My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3717: All in my hands

The people of the world now, even the crying babies in March, can hear the anger of Lingzun, it is obvious that the power of the night emperor has brought him endless distress!

That piece of fluorescent sea, everyone knows that it is Lingzun's profound emptiness divine method, that is a wonderful law that can reach the outer sky and equal the flow of time and space.

but now--

Everything has changed. The power of the emperor, the bridge of heaven and earth, which is almost a miracle, and "The Demon Tower of Wuxiang Town" have almost tilted the balance of victory!

"The two ancient sages who have long since passed away turned into thousands of shadows, talking on the top of every town demon tower, how much profound knowledge Ye Di still has."

If the human race is served, you must know that Ye Di fought against a few true gods, and no battle was as exciting as this one. Fortunately, the Spirit Venerable was so powerful that people in the world could see Ye Di’s ability to reach the sky.

"Wang Shen watched in that heaven and earth palace...Looking at Ye Di blocked time and space, trapping his son into a fluorescent sea, I don't know what the king **** has at this moment." Someone said with emotion.

"God, a very distant name... The heavens have been ruled by the human race for countless years, not only because the human race is multiplying and powerful, today, the background of the human race will surprise the protoss, those who invade the gods are bound to be hit head-on. ——"

"Sorry, in this battle, I will stand on Yedi's side! Regardless of grievances, he will also be the last dignity of Human Race! He will prove that man...does not lose to any god!"

"Ling Zun is crying out, does this mean that he has been defeated? This definition is hard to say, after all, he hasn't fully assembled the divine body, it depends on what Ye Di said."

"It doesn't matter if Ye Dihui will!"


Among the discussions of countless human races, Lingzun was roaring! His roar scared everyone in the world, and everyone did not dare to speak again!

Pain, endless burning pain, and the law of God of the Spirit Venerable can all be harmed, and the current anger of the Spirit Venerable will completely ignite this battle between man and God!

"I want you to die... I want you to die--" The fluorescent divine sea that Lingzun turned into instantly turned into a marble-sized crystal boundary substance!

"Hehe, God's words are really smelly," Su Jin said lightly.

Lingzun had also had a hot brain before. He had already lost, but he couldn't eat this loss! For a moment, he even wondered whether Suirenshi and Fuxi were still alive! Because that Dao Mark that resembles a basin of fire is definitely not something this human race powerhouse can possess!

The kind of fire basin that can melt the law of his **** is enough to kill him! Of course, this is when he does not resist!

"Yeah, I admit that I underestimated you! You are enough for me to take it seriously now. The so-called three-stroke agreement, I don't think it is as good as you and I really have a good fight!" Lingzun said with red eyes.

The corner of Su Jin's mouth raised and nodded... He didn't expect the other party to keep their promises——

But is anyone willing?

What a shame.

Gao Yue, Lotus Goddess, and Tracer are all being paid attention to by other female sisters now. This ironic look seems to make these three gods restless--

"Uh, not all gods are as shameless as the Huanxi line. Really, you guys, for example, I'm an upright god. If I lose, I will definitely surrender. You have seen it before." Tracer hastily. Scream.

"Traceer, do you want to die..." Although Huanxi Killing God was hoodwinked, he also heard Lingzun's rebellion. Of course he didn't care, because even if God broke his promise, he wouldn't take it seriously. The human race is only holding some ludicrous ideas.

"Don't talk about Brother Huanxi, our God's rules are beginning to become active. As a Protoss, you should know why this is." Tracer looked calmly at Huanxi Killing Divine Dao.

Happy Killing God is slightly silent...

After about five breaths, he said in a heavy tone, "Taiyang... is coming."

"Yes, how did you comment on the Taiyang King God before? Don't worry, I am not as shameless as you, and I will not secretly tell the Taiyang King God what you insulted the Taiyang King God behind—"

Tracer smiled and continued: "I will only speak in front of him in an open and honest way—"

"You!" Huanxi shook his body obviously with a murderous air.

On shamelessness, this Tracer is truly famous!

"Do you think Zuoluo Tianwang would be afraid of the Taiyang King God? You are wrong, so wrong! Moreover, I am not afraid of you telling the Taiyang King God!" Huanxi Killing God burned in anger.

"Don't tell me, this matter is not over yet. In a while, the Taiyang King God arrives. If the Lingzun is defeated, you may have a companion—"

"You dare to insult the Spirit Venerable, you will die without a place to be buried!" Huanxi killed the gods and became angry. He understood Tracer's meaning. From his previous treatment, once the Spirit Venerable was defeated, the Night Emperor would definitely be Let Tracer go to hedging, which he regarded as a great shame.

"There's no way, Ye Di will definitely let me heddle—" Tracer grinned, indicating that he could do nothing.

Huanxi killed the **** and stopped talking.

But the lotus goddess and Gao Yue are under great pressure--

Lingzun made a big joke in front of the world's creatures and tore off the last dignity mask of the Protoss. From then on, the heavens should laugh at the Protoss to their heart's content.


After seeing Yedi nodded and agreed, Lingzun's murderous intent really broke out! Just because of the agreement, he was restrained and unable to use his mysterious power. Now... now he can finally fight a good fight!

And this night emperor, Lingzun intended to pinch to death, let him fully understand how far between man and **** is!

"Come on! Let me see, why a strong human race can fight against the noble protoss!"

