unpredictable voice seemed to be imprinted on everyone's mind in the land of glazed glaze. At that moment, Su Jin felt that he was being sucked away by the blue ink brilliance of the sea!

Do not! This is true plane power! At that moment, Su Jin seemed to be out of the world of rules. He only felt that his arm was swarmed by infinite power and squeezed into his left arm bone. He felt his left arm swell, and even felt a heart-piercing pain. !

Strips of blue and black lightning flashed faintly on Su Jin's body, especially his left arm, as if in this piece of heaven and earth, it became the only place that attracted people's attention!


Su Jin's body is still trembling. Although he can control this power, Sen Luo Yuan Yuan does not give birth to wisdom, and found that he is in a state of injury.

Catharsis! Su Jin wants to vent these powers!

Between the sparks! Gao Yue's mind trembled violently! She saw Su Jin staring at her suddenly!

"God's feast, God's punishment is coming!" Gao Yue was suddenly panicked, she decided to act first! With a sacred and incomparably clear drink from her, one hundred and three phantoms dressed in all kinds of primitive gods and men, even when they crawled up their heads, stared at the lightning bolt!

One hundred and three phantoms of gods and men--

One hundred and three pairs of eyes staring!

One hundred and three windows of time and space in the world began to rush into the heavenly heaven!




Every window of time and space in the world, every phantom of gods and men seems to be gradually stiffening on the spot, as if they have turned into stone statues of gods and men!

Moreover, a chain is condensed on the body of every stone statue of **** and man!


One hundred and three sky-reaching chains, criss-crossing each other, are entwined with the stone men on the opposite side. These chains seem to form a big net in the sky!

"What is that!" The Empress Maid was shocked with a pale face instantly!

The one hundred and three gods who turned into stone statues of gods and people, the unfolding world wide web, and Gao Yue's ultimate means! On that big web, there is a faintly gleaming sky coffin ——

"The sky coffin carried by one hundred and three ancient gods..." When the Chaosheng Banshee didn't notice that she was speaking, her voice was trembling fiercely!

Feast of God! God man carries the coffin! !

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