My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3674: Burning the sky, the road to awakening!

Yedi’s words have an absolutely infinite impact for the Great Grandparents——

Not being the world-honored person, this means that he is driven to a desperate situation. He will bet on his life to kill all powerful enemies, even confident that he can completely kill the emperor, and even the Gao family. !

How is it possible!

What will he do!

The Taizu Gao family vaguely guessed a possibility, but how could that happen——

"Taizu, what does he want to do!" Gao Yue felt his whole body numb, as if he had heard the scariest sentence of this century, and Su Jin's words, no one thought he was joking!

"Burning the origin, not the origin of the world-honored person, he will not be the world-honored person, after the origin is burned, his power will rise to the point where I can't even imagine, he...even will use this to fully awaken for a short time and wipe everything out! "The tone of the grandfather of the Gao family is extremely solemn.

He was shocked by his own speculation.

If Su Jin can, how can he live?

Earlier, the great ancestor of the Gao family had agreed to the Lord of Liuli. After the death of the Lord of Liuli, he failed to fight against the world-zun, and he also accepted the benefits. If this is the case, he will also bear the price that might make him fall. !

"How could it be burned if you don't have the world-honored origin..." Gao Yue's mind was already blank. Even Yedi couldn't burn with that intensity of the original power. Isn't this a joke?

The land of glazed glaze, all quieted down——

They seemed to be shocked by Ye Di's words.

"He had this plan a long time ago." The grandfather of the Gao family recalled and sighed: "Think about it, before the bronze heavenly emperor appeared, he started burning nine daos and burning the heaven and earth divine bridge. I am afraid it was for this moment - "

"He knows that the burning of the nine paths can not resist the third sword of the Lord of Colored Glaze. He wants to use the power of the nine burning paths and the heaven and earth bridge to burn the world's noble origin?" Gao Yue asked.

"At that time, it didn't seem to be very good--" The grandfather of the Gao family thought for a while and said.

"But why is he so confident now?"

"do not know."

The Taizu Gao family really didn’t know, but the most likely reason was that the bronze emperor joined—

This moment is definitely the most glorious moment in Su Jin's life!

Under Zhu Qiang's gaze, Su Jin's blood color faded!

Su Jin held the axe in one hand, gently raised the other hand, and pointed directly at the void!

"Eternal Life Palace!"


Countless "Eternal Life Palace" intertwined with thunder begins to descend! In the interlaced switching between the virtual and the real, people seem to see the supreme mystery, and the halo-like ribbon is the ‘Wanbao River’!

"I guessed, he wants to live! At this moment, if you don't burn the nine realms, you should think of another way to burn the origin of the world-honored one! There is no other way to burn the origin of the world-first. He can survive the nine realms!" Gao Yue quickly exclaimed. Tao.

The grandfather of the Gao family smiled approvingly at Gao Yue... Gao Yue can think of this level, and it proves that she has really grown...

It's just that it's one thing to say, it's another thing to be able to do it. easy to say, hard to do!

"Unexpectedly, the Hall of Longevity is also under his control--" The Great Master Gao sighed incomparably.

If it were not for immortality with one sword, the emperor had reached the level of the ancient sages in a special state, I am afraid that the great grandfather of the Gao family had already thought that the general situation was over.

But even so... the emperor still has a great opportunity. After all, the other party only needs to wait for all the Taoist shadows, carry the infinite heavenly path, and settle in the ten thousand zhang knife. The then "One Sword Eternal Life" will be able to kill everything!

Will things really be as easy as Su Jin thought...

"Open!" Su Jin gathered all his strength, fiercely turned his left hand into a big hand, and grabbed it on the door of the Longevity Hall!


The Palace of Longevity just shook a little--

Su Jin's expression changed slightly. He indeed thought of a feasible way, that is, to open the Palace of Longevity and bless his power. Then he will try to burn the source of the world-honored one! But he thought very well, but he never expected that with his current strength, he could not open the "Eternal Palace"!

This is impossible! Not long ago, Su Jin, despite some tricks, opened the Palace of Longevity once... Now he feels unable to shake it.

Effort, that is, the feeling of extreme labor and despair!

"Why is this?" This is a question that the Empress Maid, Chaosheng Banshee and others are also wondering.

With Yedi's current strength, it is impossible not to open the Palace of Longevity!

"Everything has an aura, like the Longevity Hall, it absolutely possesses transcendent wisdom. As the master of the Longevity Hall, Ye Di, but if you want to use the power of the Longevity Hall to ignite the origin of the World-Honored One, it is still too difficult—"

"Does the Palace of Longevity have Linghui..."

