My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3684: Sky Tiger Progenitor

"Boom boom boom—"

Vaguely, the tiger shadow seemed to be culled along the passages of time and space. Although its figure is still imaginary, it seems to be introverted, otherwise it would never be possible to dare to attack the night emperor like this!


Su Jin didn't even look at it. With a finger with his left hand, a "Bridge of Heaven and Earth" was like a sharp arrow, which directly condensed out and smashed the shadow of the tiger!

Accurate, sharp and domineering!

"He used the bridge of heaven and earth, why can he come so easily! And, didn't he suffer serious injuries because of the loss of his power?" Some people were shocked. The elegant method like Su Jin made people look at them. may.

Moreover, you must know that Yedi is not against the ordinary strong, but with the colorful gods under "Talent Fusion"!

"His attention is obviously in the mystery of the secret, why can he make such a precise judgment? He is distracting and using dual purposes—"

"It's okay! The colorful **** tiger is equivalent to nothingness. Even if he breaks up with the "Heaven and Earth God Bridge", he will regroup. And in this world, the colorful **** tiger is almost invincible, don't believe it!"

"Yeah! The colorful **** tiger is almost unaffected. It is too difficult to grasp. It assimilates nothingness and merges into time and space. It is invincible. Unless the Ye Emperor can break their fusion state, he will lose this battle!


Someone shocked the power of the colorful gods.

But more people were surprised by Su Jin’s methods. The "Heaven, Earth and God Bridge" brought to the Land of Glazed Glaze, and even the 100,000 most powerful people, the memory is quite cruel. A few days ago, it was "Heaven and Earth God Bridge". Condensed a technique "The Years of the Winding Path", which tortured the imperial disciples in a disastrous manner, and even the emperor disciples were sent to the unimaginable past——



Every time the tiger pounces, the colorful tiger shadow turned into a tiger seems to be looking for opportunities, and did not give up, but every time, there will be a huge "Heaven, Earth and God Bridge" blocking the front——

It's too difficult to do. Although everyone knows that Yedi was seriously injured, but Yedi beheaded the existence of the emperor. When he came from the star road, he hasn't suffered a defeat until now. How can he deal with it so easily?

"This trick won't work!" Inside the colorful **** tiger, the gods of the four **** tigers were still communicating.

Immediately, the gorgeous tiger directly condensed into a real object in an instant. The gorgeous tiger tail directly cut off the previous heaven and earth bridges, and with an incomparably sharp offensive, it drew towards the young man under the tree of enlightenment!

"Ding——" Su Jin suddenly raised his head, and the three pupils stared at the gorgeous tiger.

Forever! Concentration!

The colorful **** tiger's body stiffened a bit, but it instantly turned into a little light and dissipated in the sky——

Su Jin seemed to have expected this scene. He laughed at himself and continued to bury his head, carefully comprehending the wordless Tian Mi under the blessing of "Enlightenment Tree".

"Very dangerous! Was that an eternal technique just now?" The strong man in the Land of Glazed Glass couldn't help but squeeze a sweat for the gorgeous God Tiger in the fusion state of the Four Tigers.

"It's an eternal technique, but this gorgeous **** can be resolved instantly. It seems that invincibility is not a blow, at least for the time being, Ye Di has nothing to do with it."

"But the first few attacks have been resolved by Ye Di, how do you feel that Ye Di is easier than ever?"

"The true ultimate move of the Colorful God Tiger hasn't been used yet... Don't worry--"

"Why not in a hurry! This Yedi is clearly comprehending the "Secret of the Sky". As long as the three kinds of secrets are thoroughly understood by him, I am afraid that he can really find a way to deal with the colorful gods! At that time, the four tigers will also suffer!"


The world feels flustered for Yedi's strength!

Even among the colorful gods, the four tigers are rushing to communicate.

"Do you want to use that trick?" Emerald God Tiger quickly asked in a special way of communication.

"Use it? I feel the danger, the emperor is too calm this time, his three kinds of secrets are constantly bringing me a dangerous taste."

"I can't drag the gods. I didn't expect that we were so confident and could not force the truth out. It's a pity, if we can be sure that the world-honored origin has been lost, then it will definitely help the gods later."

"Use it, the night emperor who is enlightened under the tree of enlightenment, I am afraid that he has almost understood the real mystery of the three magical secrets. If we don't make a move, there will be no chance!"

"it is good!"



In the void, under the head of the huge virtual tiger, the folds of the dazzling tiger are radiant! Waves of power are constantly blasting from its body, and the dragons of the heavens in the surrounding sky cannot look at it! !

"The soul of the tiger ancestor, the king of the tiger ancestor, the heart of the tiger ancestor, the blood of the tiger ancestor!"

The four voices roared in unison: "Reverse time and space, I will transform the tiger ancestor... the sky tiger ancestor!"


Pieces of heavenly dragons were directly swept to pieces by the arc of power. The vast phantom of the tiger's head in the void seemed to be shrinking rapidly, and finally fell into the body of the colorful god!

At that moment, it was like the sky collapsed!

People in the world, the fear in their hearts seemed to be turned into tides, and they directly flooded everything. That kind of tiger's might, like a **** of heaven, is unstoppable!

"Enough." Su Jin put away the life monument, the tree of enlightenment, and the secret light produced by the three magic sky secrets, also slowly dissipated from the heart of his right hand.

The great sky tiger ancestor came to the world, countless black hurricanes swept the world, Su Jin's face was calm, his posture did not waver at all, he only took a step silently!


The stars under the sky, as if suddenly converging to the stars, turned into strange eyes, looking down at the people!

"Is the wordless sky secret?" Long Ruo seemed to see the entire starry sky, all turned into eye pupils, that kind of ruthlessness, like the heavens disregarding the poor man——

Really, when Su Jin took that step, Long Ruo had already started to panic!

Immediately afterwards, before Long Ruo could comfort him in his heart, circles of dazzling blue light, like the blue sea under the stars, began to spread everywhere in the slightest!

"Zhetian Mi! It is Zhetian Mi!" Long Ruo's face suddenly paled.

This sky seems to be controlled——

It is impossible for any god, any person, any ant, even a piece of dust to leave this sky! You know, that colorful **** tiger is known as the immortal blood, the immortal soul, and even the emptiness, the ability to assimilate time and space...

But Ye Di’s current secret to the sky, it seems that it is no longer what it was yesterday!

Control this sky, even if it is an ant, it is in the secret of the sky!

"Ye Di! The ancestor of the Great Tiger, immortal tiger's guts, the sky can contend, even if you pass through the three secrets of the sky, you can't control us!" The eyes of the colorful **** tiger opened, but a pair of blood Hitomi, its forehead, just like the forehead with the word'king' in the sky earlier, makes people fearful.

Su Jinyi went hunting and said quietly: "If you can't kill you, then kill you..."

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