My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3703: Hide from the sky

The black magic sword composed of "The Book of the Dead" seems to suppress the darkness brought by the starry sky. This sword hangs in the sky of stars to frighten the world!

The light of the vines on the nine blue-green waterfalls began to become unstable, and it was obvious that Su Jin’s "Dead Man Sutra" made Qing Ming's death extremely scared.

Can the "Dead Man Sutra" threaten God?

The face of the lotus goddess was extremely solemn. She had never encountered such a terrifying monk. This young man named Yedi could even possess this kind of magic that once brought destruction to the heavens!

"God's home, is Ye Di already terrifying..." Gao Yue thought silently in front of the emperor palace. Although she hadn't witnessed all of Su Jin's past, she has been there since he walked on the star road. In her field of vision, she never left. This kind of improvement, starting from the **** of slaughter, from the emperor, to the night emperor slaying the emperor, the promotion is visible to the naked eye——

And all this turning point seems to have started when the longevity hall was opened and the night emperor was submerged with golden light. His power definitely began to skyrocket from killing the emperor!

"Our God, what kind of existence is offended?" Tracer said in wonder.

"Emperor Ye has never been defeated since he came to this world. From the time Xiaotian Fire God died, I knew that ordinary gods couldn't resist him at all," Gao Yue said.

"This will make matters worse, if the King God arrives, this human race powerhouse will be very distressed. Although he is strong enough, compared with the King God, he is still a little behind." Tracer said slowly.

"Oh? So confident?" Gao Yue looked at Tracer with a slightly surprised tone.

Tracer nodded.

It seems to start to recall--

"The strength of the king **** can refine rivers, lakes, and stars. Do you think the night emperor has this ability? Even if he uses the sky secret to dominate this sky, this sky can be tempered by the king god. That is a power that neither you nor I can imagine, and a **** like ours can't reach the "king god" level at all, and it can't be achieved in a lifetime." Tracer said.

Gao Yue was very sad--

Tracer saw Gao Yue’s melancholy, and then he said: "I mean my kind, you are different... The spar idol is for you to warn you, you must be a person whom the king **** values, if there is a king **** in the future If you give pointers, you will make rapid progress, and the future of Wangshen will be promising."

"Let's talk about it." Gao Yue didn't feel happy because of Tracer's words.

To be honest, Gao Yue didn’t want Ye Di to die--

Especially as Tracer just said, she yearned for the way of kings and gods, and the key to this center made her think of something.

That is "Enlightenment Tree".

Su Jin owns the "Enlightenment Tree" among the eternal trees. This is something that even a **** covets, even she can't resist that kind of attraction.

If Su Jin doesn’t die, she can accompany him for ten years. If he pays a little price to cultivate the tree of enlightenment, it’s okay, but if he dies, who knows whose hands the tree of enlightenment will fall into... anyway, it won’t be. she was.

This is Gao Yue's melancholy thing-

just now.

The lotus goddess breathed a bit quickly and panicked. She always felt that with Su Jin’s wisdom, it was impossible to fail to see Qing Ming’s intentions——

Especially when Yedi used the "Dead Man Sutra" to condense "God's Home", the crisis in his lotus goddess's heart became more intense.

Su Jin didn't even take a step. Those blue-green waterfalls manifested in the sky, which was a bit disgusting. The black magic sword of the "Dead Man" in front of him was gently rippling, rippling thousands of imaginary swords. China--

Among the countless swordsmanship, each swordmanship is like a winding black dragon, and then, the black sword disappears strangely and appears in front of nine blue-green waterfalls!




Countless threads of dead man's scriptures came from countless void cracks. At that moment, the dragon roars constantly! If someone were to watch this scene from a very distant place at this moment, they would definitely be completely shocked!

Wanlong is back! I don't know how many black dragons started to get into the black sword!

The black divine sword began to escape, dissipating into a huge starry sky vortex——

"Ye Di! It will be me who laughs last! It will be me!" Qing Ming Death God's roar, not only did not make people feel confident, on the contrary, there was a strong breath of despair spreading, that was the last of this **** Roar, many people don't believe that he can live by the dead!

The lotus goddess is trembling, she is intensely disturbed!

Will Qing Ming Reaper escape the catastrophe?

The extremely dense black starry sky vortex engulfed everything. Nine blue-green waterfalls, including vines, were all crushed by the infinite sword marks, even into nothingness that is not as good as dust. This sword "God's Home" "It's really terrifying, the lotus goddess believes that even if she maintains her peak, she can't take this sword!

For a long time, Su Jin calmly looked at the lotus goddess——

When the darkness returned to calm, the sky gradually began to be unaffected by those divine powers, and began to brighten, but the cracks left in the void continued to spread, and terrible lightning appeared constantly!

