My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3667: Star Hualong

"Speaking of what the ancient sage asked for, the emperor could only choose to cut off himself first, and could not pay the price of letting the ancient sage cut off the world first--"

"The battle between the two emperors, the first power of the emperor, has already begun! But how do you deal with the emperor? You must know that the emperor is different from other powerful people. If there is a slight difference, the emperor will become the emperor. Under the sword!"

"Cut off the sword of the self, outstanding in the world, with this sword, there is a great chance of smashing Ye Di alive!"

"Ye Di, moved!"


At that moment, the whole world was silent--

The first sword of the emperor was really amazing. It takes a lot of courage and determination to cut off the self, and that is not the emperor of the world, it is a step forward.

At his feet, bursts of red color began to spread.

The void, as if it had begun to turn into a crystal red sacred road, that solid void, whether it was momentum or coercion, seemed to keep Su Jin at its peak!

The brief silence brings the stormy noise!

"Not the origin of the world-honored! Previously, when dealing with the **** of slaughter, the emperor, Danbaizi, and the god-man Gao Yue, he still did not push him to the extreme! The power he is now displaying is definitely not the power of the world-honored god!"

"No World Honored, how much shock did it bring the world back then?"

"I heard that he would trample the sky on the bottom of his feet and become the **** of the gods, the sky of the sky--"

"The unworldly honored people back then brought only pain to the world. It is said that the ancestral land of unworldly honored people has been sealed as a slave domain. The creatures in the domain are all heavenly slaves. They will never turn back, and they will be laughed at by the monks of the other world for a lifetime."

"Without the rise of the Lord, where is God..."

"How far does he awaken the origin of the world-honored? Is it because of the power of the world-honored that the emperor has to make up his mind to cut off his emperor's body, cut off the self, and perform three swords that exceed the peak?"

"The two emperors are too terrible, the emperor seems to have foreseen that he can't stop this person from the time he intends to cut off the self without the world prince!"


When the monks in the glazed land were trembling with fear--

In Gao Yue's beautiful eyes, there were some special eyes...

Isn't it...

A few days ago, Gao Yue used "Feast of the Gods" with ultimate power, and even summoned "Coffin Covering", but he still failed to let Ye Di perform "Great God's Way".

Seeing Su Jin now, to be honest, Gao Yue himself was still a little unconvinced. After all, Su Jin used the three ancient sages to make her surrender—

But then again, in Gao Yue's eyes at this moment, both Su Jin's temperament and the faintly exuding amount of pressure are not comparable to her when she confronted Su Jin.

"I made a cut, I took it." Su Jin's three eyes, including "The Eye of Mohe Town", all turned into a crystal red color.

What kind of eyes are that——

Countless people have seen the scene condensed from the sky above the ‘Fire Wind Wilderness’. For the first time, the power of the World-Honored One appears in the Land of Glazed Glaze!

It turns out that this is the strongest power of Ye Di!

He wants to use this "Great God Way" to contend with the emperor's three swords!

Can he do it?

This is a doubt in the hearts of all monks, but at least from the current point of view, Su Jin's aura is not lost to the Lord of Liuli!

Sandao Baidi slowly closed his eyes, his lifelong sword soul, after all, was completely transformed into the power of sword intent. He closed his eyes and silenced for three breaths. When he opened it again, his expression was not angry and majestic!




The endless intent of the sword rushed out of the pores of the Sandao Baidi. When the sword glow bloomed, the surrounding sword intent seemed to shake the void into an endless abyss of misfortune!

Cut, the self!

This requires much courage!

But in the next moment, the three swords Baidi directly condensed a white sacred sword shadow with the surrounding sword intent!


The knife went up and down, no muddy water! The three-sword Baidi was cut directly from the center of the sky spirit cover.

The blood mist covered the emperor's corpse! But that piece of blood fog, as if there is a spirit, every drop of blood fog, seems to be able to dissolve a space world, that kind of terrifying power, makes the creatures hundreds of millions of miles away seem to have their hairs!

"This knife is not bad." Su Jin nodded without sorrow or joy on his face, "No one is flawless, and no one is confident that there are no flaws. In fact, as long as the body is maintained, the body is a flaw—"

Su Jin thought about using the power of the'Ghost King Dao', but the power of the Three Swords Bai Di was already the same as him. It was not in the Five Elements, not in the Three Thousand Dao, and not in Reincarnation. His Ghost King Dao had no effect on the Three Swords Bai Di. .

And Su Jin seemed to understand the plan of the Three Swords Baidi——

Although the opponent's physical body has fallen, but the ultimate understanding of the way of heaven, it is very likely that Sandao Baidi will turn into the real strongest form——

Sure enough, a **** butcher knife, burning with a raging flame, was condensed from the blood mist!

"First cut!"

The voice of the three swords Baidi appeared in the tens of thousands of swords, he was not afraid to fall, and whether Su Jin could see his condition, he would do everything!

