My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3670: One knife forever

The sacred hymn is being chanted between heaven and earth——

The fusion of depravity and kindness seems to have directly made the entire glazed land despair, the vast hymn is getting stronger and stronger, and that piece of Su Jin, who was originally a corpse and void, seems to be emitting extremely strong light of resurrection!

"Ah! Someone is saving Ye Di... This... This is what Ye Di had prepared long ago! Ye Di, use one death to carry the second sword of the Emperor!"

Desperate emotions spread to the entire world in an instant. Just as witnessed by countless people, Ye Di was already dead!

"Who, who is saving Ye Di, does the world really have such mysterious supernatural powers? Can you save the world?"

"Don't! Don't... Who is so bold, who dares to be an enemy of the entire glazed land, dare to be an enemy of the emperor, who!"

"The emperor used death to cut down the strongest three swords in his life, and this night emperor took the second cut of "Dead Silence" with death! God, the two seem to have more than just a battle in combat power— —"

"Can you live? Yedi, Yedi seems to be resurrected! My goodness!"


Under everyone's gaze, when the sacred angel hymn seemed to have reached the highest arrogance, the night emperor who had been corpse in the void opened his eyes!


Really alive!

Gao Yue was shocked like five thunders, and with her eyesight, she naturally saw the big problem, that Su Jin not only survived, but also seemed to recover to the peak in an instant——

How is this possible!

"Angel's resurrection technique." Taizu Gao said something meaningful.

"Uh, why did Taizu be like this--" Gao Yue was a little unacceptable. She seemed to be beaten to **** by the scene of Ye Di's resurrection before she woke up from the ecstasy of just gaining freedom.

"The angel family, a special race abandoned by gods in the distant years. No wonder the little guy is so calm. Obviously he had a plan. With the cut just now, although the little guy could not die, but he has no fighting power. This time he is resurrected. It is also considered to have the capital to contend with the third sword of the master of Liuli." Gao Family Taizu said.

"Is the hope great? The second sword of the emperor seems to be ten times more powerful than the first one--" Gao Yue said.

"Not big."

The grandfather of the Gao family shook his head and said: "The third sword is the most powerful killer move. The lord of Liuli may briefly reach the level of an ancient sage. Even if this little guy is resurrected to the pinnacle with the resurrection technique, he will not receive it Come down."

Gao Yue was silent.

To be honest, although Su Jin loves to deceive people and is not honest, this battle is really exciting, and both seem to be fighting wits and courage. If this kind of person is dead, it would be a pity--

At this moment, no one knows...

Su Jin’s experience is so mysterious. He knew that the reason why his soul was not destroyed by "A Sword of Death" was precisely because of the "Angel's Anthem", and in his body, the power of being resurrected by the angels was perfectly restored. .

This kind of magical power can no longer be described by reaching the peak, even a real god, such as the high moon, can’t do it—

Su Jin has always been worried. After all, although he has complete trust in the Lord of the Fallen Angels and the Lord of the Holy Angels, the object of resurrection is that he is not the Lord. The difficulty is conceivable--

Now, Su Jin looked at his hands, all his strength remained at the peak of incomparable strength, and all the injuries in his body seemed to be healed by that kind of magical power.

It's terrible, this is Su Jin's highest evaluation of the Lord of Fallen Angels and the Lord of Holy Angels!

The **** butcher knife seemed to be unable to stand the stimulation!

The Three Swords Baidi always counts others. Only the people he sees and the strong ones he treats carefully can be counted by him, otherwise he will directly destroy them with the power of crushing...

But three swords Baidi, a thousand counts, did not count Su Jin still have this trick!

"When you use the deadly galaxy, you have been planning how to deliberately die, so that you can stay on top when you resurrect." Sandao Baidi said slowly.

"Yes, your second sword did what I wanted--" The feeling that Su Jin stood in the void again and returned to the top was not so wonderful.

"Your cunning, even I can be deceived by you." Sandao Baidi is still calm, not like the cultivators in the glazed land.

But thinking about it is normal--

Without the World-Venerable, it is impossible to be destroyed in this simple way. Although the second knife is strong, it will not reach the point where it will not crush the World-Venerable.

And Su Jin's actions seemed to be provoking the entire glazed land!

After all, as a peerless powerhouse, Sandao Baidi has the courage to die, he... also!

"The last cut—"

Countless monks are beginning to get nervous, and the current tension is far greater than ever before! And the three swords Baidi and Su Jin, who are currently at their peak, still have to fight for the victory with one blow!

"The emperor has surpassed himself at any time before. This third sword will be the last one in his life! What about the peak Yedi? Just now the dead Galaxy, he may not be able to use it temporarily—"

"The Eternal Milky Way has been shattered. In a short period of time, Ye Di will not be able to use it again. It is absolutely impossible for him to use that method again, so the current advantage of the emperor is still very large.

"Even if the emperor wins, it is a tragic victory. Both of them will end up at the same time, and no one knows what the Ye Emperor has to do."

