My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3707: Someone behind me!

The terrifying aura directly overturned layers of space!

Early in the morning, all the cultivators in the Glazed Glass Land seemed to have felt the disaster of extinction, and they began to look around and look around!

Fortunately, there is great energy to condense the scene of the Shenhe River in the southeast.

The divine light that fluctuates from the rules is simply eye-opening!

"God, the two gods are fighting!" The monk in the Land of Glazed Glass exclaimed.

"Is the Protoss nest turned upside down? Isn't that the Tracer God of War who was caught by the Ye Di? Now why is there a conflict with another Protoss? Silk... the **** like a human body, I seem to see it in some ancient books Ever."

"It's Sanxi God!"

"Yes, yes! Happy to kill God, could it be that the slaughter last night was done by this god? Yes, happy to kill God to slaughter souls for fun, and the temper is temperamental. The slaughter in sixty-three cities last night was definitely done by this god—"

"That young Tracer seems to be unable to beat this god, he can only evade, and in terms of speed, strength, and joy to kill the gods seems to be better than him."



Regardless of what the people in the Glazed Land think--

Now Tracer is constantly complaining, the opponent's **** rank is higher than him, and it has a lot of history, and even the power behind it is not inferior to the Taiyang King God, otherwise this happy killing **** would not dare to call Taiyang Lao!

"Don't think that if you understand some spatial laws, you can challenge the original god, won't work for any longer. The gap between the gods can't be made up by rules!" Huanxi Killing God kept chasing Tracer, and just hunted. The law of empty space is wonderful, and I am afraid that any **** would have been killed by the **** of joy.

Of course, Tracer is not a vegetarian either—

You can’t just call for help at the beginning! He is now surrounded by colorful bridges that have been transformed into spatial rules. With this bridge crossing him, if the other party does not show some real skills, I am afraid this will be an endless pursuit.

In front of the imperial palace.

Gao Yue and the lotus goddess walked from the "Great Emperor's Palace" in the distance-

The two goddesses also felt the intense battle fluctuations before they appeared.

"What happened, Tracer... Why did Tracer fight the gods——" Gao Yue's eyes widened, obviously startled.

When the lotus goddess and Gao Yue fell, they took a peek at Su Jin. She didn't have the personality of Gao Yue. She knew that she could not report the humiliation last night.

Moreover, the lotus goddess has deep doubts in her heart. As a god, why is she also suffering?

"Happy to kill asked Tracer to provoke him." The lotus goddess looked at Su Jin and asked.

"Is it better?" Su Jin said indifferently.

Shocking... Not only the lotus goddess, even Gao Yue heard this, her cheeks also appeared on her face.

Facing the gaze of the lotus goddess cannibalism, Su Jin slowly explained: "There will be nothing wrong with Tracer. This Happy Killing God can suppress him, but it is beyond my expectation."

"The **** level of Huanxi Killing God is two levels higher than Tracer. Among the gods, one level higher is a world of difference." said the lotus goddess.

"Then what about you? Under the tree of enlightenment last night, how many levels of gods did you raise?" Su Jin asked.



The eyes of the lotus goddess are a little more complicated.

It is undeniable that under the tree of enlightenment, the goddess of the lotus goddess has risen to three levels! You know this is just one night! Ascend to Tier 3 in one night. She and Tracer are the same gods, but now she is even higher than that of Happy Killing God...

"Emperor, we will use the tree of enlightenment at night." Gao Yue's attitude is very serious, "you also want to guide me in my practice."

The lotus goddess tilted her head, slightly lowered, she did not refute, the attraction of the tree of enlightenment, shattered all her backbone——

God, there are also high and low points, who doesn't want to become a king **** early... But according to normal practice, the way of king **** is difficult in life! Even immortality and immortality cannot be achieved. No wonder Gao Yue is willing to pay all the price.

"Yes." Su Jin nodded.

"Why, you are so kind..." Gao Yue sent out a kiss——

Su Jin squinted and stared at the lotus goddess and said: "Since you have raised your **** level, don't you save your teammates? Go try..."

The lotus goddess was moved.

Upgrade to the third rank in one night, her **** rank is higher than Huanxi Killing God, but the opponent is notorious, if you go, the chance of winning is only 40 to 50%, if you give her a few more nights, and then raise the **** rank, you can win. The other side.

"The chance of winning is not great, and it is Tracer you ordered--" Goddess Lotus stopped paying attention to Su Jin after she finished speaking. She was so depressed to death, but since the matter had already happened, there was no room for reversal, and she couldn't kill this again. Ye Di!

The words of the lotus goddess just fell!

Tracer panted, turned his head and said angrily at Huanxi Killing God: "You are so exhausted that you are ugly! Do you really think I can't deal with you? I tell you, there is someone behind me!"

"Who!" Huanxi Killing God felt that Tracer was like a loach jumping into the river, it was difficult to catch to death, and he shouted directly after hearing this.

"You wait, I'll call someone!" Tracer put the palm of her hand in front of her mouth and shouted, "Brother Ye! Come and kill this ugly monster and kill God!"

Huanxi Killing God took the opportunity to deceive, and directly slapped the short hunter on the head——

This sudden attack was really too fast! Although Tracer was already prepared, he was still a bit slower than the opponent!


In the land of glazed glaze, there was a very familiar voice——

Huanxi Killing God originally had the confidence to shoot Tracer to death with this shot, but when the "Concentration Technique" appeared, the rules of the gods in his body seemed to freeze instantly, and his entire body instantly refused to listen!

"Eternal magic!" Huanxi Killing God was held for three seconds, but during these three seconds, Tracer had already oiled the soles of his feet and fled a long way.


While Tracer was panting his little heart, Su Jin was in a position three feet in front of him——

"Hey! Happy Killing God, I heard that your head is filled with water. Every generation of Happy Killing God is like this, and the Protoss records that Sanxi God will melt after death, turning into a pool of snot-like muddy water. , makes people sick to think about it, look at it, this is my future boss." Tracer said proudly.

"Human race!" Huanxi Killing God's eyes are fierce and fierce. At the same time, he is also a little wary. If it is placed before, he will naturally not care about a human race, but the "One Thousand Thing" that the other party has just used can actually seal He takes three seconds.

A master battle can be fatal in a tenth of a second, not to mention so long!

"You don't listen to what I asked him to take?" Su Jin looked at Huanxi Killing God indifferently, and said, "Will you wring my head off?"

"Hahaha...A human race, how dare to speak to the original **** like this?" Huanxi Killing God looked at Su Jin with some cruel eyes, as if looking at a dead person.

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