My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3719: Nine rises and nine falls


In the sluggishness of Lingzun, watching his own left arm burst directly into powder, that sword, the sword of destruction contained in the sword, did not even leave him time to react.

"Ah!" Lingzun felt the piercing pain now, and the pain caused by the loss of a left arm spread all over his body. He had never felt the kind of pain!

Su Jin's face was not moving like a bell, as if he had done a trivial thing. He held the sword and looked at the exaggerated expression of Lingzun, his eyes were colder.

At this moment, everyone who sees it is suffocated!

Lingzun was the son of the King God, the high-ranking noble **** among the Protoss tribe, he was cut off by Ye Di directly! This undoubtedly shocked those who thought Yedi could not win--

"Zuo Luo Tianwang, saw that his son had lost a **** arm, why didn't he show up?" Chaosheng Banshee asked curiously.

"The world of gods is the most merciless." The lotus goddess shook her head, and continued: "Zuo Luo Tianwang, there are no less than fifty gods. Although the spirits are valued by the Zuo Luo Tianwang, they can't be passed on. , Besides, Lingzun disappointed Wangshen beforehand, and it has shamed the Protoss."

The Chaosheng Banshee suddenly--

It seems that there is still a big difference between the Protoss and Humans.

"This reaction is too fast. If the Lingzun reacted a little bit slowly just now, I am afraid it is not as simple as an arm. He will be split by the night emperor with a sword." Tracer deeply practices the law of space, so it is powerful for two people. Also has a deeper feeling.

"Ling Zun lost the left arm of the divine body. This has an impact on the physique of the Protoss--" Gao Yue said slowly.

"Anything?" Chaosheng Banshee looked at Gao Yue.

"Well, the divine body is so severely traumatized that it is impossible to grow a divine arm again. He can condense it, but it doesn’t have the original divine arm to use, and if his divine power is displayed with the condensed divine arm , The power will be greatly reduced." Gao Yue hesitated slightly.

"The wounded spirit deity will surely arouse its fierceness. Will Ye Di be able to withstand this attack of the spirit deity in a moment?" The lotus goddess obviously knows the spirit deity far more than the Ye Emperor. Knowing how terrible the other party is, even though she sees Ye Di as having the upper hand, in fact she still doesn't like him.


A few seconds after the lotus female mythological voice fell--

With scarlet eyes, Lingzun stared at the indifferent Ye Di, he wanted to devour this Ye Di! Let him die!

"Jiutong Mountain Shenzhou! Nine Gods, now!" Lingzun almost swore his intent to kill with the roar of the heavens!

The rules of the gods are gathering and intertwining all around the spirits! Those rules of the gods were far more violent than before, and almost instantly, the void began to show special visions of voidness——

Do not!

That is not a vision!

That is the super powerful method that Lingzun uses to deploy the "rules of the gods"!

In Su Jin's field of vision, nine mountainous peaks began to appear. These nine mountain peaks were separated by hundreds of millions of miles from each other, and the land between them seemed to be in a barren and uncivilized age!

What surprised Su Jin even more was in the end...

That Jiutong Mountain is shaking!

The scalp was numb, and countless people felt cold and palpitations after seeing this scene!

"The nine sacred mountains that support the sky pillars are shaking! Under the nine mountains, I am afraid that there are great gods and people!" A monk screamed.

"Ling Zun was wounded and used the strongest means in a rage. The Jiutong Mountain Shenzhou is definitely his last trump card! He has already killed Ye Di!"

"How terrible is this Lingzun's method? As soon as the Jiutong Mountain Shenzhou appeared, even if we were far away in the land of Liuli, we felt that the land of Liuli was trembling. Is this the true divine land, the place where the gods live? ?"

"The sword Yedi just now, no matter how you look at it, it was a fluke to cut off the arm of the Spirit Venerable. Now that the Spirit Venerable is bursting with blood, can he resist it as a Ye Di?"

"The Jiutong Mountain Divine State is a real earth, and there are even creatures in it. This Spirit Venerable is really mad, and he is desperate to kill Ye Di—"

"With all due respect, Yedi is going to die!"

"What kind of death would Ye Di be? Will he be killed by this Jiutong Mountain Shenzhou Town? Could it be that Jiutong Mountain is Shenzhou and his burial ground? I have a feeling that Lingzun’s blow Yedi couldn't bear it at all!"

too crazy--

Among other things, as far as Su Jin is concerned, at a glance, this piece of Jiutong Mountain Shenzhou seems to be noble than other worlds, and the majestic power contained in it is not even weaker than the sky. The power of the king in the palace!

Su Jin held the sword without any care--

And as the nine heavenly sacred mountains trembled, Su Jin's three eyes shrank fiercely, and at this moment, no one saw him really!

The nine Jiutong Mountains are not so much trembling as they are rising! Under that part of China, there are eternal gods recovering, and they will lift up the nine sacred mountains that stand for hundreds of millions of miles!


There is a phantom of the gods, which is as high as that piece of heaven and earth, soaring directly from under the first Jiutong Mountain!

Then, the second way——

The fifth way.

The seventh way.

Finally, when the ninth huge ghost shadow stood tall, Su Jin slightly frowned——

The nine gods who are as high as the sky seem to have no feet. Each one is like this. This caused Su Jin's terrible conjecture. Are these nine Jiutong Mountain creatures that look exactly the same as the Chinese body?

A living China?

Su Jin's face became more and more gloomy, you know, the stars can be transformed into star giants, a piece of living China, it is not impossible.

