My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3704: Mysterious Senior

Sunny sky!

The scorching sun above the imperial city seemed to be the most glamorous day in recent times, but in such a good weather, there was always an inexplicable and tense atmosphere, and the entire glazed land existed.

Ye Di, a series of fierce battles, all wins!

Even God is not his opponent, and there are even more rumors that his unworldly power has been deeply awakened, and he is in control of the world.

Smoke flows in circles, slowly rolling under a lotus pond bridge. Under the laminar smoke, there is a carp of various colors several meters in size, cruising leisurely.

The back garden of the imperial palace shows the world's luxury——

When Su Jin walked into the back garden, he encountered no fewer than a hundred jade statues of beauties of various colors. The emperor really loved beauty, even in the back garden.

This back garden is at least a thousand miles away. Su Jin saw countless luxury. Of course, with his feet, he naturally came to the end very quickly. The scenery at the end seemed particularly special.

It was a cyan color. On the northern edge of the back garden, in front of a railing made of stone statues of beautiful women, Su Jin saw a sea of ​​cyan fog, as if to save the world.



The extremely faint sound of thunder and lightning flashed from the depths of the cyan fog sea, and Su Jin silently opened "Mahe Town Prison Eye". In the area of ​​lightning intertwined, he vaguely saw a mottled old turtle——

The mottled body of the old turtle seemed to have condensed into the vicissitudes of life. It was too old to even open its eyes. Under Su Jin's keen gaze, he saw a broken wall on the back of the other turtle. Yuan exists, it is a very distant ancient miracle.

"The wall is ruined, it's on the turtle's back. Could it be that a world can't be achieved?" Su Jin was a little surprised. The ruined land could not be seen to the end, even if he is now, he uses "The Eye of Mohe Town" to go. Look, after watching more than ten breaths, I can only see a chaos, I can't see the end, and the broken walls are all built with five-color soil. While looking shocking, there is a kind of ancient mystery. Mysteriously converged in it.

After watching about dozens of interest time-

Su Jin was still thinking.

"Is it the emperor?" The old turtle moved slowly, and the huge feeling that seemed to be soaring like a tsunami appeared directly, although that was the effect of the turtle's back.

"The emperor has disappeared, and eternal disappearance." Su Jin replied slowly with his hand held down.

"The old man cries, the new man laughs, and the one who can walk here alone is the new emperor." The old tortoise's old voice is unmatched. It does not seem to be surprising. After all, it has witnessed too many things. Much, even the Lord of Liuli, it has experienced more than a dozen tenures.

Su Jin hesitated slightly without denying it, and then said, "Are the seniors trapped here or..."

"I was suppressed by sins, and all that was carried on my body was'sin'. In recent years, I have been constantly upset. Although the old turtle is blind, I can feel that you are a man of great luck. Can you tell me what happened? ?"

"The emperor here has been cut off by me--" Su Jin said lightly.

"It's not because of you." The old turtle doesn't care about the life and death of the emperor, it wants a solution.

Su Jin was silent, and said for a long time: "God is coming, the gods of the heavens are coming, the king and **** will open up the "New God Era" of the heavens, but the predecessor has disturbed his mind because of this."

"God...too far away——" The old turtle was silent for a long time longer than Su Jin, and finally said slowly: "Since the opening of the heavens, there has been a period of collapse of the universe in the oldest period. At that time, the demons and gods danced wildly, but The period of the heavens was the period when the demons ruled...they call them gods."

Su Jin nodded, "The King God is coming, but within a few days, the creatures will be wiped out here, and they may even cease to exist. Seniors are trapped here. If you want to leave, I can help you."

Old turtle:...

"The heavens, the benevolent can rule, the gods will only disrupt the world and bring the heavens to the end of the process... you must be careful of the king and god——" Old Turtle's tone is a little special, at least it sounds like this to Su Jin— —

No matter how smart Su Jin is, it is impossible to guess what the other person is thinking. As the old tortoise fell silent again, Su Jin hesitated and said: "If you can survive a battle with King God, you will do everything possible to help seniors get out of trouble. ."

"There is no way... the chain under my foot has turned into the heavens, and no one in the world can cut it off. When the king **** comes, I will open my blind eyes and pay attention to this battle..." The old turtle made a voice. , Su Jin just turned and left.

Su Jin was too surprised-

In the north of the Emperor's Garden, an old tortoise of an unknown age was imprisoned! The traces of the turtle's back on this old tortoise have turned into time marks. Su Jin can't even guess how powerful the other party is, although he feels that the other party is always hovering on the edge of the cliff of life and death...

Walking in the back garden of the imperial palace, Su Jin realized that only the emperor could enter this back garden. Of course, judging from the furnishings, there are many things that please female cultivators, but male cultivators are absolutely only Nengdijun comes in.

Back garden, west bank!

