My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3706: Happy to kill god

"It's not the King God——"

Su Jin denied Xinyuehu's speculation and shook his head: "With the existence of the Kingshen method, how can you use such a method? When you reach this level, you will no longer have the desire to attack the weak."

"It makes sense, since it's not a king god... it should be a member of the protoss. A few days ago, the spar idol warned that the gods of the heavens were all rushing to the land of glazed glaze. Do something bluffing when you are bored--" said Chaosheng Banshee.

Su Jin said lightly: "Call Tracer here."

It's Tracer!

The Chaosong Banshee naturally understands what Su Jin meant. If it is a Protoss, maybe Tracer, who is also a Protoss, knows the situation—

Not long after, Tracer bit a fruit in his mouth and ran over angrily...

After receiving Su Jin's question, Tracer fell silent.

"If it's a god... it's definitely him." Tracer said after a long time: "He is a strange species in the Protoss. His name is Sanxi God and Huanxi Killing God. This **** is rejected even in the Protoss. The kind of—"

Happy to kill God...

Su Jin touched his chin and thought: "You take a trip and pass me a word."

"Brother, you are not afraid that I will run away!" Tracer's eyes widened, unable to believe that Su Jin trusted him so much.

"Just run, just take it with you." Su Jin waved his hand.

Tracer Khan——

Sure enough, the male **** is still not popular with the goddess, but the words come back, where did Lianhua sister go? I heard that the night emperor was going to study the gods last night, and I haven't seen the shadow of the lotus goddess.

"What's the message? I'm sure to find him—" Tracer said seriously.

"Just tell him to roll as far as he can, don't provoke me." Su Jin said calmly.

Tracer shuddered and said with a wry smile: "Brother Ye, you don't know, that happy killing **** is moody, and it has a high status in the gods, two levels higher than me and the lotus goddess. I can bring it, but if he wants to kill me, you can save me."

"The inside of the Protoss doesn't look like an iron bucket--" Su Jin chuckled lightly and said.

"People are divided into good people and bad people. As a Protoss, they are born with extremely strong power. There are very few situations where anyone can obey others. I can't do this, I can't do it."

Tracer hurriedly waved his hand, and then said, "I will come as soon as I go. Brother, please pay attention to me—"

As soon as the voice fell, Tracer disappeared in place.

Xinyue Fox narrowed his eyes into crescents, put his face on Su Jin's shoulder, and said, "God is really powerful, and he killed countless lives in one anger, and destroyed dozens of **** cities. Compared with them, Ye Di is so merciful. I can't be kind anymore."

"That's not... the cry of the night demon of the sky, the hand of which power is not stained with blood, this is only one night, and the corpse is three hundred thousand miles away -" Chaosheng said.

Su Jinduan sat at the jade table and took the tea from the goddess of time.

"Ye Di." The Goddess of Time lowered her head, as if her heart was very serious.

"After the emperor was beheaded to death by me, the elder Taichen had already escaped after hearing the wind. Although he may not have returned to the Time God Realm, I cannot personally confirm it. I will have time after the Wangshen matters are dealt with." Su Jin saw what the goddess of time meant.

"Good—" The Goddess of Time was faintly excited.

In the Time God Realm, the elder Taichen in charge of "Temple of the Earth" has become a thorn in the heart of the Goddess of Time, and she has been panicked all day long. Now that the Yedi made the guarantee, she naturally felt relieved.

From the perspective of the Goddess of Time, Su Jin can definitely kill the elder Taichen easily and save the God Realm of Time!

Gently took a sip of tea, Su Jin gently brushed his sleeves, and a scene appeared directly in front of the women——

That was the scene where young Tracer went to find Sanxi God!

Tracer's speed was too fast, and after only a few breaths, he appeared to the southeast.

"Could it be that there was a sense between the gods, this Tracer went straight, as if he was really sure that the **** was in the southeast." Chaosheng said.

"The God's body is all intertwined with the "rules of the gods". First, the spar idols emit visions, and they can attract the gods of the heavens. It is not surprising that the gods have this ability to interact with each other." Su Jin explained.


Tracer tumbling down in a cloud.

In the southeast, there is a white stream of smoke slowly condensing a human form from the edge of a sacred river——

When Su Jin and the girls saw the "Three Happiness God" through the condensed scene, they felt more or less strange.

Three happy gods, that is, happy killing gods, looking at them is absolutely hairy!

Although he is in human form, he has only limbs and torso, his skin is bluish, his head turned out to be an elephant, and his nose is--

"Friend of God...Friend of God..." The young Tracer turned into a beam of light and appeared directly not far from Huanxi Killing God.

"The law of space, you are the Taiyang line." Huanxi Killing God turned his head and looked at Tracer who was scratching his head.

"Yes, yes, I come from the line of Taiyang Wangshen, and I have heard that I am happy to kill the gods." The young Tracer arched his hands, but his eyes were wary.

Huanxi Killing God sneered, "The gods of the heavens will gather here, your Taiyang line is still too weak, why, why didn't I feel the breath of Taiyang old man?"

"Taiyang, he's here, but I don't want other gods to disturb him. I said you don't go anymore. Someone who is strong will let me bring you a word--" Young Tracer began to do some oiling on the soles of his feet. ready.


"Let you roll, roll as far as you go—"


A torrent of weather radiated from Huanxi Killing God!

"Taiyang old man! Dare to despise me!" Huanxi Killing God was so angry, staring at the young Tracer: "And you little kid! I heard my happy name for a long time when I first appeared, could it be that I laughed at me in my heart !"

Everyone knows that Huanxi Killing God is a scum of the Protoss, a being disliked by the gods. Just when the young Tracer spoke, he caused the dissatisfaction of Huanxi Killing God!

"No, **** friend, the strong man who speaks is not Tai Yang... You... hey, you should go--" Tracer forcibly carried the divine power spreading from the **** of joy, and once again persuaded him.

"You kid of the Protoss, I don't bother to take care of it! Who said you told me, I will screw off his head!" Huanxi Killing God furiously said.

"Don't yell like a little kid! Who, who kid? Look at your elephant snot, wipe it off, don't get to the Terran Realm, and be ridiculed by the Terran!" Young Tracer also came. Out of anger, relying on Ye Di to control him.

Huanxi Killing God's eyes rounded, and he appeared directly in front of the young Tracer, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and said angrily, "I'll twist your head first!"

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