My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3705: Sensational news

"The dignity of our gods must not be trampled on by a single person. Although I don't know what your relationship is with Taiyang, if you get close to the human race, you will definitely be targeted by the gods, and even turn your head against each other."

The lotus goddess stopped in front of the'Great Emperor's Palace' and turned to look at Gao Yue——

Tonight Gao Yue wears Yasu Ruoxue, especially under this light, her dress is particularly eye-catching, and before that, the lotus goddess found that she had not changed her clothes.

Gao Yue didn't explain, and then asked: "Go in—"

The lotus goddess trembled fiercely, knowing that with her own strength, she still couldn't change all this, and she didn't know what would become after tonight.

The Great Palace is as quiet as during the day.

The entire imperial city is empty, and it is naturally the same here. Think about it not long ago, the imperial city was still the busiest and bustling place in the Land of Colored Glaze. The maids, the gods, and even countless places where you can go to the beautiful lively place. Now... it has become the quietest night since the city was founded.

In the Palace of the Great Emperor, the magnificent, warm tones, plus the extravagant decoration, make people feel far more than the atmosphere——

Where is he?

Gao Yue looked around, but didn't see Ye Di's figure.

Soon, Gao Yue and the lotus goddess stepped behind, and here is the only place where you can enjoy the sea of ​​clouds——

Gao Yue was a little surprised when he entered the eyes!

Because an incomparably deep "Enlightenment Tree" covers the entire sky over the Great Emperor's Palace, Ye Di sits on the sea of ​​clouds, with a floating table, and sits alone under the "Enlightenment Tree". His hair has grown very long recently. , Pierced straightly...the table in front of me is also filled with liquor in delicate bottles...

"The tree of enlightenment--" The lotus goddess was secretly horrified.

Gao Yue and the lotus goddess walked under the "Enlightenment Tree" together.

"Sit." Su Jin stretched out his hand and asked the lotus goddess to sit on the opposite side, then turned his head and said: "Gao Yue, please help my king sort out."

"I'll tell you first, I haven't combed a man's hair... Don't comb you into a girl then." Gao Yue did not refuse, but reminded Su Jin as a half-joking--

Su Jin smiled slightly and watched the lotus goddess sit face to face.

"Think about my harsh requirements of you before. You caught me and didn't give me a death. Do I have to thank you?" The lotus goddess asked slowly with a cold face.

"God's power, I have seen it for a long time. The reason why I accompany you in a battle is just because of loneliness. In fact, before I fight, I know I will win easily." Su Jin gently raised his hand and the bottle floated directly. Get up and pour a glass of wine for the lotus goddess.

A very simple comb appeared in Gao Yue's hand, gently combing his long hair for Ye Di, while still trying to figure out Su Jin's intention.

In fact, Gao Yue has long known that "The Tree of Enlightenment" is useful to gods, and the usefulness is not so great. Just like her now, just gently apply the rules of God in the body, and under the blessing of the tree of enlightenment, that kind of thing will work. It is a sudden sense of clarity at any time.

After all, when God was born, he was not invincible—

God also needs to perceive the heavens, and the rules of God are also subject to the heavens.

"When the king **** arrives, you won't dare to say this again." The lotus goddess responded to Su Jin with a cold voice. She was secretly surprised at Su Jin's temperament. When sitting with this person, she unexpectedly She felt a great deal of pressure, not from the effect of strength, but from her own heart.

"Sister Lianhua, you have also seen the power of Ye Di. Although I am a protoss, I am not close to you. If I really choose, I will follow the agreement with Ye Di and stay with him for ten years." Gao Yue said softly.

Her voice trembled a little--

The lotus goddess could clearly hear this tremor.

Just now Gao Yue mobilized the rules of the gods in her body and used "The Tree of Enlightenment" to realize that she had benefited a lot in just over twenty breaths. This is definitely something she can't imagine if it is put in normal times.

"Because of this tree of enlightenment?" The lotus goddess looked at Gao Yue coldly, with a little more mockery.

What Gao Yue couldn't stand the most was the look in his eyes. The arrogance and arrogance of the past began to explode, and he simply said, "So what?"


The answer is not muddled--

"When the king **** arrives, it will be the day of all these destructions. The tree of enlightenment will also be destroyed by the king god, can you figure it out clearly?" the lotus goddess asked Gao Yue.

"I don’t know who loses and who wins, but Ye Di will definitely survive. If Ye Di is willing to share the tree of enlightenment with me and let me pay a little price, it’s not a good idea. Also, you are not the same, whether it is a **** or a god. People are just chasing fame and fortune, wanting to leave a name in the annals, otherwise, after tens of thousands of years, who knows the name of your lotus goddess, the records in the annals will only be the king and god...not the emperor of the night." Gao Yue said fiercely. stand up.

