My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3709: Catch a monster and go back?

at this moment!

Su Jin's stalwart figure is extremely dazzling in the void!

There is an incomparably magnificent hand, as if holding him in his hand, the blue giant hand is like an infinite ocean, I don't know how far away it came from!

The sky in the land of glazed glaze also seems to have been affected by "The Hand of Covering the Sky", becoming more and more pure, the aura of the sky secret is profound and mysterious, as if it exists in every grain of dust, and there is no dead angle to control this sky——

Happy Killing God looked around vigilantly--

Under the action of "Heaven-shading Hand", Huanxi's power to kill the gods seemed to be suppressed. He knew that this was the reason why the sky was controlled by the night emperor!


Huanxi Killing God was annoyed in his heart. He was a noble protoss, and his power was suppressed by a human. If this were to be spread out, he would not laugh out of his family's big teeth!

"Look at me breaking the power of your palm!" Huanxi Killing God kept **** his hands in front of him. The magical trajectory began to condense from his body. Those happy magical powers condensed all around him. The constantly changing strange face.

Immediately afterwards, Huanxi Killing God flicked forward with one hand!

"Break it for me!"

Happy to kill God burst out!

Those weird faces floating in the void trajectory all rushed towards Su Jin with sharp smiles, and some even went around behind Su Jin, which is near the giant arm that covers the sky!




As the changing faces with sharp smiles exploded, there was a turbulent flow of time and space, affecting the rules of this world, but the next second, before Huanxi was proud of killing God, his eyes widened, as if seeing Like a terrible sight--

Huanxi's method of killing gods has the power to mess with time and space, and it can't shake the hand that covers the sky in the slightest!

"Traceer..." Su Jin was also speechless and said lightly.

"Yes!" Tracer slapped his spirits. He was tortured by the hand that covered the sky anyway, and couldn't get out of Ye Di's palm. Now when he heard Ye Di's words, he quickly responded.

"Prepare a bag..." Su Jin sighed.

"Brother Ye, why are you preparing the bag?" Tracer asked curiously.

"Hold his head later, I think, I should be able to catch a monster and go back, and my woman can't be scared by him--" Su Jin said calmly.


At the moment when Tracer was stunned, he was indignant and indignant at Killing God, his dignified Protoss! Still a very high-level Protoss, was so humiliated by a human race! He also said that he was a monster, and thought he was ugly and scared people!

"Monkey!! You are dead, do you know if you are dead!" The anger of Huanxi Killing God erupted completely, and the whole body trembled.

"Calm down, the crazy monster has no value, and your supernatural power of joy, I think it's still useful--" Su Jin's attitude is very serious.

Huanxi Killing God is really getting mad, this human guy is here, why is it so angry!

"How about taking control of this sky! Watch my "Happy World"!"

Huanxi Killing God's eyes sprayed out the power of the rules of God, and the river under the void was gone! The void was gone, as if Huanxi Killing God had erased everything, the surrounding clear blue sky was also turned into a dark bustling field!

In the distance, slices of Bliss Castle appeared, an extremely magnificent waterwheel, shining with infinite lights, and every time it turned, it could drop a piece of waterfall——

All creatures in this world seem to have begun to appear in this world.

"These... these are the strong men cut off in the life of Huanxi Killing God. Whether it is an ordinary monk or the Supreme Protoss, they all exist in his great world of happiness——" With the power of the Glazed Land, I even saw some familiar existences, those, as if they were the people who had just entered this world, that is, the monks who were beheaded by the Happy Killing God last night...

"Xingyu Sect Master, I saw Xingyu Sect Master in it!"

"Damn, this joy to kill the god, forcibly used his own god's rules, avoiding the hand of the night emperor! Isn't the secret of the night emperor invalid for this god?"

"If a **** has no struggle with the world, he can live forever! God is the darling of God's nostalgia, and he can fight against Yedi's secrets, which is not surprising!"

"Did Ye Di really meet his opponent this time? Isn't the king god, can he break his secret? I always feel that Ye Di's methods are not so simple. Earlier, the hand of the sky was not even the tracer. The temper, unable to turn the palm of his hand, is it so easy to break it!"

"It's terrible to kill the gods with joy, if there is no Yedi, or if there is no king god, he can even slaughter the entire glazed land and one hundred thousand high heavens as long as he wants to—"

"This kind of power is too evil, what will Ye Di do?"


Huanxi Killing God appeared under the waterwheel. The waterwheel that scooped water was extremely gorgeous. He used his elephant trunk to declare his happiness, and he continued to spray a column of water with the elephant trunk!

"Sink the monkey! When you come to my "Happy World", you don't want to go out anymore. In the end, you will only sink deeper and deeper. Here... there is everything, everything can be satisfied, even if you want and get it Not..." Huanxi Killing God laughed.

Tracer looked from a distance, his face quite solemn.

Now Tracer himself is in this "Happy World", if Ye Di can't think of a way to break it, I am afraid that Tracer will suffer too!

This is Huanxi's strongest power to kill God! You can even cut off your opponents by more levels. This is the most terrifying part of Huanxi Killing God!

"Is there my longevity hall that makes people yearn for?" Su Jin said lightly.

"The Hall of Longevity? You still own the Hall of Longevity!" Huanxi Killing God's eyes rounded, and even when he laughed, "It's okay, after you die, your secrets, the Hall of Longevity, and the eternal magic will all be affected by the original god. Obtained, now... My God wants you to die!"

"It seems that you still don't understand the horror of the secret of the sky -" Su Jin was helpless. He originally wanted to make the other party proud for a while.

The smile on Huanxi Killing God's face solidified--

Just a moment!

All the shadows in "Happy World" seem to be staring at Su Jin with Huanxi Killing God. That kind of killing intent is absolutely impossible for ordinary masters to stop!

But just under the watchful eyes of this violent killing god...

The void of "Happy World" begins to reveal a hand that covers the sky exactly like the original one!

Then, the second hand that covered the sky appeared!

Article three!

A full 36 "Hands That Cover the Sky" appeared in this film "The World of Great Music"! Every "Hand that Covers the Sky" seems to have an endless vastness, as if it had opened up the sky, extremely magnificent!

"Mie-" Su Jin said a word calmly.




Thirty-six "Hands That Cover the Sky" seemed to shatter the sky, and they all held together, shattering all the worlds of vision!

This blow blasted "Happy World" in an instant!

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