My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3669: Angel Hymn

Deadly Silence vs. Eternal Galaxy!

The **** butcher knife has infinite intent, but the whole worldless galaxy and worldless sky seem to be more mysterious. This world is originally the land of colored glaze, but it does not seem to be the land of colored glaze anymore, as if it has been replaced by a new sky— —

"This is the power of the Great Divine Dao?" Sandao Baidi was obviously also a little surprised. The thing he was most worried about still happened. Powers like this level were originally not what Su Jin could bear.

It can only be said that although the World-Honored One has not fully awakened, he may not be far from awakening.

After all, Sandao Baidi is still very confident in his second sword, and now his sword intent has covered the entire Liuli Land!

Although Su Jin's methods are through profound knowledge, they have not yet reached the point where they truly fear the Three Swords Baidi——

"You are also not bad, you can reach this point with the sword intent alone." Su Jin was even more surprised than Sandao Baidi's opinion of himself.

Those sword intents seemed to exist in every particle of dust. They were everywhere in the whole world, and it was the limit to be able to practice one way of the sword to this point.

Sandao Baidi is obviously watching the mystery, watching the mystery in this worldless galaxy——

For thousands of years, he rarely wanted to find the flaws in other people's supernatural powers, and this is not the world-honored person, but one of the few people who can make him so!

The more I look at it, the more I am scared.

The more you observe, the more you feel at a loss!

Sandao Baidi didn’t know that Su Jin’s "Unworldly Galaxy" was not yet complete not long ago. Recently, he has been struggling to understand and finally completed this non-sacred technique——

In this world, Su Jin is a well-deserved god, the only supreme powerhouse!

As for the three swords Baidi, if it weren’t for the divine essence to turn into a butcher knife, I’m afraid that Su Jin would act first and wipe out the opponent’s physical power first. Unfortunately, Su Jin had never seen the mystery of this divine essence--

During silence.

The butcher knife made by the three swords Baidi began to shake slightly.

Every time it trembles, there will be endless blades that pierce the sky——

The master of colored glaze wants to break the silence. If there is no flaw, he will take the initiative to let the opponent reveal the flaw! Even, he has the confidence to use this second knife to ‘dead silence’ to break this ‘unworldly heaven’!

This second cut! Eventually began to show terrible power!

The stars in "The Worldless Galaxy, the Worldless Sky", each star seems to have a virtual butcher knife, the three swords Baidi, is about to break the sky!

How can Su Jin make the other party do what he wants——




In the world, the Milky Way shuddered violently, and each star was rapidly rotating in its orbit, and the crystal red was just a moment, countless blade shadows, all shattered!

The wind and vibration seem to have become the main theme of the entire Glazed Land!

Those pale faces seem to be the best interpretation of the battle between the two emperors. These two existences are like heaven, each of them has the power to destroy the heavens and the earth!

"A knife was dead, and those sword shadows were shaken away by Ye Di's supernatural power! Is this second knife over?" Someone asked with a tragic expression.

"No! How can this knife be so simple? Those knife shadows are just the condensed sword intent of the emperor, and you have just seen that just the scars of the emperor can destroy hundreds of millions of creatures!"

"The monk is indeed like an ant to the emperor's existence. Those people are equivalent to devoting their lives to the emperor. They... are worthy of death!"

"How can Ye Di break this piece of "Unworldly Galaxy"?"

"Difficulty! Difficulty! The emperor rarely encounters such an existence that is against the sky. That worldless sky is the source of most of the awakening of the unworldly sovereign. Among them, immortality is probably a miracle, and the emperor has obviously not found a response. Unless he tries his best to find a way to kill the worldless world—"

"Simply speaking, how can I do it...This kind of difficulty is at the level of tens of millions of purgatory, and the emperor can resist one or two."

"Unexpectedly, if the world-zun hid so deeply, he would hide this technique to the end, but would he use it too early?"

"It's not early! I feel that the emperor is going to make a third cut, otherwise he will not be able to break this worldless world."


The **** butcher knife, now the knife is the emperor, and the emperor is the knife! He naturally saw Ye Di's cultivation base, his infinite blade intent was directly shaken into nothingness by the unworldly power, and he naturally felt it deeply.

"It's so terrible that it's not the origin of the world -" Three Dao Baidi's voice slowly spread from the Wanzhang Tudao.

Su Jingang wanted to respond, but immediately felt the difference in that butcher knife...

Is it possible that the three swords Baidi is going to make a third sword?

It shouldn't be right!

The other party should know that if the third cut is cut as soon as possible, then Su Jin himself will probably survive! If the opponent wants to win, he must break his own indestructible galaxy, otherwise it will never work——

The weird Taoist rhyme radiated from the buzzing and trembling "Wanzhang Butcher Knife", but Su Jin could see all those Taoist rhymes that made people indistinct.

"If you underestimate my second knife, you would be very wrong." Three Dao Baidi sighed.

The ultimate power is spreading to the eternal galaxy along with the scattered rhyme of Taoism!


