My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3713: God of Zorra

Pieces of boundless palaces are manifested in the void——

Accompanied by that wonderful king and god's might, the earth began to fluctuate!

I don’t know how many mighty powers are in the land of the glazed glaze, but compared with all the palaces on the cloud, it seems extremely small. Vaguely, there are countless gods and disciples in front of the palace that is not peaked!

"The King God! The King God is here!" The monks in the Land of Glazed Glass yelled in panic.

"The real king **** is far stronger than the emperor! Our glazed land is trembling, this must be a powerful king **** who can subdue the earth——"

"The king **** is here, where is the night emperor? He told the bronze emperor to launch the twilight of the gods, causing the monks in the world to be demoted. Now that the king **** who is far stronger than him arrives, he... is still shrouded in the imperial palace, no Will show up!"

"Could it be that you are afraid? In my impression, Ye Di, who is not afraid of heaven and earth, should not be afraid of such a mighty power, how about others?"

"Yedi shouldn't have seen such a grand scene. The King God should be the most powerful ruler in the Protoss. When I want to come, Yedi should have glanced and found that he can't do it, he is still delaying time, and is preparing to escape. Right—"

"It's late! Now that the emperor wants to escape, he can't escape the palm of the king's hands. This is called self-inflicted and can't live! Don't think that if you can pick out a few gods, you will consider yourself invincible. This can cure him. exist!"

"Hahahaha, Ye Di hasn't appeared yet, what about your previous arrogance--"


Sound waves, as if a wave is higher than a wave! The entire land of colored glaze is boiling at this moment! Although they are all human races, those who want to rectify the Ye Emperor are probably the people's hope, even if they are despised by the gods, they want to let the Ye Emperor fall!

How to do!

In the imperial city, Chaosheng Banshee and the others are anxious--

Gao Yue and the lotus goddess hadn't seen the night emperor appear for three days. They had been puzzled for these three days, but now they saw that the king **** had arrived, and they had no time to think.

"Wang Shen, invincible." Gao Yue's face became solemn.

During the three days in the Great Emperor’s Palace, Gao Yue asked the lotus goddess about the situation of the “king gods” in her spare time. She felt less and less confident, even if the night emperor at the peak wanted to defeat a king god. , It is also unimaginable low——

"Which King God is this?" Chaosheng Banshee asked.

Tracer was anxious now, scratching his head, and said, "Don't you see that Huanxi Killing God is so proud? This is the King God of the Huanxi line, Zoruo Heavenly King God."

The world is auspicious, under the witness of countless people, countless auspicious clouds fell on the sky, and even some auspicious clouds floated above the earth. This is the power of the king!



A piece of colorful cloud, several colored thunder and lightning, directly hit the light prison! The light prison was broken at the sound, and Huanxi Killing God roared with excitement, a handful of torn hedging cloth bags, with fierce eyes, looked towards Xinyue Fox and other women!

Tracer and Gao Yue all became vigilant--

After these few days of recuperation, I am happy to kill the wounds of God, and recover!

"I advise you not to go out of the light prison, otherwise the consequences will be, even if we are the same clan, we can't help you." Tracer warned.

"The same clan? The **** fellow! The same clan will give me a hedging? The king of my joy has arrived, and I can still put you in my eyes? I am going to kill the Quartet today!" Huanxi Killing God didn’t care at all and stepped straight out. In the forbidden place, those light prisons have been completely destroyed, and he can no longer be restricted!

The lotus goddess hesitated slightly, her face was cold, and she stopped directly in front of Gao Yue and Tracer, and said to Huanxi Killing God: "This matter, there may be a misunderstanding, our Taiyang King God has not arrived, we need to wait for his arrival before making a decision— —"

"What kind of thing are you? Taiyang, what kind of thing!" Huanxi Killing God is now free, vowing to repay the blood, he was beaten by Yedi before, and even his legs were broken!

"That's not true!" The lotus goddess shouted: "The goddess Gao Yue, who is blessed by the Taiyang King, is standing on the side of the Ye Emperor. Can the Ye Emperor be killed? The Taiyang King must be the master!

"Shit! Fuck! Fuck!" Huanxi Killing God stepped on, murderous!

Immediately afterwards, Huanxi Killing God brushed his sleeves, and all the happy field visions came one after another. Those happy fields seemed to cover the imperial city.

It is a killer move when it comes out, and it kills when it comes out!

Happy to kill the gods is even more fierce, and directly sweep to the lotus goddess!

"Do you think I'm afraid that you won't succeed?" The lotus goddess gently turned her body, blooming lotus all over the place, the lotus mark on her eyebrows, Zhanzhan Shenhui, the tangled lotus flowers in the city, and even kept exploring those happy scenes. Elephant——



The power of the lotus flower directly shocked Huanxi Killing God!

"If I remember correctly, your **** level is much lower than mine! Now...what now..." Huanxi Killing God saw that the happy scenes were shattered, and he knew that the lotus goddess had gotten a chance. You can't even see the goddess of the lotus goddess with the naked eye!

You know, among the Protoss, only high-ranking gods can't be seen through lower-ranking gods! Could it be that the goddess of the lotus goddess is now higher than him?

be surprised! accident!

Huanxi Killing God felt the crisis, and now there was a grand divine lotus blooming around the lotus goddess, protecting the female nuns who lived there. The magic of Huanxi Killing God given by that Shenglian was hard to imagine.

"Sorry, Sister Lianhua's **** level is a little higher than you—" Gao Yue smiled.

Sure enough, taller than him!

how can that be!

Huanxi Killing God is unwilling to be lonely, and has long considered the existence of the Taiyang line, so before coming, I have read the information of the gods in the Taiyang line! This lotus goddess was originally two orders lower than him, this...

"Don't make any mistakes! Listen to me, wait until the Taiyang King God arrives—" The lotus goddess didn't want to fight, just as Ye Di wanted her to fight the Huanxi Killing God, she was not sure, and it was a hard fight.

"I'll take care of you!" Huanxi Killing God swung his arm fiercely, a hand of God, outrageously condensed, and patted the lotus goddess and other women!


The grand lotus that the lotus goddess condensed around her body began to appeal to the mystery, transforming into a round colored enchantment, it is this round enchantment that forcibly blocked the hand of the **** who rejoiced to kill the gods!

at this time!

Huanxi Killing God was shocked. The unprecedented sense of crisis did not come from the lotus goddess, but... but at the gate of the imperial palace!


A handful of imaginary sword patterns, from around the feet of Huanxi Killing God, grew up instantly! Huanxi killed the hands and feet of the god, and was chopped instantly! And before he came and roared, a denser circle of light directly trapped him, and in the light prison, a sword penetrated the divine body of Happy Killing God! But it didn't hurt his vitals!

"Traceer..." Su Jin appeared calmly at the gate of the imperial palace.

"Yes!" Tracer was a little excited and yelled quickly.

Su Jin's eyes were cold, and he said indifferently: "Hedge——"

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