My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3716: Time and space

In the form of Xuanxu, truly reaching the point of ‘Harmony with Light and Dust’, the power of the Young Spirit Venerable, I don’t know how many people amazed!

After seeing the Lingzun's surgery, Gao Yue was shocked in her heart. She was already worried about Su Jin. In her opinion, this Lingzun had reached an unattainable level!

"Have you seen... As a high-level **** under the King God, although Ling Zun can't match the King God, his power is not comparable to you and I--" the lotus goddess said slowly.

Gao Yue nodded, agreeing with this sentence very much.

There are people outside of people, there are gods outside of gods, and there are heaven outside of heaven!

"What will Ye Di do? Even if he has the power to hold the sky, he is afraid that he can't do anything about it. The power of this spirit is simply outrageous." Gao Yue sighed.

Many people are paying close attention to Ye Di——

Yedi stood in the void, obviously watching the surroundings with his eyes, the countless count of fluorescent lights, as if really as Lingzun said, surpassing the flow of time and space, even now, he has not seen the other party's true location.


Suddenly, the void shuddered fiercely. Looking at it with naked eyes, the void sky dome on which Su Jin was standing seemed to fall down, almost collapsed!

The lightning mark on Su Jin's eyebrows moved slowly twice, and then he opened it directly--

The divine pupil in the center of the eyebrows is emitting a wonderful brilliance. Now this pupil is extremely agile, and there is a circle of golden color on the outer periphery of the pupil.

Although the golden aperture is small, if you look carefully at it, you will find that this golden aperture is not trivial!

Su Jin's face sank--

The cultivators in the land of glazed glaze were all marveling at Lingzun's art, at least the Yedi could do this step without finding an enemy, and Lingzun should be the first person!

"Son of King God, really amazing." Someone looked from a distance and couldn't help but wonder.

"That Lingzun seems to have disappeared out of thin air, as if he really incarnates in the outer sky, nowhere to find it. His technique is the most mysterious technique since Ye Emperor came, even if it is Ye Emperor's control of the sky. Power, "The Years of the Winding Path", are far less amazing than the Lingzun technique, and this Lingzun is really going to win this competition." Someone made such an evaluation.

"Don't say that it is the Ye Emperor, even if it is us, it far underestimates the power of the Spirit Venerable. Now it depends on what the Ye Emperor does. It is estimated that the Spirit Venerable has made him less than three moves. It may not be able to touch the corner of Lingzun's clothes."

"Ling Zun is simply too strong. There is a magical technique under the heavens that can exceed the flow of time and space. In other words, under this world, no matter whether it is a man or a god, he can't be found unless the king makes a move. However, if you say this, does it mean that the night emperor is far behind the king god?"

"Emperor Ye may still be in a daze now...I don't know what happened. The power of this spiritual sovereign surpassed her imagination, and it was not an existence he cracked--"

"God, this is a powerful protoss. Those who followed the Spiritual Venerable before are incomparable! It's a pity that Ye Di has been planted. No one in this world can find the Spiritual Venerable in this state, let alone Said it was cut off."

"Oh, in my opinion, "New God Era" must have been opened up—"


Many monks in the Glazed Land are very complicated.

In the first place, the Protoss is arrogant and domineering, and they don't treat Humans as human beings. They are also a little used to it.

Secondly, Ye Di is currently the strongest human expert in this world, but he is the enemy, this is the most helpless place——

quickly! Su Jin, who was observing in silence, started to move under the gaze of all the monks!

In his vertical pupils, a touch of golden splendor kept shining, and immediately, a piece of fluctuation began to spread out from his body. At this moment, the scene that happened to him was absolutely amazing!

Because the entire sky of the glazed land seemed to be occupied by that wave, there were monks with a slightly lower cultivation level, and even when they looked up at the sky, they only felt dizzy, and there was a feeling that the world was shaking!

so horrible!

The infinite number of streamers is the mysterious magic of Lingzun. Now, the power of the palm of the night emperor, as if using the three magic heavenly secrets to bless the gods, is driving the thousands of streamers that surpass the flow rate to one place!

"Exaggeration--" Tracer only felt his scalp numb, and the abilities of Lingzun were no longer comparable to him, but the current Ye Emperor had even displayed his heavenly power!

"It's a space barrier--" The lotus goddess also turned white. She said from the bottom of her heart that she supports the Protoss, and in her opinion, Gao Yue is using the Ye Di, although she has paid a big price temporarily, but nothing more. Almost, it was only because of the power of the tree of enlightenment to raise the rank of God.

But now!

How terrible is Yedi’s ability now! I am afraid that only these gods can barely see clearly!

At this moment, in the vision of the lotus goddess, the power of the night emperor can definitely be described as an exaggeration. Although the spiritual master has truly achieved the same flow rate as time and space, the night emperor has actually built a terrifying bridge between heaven and earth. In every layer of time and space!

After a dozen breaths--

The layers of the Ye Emperor's methods were truly revealed in front of all the monks in the Land of Glazed Glass!

The bridges of heaven and earth are no longer the same as yesterday! Each heaven and earth divine bridge seems to connect tens of millions of layers of time and space, and it is truly connected to the major time and space, but these methods can only be seen by experts!

"The Heaven and Earth Divine Bridge seems to be more magnificent than when the Ye Emperor fought the emperor's disciples, and every Heaven and Earth Divine Bridge is hundreds of times larger than it was at that time!" said the monk in the Land of Glazed Glass.

