My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3671: Bronze Emperor

Becoming an ancient sage was the eternal regret of the three swords Baidi——

Cut the original self, the pinnacle of achievement three swords, but he seemed to have a wish in advance when the third sword, which had to make the world embarrassed.

"An ancient sage, avatar infinitely, walks towards the heavens in all directions. Although his body is destroyed, he is equivalent to an ancient sage! This is not a world-honored person, and death should be ignored." Some monks who believe in the emperor bow their heads and cry, some want to achieve The peak, but fell to the peak, I have to say that this is a very sad thing.

"Our land of glazed glaze, the one who could have had an ancient sage, is this **** night emperor, shattered everything--"

"The third sword is immortal, as if the emperor is laughing at himself. After this sword, he will be completely wiped out and annihilated in the world, but his ancient sage will last forever!"

"Emperor Ye, the emperor who deserves death!"

"This knife will definitely cut him a thousand times!"


Wailing everywhere, this is the most real sight in the Land of Glazed Glass!


Right now!

The Taizu Gao's face changed drastically, he heard the roar of the spar idol, and finally, when he looked at Su Jin again, he fell into a deep frown.

"Taizu, what happened?" Gao Yue also felt a palpitation just now. She was sure that it was not from the power of the Sandao Baidi, nor was it Su Jin who turned into a divine sword.

"Someone wants to stop Ye Didao from disappearing, huh!" Gao Jiataizu clenched his fists, his tone was faintly angry, he seemed very angry—

And when Gao Yue looked at Su Jin again...

She just stared blankly.

The Secret Wheel, go out!

Heaven and Earth God Bridge, go out!

Nine Dao, Su Jin’s raging flame as a sword was also affected by inexplicable power, and the place where Su Jin was located, as if time and space flow back, and in a flash, it seemed as if nothing had happened—

Can someone really turn back time and space?

Can someone really bring back what has happened?

Gao Yue stayed, and now the world's people do not know how many eyes fell on the ground!

Even Su Jin, who had completely regained his human form, looked at his hands in an incredible way, someone stopped him! That kind of power is beyond imagination!

"Who, who is it!" The voice of Sandao Baidi roared with a roar, and he also felt abnormal!

Su Jin looked around, vaguely, his bone ring seemed to be out of control, and the half drop of the "Tears of Honor" floated out!

Boom boom boom -

Sun Luotian, open!

Su Jin was shocked, Senluo plane hung above his head, and his Aotian God Axe slowly drifted down in that blue ink streamer!

"Old slave, it's finally not too late..."

Some familiar voices for Su Jin appeared directly in the ears of the world——

But at that scene, even Su Jin was sluggish, it turned out to be... it was him...

Not too long ago, the Heavenly Dao Wanggu took him to the Peerless Immortal Burial, and he saw the Life Immortal King, but in that immortal burial, he... met the living old stone man...

At that time, Su Jin always felt that the old stone man was abnormal. He pityed the people of the world. He always carried the corpse and buried it under the wall of the Celestial City. The old stone man was still very timid and often cried alone. ...

But who would have thought that this old stone man is really "Bronze Heavenly Emperor"!

"Ancient sage! Why did another ancient sage come here! Who is he? Which ancient sage is he!" The people of the world seemed to be struck by thunder, hit hard by reality, and howling after another!

"This ancient sage may have been there all the time! And the spar idol has been roaring to the south for several days! A few days ago, the world-zun summoned three dead ancient sages, one of them also looked towards To the south!"

"The great ancestor of the Kingdom of God, may have known the other side's existence! He didn't even choose to save Dan Baizi! It turns out that there are ancient sages who have been silently supporting Ye Di!"

"Oh my God! What color is this...rewind...rewind..."

Countless **** cities, countless vast lands, all began to be filled with infinite bronze colors.

Among the **** butcher knife, the three swords Baidi was terrified, and almost roared in a tone of disbelief: " are...the bronze emperor!"


It's really like thousands of thunderbolts in the hearts of everyone-

The Bronze Emperor, the Bronze Emperor who truly opened up a Bronze Age era! Still alive! Moreover, he still silently supports the unworldly Lord Su Jin from behind...

God, this seems to be a terrible nightmare, many people want to wake up quickly!

Gao Yue was already speechless, and she couldn't think of why the other party helped him in this state without the worldly awakening completely!

"Aren't seniors getting used to being in different time and space?" Su Jin asked slowly. He was very surprised when the other party appeared, but he also guessed that the other party was a living ancient sage or even a bronze emperor, just this one. The old man did not admit it.

"I'm used to...too used to..." Old Shiren said grimly, "The old slave has just awakened this time, and it's not too late. Please don't be the Lord... Don't blame -"

"Senior need not be polite." Su Jin shook his head, "The other party's ancient sages did not intervene, and I don't want Senior to participate in this battle."

