My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3663: The mysterious cry in the covering coffin

Suihuang, who walked out of a bright flame for the heavens, seemed to have gone through the vicissitudes of life and walked out of nothingness. His appearance seemed to be more shocking than when the ancient Taoist **** Fuxi walked——

"Welcome, Chinese ancestor!"

Su Jin’s voice, like a heavy hammer, hit the hearts of countless people again—

what? There are ancient sages!

Gao Yue knew something was going on, although she didn’t know what Su Jin was doing, and the so-called Fuxi, Suiren, and the so-called past tense existed long ago. As a natural god, she didn’t think that Su Jin’s was like this. Supernatural powers can have an impact on her "Feast of Gods".

The ancestor of Chinese civilization——

It was an old man standing on the Shennong Ding. He carried medicine and hoe, and tasted the herbs. It was Shennong!

"Ancient sage, Shennong!"

The world is shocked!

The horse fleas moved, and the entire land of colored glaze was in the middle of the horse fleas. This kind of scene is simply not too horrible, just these three, Fuxi, Suiren, Shennong, three ancient sages, I don’t know that Bi Gao Yuetai How many times the ancestor must be-

This is not just about status, but there is also an irreparable gap in strength.

After the creation of the ancient era, the heavens opened up, and there were more than tens of thousands of ancient sages, but there were only a few hundred on the list, but Su Jin used unknown means to invite three ancient sages who had long since passed away. These three...each of them is the existence of prominent heavens!

"God! The gods carried the coffin, and the feast of the gods was directly solidified. I didn't see what the three ancient sages did. The invitation alone had already solidified all the rules, avenues, and even the power of gods. "Someone feared.

"This is a magical ability to communicate with the ancients! Not long ago, the Emperor Ye used "The Years of the Path" to transform the emperor into a miserable appearance and send it to the past. At that time, no one would dare to believe that the emperor really returned to the past... do you explain this now?"

"It's too good to break! God's Feast, is it because of Yedi's technique that it will be directly broken? God, Gao Yue, is really going to lose?"

"You have to know that the dead can't come back again. Yedi is just a magical technique, it can't be true, but it does have the power of shocking the sky, otherwise the natural **** person wouldn't have such an ugly face--"

"God, are you going to lose?"


Covering the coffin can cover the sky, but it cannot cover the ancient sages, especially the three ancestors who had a profound influence on the heavens, as if they looked at each other--


Fuxi lifted his right palm, his right palm seemed to be more dazzling than the stars, vaguely, the world saw his palm as if it turned into a gossip nine palace mirror.


A tripod opened, thousands of immortal herbs, as if vomiting countless magical brilliance, that tripod was directly targeted by the first ancestor Shennong to "cover the coffin"!

Sui Ren’s fire scorched the void, and those chains seemed to be melting, turning into drops of lava, dripping continuously, and the "covered coffin" was also burning red--


The covering coffin vibrated, and the silent wailing seemed to spread in the hearts of the monks in every glazed land——

Gao Yue, sluggish!

Su Jin was stunned.

Isn't this "covered coffin" Gao Yue's magical power? Her feast of gods condensed, how could there be screams under the sizzling fire of Suiren?

What is going on? Su Jin looked at the god-man Gao Yue in a kneeling position, with all doubts in his eyes. If anyone knew who the person in "Coffin Covered" was, then the insider must be Gao Yue!

"Don't look at me, I don't know!" Gao Yue gritted her teeth and glared back at Su Jin--

Since Gao Yue was born in the Kingdom of God, she has been in a state of incompetence. In her life, there are only dozens of battles worth mentioning. This is the ultimate "Feast of Gods". "The Coffin Covered" has never been burned by Sui Ren's sacred fire like it is today, resulting in a miserable howling sound.

Who are the people in it?

Gao Yue wants to know more than anyone--

"Little guy, do you want to kill this protoss..." the ancestor Shennong asked slowly.

"Uh..." Su Jin was stunned.

Gao Yue's face changed drastically, as if he was a real ancient sage! Otherwise, how could he communicate with Su Jin! This is too exaggerated, why does this happen!

Su Jin reacted, and then said: "This battle is no better than life and death. As long as this girl is willing to give up, I won't make a difference--"

The gaze of the audience looked at Gao Yue with a sigh of relief--

Where did Gao Yue dare to hesitate, she gritted her teeth and said: "I lost, give up!"

"Old friend, I didn't expect that there are still ancient sages alive in this world--" Shennong looked at Suiren, lightly covered the tripod, and plunged the "covered coffin" directly into the boundless abyss, slowly After a glance, he looked to the south.

Sui Ren had a calm face and ignored anyone. When he left, he took a deep look at Su Jin, with a smile on his face, nodded, and then disappeared.