Su Jin sat facing a rolling sea of ​​clouds, where there was a spar doing a case, he was enjoying himself, thinking carefully about the next thing.

I probably thought about the time for half a stick of incense-

Su Jin clarified some clues, and all the crux of all problems still need the arrival of the king to solve. As for the old turtle said that he is the new emperor, he is not interested.

Drinking fine wine, smiling at the situation, Su Jin is here, Wangshen, he is waiting!

Faint and fall--

The red clouds dyed the sea of ​​fog.

"What are you sneaking in?" Su Jin put down and drank half a jar of wine, and said lightly.

Su Jin was a little surprised by the person who came, but since the emperor was dead, there was no one guarded here, and it was normal that the other party could find him.

That is a woman with a beautiful posture... She has a new look, her temperament is like an immortal, she is actually the Long Ruo of the Four Tigers...

"I searched the entire back garden, there was no one--" Long Ruo turned her face away, she seemed to be ill, and she didn't seem to dare to look directly at Su Jin.

"No one, have you gone to the north?" Su Jin asked with a move in his heart.

"Qingyun is still good, not enough to compare with this place." Long Ruo said.

Su Jin heard the meaning. Long Ruo went to the north of the back garden. He probably didn't see the old turtle. This surprised him. With a slight move, the old turtle could turn the sea of ​​clouds. It was easy. Can you see this woman... Didn't you see?

"Are you not running?" Su Jin asked lightly.

Long Ruo's mouth sighed slightly, and responded: "God can't escape, let alone I—"

"Then what do you mean by coming." Su Jin was puzzled.

Long Ruo paused, and finally seemed to have made up his mind. He walked to Su Jin who was sitting at the spar table, slowly knelt down, closed his eyes, and stretched out his hand. A short dagger appeared in his palm.

"Let's go, soon, I won't care about you... life and death depend on their ability." Su Jin said.

"The ancestors in the family have fortune-telling to the catastrophe, no one can understand. I, Long Ruo, a small person, have a brazen face and come here to ask for blessings." Long Ruo's face was pale and trembling: "If Ye Di can be my family of four tigers For the backer, let’s kill Ren, Long Ruo will never frown—"

Su Jin shook his head, "There is still time, you can let the Four Tigers escape the land of Liuli and avoid the catastrophe."

"The family of the Four Tigers is deeply rooted in the land of glazed glaze, and there are many fetters. The tomb of the family ancestor cannot be moved within a few days. Our ancestors were wounded by the hands of the emperor, and were unable to cut the dragon stone in the deep tomb. …Can't leave." Long Ruo told the fact that the Sihu family gave up and left.

"I am the best backer, I said I have no time to take care of you..." Su Jin said.

"Ye Di... As long as Ye Di is willing, I Long Ruo, I am willing to be the slave of eternity, as long as you nod your head, I will engrave the word slave on my face, and I hope Ye Di... Ye Di completes——" Long Ruo's emotions Suddenly became excited.

Su Jin whispered a crazy woman in his heart...

The dagger in Long Ruo's hand was slowly grasped by Su Jin and took off.

"Isn't it cruel to have such a beautiful face and engraving the word slave? At that time, why did you show up with the emperor?" Su Jin raised Long Ruo's chin and looked at it for a while.

Long Ruo trembled fiercely in her heart, and said, "The emperor is intentional, but the Four Tigers only agreed on the surface. I have nothing to do with him..."

"It's late." Su Jin turned his head and looked at the sinking sun, and Long Ruo also got up with a flushed face, and fell into the arms of the strong man like steel...


Starlight little by little.

The imperial palace and even the entire imperial city are rarely quiet--

Long Ruo left the imperial palace a little later, she wanted to gather all the members of the Four Tigers and stationed in the imperial city according to Su Jin's intention.

She knew that soon, in the land of colored glaze, only the emperor city was the safest place!

The lights of the imperial palace are still shining even after the death of the emperor——

The lotus goddess is the same as Gao Yue, they are all very worried, the two women have never been so afraid of the night, and in the side hall, a place called "The Great Palace", Su Jin is quietly waiting for their arrival.

Gao Yue had already prepared to go all out--

But the lotus goddess in a pink lotus dress was full of despair. After the two gods walked into the void and stepped into the "Great Emperor's Palace", the two women were married, and at this time they were no longer afraid.

"Dirty human race, it's no wonder that it can multiply and prosper in the heavens..." The lotus goddess muttered to herself, with all thoughts grayed out.

"You can't talk nonsense here." Gao Yue glanced at the lotus goddess, "unless you want to be like Xiaotian Vulcan and the others--"

"I am not afraid of death." said the lotus goddess.

"In fact, Ye Di is definitely not what you think..." Gao Yue wanted to argue for Ye Di, but she knew that the current lotus goddess couldn't listen.

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