My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3673: Desperately, who dare not!

Ye Di chose to take the initiative!

For Su Jin, the current Aotian Shenwu had no idea how much he had improved compared to the original. You know, the previous Aotian Shenwu was only blessed by the Tao Ying of the ancient emperor of the starry sky, but now... a living bronze heavenly emperor brings infinite possibilities for this king-level Shenwu!

The tension is definitely to the extreme.

"The emperor cannot lose! Absolutely cannot lose!"

This is the wish of countless creatures!

"If the emperor is defeated, after this sword, Yedi will definitely be liquidated! The great grandfather of the Gao family who supported the emperor, after seeing the bronze emperor, did not dare to attack the emperor." Someone in the land of Liuli said.

"Bronze Emperor, Taizu Gao is naturally inferior to him... Having this person support Yedi also gives Yedi the ability to take this sword for immortality."

"The emperor has surpassed himself at the price of slashing his own self. His life is a miracle. Will this ever-lasting life be brilliant?"

"Ye Di... just rushed forward? Is it because of the support of the bronze emperor that makes him so confident?"


At this moment--

Even in the face of the three swords Baidi's last hit "Eternal Life", Su Jin was still indomitable, leaving no way out for himself, and rushed directly!

The complete knife mang, at the moment Su Jin approached, began to show off, the entire "Ten Thousand Swordsman", as if not wanting to give Su Jin any opportunity to approach.


Su Jin turned into a blood man almost instantly, his skin, flesh and blood, all under the influence of that ancient sage-like existence, were cut open by the marks of the three swords Baidi!

"This kind of confrontation between the strong is indeed worthy of awe-" Gao Yue, even a natural god-man, couldn't help but admire at this moment.

Su Jin’s current situation makes it painful to see-

If it weren't for Taizu's reasons, Gao Yue really didn't want Su Jin to die now. As Taizu said earlier, watching the battle between the strong would be of great benefit to her future.

What's more, if you stay with Su Jin for ten years in the future, the impact on her will be unimaginable. This night Emperor, whether it is courage, courage, or strength, will make people feel a deep sense of conviction. ——

"Have you seen... the strong are fighting, and the retreat is the inferior. Ye Di takes the initiative to find opportunities, even if he pays some price, he must stand in the upper hand, and don't want the power of the Lord of Liuli to continue to bless the last blow." Zu said.

"Ah? The Lord of Liuli, is he still blessing the last cut? I think the power of this last cut has reached its limit." Gao Yue was a little puzzled.

"You don't know the level of the ancient sages too..." Taizu Gao shook his head, and said, "This last knife didn't fall for a long time. It is precisely because the Lord of Liuli broke through himself and reached the level of the ancient sages. His tens of thousands of empty roads have walked thousands of himself, toward the heavens in all directions, waiting for those powers to go back, this sword will live forever, and the power can be increased by several percentages—"

Can increase!

Gao Yue trembled in her heart and quickly asked, "Can the Bronze Heavenly Emperor bless his king bone weapon, can he take this knife?"

"It's a little bit hanging--" The Great Master of the Gao family shook his head, "With the tears of the honorable, stationed in Shenwu, it is impossible for Shenwu to absorb all the power of the Bronze Emperor. This battle is hard to say."

"How can it be so troublesome? The Bronze Heavenly Emperor didn't choose to recognize the Lord, and just obliterated the knife." Gao Yue said.

"Human words are terrible. Although the Bronze Emperor is still alive, the price of human words is more vicious than any attack method, just like I met these two emperors before the war—"

The grandfather of the Gao family thought for a while, and continued: "They can't bear my price at all, but they never thought that if I take action, it will affect the balance of the battle, and then my face in the heavens should go Where to put it?"

"Qiang is over, what kind of face." Gao Gaoyue snorted: "Also, the bronze emperor just said that the former unworldly-zun saved him and didn't let him fall in the age when all the sages and sages died. How did the ancestor survive?"

The Taizu Gao family stiffened--

As if a little shameless, the grandfather of the Gao family shook his head again and again: "Don't say..."

Gao Yue didn't want to ask, and immediately her eyes began to be attracted by the battle.

"Ye Di! You dare to bear my sword intent, but you don't know that this will make you fall faster and more thorough!" The emperor yelled frantically in the sword.

"Many ancient sages will only become stronger and stronger only after they go to the heavens, and I...understand your plan, and now you can’t confidently cut me with the sword of eternal life, only when you walk through the heavens, you It will become stronger with a single blow--" Su Jin sneered.

It's not a secret--

Su Jin naturally understood that there were predecessors, such as Shennong, Fuxi, and even Suiren. Which figure who became famous among the heavens did not walk the heavens at first?

Sui Renhuang, vowed to bring fire to every dark corner of the heavens. This is the most powerful place of the ancient sages. The kind of sentiment that walks the heavens is the way of heaven, and it is not limited to the way of heaven.