"It's horrible, what has Ye Di experienced in these short days? His power, everything about him seems to be sublimated, and his vertical eye, I dare not look at him at all. I felt that when I looked at it, there was a deep sin appealing to his heart, as if he could not offend—" and the female sister said with a pale face.

"Ling Zun's mysterious and imaginary method is gathering! How is this possible! Those heaven and earth bridges, connecting time and space, restrict the flow of time and space, and those lifeless time and space seem to be freezing, how is this possible! This is still human Can you have the power!"

"Oh my God! I see... It's the power of time--"

"Emperor’s heaven and earth bridge, blessing the insights of the years, restricting the flow of time and space, the spirits are forced to start slowly gathering towards one side. If you don’t do this, wait until the emperor uses the bridge Separated, the luminescence that turns his mysterious and imaginary method into a luminescence, if he is separated, he might fall on the spot!"

"Son of King God, he has encountered a big trouble in front of Ye Di! He probably didn't expect it to be like this when he tried to break his head—"

"Ling Zun is gathering, and his divine body is about to appear!"


The land of colored glaze, the sky is empty!

Young Lingzun is extremely shocked now. He has never encountered such a powerful human race. You know, even the ancient sages of the human race, he has seen it, and it feels like this, but now! This human race powerhouse, Ye Di! Can bring him such a terrible oppressive power!


Countless lines of fluorescence seemed to be swimming fish, layered on top of each other, and began to turn into a circular lake, and they refused to gather. The spirit master knew that if he manifested the divine body earlier, he would definitely be attacked by the emperor!

But now, he is like a domestic animal driven away by the human race, being driven away by others, this kind of embarrassment is definitely not something a noble **** like him can tolerate!

"Aren't you coming out?" Su Jin asked quietly: "Since you can't choose, then your end will only be worse--"

Will it only be worse?

Lingzun does not believe it.

Besides, his Spirit Venerable is the son of the King God, and he is watched by God Father when he is struggling. At least he is not ashamed at the moment. If Ye Di can really attack him, he will lose. That's the most embarrassing time, even if it is the Father God, I am afraid Jiang will be angry at him!

"God's IQ is really worrying--" Seeing Lingzun not speaking, Su Jin said flatly: "You are now forced to not show up, then I will let you taste the suffering of purgatory."


One after another terrifying "Wuxiang Town Demon Tower" began to manifest, and each demon tower could not be seen to the top, it was more than magnificent and simple.

Immediately afterwards, every Wuxiang Town Demon Tower was surrounded by fire-colored halos!

"That's... That's Yedi's Vulcan Dao!" The Chaosheng Banshee cried out in exclamation. At this time, she truly realized that Yedi had really gotten a great opportunity, whether it was the Heavenly Divine Bridge or the Vulcan Dao. Wei Neng, she felt that she had reached the point where she could not talk about it with yesterday.

"Look at... the top of every town demon tower..." Xinyue Fox's body trembled, with incredible eyes in her eyes, and she couldn't accept this situation at all.

The women looked intently at--

I saw that in the luminous sea where the spiritual **** Xuanxu magical method was located, at the top of each "Wuxiang Town Demon Tower", there were two ancient sages who had stood on top of the sky!

"Suiren clan and Fuxi... At the top of each town demon tower, there are two phantoms of ancient sages. They are talking about the way of heaven. The Ye Emperor's trick is really powerful!" The Maid Emperor's face flushed.

Regret like her, almost made a big mistake!

Such a powerful Ye Di, her heart is rebellious, she immediately swears silently in her heart, she will never dare again! In this battle, if Yedi can fight against the kings and gods, she really must serve Yedi devoutly and accompany him to the top of the heavens!

Gao Yue, the lotus goddess, and even Tracer, all looked pale--

God, at this moment also look up to the ancient sages——

You know, Fuxi and Suiren were ancient sages who absolutely surpassed everything back then. They were not only respected by the human race, but even the gods and kings did not dare to despise the supernatural existence of these two human races!

"Although it's just a phantom, a Taoist **** and a real fire **** from the heavens are talking about Taoism on the demon town tower. This is extremely rare!" Tracer took a deep breath and said with eyes flashing.

"Emperor Ye wants to force Lingzun to show up. He blocked the time and space. It is only a matter of time before the appearance of Lingzun. Now, the gap between us and him is getting bigger and bigger," Gao Yue said.

"Ling Zun will not necessarily lose." The lotus goddess said warmly: "You spend a longer time with the human race. Don't be affected by the human nature. They are humans, but we are gods—"

When the lotus goddess finished speaking, Gao Yue always looked strange when she looked at her...

Haven't you realized reality yet?

Ye Di had already stepped on the dignity, face, arrogance, and all of the gods--


The sky was shaken, and the power brought by each "Tower of Demons" directly made the world pale! Those layers of extremely magnificent towers slowly rise, and when the rumbling sound reaches its extreme, a basin of wonderful ‘Fire Basin’, like a road mark, sinks and floats in the sea of ​​fluorescence.

"Damn it! Damn it!" Lingzun roared. He wanted to take away all the mysteries, but no matter how many layers of abyss he crossed, avoiding layers of time and space blockade, it still won't help.

Flames, flames, and those Dao marks like a brazier can actually cause damage to his mysterious magic! In other words, he can feel great pain now!

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