My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3708: Bliss

Huanxi Killing God has arrogant capital!

Take last night as an example. The corpse was 300,000 li in anger, and any **** could do it. Sixty-three cities were all killed by it, and Yedi, as a human race, threatened him face to face, even though he felt This Yedi is different, but he really didn’t take him seriously—

"I'll tell you when you're done--" Tracer cried.

Although the **** level of Huanxi Killing God is higher than Tracer...

But Tracer has deeply felt the power of the night emperor. No matter how he writhes, the feeling that he can't get out of the palm of the night emperor is definitely not comparable to the joy of killing the gods. Of course the most optimistic about Sora is Yedi!

"A Protoss, sighing against a trash human race, it really deserves to be the Taiyang line." Huanxi Killing looked at Tracer, his eyes were full of contempt.

Tracer's face pulled down.

If it weren't for the rank of God, he would be as good as Killing God Huanxi, he might just go up and tear the dog's mouth. By coincidence, the Taiyang King God has not yet arrived, otherwise this Killing God Huanxi would dare to say that? Huanxi Killing God must be so arrogant because he knew that Taiyang hadn’t arrived yet——

"Is it a trash human? If you lose, isn't it the **** of trash?" Su Jin was not angry, with weird eyes in his eyes. This happy killing **** is too arrogant, and he definitely has never met an expert of the human race.

"God itself is above the human race. Humans are just slaves of God. Regardless of the suppression of the original divine might, what method can you use to defeat me? Is it an eternal technique? To be honest, you can have several eternal ones. Shushu!" Huanxi killed God and abused.

He is not worried--

I care a little.

In the eyes of Huanxi Killing God, Ye Di is nothing but a garish, with a huge spectrum, which is actually not useful. As long as it really fights, he will definitely let this human Ye Di know what regret is!

"Come on then—" Su Jin stretched out his hand, "I would like to see and see, how can you help me?"

Huanxi Killing God stared at Su Jin for several seconds...

Before long, he decided to try what this human race had to do, so that he could make Tracer like that.

"Look at it! This is the joy of joy in my line of joy. Last night, in the 63 cities of your human race, countless human beings died under my joy of joy. Are you angry when you hear this? "Huanxi Killing God smiled.

"Kill well--" Su Jin said lightly.

What...what? Killed well?

Huanxi Killing God looked at Su Jin’s expression, slightly unhappy. It seems that although the human race is multiplying and powerful, it is not harmonious and not as united as the **** race. This powerful human monk of the night emperor even said that he killed well, it is really ruthless. Much more ruthless than some humans.

Huanxi Killing God didn't know... All the monks in the Land of Glazed Glaze are in rage!

"This killer **** is actually joking with the monks of my generation! The key point is that we are actually the enemy of Ye Emperor. Of course, Ye Emperor said that he was killed well! Ye Emperor doesn't care about it--" The monk in the Land of Glazed Glass was depressed. .

"Huanxi line, Happiness kills the god, good! There are many human races who believe in Happiness **** among the heavens. Now it seems that we really have a lot of cheap bones!"

"Although Ye Di is an enemy, I want to support him now! Only by skinning and slicing this **** of joy will kill my hatred!"

"The corpse was 300,000 li, didn't this help Ye Di? This person was dyed blood and karma for Ye Di, and even made fun of Ye Di with this--"

"Damn it, Ye Di was very proud of how he looked at him. After all, he was not angry and helped him. It is too stupid to kill God with joy."

"Happy to kill God, we remember you!"


In the land of glazed glaze, when the monks of the 100,000 highest heavens were furious--

At the feet of Huanxi Killing God, a stream of smoke began to rise, and the surrounding temperature and void seemed to begin to change quietly.

Strands of wonderful and pleasant atmosphere, as if to infect this world——

After seeing this scene, Tracer looked extremely alert, even if he was a god, he did not dare to stand and contaminate the "Joyfulness".

Su Jin stood in the void, letting the wind blow, and his face remained motionless!

When those vain fumes spread back...

Su Jin’s fingers were lightly stained, and he only felt his head sink, as if thousands of happy scenes flooded into his mind, but that was all...

"Dying in a happy world, this is the kindness of this **** to your human race, you will not feel the pain, this kind of joy is extremely luxurious for your human race." Huanxi Killing God said lightly.

When Huanxi Killing God said this, it was naturally because he saw Ye Di close his eyes.

"This kind of god's rule is not bad--" Su Jin opened his eyes and slowly smiled.

Huanxi Killing God suddenly became stiff...


This human race powerhouse, won't have any trouble after hitting his "Happy Joy"? And it didn't seem to be affected at all, this made Huanxi Kill Desperate, after all, this was something he had never encountered before.

"You didn't sink into it... very good, very interesting. You successfully attracted the desire of the original **** to kill you." Huanxi Killing God looked at Su Jin and nodded.

Su Jin smiled and gently raised his palm, "You are a god, and you did a trick first. Isn't it my turn now?"

Huanxi Killing God nodded without hesitation: "Okay! Go ahead! I want to see how those useless wastes surrender to your feet—"

"This technique is the hand of covering the sky." When Su Jin faced the blood fusion technique of the Four Tigers not long ago, he deeply felt the wordless sky secret, the fighting word sky secret, and this sky-shading mystery. Now the sky-shading secret is naturally impossible. On the same day, using the power of Su Jin to display, there is no magic.

"The hand that covers the sky, you are an ant tribe, who talk to cover the sky? An arrogant monkey—" Huanxi Killing God almost burst into laughter, waving his hand indifferently.

Hearing the words of Huanxi Killing God, Tracer's face flushed. Although he didn't like this Huanxi Killing God, he had learned from the hands of Ye Di!

And Tracer definitely knew that Huanxi killed the **** and underestimated the enemy... Originally, the power of the night emperor was unfathomable. Huanxi killed the **** and underestimated the enemy, Tracer now really wants to cover his face... lest he see the cruel scene.


Huanxi Killing God saw Su Jin's eyes--

He once thought that when Su Jin's eyes were blue, he guessed that this person was a protoss, because the protoss had colorful eyes, but the next second, when the strange mystery emerged, his face changed drastically!

"Tian...Tian Mi...Zhitian Mi..." Huanxi Killing God is full of disbelief. Even if he is a god, it is rare to encounter a Tian Mi monk in the heavens for thousands of years. This kind of encounter The probability is too small, but the Ye Emperor in front of him is just one!

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