Everyone knows what she means! The lotus goddess also understands——

If you want to get it, you have to pay the price first, but the lotus goddess does not want to sit with the human race, even for a few seconds, she is very upset.

Although Yedi is different, he is after all the strongest human race in the world...the existence that can destroy the gods.

Su Jin raised his hand and signaled Gao Yue not to speak any more, then looked at the lotus goddess and said: "No more quarreling, pay attention to the identity between you——"

"You..." The lotus goddess turned her head angrily. If Ye Di were not here, she would definitely throw things angrily and overturn everything!

The lotus goddess understands the meaning of Su Jin's words-

That means that Gao Yue has a higher status than the lotus goddess, even if it is the same person who was captured, but after all, the other party and the night emperor have an agreement.

"Now let's start our research, are you okay?" Su Jin asked.

The lotus goddess immediately chilled her back... her eyes suddenly became alert.

"What do you want to do?" The lotus goddess stared at Su Jin's face again, her face full of reluctance.

"Research, in such a boring night, you always have to find some fun. Lift your hands up--" Su Jin said.

The neat teeth of the lotus goddess clenched slightly, and finally had to do it!

In the sleeves of the pink lotus skirt, the complexion of the lotus goddess was even fairer than that of the lotus root that had just emerged from the mud. Su Jin's hand, holding her wrist, gently tried to get in.

A mysterious scene suddenly appeared in Su Jin's mind. Numerous rules of God seemed to form the veins of the divine body, and her body temperature seemed to be soaring——

In the rule world of the lotus goddess, her physique seems to be a small universe, in which cliffs and rocks, or powder mist, thousands of lotus flowers are like lotus lamps, lit in the world of her **** body, her **** The heart was beating wildly, and Su Jin had never felt such a wonderful scene.

Intertwined with the rules of the gods, it is no wonder that the Protoss is very powerful when it is born... Gao Yue is like this, so is this lotus goddess.

And Su Jin felt that the blood in the lotus goddess seemed to flow fast, and that scene of the lotus lamp vision was brighter than when Su Jin felt it earlier--

Soon Su Jin was relieved.

This is the factor of touching the lotus goddess, but more factors lie in the "Enlightenment Tree", even if the lotus goddess does not forcefully mobilize the origin of the rules of God, the Enlightenment Tree is also blessing her——

Gao Yue also saw the strangeness of the lotus goddess.

The lotus mark on the eyebrow of the lotus goddess seems to be slowly opening...

"The fog is really big." Gao Yue watched the sea of ​​fog churn up, and then saw a dragon body coiled up under the table...

"God, in front of this king, I will never be noble. Remember this sentence, the past is, today is, and the future is..."

The sea of ​​fog covers everything, even if it is the tree of enlightenment, the extremely dense fog will roll between the silver-green leaves...

"Gao Yue."

Although the figures of the three of them were submerged in the fog, Su Jin still asked: "What you said earlier, are you serious?"

"When...Of course..." Gao Yue's heart jumped--


The night in the glazed land is beautiful and long...

And a few hours later, in the extreme east and extreme south of the glazed land, there are patches of grayish white shadows, which are quietly crossing the mountains and rivers.

This night, after dawn, began to make the monks in the Land of Glazed Glass anxious!

"Last night, within a radius of 300,000 miles, snakes, insects, rats and ants were all escaping, and the 63 monks in the extreme east and south of the great cities disappeared silently!"

The news is too big, too sensational! As soon as dawn arrived, the monks in the land of colored glaze all knew about it.

"I heard that I didn’t hear any screams. There was a mighty rush into the Far East tribe, but I saw a tragic scene! The dead, all smiled, as if they died unknowingly, that kind of method, even if it is Our original emperor could not do it!"

"It's too sudden. It's 300,000 miles. No one has noticed. Could it be that the kings and gods that those gods said have come?"

"Who knows! Anyway, Ye Di can't make the cultivators of the sixty-three **** cities silently die! Even if it is a scream, you should make a scream! No matter how bad, the talisman can be sent out instantly, but it is not allowed to be forced. Anyone knows... those monks who died seem to have died unknowingly!"

"The King God! It must be the King God... this method is terrible—"

"Last night I heard that the Four Tigers and Four Families had all quietly moved into the Imperial City. It is rumored that Long Ruo had obtained Yedi's blessing at an extremely heavy price. The Four Tigers had found Yedi as a backer!"

"Could the Four Tigers already know that the catastrophe will come?"


Too mysterious--

No one can ignore this sad fact.

In the morning, Su Jin walked out of "The Great Palace" alone. The moment he heard the news, he naturally felt incredible.

"The creatures here are all enemies. It would be nice to die." Chaosheng Banshee said to Su Jin.

Xin Yuehu guessed: "Will it be the legendary king god? The number **** has already come yesterday, will the king **** come faster?"

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