My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3720: Provoke king god

At present, Su Jin is still in a state of wordless secrets!

But when Lingzun is in harmony with heaven and earth, countless thunder and lightning seem to turn into a galaxy, madly starting to travel through time and space, to find the mysterious time and space where Ye Di Wuzi Tian Mi is located!

"Death! You must die..." Lingzun's voice, with exhaustion, his noble son of the king and god, fell under the wind of a strong human race, it is extremely embarrassing, he will absolutely not tolerate Ye Di. Live!


The divine body of Lingzun was still skyrocketing. In a blink of an eye, he seemed to be the only human-shaped mountain standing on the sky, with rules he could apply everywhere! There is power everywhere, this is the strongest combat power that can be used since the birth of the Spirit Venerable!

The result is naturally rugged----

Lingzun turned into a giant, and he was in harmony with the world of China, and he also became particularly ugly. The divine veins on his body were like a river that was flowing.

His feet seemed to be stuck to the ground, and he raised his right arm casually, as if he could pick the moon!

"I have turned into the **** of the Jiutong Mountain Shenzhou! Here, I am the sky! What do you fight with me! The secret of the sky, the secret of the wordless, will be destroyed by me! I will use the power of invincible rules to You grabbed it from the mystery, and I will make you feel a complete failure! I will let you understand who you are facing! It is a god! You know!"

Lingzun is like crazy, roaring up to the sky——

"Zhen!" Su Jin is not afraid of the other party's rules of tracing back. For him, those tracing rules are too slow and too slow. How can the other party be able to understand the mystery of the wordless sky secret.

"Eternal Life Hall!" Ling Zun hates, hates this hall greatly-

Although Lingzun's left arm was cut off and destroyed by the Ye Emperor, it was far worse than the price of the nine gods in Jiutong Mountain, which made him heartache!

Otherwise, how could Lingzun commit dangers with his own body, and join Shenzhou Tiandi!

Lingzun's right arm, the palm of his hand seemed to be able to absorb the sun and the moon, and when the night emperor's "Eternal Life Palace" hadn't fallen, he roared and swept the huge palm of the gods over!

Even "Eternal Life Palace", he now has the confidence to destroy it! Destroy with one palm!


Lingzun stands tall in the form of heaven and earth, his right palm resembles the sky, and his life is supported under the "Eternal Life Palace"! At that moment, the stars were dim, the sun and the moon were dull! Time and space are all in a state that is visible to the naked eye, and gradually collapsed. The collapse has reached an unimaginable level!


So heavy!

Lingzun really feels like he is holding a sky, knowing that this is the "Eternal Life Palace" that can be seen by the naked eye, but even so, he can only hold it for a while!

Su Jin's eyes narrowed slightly, and the power of this Spiritual Venerable had skyrocketed several times compared to before, otherwise it would not be so difficult for him to cut off the opponent, and that piece of Jiutong Mountain Divine State played a vital role in this. !

A god, can heaven and earth really unite and merge with China? Although Su Jin didn't believe it very much, he still had to admit that the rules of the **** of the spirits were too special.

"Do you think you can really escape the suppression of "Eternal Palace"?" Su Jin said.

Can't it!

Lingzun feels that his size is comparable to that of the Hall of Longevity. Although Shen is a bit heavier, he can still support it now—

Then, Lingzun finally understood Su Jin's intentions!

Lingzun saw the piece of "The Wanbao River" and found that the Wanbao River was flowing in one direction, and the rare treasures in it were all revolving around the "Eternal Life Palace"!

With every rotation, Lingzun felt the pressure doubled, and his only right arm began to gradually unbearable, shaking violently!

So heavy! Why is it so heavy! Lingzun gritted his teeth, and the rules on the land of China are all like a river rushing up to the sky!

Lingzun has received great blessings! But even so, he found that it could only be able to offset the suppression of "Eternal Palace"!

How often do people see such a peerless scene?

The monks in the land of glazed glaze are all amazed!

"The power that Lingzun obtains comes from the laws of Shenzhou, but the emperor's "Eternal Life Palace" is even better!" Some monks were so excited to death, each of them saw an extremely rare picture!

The Wanbao River around the "Eternal Life Palace", every rotation seems to drive a space-time vortex, and the power of that space-time vortex will only make "Eternal Life Palace" even more heavy——

It can be said that the Palace of Eternal Life seems to be truly blessed by the power of time and space! This kind of sky-defying method, even in the course of the history of the heavens, has not appeared a few times!

Boom boom boom -

Circle after circle of vast space-time vortexes, generated in front of the spirits, those space-time vortexes are like tornadoes, weirdly swirling around the "Eternal Life Palace"!

After more than a dozen breaths, Lingzun had already seen hundreds of time and space vortexes condensed by the ‘River of Wanbao’, and his face became heavier, even faintly pale!


Lingzun's right arm, which looked like a sky, began to crack! After all, he cannot withstand the power of "Eternal Life Palace". If he continues to contend, let alone his right arm, even his divine body will suffer unpredictable disasters!

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" Lingzun was about to die of anger. He still couldn't figure out why he couldn't play "Jiutongshan Shenzhou" by himself. Shouldn't the opponent be completely wiped out once he played it?

Why is it so hard!



Lingzun's right arm was shattered under the strangulation of time and space vortex, and the moment of his true fear had arrived! Above the Jiutong Mountain Shenzhou, the beautiful Palace of Longevity, as if turned into a golden light and shadow, directly killed!

Do not!

