My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3714: I don't allow


Huanxi Killing God directly exploded his hair, these two words are definitely an insult to him, even now he just wants to vomit blood after hearing it again!

"Dele!" Young Tracer showed a smirk, staring at Huanxi Killing God, because there is the existence of Ye Di, he is not afraid of any existence now!

"Dare you! You guys... do you know who the king **** is..." Huanxi Killing God had just opened his mouth, his eyes were blackened, and his head was covered by a cloth bag falling from the sky.

Damn it--

Huanxi Killing God found out how he hated Yedi so much! And this Tracer, a dignified Protoss, actually works for a human Yedi!

At this time, Gao Yue felt calm. Ye Di didn’t fall before, but he had an epiphany in the back garden of the imperial palace. This Happy Killing God was too confident, didn’t he think that Ye Di would appear at any time? It’s better now, it’s not enough to lose the face of God once, now it’s scored twice and it has become a big joke in the mouth of the human race——

Unlike Gao Yue's feeling, the lotus goddess always feels wrong. She has a feeling that she can't explain clearly to Ye Di, and now it's different from the past. He even dared to do this when the king **** who rejoiced to kill the gods came!


Among the auspicious clouds falling in the sky, a young man fell from the palace in the sky. The young man had a few black and red totem patterns on his face and two horns on his head.

"Lingzun, Lingzun save me!" After hearing the voice, Huanxi Killing God yelled out hopefully. He swears that although he can't beat the night emperor, as long as he is let out, he must let Gao Yue , The lotus goddess, and even Tracer is pretty!


Su Jin glanced at the other party and snorted in his heart——

Tracer, Gaoyue, and the lotus goddess all gently performed a divine ritual to the Lingzun. This Lingzun has a very high **** level and an extraordinary identity. It is the direct bloodline of the "Zuoluo Tianwang", even in the Protoss. , He also has a very high status.

"Your Excellency imprisoned me, the Protoss powerhouse of the line of joy, what do you intend to do?" Lingzun looked at the hidden killer **** of joy, and instead of having any intention to laugh, he looked at Su Jin murderously--

From Lingzun's point of view, this strong human race had done it too much.

"Sumou does something, why don't you care who it is? I heard that your **** wants to open up the "New God Era" in front of the heavens and human race?" Su Jin said calmly.

"So what--" the young man Lingzun asked.

"One person is not allowed." Su Jin smiled faintly.



Su Jin answered very simply, and his answer caused Lingzun to be stunned. The **** wants to open up "New God Era", but the other party will not allow it? Knowing that this is the general trend, no one can stop it, can the other party say that it is forbidden to stop everything that will happen?

"Humble human race, I can stand here, Haosheng tells you some truths, but you look upright and try to block the development of "New God Era"? If I were you, it would be better to look at yourself directly, is it that piece? Those who can look at each other with gods--" Young Lingzun hummed.

The Chaosheng Banshee frowned.

"Sure enough, every **** is a urine." The Chaosheng Banshee snorted.

She didn't hide it.

Gao Yue, Lotus Goddess, and Tracer naturally heard them too, and they were extremely embarrassed. When facing a human race, it is absolutely impossible to think that the other party can destroy the world, such as the emperor... …Is an existence that can crush God——

"You said I'm humble, I can't refute you now... When I step on your nobility, I will ask you who is the humblest." Su Jin was not angry, and said lightly.

"Looking for death!" Young Lingzun suddenly became angry, "To deal with you as a human race, I don't need to ask the Father God, I just cut it directly--"

Su Jin swept his clothes lightly and walked directly into the void!

This scene directly suffocated everyone!

At this time, only a few people could find that Su Jin's temperament was different.

The Chaosheng Banshee was secretly frightened, because just now when the Ye Emperor looked at the young Lingzun, her pupils were faintly glowing golden. With such terrible eyes, she didn't even dare to look at it more, and it was absolutely normal. The impossible!

"There is an opportunity." Xinyuehu whispered.

"What on earth did Ye Di find in the back garden? His temperament is more and more difficult for us to figure out. Moreover, I seem to be very afraid to see him at this time--" The Empress also took a breath. Cool air.

The Chaosheng Banshee did not speak.

In short, as long as there is an opportunity, Ye Di will only be stronger. Not only is this not a bad thing, it is also great news, because this opportunity is too timely, after all, the **** of the mountain is behind the joy of the line. It has emerged--

just now!

The monks in the land of glazed glaze all watched with numb scalp...

The huge auspicious clouds that fell to the ground were no longer able to describe with miracles, and this young spirit deity seemed extremely extraordinary.

"The powerful **** of the Protoss who floated down from the auspicious clouds just now seems to be called the Father God, that Father God should be the King God in the endless palace——" The monk in the land of glazed glaze sighed.

"The king **** is mighty and extraordinary. He should have seen the strength of the emperor, so he sent a true **** son down."

"Son of God, son of King God? Judging from his "Father God", it should be. I hope he can kill Ye Di in this battle--"

"What's the benefit of killing Ye Di! In this battle, instead of supporting the Protoss, we chose Ye Di to be the savior of the 100,000 High Heaven and the Land of Glazed Glass!"

"Crazy? Why do you say that!"

"What I said is wrong? God wants to open up the "New God Era" in the land of Liuli, a new protoss era, to rule the heavens! Once the kings and gods complete this deed, is there still room for the heavens and humans to stand up? Knowing that you are nostalgic for the emperor and looking up to his strength, but the emperor has passed away, and a new human race powerhouse occupying the imperial palace, then he is the new emperor! Now it is definitely not the time of human conflict—"

"God always regards the human race as an ant. If the **** dominates the heavens, the human race will only be worse! Yes, even though he is unwilling in every possible way, the night emperor still can't lose to the king god, to the son of the king god!"


Although the world is not what people want, the concept seems to make many people wake up!

And at the moment, the spiritual master who was in the void, looked at the tiny human race, hesitated a little, and then said: "I will not bully you, let you three strokes. Within these three strokes, if you can touch me, then Count my Lingzun lost!"

"If you lose, what can you do?" Su Jin laughed, pretending to be a gesture, and asked back.

Young Lingzun was even more straightforward, shook his head and said: "I can't lose."

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