"Your divine essence is really different--" Su Jin sighed.

Su Jin's words made the world suddenly startled!

That **** butcher knife was actually the emperor's divine essence condensed! You know, in the graves of sentient beings not long ago, the gods of the emperor prison sky were nothing compared to the gods of this scale. Besides, the **** of slaughter also used the gods to escape, but the **** of slaughter could not be compared with the emperor. .

"No World Honored! Where are you strong! Are you invincible or magical, I... I want you to resist my sharp edge!" Sandao Baidi roared, and the magnificent butcher knife seemed to be constantly shaking with excitement. Naruto!

"as you wish--"

Su Jin slowly raised his head and looked at the ten thousand zhang knife in the distance. Then he raised his right hand and grabbed the **** sun over the eastern sky!


The magnificent dragon roars from that **** sun--

That **** day seemed to be affected by the power of the world-zun!

"Ah! The stars transform into a dragon, and the world-zun has the ability to control the world!" The world is in an uproar, such a terrifying power, only by seeing it with your own eyes can you have a profound invincible experience!

so horrible!

"The whole **** day is turning into a dragon shape, coming galloping forward! I believe it! This is not the world-honored year, it definitely has the power to trample on the sky!"

"Ah! Shenyue, is also being transformed into a heavenly dragon——"

"The world has turned into day and night, and the stars are uttering the sound of dragons!"

"What is that!"

Someone looked at the ground not far away, the earth was swaying, and even if a giant dragon broke out of the ground, the blood river flowing from the fire and wind wasteland seemed to go up against the ox, and the blood river **** dragon went up and up. !

Five thousand.

Ten thousand.

One hundred and fifty thousand.

It seems to be a world of dragons! That piece of dragon, going from heaven to earth, shuttles through the starry sky, the scene seems to have once become an era of chaos by the ancient monster!

At this moment, even the god-man Gao Yue had to be amazed!

Gao Yue even felt that she was not a god, Su Jin was! That kind of feeling made her feel no discomfort. The other party was surrounded by dragons, and the vastness of the scene, coupled with the terrifying dragon, definitely allowed her to give such a super high evaluation——

"If your unworldly power can only be like this, then my power of the sword would be wasted." Sandao Baidi was vaguely disappointed.


Even if the Ye Emperor is so strong, the power of such a "star transforming dragon" is still not as good as the emperor's magic eye? So how strong is the emperor's self?

"Really... Then you take a closer look--" Su Jin said with a sneer.


Along with the silence of Sandao Baidi, the monks in the Land of Glazed Glaze also began to discover an unusual scene.

The entire glazed land began to spit out red awns, and the needle-like crystal red light spread all over every corner! And there are a total of 800,000 dragons, covering the sky and the earth, occupying the sky and the void!

Although Gao Yue was a spectator, she seemed to subconsciously after Su Jin reminded her, carefully looked up at the sky, and observed.

That is……

Gao Yue's pupils shrank suddenly, with her strength, she could naturally see the mystery! Those terrible dragons seem to be swimming and chasing, but in fact they are absorbing some terrible energy——

"Those dragons are swallowing the power of Three Thousand Avenues! I was recruited!" Someone screamed.

The cultivators in the Land of Glazed Glaze all felt that the power in their bodies was being taken away. Among them were immortal cultivators, the Dao of Demon Gods, and even some very special Dao, and they were unavoidable!

"The power of my Profound Water Avenue is also weakening! Those dragons are taking away my power!"

"Look! Hundreds of thousands of giant dragons began to rush to the battlefield! These giant dragons of heaven and earth can even swallow the emperor's magical power!"

"How could this happen! How could this not be so terrible!"


In the battlefield.

The **** butcher knife began to tremble slightly, plundering everything and suppressing them all.

"This technique is not bad, it's optimistic, this is the first cut I cut you--" Three Swords Baidi seemed satisfied with Su Jin's methods.

One knife, the self!

Thousand-thousand-foot slaughter knives immediately released countless blades, shattering no less than 200,000 dragons, and the shadow of that knife can be clearly seen even from tens of billions of miles away!

Can't avoid it!

Su Jin finally realized this feeling, knowing he couldn't hide it, and he couldn't block the blow with "No Word Tian Secret"!

The Wordless Heaven Secret, Su Jin was still not complete enough. Not long ago, just a small **** show could be traced back to the Wordless Heaven Secret. How could this method be effective for the Three Swords Baidi?

Since it cannot be avoided, it can only be hard-wired!

Su Jin’s glance at Maha Town Prison directly condensed thousands of heaven and earth bridges. At the same time, his whole body became stiff, his whole body seemed to evolve into colored glaze, and his body began to turn into a crystal-red divine body——



Thousands of heaven, earth and **** bridges disappeared in an instant! The butcher knife that the three swords Baidi turned into seemed to be cut in front of Su Jin within a ten thousandth of a second!

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