My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3662: Means to scare people

Seeing this scene, Gao Yue’s face showed a particularly beautiful smile——

This is her ultimate move, the ultimate ultimate move!

Although Su Jin walked out of the "Rule World", a hundred and three gods blessed "God's Feast", and now the whole world is banned by her true god!

And the area where Su Jin was located, up, down, left, and right, in all directions, seemed to be enclosed by a divine light wall that was enveloping and transparent!

There is a skynet piggyback coffin, just wait for it to fall!

Su Jin felt dangerous for a moment, but this method was absolutely impossible to defend against. With a cold face, he gently waved his left arm representing the origin of the plane——

The Senluo Plane within tens of billions of miles was all turned upside down, but even with such a mighty power, it could also break through the surrounding divine light walls. Here, it seemed like a world of despair!

"There are national laws, family rules, gods, and rules of gods! In ancient times, there were people who had attained the Tao, who called themselves gods, but didn't know how unimaginable the existence of the true gods." Gao Yue's voice spread throughout the world, in her tone With no doubt!

Even the powerhouse facing the land of glazed glaze, one hundred thousand supreme heaven, even the emperor, now has to listen!

"Is this God's method..."

The world suddenly became quiet.

Gods are so terrible. Since the ancient wars of gods, gods and men have withered, and the heavens have disappeared. For many monks, more of them are in imagination, but now Gao Yue exhibits Power has refreshed their understanding of power!

The majesty of God is not to be offended!

The sacredness of God cannot be blasphemed!

"You are a human race, offending the divine might, and it is hard to redeem it. Don't say it is you, even if you are standing at the pinnacle of the heavens, if you make a mistake here, I will use the'Feast of God' to kill you in the coffin. Below--" Gao Yue said again, squinting.

Cover the coffin, like the sky!

Su Jin realized the seriousness of the matter-

Just now his condensed "Bridge of Heaven, Earth and God" dissipated, and now he is on a high place. The condensed Skynet of "Feast of the Gods" is also equivalent to the magnificent "Coffin Covering", the heaven and earth gods in his body. The bridge is a little messy!

"There is no way to go to the sky, no way to go to the earth, I was crushed to ashes alive, your fall is not lonely, it is considered to have lost the life of our Divine Kingdom Danbaizi." Gao Yue said coldly.

"Come on!" Su Jin suddenly seemed to become stubborn. He seldom was so irritated. He wanted to see what is so special about Gao Yue's "Feast of Gods"!

Can this coffin really kill him?

Su Jin, don't believe it!

"Complete you--" Gao Yue twisted his handprints, a flash of spiritual light, as if shaking the wall of divine light.

One hundred and three phantoms turned into stone statues of gods and men began to chant the ‘song of the gods’ with god’s words, and the big net of chains that covered the sky was brightly lit up!




The sky seems to be falling down!

This scene is so shocking! From a distance, it is almost beyond words.

The monks in the land of glazed glaze all stared at that scene intently, that skynet, carrying the "covered coffin", although the speed is not fast, but it is slowly falling!

In a rumbling sound, the space around Su Jin's body began to be distorted, collapsed, and even eternally extinguished, but his posture, just like his face at the moment, stood still!

In the depths of Gao Yue's colored pupils, there was a touch of shock——

She wanted to torture the emperor, let him come to make atonement for the creatures! She wanted to use the ultimate coffin shape of "Feast of the Gods" to make Ye Di bend her knees and kneel in all directions!

She miscalculated.

Su Jin's figure is insignificant compared with that Haoran Tiandi, but it is like a stubborn stone, unbeatable! !

"See how long you can support..." Gao Yue was also angry.

During this period, Su Jin never gave up——

In his mind, there were no less than a hundred ideas in a flash, and he secretly practiced them!

Tian Mi, no!

Especially the Wordless Sky Secret, it will also be affected by this strange power, so Su Jin can't use the Wordless Sky Secret to avoid this blow——

Is it really necessary to use the power of the Lord! Su Jin really didn't want to expose his hole cards prematurely, because he hadn't even seen the emperor yet and hadn't played against it. And that emperor has a chance of three swords, and every one is probably better than Gao Yue's "Feast of Gods".

"Kneel down!" Gao Yue said lightly.

Su Jin ignored it.

"I let you kneel down! Kneel down!"

In the end, Gao Yue was very angry. This guy killed one hundred thousand high heaven and thousands of ancient sages, killed the **** of slaughter, even killed the emperor, and killed her in the ancient gods of the kingdom of God. Doesn't he admit that he has no sin? Now, this guy actually wants to use a mortal body to resist her ultimate means of "Feast of Gods"!



Sun Luo lightning, intertwined around Su Jin!

The sound of bursts of space being crowded is endless!

Su Jin raised his left arm, Sen Luo!

Seeing him raise his right arm again, God!

