My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3668: Cut all life and all death

How amazing it is to cut yourself!

The first sword of the three swords Baidi absolutely surpassed the power he could cut at any time. With this sword, not only Su Jin felt a great crisis, even Gao Yue outside the Huofeng Desolate Realm was also pale-

"What a terrible sword, what a terrible Monarch!" Gao Yue's expression really changed. She felt that if she faced the Three Swords Baidi now, even if she tried her best, she would not be able to take it!

Even if it is "Feast of the Gods" summoning "Covered Coffin", I am afraid it will be broken by the "One Sword Self" of the Three Swords Baidi! !

The whole world seemed to freeze, at that moment, time seemed to stop--

The emperor's arrogant butcher knife, the blade touched Su Jin's forehead, motionless.

And Su Jin's divine body is the same, time seems to have ceased to exist in the battlefield, frozen!

what's the situation!

When Gao Yue reacted, there was a cold intuition behind her. She was startled by the knife in a cold sweat, but the butcher knife that represented the three swords Baidi couldn't split Su Jin in half?

something wrong.

There is definitely a big problem!


In the depths of the glazed land, the ancient sage seemed to sigh, and the whole world seemed to be him alone, seeing the real reason.

Gao Yue was still trembling, and when she saw an old man appeared next to her, she was even more ashamed.

"Taizu." Gao Yue knelt down, and she couldn't help but kneel. She had an inescapable responsibility for Dan Baizi's death, and it was because of her willfulness that she lost her freedom, even for a short ten years.

"Get up—" the old man said in a sigh.

"In the battle between the two emperors, the emperor made a single shot, and that one seemed to solidify the battlefield. What's the situation?" Gao Yue couldn't see why, and quickly got up and asked.

"This is the power of Ye Di." Gao Jia Taizu snorted.

"Awesome? He was almost beaten alive--" Gao Yue muttered, seeming to disagree with Taizu's words.

"What do you know? Although you are a natural god-man, the means of fighting is far worse than those of the two emperors. Fortunately, you dare to go alone by yourself, and you almost don't have any farts left by the night emperor. "Taejo's words made Gao Yue's face flushed, she didn't dare to refute it!"

Seeing Gao Yue bow her head--

The grandfather of the Gao family hummed: "I ask you, if you are not the world-honored person, what should you do with the cut just now?"

"Hide, anyway, I know that the Lord of Liuli has only three swords." Gao Yue said.

"Fart! Can you hide with that knife? If you change to you, I'm afraid you will have died by the knife the moment you hide in your heart." The ancient sage, the grandfather of the Gao family reprimanded.

"What should I do then?" Gao Yuewei asked.

"Ye Di's wisdom is really incomparable to gods. I was just thinking about how to take this sword. Although I can take it calmly if I fight the Lord of Glazed Glass, Ye Di does not have my ability."

The grandfather of the Gao family sighed: "This little guy is right. After all, the emperor has cut the self, and his power lies in the sword intent, and his unworldly body, even if it is not good, it is impossible to be cut by that one. Chopped--"

"So, what is their situation now?" Gao Yue asked.

"Ordinary people looked at it, as if the battlefield was frozen. In fact, the terrifying sword intent was fighting with Ye Di——" said Gao Family Taizu.


That's right!

Three knives Baidi's one-knife self, the knife intent is when the butcher knife touches Su Li's head, a war invisible to the naked eye is intensifying!


boom! boom!

The countless heaven, earth and **** bridges in Su Jin's body were all shaken by the terrifying sword intent, but he didn't squeeze the upper half. The **** bridge formed by the heavenly path of the right arm bone and the bone of the left arm bone plane began to shine. , Joint suppression!

Time, it seems to have been particularly long in the land of glazed glaze——

After Banzhuxiang!

The butcher knife returned to its original position in an instant, and the **** butcher knife was trembling, as if feeling the most terrifying secret of Su Jin.

"You turned your body into a small happened to succeed—"

Which sword intents did the three swords Baidi pass through? There are endless heaven and earth bridges, and every bridge has unpredictable power, especially in Su Jin’s small universe. The power of these heaven and earth bridges is far greater than his condensed one. The power of time——

Moreover, the three swords white emperor seemed to feel that little universe, boundless, no matter how powerful his one-sword me was, he could not destroy the night emperor. On the contrary, his sword intent appeared under the suppression of the heavenly path and the plane origin. Out of absolute disadvantage!

"If you don't cut off your body, this first cut, even if I don't die, I will have to pay a great price." Su Jin said lightly.

At the place where the arrogant butcher knife seemed to be suppressed again, he began to think about **** Su Jin with the next knife——

As everyone knows, the failure of the first sword of the emperor, the shock to the people of the world, is definitely a heavyweight event!

