My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3677: Idol change


When Gao Yue heard Su Jin's words, a touch of fear suddenly grew in her heart, and even this fear could be seen in her eyes.

Almost subconsciously, Gao Yue walked into the void with anger!

"It turns out that gods are also afraid." Su Jinzai looked at Gao Yue carefully, and her body was trembling slightly. Although the amplitude was not large, it could definitely be seen with the naked eye.

"Come less, kill if you want, I won't even blink my eyes, Gao Yue!" Gao Yue turned her face to one side and closed her eyes.

What a fool, what a fool——

The Taizu Gao family is now like the ants on the hot pot, he knows that he is going to die when he goes up, let alone Gao Yue! Just now, Ye Di insisted that the "Eternal Life Sword" was unscathed!

The weird breath was spreading rapidly. Gao Yue waited for a long time to no avail. Just when she wanted to open her eyes quietly, she found that Su Jin was already in front of her. This good fellow scared her and closed her eyes again.

Not the Lord, even the man who is afraid of God!

Su Jin looked indifferent, raised his hand lightly, looked at her face, and then his fingers condensed wisps of crystal red flames, lightly pressing on Gao Yue's shoulders——

"You..." Gao Yue only felt dizzy, thinking that she was dying...Yes, even Taizu said that the current unworldly sovereign will be the most ruthless existence in this world. There can never be any mercy and mercy from his subordinates!


Very strange!

Gao Yue opened a gap in her beautiful eyes, she was sure that she was not dead, and in the next scene, even if she was born with a god, she couldn't help but suffocate!

Her god's rules seemed to be beating around Su Jin's fingers. Soon, circles of rules, like colored lines, began to fly from Gao Yue's body!

For a moment!

The great grandfather of the Gao family, I want to split!

"Hold on!" The grandfather of the Gao family walked into the void, his expression seemed extremely nervous, and he quickly said: " must not hurt her--"

"Why?" Su Jin glanced at the grandfather of the Gao family and asked calmly.

"I don't know if the World Honored has heard of "New God Era", she is the hope of the future god..." Gao Jiataizu knew that he could not hide it, and said immediately: "Moreover, if something happens to her, the hidden gods in the entire heavens will be There will be riots, then... I am afraid it will be you at that time, and it will not be able to cope without the Lord!"

"Are you threatening me?" Su Jin sneered.

What kind of **** "New God Era", Su Jin has never heard of—

The grandfather of the Gao family took a deep breath, "You may be wondering why there is a born **** in my Gao family! And even me, the strongest person in the Gao family, has nothing to do with the blood of God..."

"Taizu——" Gao Yue's voice trembled a little, she seemed to feel something.

"Go on." Su Jin said lightly.

"That year, I traveled all over the world, accidentally entered an auspicious world, and met that spar idol..." The grandfather of the Gao family still remembered, "She was not very old at the time, like a three or four-year-old woman from the human race. Like a baby, riding on the trunk of an elephant, I see her colorful pupils, and I know she is a natural god..."

"Oh? No wonder, I said how the human race can give birth to new gods..." Su Jin looked at Gao Yue.

The grandfather of the Gao family trembled and seemed to be still in the memory, "At that time, in the depths of that auspicious world, there was a stalwart figure, even if it was a spar idol, it was kneeling on the front legs. I felt troubled. Knowing is far inferior to the other party, but the other party told me to take her away so that she can be brought up well, and said that from now on, the heavens will be "The Age of God"——"

The age of God!

These four words may have a deep sense of sarcasm to others, but from the mouth of the Gao family, it seems that the matter is really serious.


The strange voice began to appear in everyone's ears after the voice of the Taizu Gao family fell!

Gao Taizu's face changed wildly!

What can make him so afraid, apart from the current unworldly sovereign, there is only God!

As if he was aware of it, the great grandfather of the Gao family looked towards his kingdom of God! At that glance, it was really incredible!

The entire spar idol, in the form of colored glaze, swells to resemble a huge and infinitely vast spar mountain range, and in that spar scene, the color aura is like a cloud, running through no less than tens of billions of time and space——

"Not good!" Taizu Gao had a tendency to be scared and paralyzed, and his face began to show an abnormal paleness.

"Does God know it?" Su Jin asked calmly.

Seeing this scene, anyone who is not stupid should be able to understand in an instant that Su Jin is holding the natural god-man Gao Yue in his hand, and the rule of **** in her body is moved. This is definitely the reason, so that Jing The stone idol sensed Gao Yue’s danger--

"No World Honored! You have burned your origins. If you still don't flee now, when the King God arrives, you will definitely die without a place to bury you!!" Grand Ancestor Gao cried loudly.

"You think you can do it again..." Su Jin said with an indifferent expression, "Besides, who told you that I ignited the unworldly origin?"


The great ancestor of the Gao family, and even the entire land of colored glaze, all the 100,000 people from the highest heaven took a breath! No? how is this possible!

"This is not the world-honored person!" Some powers who have suffered a tragic decline, staring at the scene with gnashing teeth, this kind of nonsense will scare some ignorant children!

"How could he not ignite the origin without igniting the origin! How can he take such a powerful eternal life knife if he does not ignite the origin! Until now, I really hope that the gods who guard Gaoyue will come and punish this impossibly night emperor!"

"The emperor is dead! He is gone! He is unwilling to leave! And at this time, the emperor of the night dared to deceive the ancient sages in order to survive, is he afraid that he will be defeated by that high The grandfather of the family, the ancient sages were killed with one palm?"

"Take ten thousand steps and talk about it... In case, as he said, the origin of the world-honored person is not completely ignited, then the question... Will it be the "Eternal Life Palace"?"


Many people reacted--

Eternal Palace!

If there are really uncertain factors, then "Eternal Life Palace" is definitely the biggest suspect! The question is who dares to try now! The higher the cultivation base, the heavier the suspicion. Will the Gao family dare to take that risk?

Dare not!

No one dare!

The situation seems to have fallen into a kind of insoluble point-

Ye Di, didn't he really lose his power? Will the abnormal change of the spar idol really attract the gods of the heavens?

If an extremely powerful **** is attracted, then the so-called "New God Era", I am afraid it will take the stage, and it will really start to accelerate the process!

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