In the crystal red "Unworldly Milky Way", a series of dark space-time abysses begin to appear, that infinite blade intent is omnipotent, omnipotent!

Su Jin's body trembled fiercely--

"You found my destiny." Su Jin looked at the butcher knife coldly.

"My sword has the power of overwhelming the sky. The fate star you mentioned is just trying to distract my attention. Although this move is very clever, you have used the wrong person --" Three Dao Baidi said.

Su Jin:...

How could Su Jin know the flaws of the perfect worldless Milky Way? No flaw is the biggest flaw! He knew that the other party couldn't see it and couldn't find it, so he could only say something deliberately, but it didn't seem to be effective.

"This Ye Di... is really a lie." Although Gao Yue was outside the battlefield, she was very concerned about the battle, and even kept her eyes intent. When she heard Ye Di said the word'Mingxing', she Can't help but look at the countless stars.

As a result, she, an unrelated person, was actually being teased... If it hadn't been for the three swords Baidi to see through Su Jin's scheme, I am afraid she would still be looking for it carefully!

"Oh..." The grandfather of the Gao family couldn't help but worry about Gao Yue's IQ.

"Why did Taizu sigh again?" Gao Yue said dissatisfied.

"It's nothing, I feel that if you stay with him for ten years, I'm afraid you will never go home again--" Gao Jiataizu sighed with his hand.

Gao Yue's eyes blushed, and she couldn't help but comfort her: "Where is it, it's only ten years. Once the time comes, you will definitely be back home."

"Really, how do I feel that you will move the heart of the world? If you are as wise as him, if you are not sure, you would have set a hundred or thousand years of betting."

"How come! I am a god, how can a **** move the heart of the world, and my future achievements will not be weaker than him, Taizu can rest assured--" Gao Yue said.

The more he thought about it, the more worried he was, and then said: "Forget it, if the Lord of Liuli can't kill him, I will do it myself and kill him with all my strength."

"Did Taizu originally plan to release water?"

"Hehe, someone can't see him dead--" Gao Jiataizu snorted.

Does anyone see him die?

When Gao Yue heard these words from Taizu, she was stunned for an instant.

She remembered that Dan Baizi was killed by Su Jin earlier, and it was impossible for Taizu's character to be unsuccessful. There must be some of them, even the ancient sages who were not weaker than Taizu, who wanted Su Jin to live!


The eternal galaxy begins to destroy——

The great collapse, the great shock began, the crystal red endless galaxy high in the sky was madly being swallowed by darkness, and Su Jin's body was constantly shaking.

"Hahaha! Yedi is going to fall!" Gao Yue woke up and quickly laughed.

Is it……

The testimony of the people of the world, Ye Di kept vomiting blood, and his eternal Milky Way was in the process of collapse. Three swords Baidi's second sword was far more terrifying than the first one. This sword is supreme by him. The sword intent broke this worldless galaxy, worldless heaven!

Su Jin had unbelief in his eyes--

The unworldly galaxy technique, perfect, these three swords, Baidi, seemed to have turned the void into thousands of divine swords, and the slashing of that instant, the hundreds of millions of stars were instantly dispersed!

"It's true this time! Ye Di really started to fall, and his origin of unworldly sovereign hasn't fully awakened, otherwise he won't let the emperor find a chance!" Tears filled his eyes when someone saw it, and for an instant, the whole world was celebrating!

"Heavenly mortal evildoer, should have died long ago! Sure enough, the emperor needs to take action personally, otherwise who can cure him!"

"Even the world-honored one has only survived the second sword of the emperor. How terrible is the last one of that emperor! It's a pity that the invincible emperor will perish in the world because he has cut the self."

"In this battle, Ye Di is a complete loser! He should get these two knives--"

"Did he die? He still fell down after all. Although the emperor will fall, he has finally wiped out a great danger from the heavens. If the emperor does not kill this person, this person will probably dominate the heavens in the future, and no one can fight!"

"It's good! What if it's not the world-honor, it's not dead in the hands of the emperor..."


Su Jin fell horizontally on the black starry sky-

The unworldly Milky Way is unworldly, unable to block the power of the second knife of'death'. He feels that his soul is moving away from this world, but the emperor's'death of stillness' did not destroy his soul... what is this Happening?

The breath stopped abruptly--

The devastated glazed land seems to be unable to conceal the upcoming carnival. This battle is too tragic, but for the glazed land and the 100,000 Supreme Heaven, the result is good...

When the crystal-red eternal Milky Way completely turned into dots of crystal-red flames, falling to the last drop, the dreadful butcher knife seemed to be still trembling...

Something is wrong.

Something is wrong!

When Gao Yue looked at it, her smiley face closed up directly--

In the land of glazed glaze, as if a melodious song of praise appeared from the world, it is resounding in everyone's ears...

And in that dark void, Su Jin's sides of his body seemed to start to condense a pair of vast white wings...

"Angels hymn." The holy angel and the fallen angel are back to back, and the power of the two is mingling! Blend together!

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