Lingzun’s voice came from the marble-like realm. Then, he was high in fighting spirit and shouted: "This technique is the rule of my world. I wonder how many times you can resist it. attack--"

God's Rule: Transformation!

The Ivanhoe light seems to penetrate the world, time and space, that kind of light can never be concealed! And when Ivanhoé's light broke out, the heaven and earth bridges in the surrounding time and space began to sway, making a creaking sound of caution!


The power of that world is rising! The whole body is like a Baihao, as if it is above the top, never to be reached!

"Ah! Broken, the night emperor’s heaven, earth and **** bridge are shattered!" The monk in the land of glazed glaze felt as if he was experiencing a catastrophe on earth. This feeling was not at all uncomfortable, like a fight between gods and men, mortals. Like suffering!


Outside the city of God, the earth began to bloom! The fissures of the earth seem endless!

"This is the real power of Lingzun!" The human monks felt the aura of destruction, and there was a dangerous feeling that they might fall at any time!

"There is already a spiritual collapse of the monks in the **** city! The rules of this world are not only affecting the world! Just this blow, the monks in the land of colored glaze, no longer know how much they will die!"

"The extinction disaster is approaching, this is only the power of Lingzun, if it is a king, the land of glazed glaze may be wiped out in an instant! Hateful, our human race is really like the ants, there is no way to escape!"

"There is only one night emperor in the world! It is a pity that the previous grudges made it impossible to be blessed by this person. If the emperor is here, he will definitely defend the land of Liuli!"

"How much did the Four Tigers pay for the Ye Di’s blessing? Yes, there is a goddess in the Four Tigers who played a vital role. It must be her who was committed to the Ye Di to avoid the Four Tigers. The crisis of the tiger family—"

"A Spiritual Venerable is enough to destroy the entire glazed land! Ye Di has encountered an opponent this time!"


No one will know what the result will be--

But many human races are very sober. If the night emperor loses in this battle, the land of glazed glaze will be occupied by the gods. By then, the human races here will probably be worse than dogs!

The influence of the God’s rule of "Transformation" of the young spirits is still increasing!

That Ivanhoe light, Su Jin gently attracted a wisp of light with his fingers, and it could cut him--

"Emperor, the land of glazed glaze will turn into the pure land of the gods. I hate the human race and even want to cut you off urgently. After you die, the human race here will be bloodbathed. Unfortunately, you can't appreciate that scene." Ling Zun's voice is extremely arrogant.

Lingzun feels that Su Jin is still far from himself...

He thinks Su Jin is not as good as him!

This is also normal. After all, the previous three tricks and the fight against the fire, now he can let go of his hands and feet, even if it is immediate! Why does he think so, because just look at those heaven and earth **** bridges!

The divine bridge collapsed, Yedi...It should be difficult to resist his rule of God, "Transformation"!

But are things really as Lingzun expected?

Su Jin admits that the Spirit Venerable is a bit capable, at least the strength shown by the other party is definitely not comparable to Tracer, the Lotus Goddess, and Gao Yue, and even the joy of killing the gods has a huge gap compared with the Spirit Venerable——

However, Su Jin was really not afraid of the attack of the God's rule "Transformation"!

Boom~~~ Rumble~~~

Su Jin raised his right arm, palm facing the sky. At that moment, accompanied by a loud rumbling noise, many people found that the sky seemed to have turned into an extremely special blue color!

And Su Jin’s raised right arm, as if stretched out mysteriously, thousands of afterimages, began to move away from his right arm——



Heaven’s right arm, blessed with "The Hand of Covering the Sky", turned into a veritable ‘Heaven Arm’!

The scene is absolutely shocking, many people feel that the surrounding air has turned blue, and what follows is suffocating coercion!

Look with the naked eye!

In the space where Su Jin stood, there were vaguely giant hands that looked like huge mountains, all of them began to reach the sky!

One, fifty, five hundred, fifty thousand--

Like the sky arm of a sacred mountain, facing the sky! Many monks can no longer describe the spectacular scene composed of these arms! Even a miracle cannot be compared to this scene!

"Tian Secret... Just now, I guessed that it was really a Tian Secret." Lingzun's voice came from the Orb of Transformation. He was not surprised. It was naturally unexpected that the other party could stand here and compete with him. The method is just a secret for this day, so it's too scarce.

Of course! The reason Lingzun and other **** races don’t care, naturally, unlike the human race monks’ thirst for Tian Mi, he cares more about the outcome of this game——

Gradually, the young Lingzun felt more and more wrong.

When those vast sky arms stretched toward the pearl of his transformation, there was a special amount of pressure.

"Heavenly Dao, Wang Bone." Lingzun's tone was a little surprised. Although he didn't maintain his human form, he seemed to have endless mystery, and he could even see the situation of Ye Di's right arm.

The situation in Yedi's right arm is already in the perception of Lingzun!

This Heavenly Dao King Bone is far more shocking than Tian Mi to Lingzun! Lingzun even felt that if he didn't take the battle against the emperor very seriously, there would definitely be the possibility of the gutter overturning!

"You see it right, the king grade in the sky bone, the heavenly way in the king grade, I can control the heavenly way here. The heaven and the earth, time and space, and years are all in my palm. Do you think you can beat me?" Su Jin The voice is indifferent and calm--

Heaven, earth, time and space, time and path, all in my hands!

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