My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3675: Punish this Fangtian

Back then, the unworldly Lord, who trampled on the bravery of God, fell in an unknown accident. Today, he ignites his origin and awakens completely! !

The void above the Huofeng Wasteland, amidst the burning crystal red flames, collapsed quickly and silently. Where the Lord is not, the sky will no longer be!

From a distance, the silent collapsed space seemed to bring infinite awe and fear, and in this state, the unworldly emperor, even the ancient sages, would be pressured by the unworldly. Suppressed, fell to his knees--

Not Tianwei, better than Tianwei!

"The Hall of Eternal Life, the Hall of Eternal Life helped the Ye Emperor ignite the origin of the world-honored person. How could he be so willing and willing to give up his position as the pinnacle of the heavens..." Some people are extremely puzzled. This kind of choice, the choice made by Ye Di, is to fight for a breath and win!

"It's defeated. Even if the Emperor's ancient sage Dao Ying returns all the way back and completely cuts out the ‘immortality’ with a 200% ability, I’m afraid it’s not a completely awakened opponent who is not the world-honored, completely awakened, it’s too terrifying—"

"That emptiness is collapsing. What kind of magical existence is the Hall of Longevity? It is rumored that there is no worry about life and death in the Hall of Longevity. There is great happiness, great worry, great prosperity, and immortality..."

"That piece of longevity palace makes me so yearning... but who can understand why Suirenhuang, Fuxi, and even Shennong, these three ancient sages who are respected in the heavens, support not the world ..."

"Is the heavens wrong, or the world-zun is wrong, the emperor's defeat is set, oh..."



The land of glazed glaze and the powers of one hundred thousand supreme heavens all looked at this competition with complex emotions. Even if the emperor died because of this, he would not be able to save his defeat.

After this battle, will one hundred thousand highest heavens still exist?

The land of glazed glaze, I am afraid it will also be charcoal——

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

The dreamlike crystal red flame brilliance unfolded a pair of incomparably vast wings from behind the night emperor. The burning crystal red wings seemed to be burning the origin of the world-exalted!

The golden light was gradually taken back to the Hall of Longevity...

The person with closed eyes opened his crystal red eyes after all. At that moment, the speed at which the void collapsed seemed to have reached its limit, and countless spaces, time and space, any heaven, truth, everything seemed to be collapsed and buried. same!

The butcher knife is shaking...

Even if Sandao Baidi was not afraid of falling, the instinctive fear that came from the depths of his soul was still uncovered.

"I'm very angry... Originally... I had a great chance..." The emperor in the Wanzhang Tudao couldn't look directly at the pair of crystal red eyes, and said slowly with anger.

"Bronze Emperor——" Su Jin looked at the old stone man.


"Down the dusk of the gods...punish the people of this Fangtian——" Su Jin said in a hoarse voice.


Many people seem to have heard it wrong. Once, only God gave punishment, so it was called Heavenly Punishment, or Heavenly Tribulation. Now, if this is not the World-Venerable Night Emperor, just a word, will be blamed on the world?

"Yes -" Old Stone Man seemed to be waiting for this sentence, so his "Twilight of the Gods" has not been released.

Then, the bronze emperor slowly got up, and the patina that was rendered in the glazed land quickly spread as if it turned into patina smoke!

One hundred thousand high heavens, how many ancient sages have come! At least no less than 150,000, this is still more than a thousand Guxians before Ye Di!

But under the order of the emperor, the gods dusk began to show its unique power——

"Curse, it's a curse!" Guxian became frightened. Because the land of colored glaze turned into a bronze age, the land of colored glaze seemed to be turned into a cage, unable to leave at all, and when "Twilight of the Gods" fell, many Guxian all began to age, and their realm began to decline!

Gu Xian... In the perception of many people, the realm is rapidly regressing!

That feeling is like a curse, sealing one great realm after another, and sealing it forever!

Gu Xian, actually regressed to "Xian"! Not even Daxian--

"This is the powerful power of the Bronze Emperor when he ruled the heavens. It turned out that his power hasn't regressed until now, and he has even maintained its peak!" The queen concubine was taken aback and watched the fall of "Twilight of the Gods". The world is in chaos.

Fortunately! Fortunately, the virgin concubine, Xinyue Fox, and Chaosheng Banshee are not affected!

"It turns out that everything is in Yedi's plan!" Chaosheng Banshee's IQ obviously thought of a higher level, and said with a trembling voice.

"Plan? What plan? Could he count the arrival of the Bronze Emperor?" Xinyue Fox was also taken aback.

The Chaosheng Banshee trembles with fear: "You can remember the scene when Ye Di was facing the god-man Gao Yue earlier, when he condensed three transcendent beings that had long since passed away. Among them was an ancient sage. Finally took a look at the south—"

"Ah? I remember... the existence clearly mentioned the living ancient sages. At that time, everyone thought there was only one, that is, the great grandfather of the Gao family! To the north! The Kingdom of God is also to the north!" The Goddess of Time also remembered this scene.



It is not unreasonable for many enchanting female cultivators to blindly worship Su Jin. The scene they can remember now, given the cleverness of the night emperor, is impossible without guessing!

It is very possible that after Dan Baizi was pinched to death by the Ye Emperor, the Great Grandpa Gao did not choose to shoot directly or save it, which aroused the suspicion of Ye Emperor!

"The ancient sage of one hundred thousand highest heavens, the realm is going backwards! The power of "Twilight of the Gods" is too strong, the bronze heavenly emperor is worthy of the existence of Zeng Zai ruled the world!" The fallen angel ruled, deeply looked at the monks gathered in the distance , There are still tens of thousands of miles away from the ruined Jiangdu City.

But at present, the world is in chaos due to the technique of "Rainers Twilight"——

"The original ancestor is no longer virtuous! The original ancestor, the great sage and the strong...this..."

There is a great sage, his face pale for an instant, the current situation is indeed a bit weird for the land of colored glaze, but I don’t know if they have left the land of colored glaze, will the curse seal of these 100,000 supreme powerhouses be automatically unlocked——

"Damn, the emperor set up a star road and called me to wait... I didn't expect it to be swept away by the opponent!"

"The ancient sages, regress to the sage, the great sage... is even more miserable, the gods twilight, what a trick, the gods twilight!"

"Look! The emperor is going to fight desperately with the completely awakened Unworldly Lord!"


With a knife for eternal life, the Taoist shadow that has been traced back from all directions with thousands of times, directly let the sword of thousands of Zhangs rise into the sky!

If there is no one in front of the Hall of Eternal Life, the emperor’s eternal life can create miracles!

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