Many people are confused.

Such a stunning knife, and it was the emperor at the cost of cutting off his own body. With this knife, the Emperor Ye... was unscathed?

"Three swords, one has already been used, and the next situation is very unfavorable for the emperor! With that one, the emperor seems to have a high evaluation of the world-honored person. Why is this, the emperor will fail?"

"There are only two knives left. Is the emperor really old, or is he too enchanting if he is not the king?"

"Is the "One Sword Me" really strong? It doesn't seem to have any power, so I can almost kill Ye Di, why can't I get a sword?"

"It's a pity, but the emperor's three knives are only one shot, and his three knives will only be better every time! This night the emperor's first hit is easy, but next, it is definitely his most desperate moment!"

"The one cut just now is definitely not as simple as it seems! The emperor is obviously surprised, and what is the microcosm in the body? That seems to be a terrible level that gods can't reach. Isn't it possible for the whole world to have this only if the world is not. Kind of ability."

"This is not so hard to kill, it seems to be the mystery of his divine body, which helped him through a crisis, and then there will be no such good luck—"

"What? The emperor used to kill the enemy, and the person who could make him use a sword has already disappeared. He hasn't used a second sword for thousands of years. This is different from the world. After all, it is a capital for the emperor. A strong man treated with extreme caution, the emperor even cut off his body."

"The second sword of the emperor will definitely work..."


Everyone is waiting for the second sword of the three swords Baidi.

Gao Yue, the ancient sage.

The strong in the land of glazed glaze, like the strong in the 100,000 highest heavens, are all looking forward to it! Looking at that great butcher knife!

The **** butcher knife was exuding traces of black aura. The black death aura was different from the color of the night sky. Under the shining of the knife, those black aura scenes were indeed terrifying a lot.

"Second sword, dead silence." The voice of the three swords Baidi came out again—


With the voice of Sandao Baidi fell.

30,000 li west of the Huofeng Wasteland, a big city with a population of 30 million, is directly blooming! The knife marks formed by the strands of black air blasted this **** city!

Thirty million cultivators didn’t even react to death--




A series of four divine cities were slashed by a ray of knife marks one after another. The four divine cities, in the vast land of glazed glaze, formed four deep, far-reaching moats!

"The butcher knife has been set up, and the people are dead! My ruthless knife came out to destroy the world, my knife is deadly still, cut all life, all death." The voice of the three swords white emperor seemed to be against the creatures. Indifferent, came whispering, and he just seemed to have done a trivial thing!

A stab of silence, just the blade intent of destroying the world, has caused millions of people to fall!

And the emptiness at the ten thousand zhang butcher knife is also in the process of a great collapse!


The world is trembling, as if it may collapse at any time! That piece of emptiness, the black deadly sword intent, is spreading rapidly!

Naturally, Su Jin can't wait for the opponent to completely slash the power of the sword before resisting——

Almost at the same time, Su Jin lightly shouted: "This technique, the unworldly Galaxy!"

The deafening sound turned the black sky into a crystal red world! The sky is full of stars, as if they are all in sight!

This scene.

Can no longer be described as magnificent!

In the vast crystal red galaxy, every star seems to have been around for a long time. In the distance, stars collide, and new stars are rising. Here is the unworldly galaxy, it is the ‘unworldly sky’!

"My world, I am the heaven of yours!" Su Jin's figure is scattered on all the stars. Those are the actions of a momentary thought, but it sounds like a majesty that is far superior to God!

"This is the true power of the world-honored!" Gao Yue lost his temper, and screamed in disregard of his loss in front of Taizu.

The sky above the land of glazed glaze is turned into a "worldless heaven"! If the night emperor wants the creatures on this land to die, he must die, let him live, and he can live——

"When you want to kill him, you can do it very well." The ancient sage Taizu looked at Gao Yue.

Gao Yue seemed to have not heard Taizu's words. She was shocked. What Su Jin said to her not long ago turned out to be true.

When Gao Yue fought Su Jin at that time, Su Jin said that she could not live for a few breaths without the power of the world-honored person, so she really didn't lie to her!

This kind of power is no longer what God can display--

"He has awakened to such a level." Gao Yue seemed to be dumbfounded by this vast and magnificent scene. For the first time, she felt that the Emperor's second sword might not be able to cut this sky, this worldless sky. !

The world is quiet. Under the world without the world, Gu Xian will be like an ant, beyond the world without the world——

Three swords Baidi, the second sword "Dead Silence", has the power to destroy the sky and the world.

But the world-honored person must contend with this sword with "the worldless galaxy and the worldless sky"!

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