"The Tao is in the heavens, and the heavens are the word'dao'." Fuxi Taoist God moved his mouth, saying in a mysterious voice that Su Jin could hear.

"Little guy, take a ray of my spirit home...Don't forget..." Shennong looked at the abyss where "Coffin Covered" was sinking, his face seemed extremely solemn, and then he said to Su Jin.

Su Jin greeted the ancestor Shennong again, and made a promise.

If this matter is over, if he can survive, he will definitely return to "Unenviable Immortal Valley" as soon as possible, bring Yao'er and Shennongding back to China, and release that ray of divine will in Shennongjia!

Su Jin's face was cold, and only after many visions disappeared, he got up, turned and looked at Gao Yue——

At this glance, Princess Gao Yue, who looked at her, took a big step back!

Gao Yue's divine body also returned to normal!

"If you have any conditions, what you propose is..." Gao Yue looked willing to accept the bet.

"Didn't I say that? Capturing a true god, this condition should be more straightforward with what I said?" Su Jin asked lightly.

"You dream! If you have other needs, whether it's the secret method, the treasure, or the many benefits, my kingdom of God can meet it, but only... I can't go with you!" Gao Yue shook his head quickly.

"It seems that God, there is a time to break my promise!" Su Jin sneered: "If I lose, you will definitely let me judge on the spot without hesitation. Haha, this king made a bet with life and death, but you In the presence of the people of the world, so regretful!"

"I didn't!" Gao Yue shook her head, not admitting that she broke her promise.

"Follow me, ten years, ten years later, when you return to the kingdom of God, I will never stop." Su Jin took a step back and said coldly.

Ten... ten years?

Gao Yue opened her eyes wide. She thought she would be a slave for the rest of her life, but in the end, she only had to stay with this Ye Di for ten years? It seems that if this time is in the process of practicing, it is like taking a nap—

"What if you die in this glazed land!" Gao Yue asked.

"Then you will be free after my death!" Su Jin responded.

Gao Yue:...

Then, Gao Yue nodded reluctantly, "Okay, I promise you."


Lost for ten years of freedom.

Gao Yue feels that she hasn't lost much except face, and this guy seems to be really soft-hearted just now. If he lets the ancient sage obliterate her directly, she probably won't even have the ability to resist.

"Are those three really ancient sages--" Gao Yue couldn't help asking after all.

"Naturally." Su Jin nodded.

After that, Su Jin looked into the depths of the glazed land and stepped towards the forbidden ground to the south. If Gao Yue and Su Jin were the only two at this moment, then Gao Yue would definitely run away, she didn't care about the betting...

But people say it is awesome, she is shameless, Taizu wants it, and the whole kingdom of God wants it!

Thinking of this, Gao Yue was naturally a little unhappy, so she could only bite the bullet and follow behind Su Jin, like a meteor, falling among the group of beauties of Yingyingyanyan——

Gao Yue glanced at the other women, her face was cold, and she turned her body to the other side.

Haha, man!

As a god, Gao Yue didn't understand the various mortals, and she even felt dirty.

"Light of Healing~~~" The awe-inspiring divine power of the sacred angel emanated from the holy angel master, her pair of white wings condensed, like a **** alive, and directly began to help Su Jin recover.

"Really caught the **** back——" Many enchanting girls looked at Gao Yue.

"God is God, and temperament is different. Great Elemental Envoy, see, our master likes to hunt for strangeness. Your elemental body, just like her, is the one that brought you back when the master saw it." Ji Dao.

"Yes, yes, the master will hurt people. Since you are here, everyone is sisters. The master will do his best to protect us and not let us suffer any harm."

"Miss Gao Yue, can you say something..."


Gao Yue was silent.

She is a **** and must keep a distance from humans——

Everything about Human Race seemed extremely dirty, especially in places where so many people gathered, what Gao Yue didn't like most was being in the crowd.

"It's so special, I don't like to talk to people, it doesn't matter... I'll be obedient to Master Ye Di after a while."

As soon as he said this, Gao Yue turned his face away, and his eyes were full of glaring--

Su Jin's condition was very serious, and it was so severe that he had recovered from all the injuries outside his body, but the whole seemed to be on the verge of falling.

At this time, Su Jin naturally stopped paying attention to Gao Yue’s disharmony. He had to prepare for the battle with all his strength. During this time, unless the emperor appeared or told the time of the decisive battle, he could only adjust his body all the time, as much as possible. Come around quickly.

It’s getting dark and it’s dark, and in a blink of an eye... it was two days later...

During this period, Su Jin opened his eyes twice and found that the land of colored glaze was no different from the one hundred thousand high heaven powerhouse, and he continued to work hard to recover.

In the evening on the third day.

Gao Yue finally couldn't bear the loneliness, and without saying hello, went straight to the kingdom of God in the depths of the glazed land——

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