My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3702: A few dishes, drink like this!

Qing Ming Death God heard Su Jin pointing his face like this, his face gradually distorted——

Being so threatened by a human race in the presence of countless creatures, his **** Qingming really has no cards, and this human race called Yedi is also constantly challenging the bottom of the gods!


The blood in Qingming Death God seemed to be hot. Although his fighting spirit was strong, the death of the God of Fire, the God of Ye Motian and the Four Chans just now seemed to have quietly planted a seed in his heart——

Fear, fear, Qingming Death God has never been so worried about his life. He has always believed that God can exist forever, live with the sky, and will not die! But now, three of my former friends have passed away!

"You are afraid of me--" Su Jin said lightly.

"I didn't! I didn't!" Qing Ming's death **** trembling, shouted frantically.

Su Jin nodded, "Then stand firm, my sword has been prepared for you, where is your strongest method?"

Ah ah ah-

When Qing Ming Death God heard Su Jin prepared a sword for him, he suddenly had the urge to turn around and run away. The seeds of fear in his heart were growing crazily. He didn't want to fall, he wanted to live, he could live as long as he escaped!

This kind of voice has been lingering in his heart!

But can it be done?

Ye Di's sword, how could Qing Ming have escaped, even if he tried his best to escape, it wouldn't help! Because Qing Ming Death knows Tracer is the best example!

In terms of escape, Tracer dares to be second among them, and no one dares to be first! But even Tracer couldn't escape from Yedi's palm, he Qingming, couldn't do it!

Since it cannot be done, since there is a high probability of death! Then only fight! There is still a ray of life in the fight. If you don't fight, you can only stand and wait for death!

Qing Ming Death suddenly saw a fierce light in his eyes--

"Do you know why I am called Qing Ming Death God..." Qing Ming Death God asked Su Jin.

"Needless to say, no need to tell, because I don't want to, and I'm not interested in knowing. Under my sword, you are just a passer-by, a stumbling block that makes me reach the peak of the heavens. I can cut it off and kick it away. "Su Jin calmly said, these words seem to mean that he doesn't want to say more to the other party, even if one more sentence is unnecessary.

"Hahaha, mad! So mad! You are really the madest person I have ever seen, even if you are a god, you rarely have such a tone!" Qing Ming, the **** of death, heard the opponent's indifferent contempt——

The lotus goddess was pale.

If she can help Qing Ming now, then she will definitely not hesitate, but now Ye Di’s methods are still affecting her, she even thought of a terrible scene, as long as Qing Ming is defeated, will she be caught by that candle next Dragon swallowed?

Qing Ming's death god's tragic face gradually became terrifying——

The wisps of cyan corpse aura burned and corroded the void he was standing in. The void that the corpse aura melted seemed to turn into a piece of blue-green dirty waterfall, he seemed to represent the most terrifying existence in a purgatory.

"It smells very--" Su Jin snorted with his left hand.

Qing Ming death **** suddenly stagnated.

This human race powerhouse, how far do you want to belittle him? Just not caring, now, his Qingming Death God will be rejected by opponents even if he is a god!

Qing Ming Reaper wants to say a word...that is to be a man!

"There is no lotus fragrance." Su Jin said again.

"Do you know that the more beautiful the flower, the more vicious? If you weren't for this candle dragon, there would be nothing to do. Her methods are far more ruthless than mine." Qing Ming Death seemed to hang nine pieces behind him. The blue-green waterfall, the corpse spirit exuding all over him, began to condense into a blue-green enchantment——

On the surface of the vast enchantment, there were corpse faces that couldn't distinguish between men and women, like monks and Su Jin in the land of glazed glaze, and the screams seemed to come from the incomparable abyss of mysterious purgatory.

"The thorny poisonous flower is the most anticipated when it is picked, and it can make you sour. As for you, this king doesn't want to see it again for a second." Su Jin frowned.

"In that case! Then I want to kill you now, instead of you using the sword to kill me, my chance is great, isn't it!" Qing Ming Death God suddenly felt a little emboldened.

"Look at your dead fish eyes, how many dishes, drink it like this?"

Su Jin pinched his nose with his left hand, "Let’s get started, first of all, to remind you, your corpse gas barrier is useless to me—"

Qing Ming death **** was silent.

After a long time, Qing Ming's death **** reconfirmed and asked: "Is it because I took you to immortality? Even if we really won!"

"Of course—" Su Jin said calmly.

"it is good!"

Qing Ming Death God was cheered up, his body, in everyone's eyes, was melting rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the blue-green vine liquid seemed to be connected to the nine waterfalls that manifested in the void!

Immediately, the blue-green vines began to open branches and leaves, but after a few breaths, there were countless human head-like flowers around the blue-green waterfall—

The mysterious divine light flickered among the countless vertical and horizontal blue-green vines, and those flower bones seemed to turn alive, and gradually began to show the appearance of the human face, which made people feel that the facial features were forming.

Su Jin's face pulled, and he noticed something slightly wrong. The lotus goddess seemed to have a different look. Maybe others hadn't noticed it, but based on his feelings and what he saw with his own eyes, he should have vaguely guessed Qing Ming Death God's plan——

Qing Ming, the goddess of death, definitely sent a message to the goddess of lotus. Although the candle dragon is watching, it does not mean that the goddess of lotus cannot help the gods of death!

Want to live?

Su Jin knew that he only had one chance, and the opponent was smart, and knew that he could win as long as he survived.

Now, Su Jin's treatment must not be careless. Will the human heads and flowers born from the blue-green vines finally bear fruit?

If one is missed, Qingming Death God may be able to avoid his sword! And if the other party asks for help from the lotus goddess, the other party must secretly help——

Su Jin's mouth suddenly raised a smile.

It was this smile that looked at the lotus goddess who was terrified.

"My sword is called "God's Fate", and you pass away safely--" Su Jin did not release the sword, but confidently declared the other party's fate.

"Tell you the emperor! I'm not afraid! And, do you think you can kill me? After you take out the sword, I can instantly turn around, and I will witness your own military solution when the time comes!" Qing Ming death **** The voice came out.

Su Jin smiled without saying a word, the divine sword in his hand that was condensed from the void, gradually turned into a little light and dissipated. After a short while, he gently waved his right hand, and the word'death' was swung out by him like a dragon. !

Nine deadly power! "The Dead Man"!

"The Book of the Dead" quickly began to form a dragon shape in Su Jin's palm, and began to condense into an extremely terrifying black sword!

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