On the face of it, the opponent was immortal with a sword, and he was lingering. It seemed that he was giving Su Jin a chance, but in fact the opponent was just waiting—

"It's are much smarter than my idiot, the emperor——" The emperor said to him after a little contemplation, as if he could see Su Jin's state in the knife.

"Then... fall!" Su Jin began to lift the Austrian God Axe with both hands.

Aotian God Axe, it seems to gather thousands of blue ink streamers!

At the same time, Su Jin's left arm plane arm bone was also madly pouring plane origin into the Aotian God Axe.


Su Jin's axe seemed unstoppable!

And with the strongest manifestation of the plane's arm bones, not only the patina appeared in the sky above the entire glazed land, but there was also a hundred billion mile radius of the forest plane, as if it was a real reproduction!

Although the light is strong, it seems that it is difficult to conceal the blood man holding the magic axe!

Hundreds of thousands of sword intents, unexpectedly began to be affected by Su Jin's aura, those sword marks were all affected by the power of the Aotian Divine Martial and the plane origin, and they collapsed one by one——


The thunder of destruction seems to be scattered between "Ten Thousand Swordsman" and Su Jin like a blood man!


The dull voice began to slash with Su Jin's axe, and began to resound throughout the world!

The sky split, splitting the end of countless stars——

The butcher's place! When everyone can see clearly, the astonishing hustle and bustle is all over the land of colored glaze!

"Hahahaha! It's okay, the emperor took down this axe!" Someone cried with joy. He didn't expect that the Emperor Ye in such a state would not be able to defeat the ten thousand zhang slaughter knife condensed by the gods.

"This axe can't do meritorious service. Next, it's him that Yedi will endure an immortality! I am afraid that Yedi would not even dream of it. With the blessing of the bronze emperor and the help of the ancient sages, he cannot completely eliminate the emperor. Smart, but now he... miscalculated! Enough to make him fatally miscalculate—"

"What? If the emperor is promoted to the ancient sages in the flesh, I am afraid that the heavens will be ruled by him and become the eternal emperor. Just now, the axe of the night emperor can only leave a scar on the ten thousand zhang knife, and the distance is completely wiped out. How far apart."

"I didn't expect it! The emperor is invincible——"

"What about the bronze emperor, now it's the emperor's decision! When his endless clone comes from the heavens, the power goes back, this knife, even your bronze emperor!"

"Hahaha, Yedi couldn't kill the emperor's **** at such a tragic price. He wanted to prevent the immortality from coming, but he did not know that he brought himself to ruin... I have to say that the emperor is too morale. ."

"Everyone! We are about to witness the fall of the Emperor Ye Di! He has been struggling to support him to the present, and he should be content. With the name of the emperor, countless people will remember him in the first battle!"


Many voices filled the ears of the omnipresent saints——

The bronze heavenly emperor who was worshipping, his face was slightly cold--

The world has forgotten.

Forgot one thing.

This axe is an axe of the emperor of the night, and his bronze gods of the emperor have not yet fallen.

Rumble rumbling--

The huge sound began to resound from the west of the Glazed Land!

There, there are tens of thousands of phantoms of the White Emperor with Three Swords, opening the way and starting to look back! They seem to have inherited the sage's ambitions and walked endless distances. When they walked, the heavens were clinging to them, and every kind of heaven was blessing these imaginary three-sword white emperor figures——

Su Jin secretly shouted badly.

The power of this axe just now, even though it was already strong enough, the price paid by the other party could be described as insignificant compared with the painful price he paid.

And more importantly... is that the ten thousand zhang slaughter knife now transformed by this divine essence will bring endless heavenly power——

This is the most terrible.

In other words, Su Jin's biggest worry still happened.

"Look carefully, from now on, Ye Di's odds of winning will be reduced by 10% to 10%. If he can't think of a way to stop it, in the end, this will be a situation that will die together, and I won't have to make a move. "The grandfather of the Gao family slowly said to Gao Yue.

To the same end, for the strong, this situation is definitely a terrible situation-

In an instant, the phantom of a million ancient sages continued to walk from other directions.

The scars cut on the 10,000-zhang butcher knife began to slowly disappear with the return of the imaginary figure of Baidi with a million three swords!

The sword intent is even more terrifying.

Su Jin could feel the unimaginable danger, and his perception of the crisis had always been strong, but at this time... he was really helpless.

"Ye should be on the road--" From the Wanzhang Tudao, the voice of the Lord of Liuli came. As the emperor, he wanted this result.

Su Jin gritted his teeth secretly, and finally seemed to have made a major decision, "You dare to work hard, I dare! The big deal, this king will not be the world honored in the future! And you, and the great ancestor of the high family, I will completely cut it. nothingness!"

Don't be the Lord?

He He……

When the Taizu Gao family heard this, his face changed greatly.

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