Under the huge "Coffin Covered", Su Jin, except for the power of the world-zun, all power is to bless himself, his sense of heaven, his nine ways, secrets, and even three king bones, like a pupil that can penetrate the sky. The technique, all turned into strength, blessed in his left and right arms——


Su Jin even briefly resisted the horrific repression, and directly rose up into the sky, with both arms and palms, facing the hefty skynet and covering the coffin!


The coffin skynet made up of infinite chains, directly like the sea with huge waves, one after another! Su Jin's hair also shattered in an instant!

"Life and death!" Gao Yue said fiercely.

According to Gaoyue now, it is clear that the emperor of the night is stubbornly resisting! He can't hold it anymore, he is doing it!

This scene, for the Chaosheng Banshee and others, is really anxious--

All the enchanting girls were silent, no one said anything worried or gave encouragement, and some were all afraid of Gao Yue!

God, really is different from man——

"God's Feast" can make Yedi like this!

The current emperor of the night, like a madman, has a disheveled hair, and his arms are on the skynet that is still tumbling down, and the "covered coffin" on the Internet that day seems to be vomiting divine light, unpredictable mystery is affecting that piece. Su Jin's world.

Gao Yue smiled--

She seemed to see Su Jin's embarrassment. The more the other party was like this, the happier she was.

Now the world should know who is the strongest arrogant! What is not the World-Honored One, it is not that Ye Di refused to display it, but because he was so injured that he could not display it at all!

Of course, this is only Gao Yue and all the cultivators in the land of glazed glaze, one hundred thousand supreme heavens think--

Chi Chi ~~~

The skin of Su Jin's arms seemed to be squeezed and cracked because it couldn't support it. The divine light on "Coffin Covered", like a sharp thorn, left patches of blood on his body.

About ten breathlessnesses, Su Jin seemed to have turned into a blood man, and his hands were still pressed on the chain at the center!

"I'm dying, I'm going to fall!" In the crowd watching the battle, there were constant high-fives to celebrate. No one could understand the world's fear of the World-Venerable, but all of this must be ended by the true gods.

"The power of the gods even suppressed the invincible Ye Emperor. In that kingdom of gods, how many existed like this princess?"

"Unless the world-zun dreamed, he would die from now on! He didn't even deserve to see the emperor, and was punished by a killed god—"

"Emperor Ye has a kind of power that prides itself on the world, but unfortunately, he can't even see the face of the emperor, and even the ancient sage did not make a move. If the ancient sage made a move, I am afraid that he can be beaten with one finger. Press it into ashes!"

"Hahaha, just like the feast of the gods... After the death of the godless, the land of colored glaze will also hold a unique feast to celebrate the elimination of the godless!"

"Emperor Ye is still insisting? If you can't, just give up, this **** appearance is strangely oozing--"


At this moment, even the Chaosong Banshee and others in the Forbidden Land to the south heard the voice of cheers from the whole world. The noise was too loud, and the land of colored glaze seemed to turn into a sea of ​​joy!

In addition to the limited female cultivators such as the virgin emperor, many demon girls also lowered their heads silently... Yedi was so miserable, turned into a blood man, still resisting the "Skynet Covering Coffin", at least in their opinion, no I hope.

But at this moment!

The dawn seems to begin to appear!

The Chaosheng Banshee's heart jumped, and in the next second, she stayed just like the fallen angel ruler!

Although Su Jin seems to have turned into a **** man, a circle of virtual gossip Daoxia is slowly condensing around his body! !

"Mohe Town Prison, open." Su Jin suddenly shouted in a hoarse voice.


Su Jin's eyebrows and Mohe Town Prison Eyes, as if seeing through the past and present, directly condensed and turned!

At the same time, the scene that suffocated the people of the world, as if the gossip Daoxia who was following that circle, began to appear!

"You... you are the inheritor of Fuxi——" Gao Yue exclaimed.

In the depths of the gossip Daoxia scattered around Su Jin, it seemed that a slightly fuzzy figure appeared.

"Welcome, Taoism!" Su Jin ignored Gao Yue's voice, as if he had made a move that made him desperate! He, not the Lord, kneel down, kneeling the ancestor of China!


What's happening here!

"What the **** are you doing! You..." Gao Yue panicked, this is a real panic.

The ancient sage, Fuxi, no longer exists, what is this guy doing!

Chaosong banshee tears her eyes, she is proud of Yedi! Su Jin's performance at this moment was definitely not aimless, and this scene reminded her of the scene in the grave of all beings!

At that time, Ye Di felt the god-man sword and used pupil skills to call out ancient god-man, but the Chaosheng Banshee never expected that this time, Ye Di would make such a big move!

"Welcome, Suihuang!" Su Jin bowed again!


Gao Yue was really frightened back a few steps. She saw an old man in a linen robe, slowly turning around from nothingness, and appearing under the Skynet "Coffin Covered"!

The ancient sages, the Suiren clan... as if really came! !

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