From the bottom of my heart, the Chaosong Banshee naturally does not want Su Jin to burn without the origin of the World Honored. These beautiful servants of his must be guarded as not the World Honored, otherwise... once the power of the Great Divine Dao is gone, these women... …

The Chaosheng Banshee dare not think about it anymore...




After several calls, Su Jin tried his best! The Palace of Longevity, it seems that it also no longer manifests in its physical state.

The Palace of Longevity, is going to disappear?

Su Jin felt the resistance from the Palace of Longevity, and he was desperately anxious now! To play? If this continues, as the emperor continues to increase his strength, he will definitely not be able to stop the last immortal sword!

"I let you drive!" Su Jin roared!


The Palace of Longevity no longer seemed to be in conflict, and it was instantly golden, as if it had become the most dazzling existence in this world!

Even if there are two ancient sages present at this moment, the Bronze Emperor and the ancestors of the Gao family can't see clearly the scene inside the longevity hall——


A beam of golden light, like a vast passage, is directly projected on Su Jin——

Su Jin seemed to be assimilated by that strong golden light.

In an instant, the entire void of the glazed land began to become unstable. Yes, that kind of instability makes people feel desperate!

Soon, every corner of the Land of Glazed Glass, even within a radius of hundreds of billions of miles, seemed to be filled with an inexplicable aura... the aura of ancient invincibility.

" World Honored!" On the face of the bronze emperor, the muscles trembled lightly. Like the ancient emperor Xingkong, he bowed his head, but his voice seemed to announce a terrifying name——

Not the Lord.

An existence that scares the heavens...

Without the world-zun Yedi, he cannot be completely awakened in this world, and it is not so scary, but now! With the help of the Palace of Longevity, Ye Di is very likely to awaken completely without the power of the Lord!

No one is not afraid of the existence that silences the heavens--


A circle of crystal red, like an incomparably splendid nebula color, spreads directly, and what follows is a flame all over each crystal red color!

At that moment, Qingtian seemed to burn.


Thousands of cities are swaying. At this time, the creatures are silent, but they are better than the sound!

The land of glazed glaze, the monks of the 100,000 highest heavens, no matter how strong or weak, no matter their position, at this moment, God is not there! The breath of the world-zun seems to be the only sky here!

Countless monks who regarded Ye Di as their mortal enemy, none of them fell, all of them were under the burning blue sky, as if they were pressed against the ground by a pair of invisible hands! It's all on knees!

"It's burning! It's burning..." someone was scared to cry, crying with a cry.

"The origin of the World-Honored One, in this state, has been completely awakened! Isn't he going to die... This is really unexpected!" Someone bowed in fear, unable to get up, and the sky seemed to be pressing on their spine. !

"No one who is completely awakened! Even if it is a short awakening, it is invincible. Monarch, can the emperor cut down the strongest eternal life since he became the ancient sage?"

"With a sword for immortality, what is the point of using it to cut away the completely awakened Unworldly Lord?"

"The pain that the World-Honored One brings to the heavens has far more impact than anything! A complete awakening makes people feel terrified after hearing it! This is the fear from the soul, blood, and even the memory of blood!"

"Ah! Look...Look at that Grand Patriarch of the Gao Family——"


With a reminder--

People watch!

Look at the great grandfather of the Gao family!

Gao Yue's face is flushed now, she, a natural god, has no ability to resist under the burning of the blue sky, her knees seem to be pressed **** the ground! And beside her, there is also an embarrassing fact——

"Look at what I'm doing... I'm completely awakened, I don't even pay my respects!" The grandfather of the Gao family gritted his teeth and looked at Gao Yue, then smiled bitterly and shouted: "Little laoer, welcome to the World Honored!"

Gao Yue gritted her teeth... I feel Taizu is less spine than her...

The great butcher knife in the sky was shaking violently now, the current emperor, no one could guess his thoughts, maybe... he was also shocked by this scene!


At this moment, most of the Dao Ying who had left had returned to the butcher knife! With tens of millions of sword shadows, the aura of the tens of thousands of slaughter swords has been raised to an unprecedented height for the emperor!

"Are you awakened..." Sandao Baidi's voice seemed to be filled with endless helplessness.

The burning blue sky was silently dying. The void was shattered and then shattered in just a dozen breaths. The billions of sacred mountains and billions of sacred soil in the land of glazed glass seemed to be greatly affected!

The tumbling lava has no fewer than a million! Those lava pillars seem to have rushed to Xiaohan, rushing to an infinite height!

In the fear of countless creatures...

A figure submerged by the golden light, full of crystal red flames, slowly emerged from the golden light.

No one!

No one who is completely awakened!

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