My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3710: Hedge!

An annihilation storm enough to sweep everything, formed in the void! In the sky above this glazed land, countless divine lights traversed the world, and the **** of joy was trapped by the eye of the gradually forming storm!

"What kind of power are you! Damn... **** human race——" Huanxi Killing God felt that the surrounding vortex was constantly sucking on his body. All of his god's rules no longer worked, and his body was still declining. !


Like the first human body to kill God with joy, cracks began to appear on the surface of the body. Those were the scars scratched by the eye of the storm. The terrible annihilation storm could hurt God!

However, the more terrifying thing is obviously still to come!

As the wounds on the body of Huanxi Killing God appeared, his divine veins seemed to burst, and in a blink of an eye, the blood of the divine was all over the body!

"You can't die--" Su Jin's voice, like a **** in the Nine Netherworlds, directly awakened people's minds.

Under the gaze of all the cultivators in the Glazed Glass Land, he condensed a sky arm and directly penetrated into the depth of the eye of the annihilation storm, pinching the happy killing god!

Tracer is trembling!

Fortunately, Ye Di didn't resort to this trick on him at that time!

If he resorted to it, Tracer felt that he had already said goodbye to the world, where could he stand here to please him all the way? When he saw the tragedy of Huanxi killing the gods again, he had already made a decision in his heart that he must not offend the night emperor, even if the king of Taiyang came, he could not challenge this person!

It's terrible... terrible!

The legs of Huanxi Killing God seemed to be torn off by the eye of the storm, and now they are leaning on them, they are not effective at all! And the scene where he was covered with blood also made countless people afraid!

"This night emperor is so strong, if the king **** arrives, can he really clean it up?" The monk in the land of colored glaze asked a question.

"Huanxi Killing God, such a terrible Killing God, Happy Killing God, is not an enemy of the Ye Emperor! Why didn't the Emperor Do not destroy this God, but would fish him out of the storm's eyes instead? Where will God be caught?"

"Yedi wants to capture this monster alive! And didn't Yedi just say that? This happy killing **** is still useful!"

"It's so sad! But this happy killing **** can be regarded as retribution, and it provokes Ye Di. In the future, his fate will never be better. The 300,000 li corpse should also rest in peace—"

"A Huanxi Killing God who can kill sixty-three cities, but he can't beat Ye Di's hand that covers the sky, I am afraid that even Huanxi Killing God would not even think of breaking his head!"



After Huanxi Killing God had just been fished out, Tracer took an opportunity and took out a cloth bag directly to cover the head of Huanxi Killing God!


"Ye Di! Kill me! You killed me!" Huanxi Killing God almost wanted to vomit blood for three liters. Although his injury recovered extremely quickly, the **** bones in his legs were nearly shattered, and he could not be healed in a day or two. And these injuries are nothing wrong, he was treated like this by a dignified Protoss!

Moreover, it is still being watched by the ant people in this glazed land!

What a shame! Huanxi Killing God really doesn't want Ye Di to save him, so it's better to let him die!

"Take away—" Su Jin waved his hand, ignoring his unwillingness to kill God at all, and directly greeted Tracer, while he himself was one step ahead and appeared before the imperial palace.

"Brother Huanxi, see, I was caught like this at the time, but I ended up better than you. Although my **** level is not as good as you, but in terms of space mystery, who can be like me in the world? But even me, Can't escape from the palm of the hand that covers the sky..." Tracer grabbed Huanxi Killing God, jumped directly, and disappeared in place.

Huanxi killed the gods and was imprisoned in the light prison——

"God, this is it?" Su Jin glanced at Gao Yue and Lotus Goddess, took a glass of wine, and sat down slowly.

Gao Yue:...

Lotus goddess:...


What do they say? Huanxi Killing God was so powerful that it couldn't beat Ye Di, and it couldn't even bring Ye Di a little pressure. He was... and hedged.

"Ye Di is naturally better than some Protoss." Gao Yue said helplessly.

"What's the use of this Happy Killing God?" Xin Yuehu asked in confusion.

She always felt that this **** was terrible. He lay down 300 thousand li in one night, and the method of murder was so horrible that Jane was horrible. Forget it, the key is still ugly and disgusting—

"The temper is a bit wild, but beasts, you will be honest at the first pass. This happy killing **** will be of great use in the future." Su Jin didn't break it, and shook his head directly.

Well, what is useful is useful——

The girls didn't ask too much. Instead, Gao Yue and the lotus goddess felt a little bit more pressured. They always felt a little embarrassed in this, and it had been nearly two days, and Wangshen might come at any time.

Then, Su Jin was fed a few fairy fruits similar to grapes, and after a delay of half an hour, he walked into the back garden of the imperial palace——

"Strange, Ye Ditian left me and the lotus goddess before dawn, went to the garden behind the imperial palace, and turned back after dawn, why should I go in now—" Gao Yue couldn't help asking.

The lotus goddess glared at Gao Yue, and even though her face was flushed, she walked to the Great Emperor's Palace alone, waiting for Ye Di to display the Enlightenment Tree at night.

Seeing all the girls staring at her, Gao Yue realized that she was talking too much and quickly said, "Did I say something wrong?"

"Very well, you did a great job—" The Chaosheng Banshee shook her head.

"Hee hee, to be honest, the tree of enlightenment is not only beneficial to your human race, but also to our protoss. It can raise the gods of the gods. Last night I upgraded to the third rank, and the lotus goddess is the same. Envy?" Gao Yue Proudly said.


Tracer's head seemed to be completely blank, "Can you raise the **** level? Or is it a third level one night! Brother Ye...When Brother Ye comes out, I will also let him give me a chance!"

After yelling for a while, Tracer decided that if he continued to practice in this way, he would never be able to reach the King God, but now... Yedi has become the key!

"Are you a beauty? The beauty you think--" Gao Yue stepped towards the Great Palace, leaving Tracer in a daze...


Indeed, this is the third time I have come to the back garden of the imperial palace.

Yesterday, once before early morning, and every time I saw the mysterious mottled old tortoise, ups and downs.

To the north of the back garden of the imperial palace! Su Jin sat down slowly, looking at Yunjuanyunshu, quietly looking at a piece of golden ancient monument, flying out of the miraculous five-color earth behind the mottled old turtle, floating over—

"This monument, you may be useful." The old senior said to Su Jin slowly, spouting a cloud of blue clouds.

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