"As long as the emperor of the night can live, he will be considered to be a winner...The emperor can’t be resurrected, it’s too bad--"


When the world thinks back before, most of them feel it is a pity.

It's fine if you didn't get rid of Ye Di with the first sword, but the ‘Dead Silence’ with the second sword just now was the most regrettable. That sword had already killed Ye Di!

Su Jin was quietly waiting for the other party to take the third shot--

Without the world of Yinhe, Su Jin could hardly use it anymore, although he knew that the opponent's third knife was the most dangerous one, but he no longer had the strongest means!

Of course, Su Jin can’t express his true inner thoughts on his face——

At this moment, nothing is more worrying than the female sisters of the Chaosheng Banshee.

They know Yedi best!

Eternal Milky Way is definitely Yedi's greatest support. If Yedi can no longer use Eternal Galaxy, he will definitely not be able to take this third sword.

"Thanks." The Chaosheng Banshee shivered as she looked at the fallen angels dominating the two sisters, and said slowly.

"I can only do my best to do this, this third knife, Ye Di will be very difficult to pick up——" The fallen angel ruler wiped the sweat from her forehead. Just to keep her safe, she still blessed the "Angel Anthem" for her sister. Fortunately, otherwise, the resurrection technique of that kind of intensity would be absolutely unbearable with the sister alone, and there would even be a great risk of failure.

Fortunately, it succeeded——

"Even if the emperor is lucky enough to survive, he will have to pass the ancient sage, how should he contend." Xinyuehu sighed.

The ancient sages are like a big mountain, weighing heavily on the hearts of the women.


Huofeng Wasteland!

Su Jin unfolded the wheel of the secret of heaven and unfolded nine ways! In the end, he sank into the divine bridge that runs through heaven and earth——

"As a peerless powerhouse, you should know that I can't retreat." Su Jin looked at the Three Swords Baidi, "With this cut, I will devote everything I can to fight for the future!"

This scene surprised and delighted everyone in the world——

Gao Yue had just experienced Su Jin's state not long ago. She didn't feel that the wheel of the secret of heaven and the bridge of heaven and earth were too strong.

She feels that Su Jin is really poor...

"Taizu, if he only has this method, then he can go to death." Gao Yue said slowly.

The grandfather of the Gao family glared at Gao Yue, and said, "When you were fighting with him, he was obviously asking you, if you don't understand the situation, give me nothing."

Let her?


Gao Yue sighed, she didn't believe it!

With such a familiar scene, Gao Yue naturally knew the strength of Su Jin's method, so she said it so as not to be too far-fetched.

"Don't be convinced, don't you see that he has a mortal heart? At this time, he is the most terrifying, and he has not left a way for himself." Gao Jiataizu snorted: "Look, look good, Study hard, you will also embark on an invincible road in the future——"

Gao Yue did not speak.

She is still angry.

But Gao Yue really wanted to see if the Ye Emperor really did everything as Taizu said--


The entire Secret Wheel of Heaven began to burn like a halo in the void world!


The Heaven and Earth God Bridge is also being ignited by inexplicable power. The Heaven and Earth God Bridge that runs through the void is so spectacular that it has been burned by Ye Di at all costs!


Su Jin was bathed in a flame of heaven and earth. He closed his eyes and stretched his hands. In the soaring flame, an unparalleled Kaifeng dragon scale sword embryo appeared directly in the eyes of the world!

"The flesh becomes a sword! Is it the emperor's blade that is sharper, or the sword of his sword god, better?" Pieces of exclamation, as if setting off a shocking wave!

The bridge of heaven and earth is collapsing!

The Secret Wheel of the Sky is capturing all power. In the vast burning vast standing wheel, a series of black dead word scriptures and "Striking the sky scripture", go to the sky, shuttle between the infinite time and space, and capture Infinite Heaven is blessed on Su Jin's sword body!


That peerless sword seemed to make people look at it, and it felt like a pain in the heart!

the other side! Three swords Baidi turned into a thousand-zhang slaughter knife, as if walking out of a figure.

Hundreds of thousands of ways, tens of thousands of ways, in the next dozens of breaths, hundreds of billions of sword intents turned into the emperor's figure, sinking into the deep space!

"Emperor! The emperor has walked hundreds of billions of roads to the heavens in all directions! This is the means to achieve the ancient sages! The emperor should not, should not cut off the self!"

Countless people are heartbroken!

Three swords Baidi, the third sword, has broken through to the level of the ancient sage! If he doesn't cut himself off, he can become the ancient sage now!

But then again! If it weren't for the power to cut off the self and still bless him, he would never reach this point!

"The third sword is called Yongsheng." Three swords Baidi sighed, as if regretting himself. He now has the third sword at the level of the ancient sage, but he has already cut his own body, and there is nothing to be a pity. ——

The third cut.

eternal life!

The sword power of the ancient sage level! Ye Di, how to pick it up!

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