My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3712: Golden soul

No time!

There is no retreat!

Su Jin's heart was horizontal, spreading his right hand, and gently lifting it up! After that, those thousand paths seemed to have a hand that covered the sky directly condensed!


Thousands of scattered trails seemed to be kneaded together in an instant, Su Jin leaped high and directly turned into a ray of magical rainbow, immersed in that miracle!

When Su Jin's primordial spirit rushed into the Taoist trails, he only felt as if his whole body was bathed in warm spring water. The massive information contained in these Taoist trails poured directly into his primordial spirit!

"it hurts."

Even with Su Jin's concentration, it seemed that he couldn't resist the pain. His current soul seemed to be torn, torn out of different shapes, this feeling was no less than a car crack!

Su Jin's consciousness gradually blurred, he didn't even know what was going on, floating quietly in the golden ocean——

"The sky is also limited, but I am infinite..."

"When the heavens were not open, I was sane, vaguely sane--"

"Life is nothing but the ants played by the heavens, the net of stars, and nothing more than a handful of colored glaze beads. The ancient gods opened up the world, and the corpses of the ancient gods are all over the heavens. After all... a joke..."



Who is speaking……

I don’t know how long it took, Su Jin was not sure what level of sound it was. He didn’t seem to feel it by listening, but the sound radiated from a mysterious and mysterious place, as if it was close to the eyes, and as if it was far away in the universe. Besides, vastness is more than vastness.

When Su Jin was awake, everything around him seemed to have changed dramatically.

"My soul body..." Su Jin looked at his hands, his body turned out to be golden, and his soul body turned into a golden soul!

here is!

Su Jin opened his eyes wide, he saw an incredible scene, and he was directly certain that this was definitely inside the "Golden Ancient Stele"!

The sight in front of you will definitely make people feel insignificant, the kind of power that neither man nor **** can possess--

At first, it was a state of dimness and development, in which little light was dotted, and then the dim scene was shining brightly, and patches of nebula dust were instantly burned.

The stars smashed the stars, the nebula swept away the nebula, Su Jin saw the light, that kind of light, he even suspected that he could blind his divine pupil!

Su Jin was shocked, and he first developed a sense of enlightenment——

For example, he is not the origin of the world-honored, such as his skill "Eternal Galaxy.

If the stars are not shining, then what a star, his life star in the eternal galaxy, the soul star, should also be so dazzling, such a eternal galaxy, it seems to be a truly complete body!

Su Jin was stunned by the vastness of the sight. He seemed to have begun to wander in this mysterious space, such as that bunch of incomparably splendid stars, and the power of throughput, instantly penetrated the world!

"The old man allowed me to enter this golden ancient stele. It is impossible for me to watch this gorgeous star. He must have other plans."

Su Jin watched the stars burst and saw Yu Wei make the space collapse, and he even saw scenes that made him unbelievable time and time again——

"I did something that even Emperor Liuli couldn't do. I entered here. If so, then I will take a good look at the mystery." Su Jin used the golden primordial spirit to travel the starry sky. His golden primordial spirit seemed to be in harmony with This golden ancient monument is a fusion of the same, or it can be said that the golden ancient monument succeeds in choosing the owner, and he can reach any place inside this mysterious ancient monument with a single thought.

Time seems to pass extremely fast——

An uneasy atmosphere is spreading throughout the land of colored glaze.

Imperial City, in front of the Imperial Palace!

The female demons and other women all wandered about, waiting anxiously—

"It's already the third day. Is Ye Di still in the north of the back garden?" The Chaosheng Banshee looked at Xin Yuehu. She wanted to go in, but she knew from the first day that Ye Di seemed to have entered a state of meditation.

For the past three days, only one person has entered, that is Xinyue Fox who has just turned back, and she is also sent by the uncontrollable Chaosheng Banshee——

"Still." Xin Yuehu shook her head, "It's no different."

"Is it an epiphany, but the epiphany shouldn't be so long." The Chaosheng female demon wondered: "Now the sky is north and the north, the colorful clouds are flying, and the entire land of colored glaze is giving birth to auspiciousness. It seems that the king is here."

"Wang Shen... Yedi is in this state, it's not like you can wake up directly--" Long Ruo is also very worried now. She paid a'heavy' price to gather the four tigers in the imperial city. Emperor Zhiye had an epiphany in the back garden of the palace!

If Wangshen appeared... the consequences would be disastrous! This is what Long Ruo worries most.

"By the way, the golden ancient stele in front of Yedi has no special circumstances. I dare not reach out and touch it." Xinyuehu said.

"Have you ever seen this monument in the imperial city?" The Chaosheng Banshee looked at the imperial concubine.

The imperial concubine shook her head, "I know all the treasures of the emperor. He once gifted the Wanbaohe to me, but there is no golden ancient monument in the treasure house of the imperial city."

"But there is no one there—" Xinyuehu smiled bitterly: "Yedi has never shown this treasure to others. Such an important thing has happened. This treasure must have been obtained soon, but the back garden was empty, and In the void on the north side of the back garden, no intelligent creatures can be seen. This fact is too weird."

"Anyway, only wait until Ye Di wakes up--" Chaosheng Banshee said lightly.

And in the light prison not far away--

After Huanxi Killing God heard the words, Da Le said: "Looking at your human races so anxious, it really looks like a group of ants on the pot! Why, something happened to the night emperor? If it wasn't an accident, it must be afraid of our king and god. Zhiwei, dare not show up!"

"I'm not at ease if I'm hedded? Believe it or not, when the emperor comes out, I will let him knock off your teeth and let you swallow it with tears?" The Chaosheng Banshee is not afraid of killing God with joy now, can't help it. Said coldly.

Happy to kill God:...

"My clan king and **** have arrived, you won't be proud of it for long, human beauties, when my clan king and **** kill Ye Di, I will make you human-shaped lanterns. Don't worry, that time won't be too long! "Huanxi Killing God Henghen said.

"Brother, when I was a prisoner, I was not as hard as you. If the emperor really comes out, and hearing what you say, I guess you are really uncomfortable--" Tracer grinned.

"Huh! Your defeated general, where do you speak?" Huanxi killed God.

Tracer looked indifferent.


Thousands of auspicious clouds over the entire glazed land are slowly falling! Looking up from the ground, I can vaguely see the prosperous palaces, faintly manifested, but there is also the strongest power!

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