My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3672: Ragnarok

Su Jin, will take this third cut!

Three swords Baidi, there were two defeats before, and the last one, can he kill the World-Venerable against the sky!

At present, for the strong of the 100,000 Supreme Heavens and the Land of Colored Glaze, they have all heard the change in Su Jin’s tone. He is too confident, especially in the Bronze Emperor, self-proclaimed in the tears of the venerable. This kind of power No one dares to look down upon.

The gods at dusk.

Ninety-nine to Youxingchentian!

The power of the ancient emperor of the stars and the bronze emperor is affecting the entire land of colored glaze!

Everywhere seems to be in the process of destruction by natural disasters——

Infinite blue lightning, mixed with terrible black hurricanes, every city is shaking, the rumbling of the earth, like a roar, makes people feel weak.

At this moment, no one would dare to think that he could survive this catastrophe, no matter how powerful Dao heart and courage were against the sky!

"Our emperor, there is still a chance... and..." Someone choked and wept. The first two swords of the emperor have been used, and the third one, some people naturally still have confidence in him.

"The third sword, the power of the emperor has reached the ancient sages! This third sword, "Eternal Life", will completely kill the world-honored person and restore peace to the world!"

"It's hard to say! It's hard to say..."

"The bronze emperor who opened the Bronze Era era, once ruled the heavens of an era, he was far more powerful than our emperor at that time! And now he... even claims to be a tool spirit, you must know that he is still alive— —"

"The living ancient sages have used the Twilight of the Gods. Although the ancient emperor in the starry sky is only a shadow, but under the power of the emperor's profound understanding, he seems to be reborn. This third sword is immortal, and there is a king of the emperor. With the rank of martial arts, the emperor might not be able to kill him--"

"Damn it! Originally, our glazed land has already secured a chance to win, now... why are there ancient sages joining the battle now!"


Wailing everywhere, this is the status quo of the entire Glazed Land——

And the great butcher knife in the sky, now under the intent of the "eternal life", its power and strength seem to be constantly skyrocketing!


In the 10,000-zhang butcher knife, the imaginary figure of the Sandao Baidi faintly appeared, and the figure burned with flames, as if extremely tired.

"Shen Yuan, also burned--" Gao Yue was taken aback.

"Watching this battle carefully will be of great benefit to your future." The ancestor of the Gao family was also a little surprised, and quickly said to the natural **** Gao Yue.

"The power of the Lord of Colored Glaze, even if it is a sage of the early Jin Dynasty, his power is definitely not weak. Great Patriarch, if the Lord of Colored Glaze did not kill the self and truly became a sage of the ancients, can he fight you? "Gao Yue asked.

"Better than me." Gao Jiataizu admitted.

"Huh?" Gao Yue was a little unbelievable.

The grandfather of the Gao family pondered, and said: "If the Lord of Liuli doesn't kill the self, he will become the Lord of eternal life, truly immortal, and he will live forever with this sword, even if I am the night emperor. I can't take it."

"How could it--" Gao Yue was a little hard to accept, she suddenly thought of a terrible thing, and asked blankly: "If Ye Di takes this last cut, are you going to complete the agreement with the Lord of Liuli? "

"Naturally, the ancient sages value promises, but I do countless calculations, but I didn't count that the little guy has the tears of honor——" the Gao Family Taizu said helplessly.

Gao Yue:...

Although she saw Taejo’s helplessness, in her mind, Taejo was invincible. What she just said to her, she thinks should be mostly humble words——

"Wanzhang butcher knife, because the three swords Baidi burned everything, his power is still skyrocketing, he has a great chance to live forever with this sword!" Gao Yue felt it, and suddenly felt that the blood in his delicate body was boiling!



The butcher knife was trembling, and every inch of the knife around the knife seemed to have bizarre cracks, not only destroying the void.

And every detail on the knife, when seen by everyone at this moment, seems to have a feeling of vastness like the world!

Su Jin's face is still very solemn--

A sword that reaches the power of the ancient sages and sages can be immortal, and the intent of the sword alone seems to be crushing the world at all times.



The ancient emperor of the starry sky "Nine-Nine to You Xingchen Tian" fell directly above the sky! But the ninety-nine layer of the sky, before it fell a hundred meters, was shattered by that terrifying saint's sword intent——


In the southern forbidden land, all the female cultivators, including the Chaosheng Banshee, were suffocated.

"After Ye Di sealed the Taoist shadow of the ancient emperor in the starry sky in "Tears of the Venerable", he has never been as weak as today. It represents ninety-nine world days!" The Chaosheng Banshee was frightened by the other emperor.

"That emperor is really ruthless, my sister, did he really kill all the imperial concubines, but our night emperor should be more powerful now, after all, there is a living ancient sage, blessed by the Aotian God Axe上——" When the enchantress said, he was a little bit unconfident. After all, the Lord of Colored Lime was too invincible.

"The person who can kill the self, plus the battlefield is set in the imperial mausoleum, he knows that when the self is removed, it is impossible to live anymore, so he cannot let go of his imperial concubines."

The virgin concubine thought for a while, and slowly said: "That person should be the real bronze emperor, but he settled in the tears of the seal and blessed the Aotian **** axe. How much effect does he really have and how much improvement it can bring to the night emperor? Look."

"Eternal life with a knife is too terrifying. I can hardly imagine that this piece of supreme divine land, including the one hundred thousand highest heavens, can compare to this knife. If the bronze emperor gives Yedi little blessing, the opponent is likely to use this knife to cut it. Fallen Night Emperor——"

"Yedi will definitely win, definitely..."

"But even if the Lord of Liuli is dead, there is still a living ancient sage behind him."


At this time, the faint stars of the ancient emperor of the starry sky turned into a little bit of starlight, all shattered, and the power naturally no longer.

Su Jin felt the axe trembling crazily from the axe of the Aotian god, and immediately he looked at the old stone man not far away, the bronze emperor!

The entire world, the entire land of the glazed glaze, all seem to have been affected by the Bronze Emperor——

To the naked eye, a piece of copper-green color will render all the picturesque landscapes, here, after all, the Bronze Age also existed!

Twilight of the gods, the ancient sage power of the Bronze Heavenly Emperor, can he bless the "Axe of Aotian God" so that Su Jin can cut out the axe to block the eternal life?

God’s sighs came in endlessly--

In the patina rendered world, the ancient gods seem to have fallen, disappeared, and gradually gathered into an irreversible scene.

Su Jin's Aotian **** axe was constantly trembling. With a low growl, he directly raised the axe, soaring into the sky, quickly approaching the ten thousand zhang knife!

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