Lingzun raised his chest instinctively and raised his back. He could no longer leave, because he was still in a state where the heavens and the earth were in a state of union. The divine body and this divine state could not be separated if they wanted to.


A heavy cracking sound made the monks in the world stunned.

The sun and moon-like divine body on the top of Lingzun's head, starting from the chest, split directly to the surroundings, and the divine blood on the divine body erupted like a spring!

"It's defeated, Lingzun unexpectedly... unexpectedly defeated..." The lotus goddess found it hard not to be moved. Before Lingzun and Yedi met, who would have thought it would be such a situation.

"It should have been so long ago, Ye Di is nothing more than hiding his clumsiness, and Ling Zun is not wronged." Tracer was solemn and nodded silently.

"Ling Zun still has a breath, Ye Di didn't kill him--" Gao Yue felt it for a while. As a protoss, he could have a special feeling between the rules.

"It's not that Yedi didn't want to kill him, but that as a high-level god's Spiritual Sovereign, he has the blood of the king god, and it is difficult to kill himself. He was completely defeated. Although he did not die, he might not be able to heal in the future. "The lotus goddess shook her head slowly.

The Jiutong Mountain Divine Land, after the wave of transparent power emanating from the Hall of Longevity, the rules were swept away, and the earth was instantly torn apart and collapsed directly in the endless time and space vortex!


Ling Zun could no longer speak, and after looking at Su Jin with his eyes open, all he coughed up was the blood of God. Then, a giant hand pinched him up. After a while, Su Jin stepped into the land of glazed glass again!

"Traceer, hedging." When Su Jin said these words, Lingzun sprayed several divine blood.

The young Tracer hesitated. Now the **** father of the family is still in the palace in the sky. He can't say he is looking at him. If this is to put his head on the spirit, can he have a good one in the future?

"Emperor -" Young Tracer said through the voice: "Are you really sure to defeat King God?"

He had to speak.

If the night emperor was not sure, Tracer would not offend the'Zoruo Heavenly King God' if he was killed.

"You can fight." Su Jin said to Tracer.

"Hao Le!" Tracer was convinced. Even when he saw Su Jin throwing the restored Spiritual Venerable on the ground, he didn't say a word, and he operated skillfully, so he directly took out the cloth bag exactly like Huanxi Killing God, and took the spirit. Zun's head wraps up--

Gao Yue:...

Lotus goddess:...

It's miserable, how can it be a miserable word.

First there was Huanxi to kill the gods, and now there is another spirit deity. Fortunately, Ye Di didn’t embarrass them in the Taiyang line, otherwise this method of losing the face of the world will only make them unable to hold their heads in front of other gods. Come.

"Ye Di, Ye Di, I am a million times unwilling, you... you wait for God's revenge, I will do my best to torture you at that time, you are waiting..." Angrily cried, his high-ranking god, Wangshen bloodline, was hooded like Huanxi Killing God.

Huanxi Killing God is completely silent now--

"I think it should be your Father God, Zuo Luo Tian Wang God is not sure about me, otherwise, why didn't you just save you? You are too self-esteem, really think that Wang Shen can be invincible to the heavens?" Su Jin sneered.

King God... can't he be invincible...

Lingzun is now a prisoner with a hedging. The winner is king and the loser is the bandit. What can he explain? If you hate, you hate yourself and your strength is not as good as the other party!

And the words that Ye Di said in public caused an uproar among all the people!

Is Ye Di provoking Wang Shen? Did he really deal with me against the God of Zoro?

At this moment, even Gao Yue and the lotus goddess couldn't help but stare at Su Jin. His domineering words seemed to burst his temperament in an instant, and he couldn't help but let people watch——

Moreover, Yedi’s successive victories have also refreshed the recognition of the lotus goddess again and again. She truly believed in the words of the Chaosheng Banshee, the potential of the human race is absolutely endless!

"The rules of the gods of our Taiyang line have violent fluctuations. I think the King of Taiyang should be approaching and is about to come." Tracer's face was a bit solemn, after sweeping Gao Yue and the lotus goddess, he finally looked at On Su Jin's face.

"Zuo Luo Tianwang may see us staying with you, and I don't know our Taiyang lineage plan, and Taiyang Wangshen is not happy to kill the gods as weak, you can rest assured." Can't help reminding Su Jin, for fear of being underestimated by him.

Su Jin nodded and said: "Wait for your King God's truth, you can leave if you want, stay as long as you want, but the ugly thing is first, I will not let go of the Protoss that is my enemy. Even if you choose to be your enemy, I will not be merciful anymore."

No mercy!

The lotus goddess looked elsewhere. Yedi said that she was very uncomfortable. Before, under the tree of enlightenment and on the seat of the godless god, what he did was just a dew?

"It's weird. My son was so humiliated, and even almost fell. Why didn't Zoruo Heavenly King move a little?" The Chaosheng Banshee paid attention to it nervously for a long time, but there was nothing strange about the palace group that day. This made her very puzzled.

Haven't waited for Ye Di to start analyzing--

Tracer's expression suddenly relaxed, he and the lotus goddess looked at each other, nodded and said: "Taiyang King God, here it is."

The entire land of glazed glaze is different from the auspicious clouds brought by the **** Zuoluo. The air seems to have a super peaceful feeling of tranquility, which is a special state of mind that can soothe Dao Xin and make people completely worry-free at this moment——

And in the void south of the imperial city, an old white turtle with a large palm in his hand slowly emerged from a dark space-time cave.

"I have seen Taiyang King God!"

Unexpectedly, the first person who worshiped the Taiyang King God... turned out to be Happy Killing God——

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