My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3676: Emperor died

The **** butcher knife was shaking, as if to redeem the Land of Glazed Glass!

This is the last glorious cut of the emperor as the master of colored glaze! No one dared to ignore this sword, even the grandfather of the Gao family who was kneeling and worshiping, now feels shocked--

If these three swords Baidi become Gu Xian in the flesh, only with this one sword for immortality, I am afraid they can be comparable to the Gao Taizu himself, this is not a joke!

"Back then, the sky could fight you but the world-honored! Today, I can fight with three swords, Baidi!" The emperor's power has reached the extreme, and he has gotten rid of his fear in such a short period of time. Illuminated the entire land of glazed glaze, under the anticipation of countless strong men whose realm has declined due to the technique of "Twilight of the Gods", they began to fully show their might!

Eternal Life Hall, Wanbaohe——

No one!

In this state, Su Jin seemed to be extremely calm, saying that God was ruthless, he seemed to feel this way now--

For Su Jin, who was completely awakened, isn't it just an ant?

"Taizu, Taizu...I am scared..." Gao Yue was trembling, she seemed to be tortured by countless curses. If she was not a natural god, she would probably be the same as those people. Fortunately, Tai was beside her. The ancestor is not affected by "The Twilight of the Gods", after all, the Taizu of the Gao family, like the bronze emperor, is an ancient sage.

"After this's my turn..." Gao Family Taizu said miserably.

The grandfather of the Gao family knew that this was what he wanted to do! After all, he first threatened the World-Honored One! When he reached a final agreement with the Lord of Liuli, all this seemed inevitable!

"No! Taizu must have nothing to do..." Gao Yue panicked, but as soon as her voice fell, she instinctively looked at it with her eyes when she felt the extremely dazzling blade of light!

A magnificent butcher knife, brilliant and immortal!

The ten thousand zhang slaughter knife that soars up into the sky carries the endless heavenly path and countless ancient sages. This knife seems to be able to smash the six reincarnations, even if it is sinking and collapsing, it can be fearless!

This knife finally smashed at the Hall of Longevity and Ye Di!

One knife will live forever, and there is a great momentum to break everything! The current Sandao Baidi even has the feeling of shattering the Longevity Hall, Wanbao River, and even the Ye Emperor in front of the Longevity Hall——


No one raised a finger, that finger was very slow, but it seemed to have surpassed unlimited speed, and gently touched the **** butcher's knife——

"No World Honored! You will never forgive you!" Pieces of three swords Baidi's Taoist shadows, as if they were all manifested in the surrounding sword world when the sword was smashed for eternal life.

"No World Honored! God has no right to blame me on the Land of Glazed Glass! You are so bold!"

"No World Honored! This knife will destroy all of your origins. You will eventually be surrounded by darkness, and you will never see the light again!"


Hundreds of millions of Dao Ying voices, as if endlessly cursing, Su Jin turned a deaf ear to him, and he took the eternal life with one finger——

what? !

Countless people were dumbfounded, and such a powerful one-shot immortality was taken by the Emperor Ye Di, with one finger! This...That's fine, why this knife can't even shake his unworldly body? Even if it shakes a bit!

"Ah! I have tens of thousands of unwillingness..." The unwilling voice of the master of Liuli resounded in the land of Liuli. The ten thousand zhang slaughter knife that he had condensed with God's essence appeared quickly from the position taken by Su Jin's finger. There was a crack--

The cracks continue to spread and continue to spread.


The butcher knife began to collapse. Under the clear gaze of countless people, the blade collapsed faster and faster, as if a mountain hanging in the void and broken, falling in large chunks!


Weeping, the land of countless glazed glazes, the one hundred thousand high heavenly powerhouses crying——

"The emperor is going to fall, although he has been doomed since he killed the self, but why can he stand without the world-honored!" Someone was unwilling to be punished and asked with hatred.

"With this knife, even the void has been obliterated. There are no more stars in the starry sky, and time and space will condense, but why is the Ye Emperor immortal?

"The Lord has already sent down the punishment, he... will he...will we bloodbath our 100,000 Supreme Heaven..." Someone began to realize an extremely serious problem.

can you?

Not long ago, the World-Honored One had already issued a warning, one hundred thousand high heavens, many high heavens will turn into "graves of all beings"! They are enemies of the world-honored, and the biggest round of bloodbaths in history, I am afraid it will start today——

"There is also an ancient sage! The ancient sage Gao Family Taizu!"

"Yes, yes! Ancient sages are not affected by "Twilight of the Gods"!" Someone seemed to grab a straw.

"Taizu Gao family help!"

"Have you forgotten it! Ye Di burned without the origin of the world-honored person, completely awakened, and threatened to kill the grandfather of the Gao family!"

"What to do, what to do! I don't want to die..."


The emotion of fear seems to have reached its peak, no one is willing to pay the price of death, or even... even to take the lives of the entire tribe——


Dao Ying, the lord of billions of colored glazes, began to be burned to nothingness by strands of crystal red flames! Before that Wanzhang Tudao completely collapsed, the last ray of the emperor's divine essence turned into a virtual figure, as if exhausting all the vicious eyes, and took a deep look at the world-zun...

Disappeared... the emperor, completely disappeared in the world!

Desperate, seeing this scene, many people have collapsed——

"The Great Master of the Gao Family." Su Jin's icy hoarse voice directly caused Gao Yue and the Great Master of the Gao Family to be excited.

Here comes... finally here——

It's always coming!

Gao Taizu's face was bitter.

" can't!" Gao Yue plucked up the courage and stood up.

"He can't live today—" Su Jin glanced at Gao Yue.

What kind of look is that!

Gao Yue had never been so scared. That glance seemed to penetrate all her thoughts. All her secrets seemed to be seen through by Su Jin. It even made her feel eternal and invincible!

"If I fight you, you will either kill me first...otherwise, I will never accept seeing the death of my great ancestor!" Gao Yue gave Su Jin a hard look with the great fear in her heart. Then, she Stepped into the void.

"Retreat!" The grandfather of the Gao family hasn't been as nervous as he is now for a long time. You must know that Gao Yue is the greatest hope of the Kingdom of God.

"I don't." Gao Yue shook his head resolutely.

"Do you know that the completely awakened Unshizun is already the most ruthless existence in the world, are looking for a dead end! Just let Taizu go..." Gao Jia Taizu said angrily at Gao Yue.

At the moment when Gao Taizu's voice fell...

Su Jin looked at Gao Yue, nodded and said, "Okay, fulfill you--"

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