"I only come here to repay my gratitude." Bronze Heavenly Emperor said: "But I won't be criticized by the world, embarrassed——"

"What kind of favor?" Su Jin hesitated and asked.

"The king of life, the burial of a peerless immortal, I, as an ancient sage, should have passed away...but I am not favored by the world-honored person. After the bronze glory ends, I will be completely enshrined by a decree and a yellow list, so that I can grow. Surviving to this day, I have escaped a catastrophe." The Bronze Emperor said a lot of misin.

be quiet.

This moment is probably the quietest moment in the Land of Glazed Glass——

In the past, the old sages and sages can be made gods by deciding on the yellow list? Are the ancient sages not gods?

"Old friend, are you so suitable..." The icy voice of Taizu Gao passed over.

But the words of the Taizu Gao family did not get a response from the Bronze Emperor.

The bronze emperor, not even the Taizu of the Gao family!

"Old slave, voluntarily enter the master of the king's martial arts, and become an unworldly **** slave, please fulfill it!" The old stone man directly knelt down and worshiped——

Su Jin stayed.

After the dullness, Su Jin shook his head.

"No." Su Jin couldn't do that.

He knew the plan of the Bronze Emperor.

There are additional openings on the Aotian Shenwu, and half of the tears of the seal have sealed the "Starry Sky Ancient Emperor" in it! Now the old stone man asked Su Jin to use the tears of honor on him, he couldn't accept it at all!

"No problem, even if the tears of the honor seal me in the **** axe, as long as the world is not willing, I will still be free." The Bronze Heavenly Emperor didn't even think about it, and immediately began to reduce it quickly--

Immediately, it turned into a soya bean-sized existence, submerged in the tears of Fengzun!


In the land of glazed glass, infinite lightning seems to be shining in the sky! At this moment, the tears of sealing the bronze heavenly emperor were directly embedded on the Aotian Shenwu!

"No! The living ancient sage was voluntarily sealed in Shenwu! He is alive..." Countless people have been hit...

Even so, no one thinks it is so unfair! In the world of monks, strength is over! Others can do this, that's the ability of others——

The grandfather of the Gao family was pale.

"Taizu, if you had a fight with that bronze emperor, who would be more powerful with him?" Gao Yue was still in a daze, and quickly asked Taizu Xiang.

"Five-five." Gao Taizu said with an ugly expression.

"How many times is it open?" Gao Yue was momentarily sluggish, is the Bronze Emperor so powerful? Can you even make a tie with Taejo?

"Four-six...I am four, he is six!" Gao Taizu thought that Gao Yue was really asking about his chances of winning.

Gao Yue:...

"Impossible!" Gao Yue was about to collapse, and the Bronze Heavenly Emperor was able to steadily defeat Taizu. She could not accept this fact, a fact that Taizu admitted personally.

"Do you have to get to the bottom of it? Didn't you see that he didn't even give me a glance...Twenty-eight, twenty-eight start! Do you know why he is called the Bronze Emperor? He has been invincible for an era. The Bronze Age was created by him. There were a lot of ancient sages, how many can be comparable to his bronze emperor--" The grandfather of the Gao family was a little annoyed by Gao Yue's question.

Between heaven and earth, hurricanes are coming!

There are terrible hurricanes carrying terrifying thunder and lightning everywhere, and that shot of the Ootian Divine Martial Art seems to gather the world's ultimate power, making people feel shy when they just glance at it!


In the densely intertwined thunder and lightning, the Taoist shadow of the ancient emperor in the starry sky, showing a kneeling posture, manifested high in the sky!


In the other hole, the old stone man bronze heavenly emperor, like the starry sky ancient emperor, knelt down and appeared, Feng Xiang Yedi——

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief, the Bronze Heavenly Emperor was really harmless, even if he used the tears of honor, it would not hinder freedom, at least, he could not die.

"No World Honored!" Knowing that he could no longer pick up on the other side's fault, the three-sword Baidi began to scream through the Wanzhang Swordsman frantically: "Although I have no flesh, now I am equivalent to an ancient sage! I am immortal with this sword, you... dare you... To pick!"


Su Jin grasped the Aotian Divine Axe, the mysterious feeling of heaven and earth moving with the trend, like a blessed soul, let him experience the real kind of majestic posture!

The bronze emperor's tears into the seal, the origin of Su Jin's Senluo plane seemed to be more thoroughly understood by him, and through the axe of the Austrian gods, the power he controlled seemed to be far beyond the past! !

"Bronze is over, the gods are at dusk." The bronze emperor slowly spoke-

"The starry sky exists because of my presence, ninety-nine to You Xingchentian!" The ancient emperor Xingkong shouted afterwards!

One knife, immortality.

Tears, honor!

Su Jin held the axe, and also shouted: "After this sword is immortal, there will be no more master of Liuli! This sword! I'll take it!"

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