My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3664: Determine the battlefield

Princess Gao Yue, go!

In this situation, the beauties of Chaosheng Banshee were stunned, but although there are many strong ones among them, how can they be compared with the real ‘god’?

No one dares to stop--

"She will come back again, don't worry." When Su Jin got the news, he just opened his eyes, said a word, and closed his eyes again.

God, of course, would not be fattened by his words, Gao Yue's dignity would never allow himself to do so. Su Jin believed in the other party unless the other party was not afraid of gossip.

The magnificent night sky, the galaxy is shining, just after the evening, the night opened, and a gorgeous meteor shower passed over the land of glazed glaze——

"If a shooting star represents a strong man who has passed away, then tomorrow, will there be me?" The Chaosheng Banshee looked at the continuously passing meteor, as if it would not stop, and sighed faintly. .

"Don't think about it, although Ye Di will face the most difficult battle next, but he didn't die when facing the gods--" Someone persuaded the pressured Chaosheng Banshee.

"But I always have an unknown premonition..." The Chaosheng Banshee was crying, afraid to speak loudly, for fear of disturbing Su Jin who was still recovering from behind.


Night is over, day is dawn.

The meteor shower last night, within three hours, as if countless creatures had passed away, and when the war ceased, the pressure of the monks in the Glazed Land was huge?

Today, it's different.

Gao Yue spent the last night in her kingdom of God and touched familiar objects that were once extremely annoying. Her palace and bedroom seemed to have become the past after today.

And the coming Gao Yue also brought a very sensational news——

This news is not a secret, even if Gao Yue does not bring news, Su Jin and the others will know soon.

"Taizu agreed to the emperor, and the emperor paid a price to his satisfaction. Even if you do not die in the hands of the emperor, you will be cut off by the emperor." Gao Yue said slowly.

"Got it." Su Jin responded to Gao Yue. After the night, Gao Yue seemed to be a little more haggard, presumably she had spent the last night in her country, as if she hadn't slept well.

"You mean... the ancient sages will kill the Ye Emperor after the battle of the two emperors? So, the emperor is not completely sure to kill the Ye Emperor." The Chaosheng Banshee was desperate. Asked Xiang Gaoyue quickly.

This news is mixed.

Happily, the emperor who was regarded as invincible by the virgin emperor was not absolutely sure of surviving the battle against Yedi, and what was worrying was... the ancient sages would also make up for the battle in the end, completely let Ye The emperor died.

"Yes." Gao Yue said lightly: "I advise you to prepare for him as soon as possible."

"Hahaha...I don't know if I can survive the battle with that Emperor, but your great ancestor can never kill me--" Su Jin showed strong confidence and looked at Gao Yue.

"Are you serious?" Gao Yue looked at Su Jin with a surprised look.

The man in his eyes gave Gao Yue a lot of shocking impressions, but Taizu was an ancient sage! How could it not be possible to kill the emperor, this guy is deceptive and exaggerated, and likes to joke!

"Of course it's serious--" Su Jin's tone was calm.

And Su Jin's answer seemed to give relief to the female sisters of Chaosheng Banshee!

Although, most of them thought that Su Jin was comforting them and didn't want them to worry too much.

Gao Yue looked at Su Jin, looking up and down several times, her expression was very strange, and she didn't want to ask Su Jin's confidence to come from.

"By the way, didn't you go to see your grandfather? Can you tell who is the mysterious existence in the covering coffin?" Su Jin looked at Gao Yue curiously.

"First, I didn't go to see Taizu. Second, Taizu didn't know that there was a mysterious existence in the covering coffin, and you, the dying person, didn't have to get the truth." Gao Yue was really hard to understand, Su Jindu I'm so injured, I can still maintain such a strong curiosity.

When a person arrives in a situation like the emperor of the night, what should not be the most concerned about how to recover, thinking about how to fight against the emperor, how can he not die?

After that, Gao Yue was alone by the pure stream by himself again——

Time flies quickly...

Approaching noon!

In the void north of Jiangdu City, which had become ruins, a glazed avenue began to penetrate through the void, directly crossing to the forbidden land in the southern border!

That piece of glazed avenue seemed to be the most beautiful scene in this place. On it, there was a crowd of people, and there was a pair of old men with white sideburns, his right hand kept high!

Holding the imperial decree in his hand!

"Not the emperor! I am waiting for the emperor's will to come, hereby agree on the location and time of the battle between the two emperors!" The old man's eyes were like bronze bells, and he looked like an amazing ancient sage.

Su Jin was a little surprised. He saw the glazed road, but did not see the Taoist Samsara. After thinking about the Taoist Samsara losing and leaving, he said that he would meet again.

"If you have something to say, let it go." Su Jin said lightly.

"The battlefield of the two emperors, if it is the fire and wind wasteland west of the Liuli Divine Land, there will be an absolute ban on the battlefield, and the time is three days later, you can agree." the old man asked.