"I won--" Su Jin looked at the lotus goddess and said.

"You lost." The lotus goddess did not agree with Su Jin's words.

Su Jin's face changed slightly.

This change caused all the strong in the Land of Glazed Glass to begin to have an illusion of hope!

After about three breaths, not far away, a pink lotus bud gradually opened up. A blue-green vine with the thickness of a finger quickly began to squirm, forming a bud shaped like a human head.


A flower bud in the shape of a human head, opened his mouth, and a few brilliant seeds, began to draw the rules, and began to transform into a very strange picture of God.

Qing Ming, the **** of death, is going to be born again!

This lotus goddess really helped Qing Ming death in secret!

"Lost! Ye Di lost unexpectedly, hahaha—" This news, like a shot of a booster, made the world excited!

"Ye Di's tricks are also some small tricks of the Human Race! How could he have fought the gods! These gods, I don't know how many terrible methods they have, Ye Di is still too careless!"

"I don't know if what Ye Di said before counts? Does he want to kill himself? Or explain it on the spot? So in front of the Haikou that the people of the world are boasting, you can't break his promise and get fat?"

"If it were me, it would be absolutely impossible to make such a promise when I knew that I was fighting against the gods. This is too much, it is impossible to think about it, and Ye Di actually gambled at the cost of his life, just for a moment. , It's really worthless, but it's not bad for him to die just like that, I'm afraid he doesn't mean anything!"

"After all, he is a strong man. What can be done if he doesn't say anything? He didn't take the oath. I dare say that he is going to sophis up next, not admitting what he said before!"

"If you lose, you lose well! Ye Emperor Cheng is also Ye Emperor defeated! He is strong when he wins, and the same is true when he loses. Today, everyone is celebrating! At this moment, it is not too late!"

"What will Ye Di do--"


What would Su Jin do?

Seeing the smile on the face of the lotus goddess, the expression on Su Jin's face slowly closed.

"It's too early for you..." Su Jin said.


There was a panic on the face of the lotus goddess. She seemed to realize something, and she turned to look at the pink lotus!

In the picture of the **** outlined by the rules of god, one of the blue-green vines started to turn black--


The pictures of the gods drawn by the rules of gods began to burst into death! If you look closely, you will find that all those dead spirits are composed of the characters "dead".

This scene seemed to be the most terrifying thing in the world, even from the gods such as Lotus Goddess, Gao Yue, and Tracer! And no one!

The "Dead Man Sutra" can even destroy the Protoss. Although Qing Ming Death God was born and has no blood continuity, it still cannot escape the sanctions of "Dead Man Sutra"!

"You've already counted it--" The lotus goddess's delicate body was trembling constantly, and her worries became reality. This is probably the true intention of Ye Di's "Dead Man".

No matter what method the lotus goddess uses to hide from the sky and make Qingming Death God alive, he will not be able to escape the blood trace of the "Dead Man Sutra", and will eventually be completely wiped out!

Su Jin looked at the lotus goddess and said lightly: "Is it for me to invite you down, or do you come by yourself?"

"You won't kill me?" The lotus goddess was a little surprised.

"Leave you down and study at night." Su Jin turned coldly, disappeared directly, and appeared in front of the imperial palace.

In the

Tracer's face was ugly, and as soon as he saw Su Jin appear, he raised his hands up, "Big Brother! I didn't hide anything, so... Newborn Era or something, can I not participate? Let me go!"

Hearing the sound, the lotus goddess was almost unsteady. When she walked into the light prison, she couldn't help but stared at Tracer-

Tracer scratched his head. After seeing Su Jin's indifferent expression, he didn't dare to ask any more, and walked to the side angrily.

"Ye Di, when shall we wait?" Chaosheng Banshee walked to Su Jin and asked.

"Wait for Wangshen to come. It should be soon—" Su Jin shook his head. He turned his eyes from the Chaosheng Banshee, looked at Gao Yue, and continued: "At night, you are ready."

"What are you doing?" Gao Yue flushed, "I...I tell you, basically..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Jin hadn't entered the imperial palace and had no patience to listen to her finish.

Gao Yue sighed inwardly. She originally wanted to tell Su Jin that God is basically indistinguishable from humans, but the other party could not listen.

The Chaosheng Banshee looked at Gao Yue with a meaningful look...

"Look, Ye Di knows how to Lianxiangxiyu, such a poisonous woman can survive in his hands." The Chaosheng Banshee approached the light prison and looked at one of the pink poisonous lotus flowers.

The lotus goddess kept silent, and now she knew it was useless to say anything, and the prisoners had no right to speak! Moreover, she didn't know what Yedi was going to study--

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