Next, the nine phantoms on the Jiutong Mountain Shenzhou, more and more can confirm Su Jin's conjecture——

"Ye Di, you are the first human being who can hurt me! But that's all. As soon as my Jiutong Mountain Shenzhou comes out and sweeps everything, I will use the Jiutong Mountain God to grab your soul , Strip your divine bones, cut your life path, and you will die thousands of times more miserable than other human races!" Lingzun is furious, and under madness, no one can stop!

Unless, unless there is a king **** who dares to save the night emperor——

It's a pity that Ye Di is the human race, the human race that the **** race most hates! Where will the king **** save him, so in the eyes of Lingzun, this night emperor is already a mortal situation!

Did not wait for Su Jin to respond at all-

With a sudden explosion, the Jiutong Mountain Shenzhou directly rises! And the nine gods of Jiutong Mountain above each began to open their arms and stretch out those terrible hands!

The first Jiutong Mountain God, directly held his hands together, as if he wanted to hold Ye Di directly in his hands!


Su Jin jumped directly into the sky, as if it turned into a straight rainbow, extremely fast!



Immediately after the second, the third attack from the Jiutong Mountain Gods followed——

Su Jin also aroused murderous intent in his heart, and he took the opportunity to gently raise his hand, pointing away! Afterwards, his eyes showed a grayish blue, and the whole person was completely transformed into a state of vain!

The nine gods of Jiutong Mountain seemed to be swept by, and they could not cause any substantial harm to Su Jin at all!

"Tian Secret! Still wordless Heaven Secret!" Lingzun was shocked. He didn't care about Su Jin's possession of the Heaven Secret before. After all, the'Tian Tian Secret' was of little use to him, but it is different now, this Ye Di Actually owns the'No Word Secret'!

The Wordless Heaven Secret, as the strongest Heaven Secret, can avoid the bombardment of all powers, and with the current ability, when the "No Word Heaven Secret" is used, it will not lose anyone's space magical powers——

This is also the reason why the nine gods of Jiutong Mountain cannot succeed in bombardment!


Lingzun only woke up from the shock of "No Word Heaven Secret". When he heard the rumbling sound, he turned his head directly and looked at the situation above the Jiutong Mountain Shenzhou!

At that glance, it's incredible!

What a huge hall that appeals to any bustling hall! The halo like a ribbon is the Palace of Longevity and Wanbao River!

"Eternal Life Palace!"

The atmosphere burst instantly--

Including Tracer and the lotus goddess, all of them are a little gaffe. At this moment, this "Eternal Life Palace" seems to contain countless mysticism, and the surrounding Wanbao River seems to be blessed by the Eternal Life Palace, which embellishes this temple. Beautiful--

Now, no one, any god, or all living creatures can ignore the beauty of "Eternal Life Palace". This beautiful hall, as if the efforts of countless artists have been exhausted, is flawless!

"Town!" Su Jin yelled softly.

Just now, Su Jin summoned this hall before using the "No Word Heaven Secret". At this moment, he didn't need to use his power at all. This "Eternal Life Palace" would naturally display the power of God!


The Hall of Eternal Life smashed on the first sacred mountain of Jiutong Mountain--

The sacred mountain, like a pillar supporting the sky, seemed to be under the pressure of the sky. The moment it went down in the "Eternal Life Palace", it flew into an ashes and annihilated in the boom!

And just as Su Jin guessed, as the first Jiutong Mountain disappeared, the gods that appeared first also disappeared!

"You--" Lingzun almost wants to vomit a hundred liters of blood now! His method is invincible in the world, and it rarely shows up in the world. This is his strongest trump card, and now it is easily broken by Su Jin, it is difficult to say that it is not depressed!




Hall of Eternal Life, nine ups and nines!

Jiutong Mountain, the nine Tongtian Mountains, all turned into dust!

Lingzun was depressed now, he stared at the "Eternal Life Palace" and found that the Eternal Life Palace was still intact! This is what makes him most angry!

"Damn Ye Di! I tell you, it's impossible for you to defeat me! It's never possible!" Lingzun's face was full of iron, and he appeared directly in the Jiutong Mountain Shenzhou!


Amidst bursts of crackling sounds, lightning danced wildly on the Jiutong Mountain Shenzhou, and Lingzun began to skyrocket in the lightning-like ocean!

The rules of Jiutongshan Shenzhou, only one part of a trillion is turned into thunder and lightning, that is, the ocean! At this moment, the rules of the gods on the Jiutong Mountain, even Gao Yue and the others, are only staggering!

"Lingzun is about to be driven mad by the night emperor! It is dangerous for him to do this!" Tracer was shocked, "Such a huge rule of God, by no means his current ability can be used, if he is lucky to not die, it will be difficult for ten thousand years. All restored, he may even lose the rules of God forever!"

"He connected his rules of God to the Jiutong Mountain Divine State. He transforms the Divine State and his power will be infinitely close to that of the King God. Although it is costly, if he can kill Ye Di, it will be for him. It's also worth it—"The lotus goddess also turned pale, so I analyzed it.

"Is it worth it... It's just that Ye Di can contend with the spirits in this state?" Gao Yue suddenly became a little flustered, and she realized that she didn't want Ye Di to have an accident at all, whether it was the kind of wonderful happiness among humans or the tree of enlightenment. Her satisfaction seemed to make her a little bit sad.

Night Emperor——

Can you hold it?

Lotus Goddess, Gao Yue, Tracer, these three gods, all began to look up at the battlefield——

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