"When the time comes, it will come." Su Jin waved his hand.

The old man stared at Su Jin, and finally looked at the group of beauties. He saw the Empress Concubine very accurately.

The current imperial concubine, being stared by this old man, even if he panicked——

"There is one more thing on this trip." The old man said coldly: "The virgin concubine, the emperor wants me to take you back."

"I...I'm not going..." The Empress Maid seemed to collapse, shaking her head again and again, and finally looked at Su Jin asking for help, "Ye Di save me... I can't go... I don't want to be buried in the tomb of the emperor! "

Su Jin's eyes flashed, and a killing intent was directly flooded in the sky!

"Go back--" Su Jin said directly to the old man.

"Get back!"

"Get back!"

Thousands of evil spirits, eight million evil giants, all drink together and start to drive people!

The old man on the Liuli Avenue, as well as the ancient sages, all turned pale. To them, these thousands of evil ghosts and eight million evil giants are still overwhelming! The key is Yedi...The weight of his words is too heavy and too heavy—

If one is not good, it provokes Ye Di's dislike, even if they are on Liuli Avenue, they will be wiped out by Ye Di!

Sure enough, the old man's face was ugly and said: "Ye Di...she is just a woman...she can betray my emperor, and she can betray you in the future, how about...let me take it away and go back for business?!"

Su Jin slowly got up-

"Go!" The old man brushed his sleeves immediately, and frightened him directly to drive Liuli Avenue, and disappeared directly between the heavens and the earth, as if he had returned to his life.

The imperial concubine, crying in tears.

Su Jin calmly walked to the front of the queen concubine, looked at her, and said lightly: "Go ahead, tell me everything you know."

"Xie Ye Di’s grace...I swear to the heaven that I will never betray Ye Di in this life. I... If I was taken away by them, I will never escape death, absolutely.” The empress concubine was still emotional. In collapse.

"Why do you say that?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"He came to declare that the battlefield was set in the'Fire Wind Wasteland', and I knew it was not good." The virgin concubine paled, wiped her tears, and said with lingering fears: "You know, where the Fire Wind Wasteland is. ——"

"Where?" the fallen angel dominator asked curiously.

"Below the Huofeng Wasteland is the emperor's tomb prepared for him by the emperor. He rules the land of glazed glaze, dominates the 100,000 most high heavens, and is invincible for a lifetime, but even the emperor, in the endless years, knows that sooner or later it will disappear. , No one can live forever, so... he prepared the emperor's mausoleum for himself early." The royal concubine of the maiden calmed down a little and said slowly.

"I'm alive, I dug a tomb for myself, don't you panic accidentally..." Yao Ji said in surprise.

"The emperor originally had a million years to live, but because of the rise of the emperor, he has begun to push his own death time to the nearest... although this is my guess."

The maiden imperial concubine thought for a while, and then said: "If my guess is right, it is not just me. Next, all the imperial concubines of the emperor will be brought to the tomb. After the battle between the emperor and the emperor, he It will really fall...His imperial concubine will be buried for him, which is why the old man asked to take me away—"

"It turned out to be like this..." Su Jin thought it was something serious.

"This battle, Ye Di must not be careless." The maiden emperor took a deep breath and said: "He can chop off the strongest three swords in his life, and the power of those three swords will surpass the peak of any time in his life! Moreover, many imperial concubines, including many methods in the imperial mausoleum, will also turn that piece of'fire and wind wasteland' into a peerless and fierce land.

"It seems that he really took great pains--" The calmness in Su Jin's words made many beautiful women bewildered.

The emperor, the Lord of Liuli, is the strongest existence in the 100,000 highest heavens and the land of Liuli. Three days later, he will have a life and death battle with Yedi... Isn't Yedi not worried?

Su Jin will naturally not worry!

It’s good to keep your mind at ease——

Moreover, Su Jin is not without means, even if he is not helpful, as long as he can carry three swords without dying, then the emperor may also be ordered to the sky, and will disappear in the "Fire Wind Wasteland"!


The sun is shining brightly.

The fiery atmosphere in the land of glazed glaze is still slowly erupting in depression. Three days are enough for the two emperors to prepare. This battle will be a battle of the world!

"I heard that there are a total of 80,000 female nuns who were secretly brought to the forbidden area of ​​"Fire Wind Wasteland", and the palaces of thousands of imperial concubines have been completely empty. Monarch, what exactly do you want to do?" , Constantly communicating about this matter.

"The emperor is old, is it necessary for those female cultivators to provide Yuan Yin divine power at a critical moment? He...couldn't he move the knife anymore?"

"It is rumored that he can't afford the price of letting the ancient sages cut off the Ye Emperor, so he can only fight the Ye Emperor first.

"Really? The price of the emperor can only be used by the ancient sages to kill the emperor. Now even the emperor is not confident?"

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