My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3683: Something God covets

"The gap, this is the gap—"

"Emperor Ye will never be able to resist this technique of the Four Tigers unless he uses the power of the World Venerable. However, his roots of the World Venerable are probably already lost. Next, let's see how the Four Tigers remove his fig leaf!"

"The land of colored glaze is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. Even the 100,000-highest sky is not as good as this land of colored glaze. It is worthy of being the family of the four tigers at the feet of the emperor!


Countless people have gone from despair to the burning fire of hope. Don’t change too quickly! At least, these four tigers let them see the dawn, defeating the dawn of Ye Di!

Outside the Emperor City, on a bluestone trail_

Long Ruo's expression was a bit agitated. The Four Tigers have always been at odds. The four families will only join forces when they are extinct. And this "Innate Fusion" technique, she is only very good. She has never seen it before. She was shocked by the thought of this effect today.

Yedi, will he be defeated by the Four Tigers——

When Long Ruo left the imperial palace, he was already holding the heart of death. The power of the Ye Emperor had long been occupied by all the fears in his heart, and now, there is a line of her dragon family in this colorful god!

If Zhan Ye Di, the family of the Four Tigers and Dragons, you can't lose it!

In the scene that Long Ruo condensed through the void, he wanted to see Ye Di’s performance, worried, still, because Ye Di’s face remained unchanged, the expression on Ye Di’s face when he walked from that star road There are few fluctuations, the same as before, and the same now...

Su Jin was quite surprised. In the end, he nodded in front of the people of the world, and it was obvious that this technique could also enter his magic eye.

"Ye Di! We are betting that you have lost the origin of the world-honored one! If you do not have the origin of the world-famous one, you will die in a while!" The four voices in the colorful **** tiger burst together, and the rumbling voice was also heard by the world.

"No need." Su Jin shook his head.


What does it mean?

Long Ruo was shocked. Could it be that Ye Di deliberately did something that he had lost his origin of the world-zun, but he was confident that he could use other means to counter the terrifying skill of the Four Tigers?

Impossible, absolutely impossible—

Long Ruo believes it!

Su Jin naturally didn't care about other people's thoughts. He looked at thousands of phantoms, as if assimilating to nothingness. Using ordinary attack methods, he naturally couldn't break the terrible skill of the Four Tigers. Of course, how could his self-confidence be imagined by others? ?

Immediately afterwards, the whole world seemed to be quiet suddenly--

Su Jin stretched out his right palm, and on the right palm, strands of wonderful secret light began to twine and intertwine from the palm of his hand. That unique secret light was actually the light of the wordless heavenly secret!

In the past, Su Jin used his pupil technique to bless him in "The Secret of the Sky without Words", but today he is different from before!

Immediately afterwards, strands of azure blue and intertwined blood, floating at the same time——

"Sanshu Tian Secret!" Xin Yuehu said silently in front of the imperial palace.

"Tian Mi, the most wonderful power among the heavens, Ye Di obviously hasn't unearthed the true treasure in these three magic heaven secrets. Today he should be planning to take this opportunity to use the three magic heaven secrets to suppress the Four Tigers!" The Chaosheng Banshee is also cheered up.

"The power of the sky secret is really mysterious. Along the way, the night emperor uses the sky secret, and it is already difficult to suppress the more powerful ancient sages. This means that he has not refined the sky secret--" the goddess of time said.

Gao Yue sighed, feeling that the emperor of the night is worthy of being the world-honored person, and when he raises his hands, he is the secret of the world that the world of three sects can hardly dream of...

"If I'm not mistaken, this wordless sky secret is the most powerful one of all sky secrets. Perhaps, with the current Yedi insight, the power of these three skills sky secrets can be fully demonstrated." Gao Yue said.

"Yes, the three techniques of Ye Di Tian Mi, they are Wu Zi Tian Mi, Dou Zi Tian Mi, and Zhe Tian Mi. Among them, Wu Zi Tian Mi is the worthy number one, Dou Zi third and Zhe Tian Mi eighth— —" said the Chaosheng Banshee.

"Tian Secret, every technique of Tian Secret is extraordinary, and the user's abilities must be considered. Of course, Ye Di can use it without any problem."

As soon as Xin Yuehu's words fell, her breath suddenly stagnated——

The girls looked up, but Su Jin looked like a fairy, with his left hand slightly to one side—

"That's... the monument of life." The Great Elemental Angel said slowly.

The monument of life, not just the monument of life!

There is a tree of enlightenment on the monument of life!

Su Jin’s palm, countless secrets of heaven, as if instantly lit by the silver-green light of the tree of enlightenment——

"Too annoying." Gao Yue pouted her mouth, arrogant as her, but now she seemed to be a little gaffe!

It's nothing more than the Three Magic Heavenly Secret, what the **** is this tree of enlightenment! No wonder this guy is very enchanting, with the tree of enlightenment, even a pig can fly in the wind!

Moreover, you must know that Gao Yue is a true ‘god’, a born god! She didn't covet the three magic heaven secrets, but the appearance of the tree of enlightenment was too much. This was something that a **** could not get.

When Gao Yue was angry, the corner of her eyes suddenly saw the tide sound female demon a little smirk——

"Since your Royal Highness covets Yedi's tree of enlightenment, it is better to choose a day to become an emperor, and we can share the tree of enlightenment with us in the future." Chaosheng banshee laughed.

"Cut, I'm not interested." Two clouds of haze flew up Gao Yue's face.

"Yedi is really a strong man who is beyond expectation..." The fallen angel ruler sighed.

Under the tree of enlightenment, the right palm of the Ye Emperor is intertwined with the three secrets of the heavens. Even in the face of a strong enemy, the calm and calm performance is absolutely rare in the world.

Under everyone's attention--

Every silver-green leaf of the tree of enlightenment seemed to be breathing, floating slightly with the wind, and the countless traces of enlightenment were quickly condensed in Su Jin's right palm!

Su Jin's years of golden pupils, several pupil techniques, carefully digging into the mystery of the Three Techniques Heavenly Secret, he was a little surprised from time to time, sometimes a little ignorant, and sometimes seemed to realize it suddenly.

The fusion magic of the Four Tigers seems to have become embarrassing now——

Under the tree of enlightenment, people feel the secrets of the sky, the colorful gods seem to have turned into nothingness, and there are vaguely shadows of tigers shuttles, but when they want to attack the night emperor, they hesitate.

Over time, almost everyone saw a sign! Under the fusion of the four tigers, the gorgeous tiger, in such a state, the first attack is too bad.

"No matter! Destroy the sacred tree, behead the emperor, and catch the secret!" Among the colorful sacred tigers, the gods of the four sacred tigers exchange ideas at the same time!



In the void, the three horizontal and vertical Wangzi's vast tiger heads seemed to have opened their pupils directly. The tiger pupils, like two dark red scorching suns, looked directly at Su Jin's position! !

Su Jin ignored it, and under the tree of enlightenment, he was digging for a treasure that was extremely precious to him. He hadn't found out before that these three magical secrets had hidden infinite secrets!

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