My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3721: Taiyang King God


Tracer and the lotus goddess both looked at Huanxi Killing God with strange eyes. This scum of the Protoss was not honest even if he was hedded.

"Our King God, can you withstand the worship of the Joyous God? What was your face earlier?" Tracer asked coldly.

"How big is the king and god, naturally far surpassing the little gods like you and me -" Huanxi Killing God didn't care, and said: "We are all gods, and his Yedi is not like my race. His heart will be different. You followed him. So close, why not explain it to the Taiyang King God?"

"You--" Hunting Air Extreme, no longer pays attention to the joy of killing the gods, and directly stepped into the void to meet the Taiyang King God.

Tracer was in the void, and after worshipping the Taiyang King a few times, did he begin to eloquently and confess all the actions of killing the gods with joy.

Many people are surprised by the existence of King Taiyang.

In particular, the little white turtle held on the palm of King Taiyang seemed to be particularly surprised at this world, and he probed his head from time to time and looked around.

"I know." Taiyang Wangshen didn't even look at Huanxi Killing God with his straight eyes. He looked at the palace in the sky, his expression seemed to be profound.

Thinking of his Taiyang Wangshen, when he first arrived, he heard an interesting news——

A human race, Lian Zhan **** race, even arrested one of the sons of Zuo Luo Tianwang, Lingzun, and the other party's forbearance really made him admire.

When Taiyang Wangshen followed Tracer's fingers... he saw the human youth, and his face became more and more solemn, always feeling that Su Jin was surrounded by extraordinary luck.

"Little brother, have you been close to the Protoss recently?" Taiyang King God took Tracer, descended to the imperial palace, staring at Su Jin.

"Naturally." Su Jin nodded, his tone was a little strange, after all, isn't he all the Protoss playing these days? Moreover, Gao Yue and the goddess of lotus have also been close to him.

This is not strange.

"That's not surprising." Taiyang Wangshen swept all the people present. When he saw the light prison that held Lingzun and Happy Killing God, he was a little surprised by Su Jin's kendo attainments.

"Taiyang King God, this humble human race, repeatedly humiliated the gods, wanted to prevent the opening of "New God Era", and asked King God to execute him on the spot!" Although Huanxi Killing God was hooded, he still has The right to speak, in his opinion, Taiyang King God could never stand on the side of Human Yedi.

"You happy line will cause trouble the most -" Taiyang Wangshen shook his head, "This little brother has a big backing behind it. Be careful of this statement and cause great disaster for your happy line."

Huanxi killed God suddenly shocked.

It turns out that everyone and God guessed wrong!

It's not that Zuoluo Tianwang didn't protect the child, but that Zuoluo Tianwang is also the same as the "Taiyang King God", I am afraid that he can see the mysterious existence behind Ye Di!

On the contrary, Su Jin can't understand...what does this mean?

The Chaosheng Banshee looked at Su Jin suspiciously, where does he have a backing? Yedi himself is his biggest backer.

"Emperor Ye, does this Taiyang King God refer to the Bronze Heavenly Emperor?" The Chaosheng Banshee asked, out of curiosity.

"I don't know, but the Bronze Heavenly Emperor has fully informed me of his own situation. Although he will live forever, the cost of life will be extremely high. He is no longer the prestige of the past. This Taiyang King God is afraid that he is wrong." Su Jin also responded to the Chaosheng Banshee by sound transmission.

With incredible surprise, when Su Jin looked at the Taiyang King God, he found that the King God was looking at Gao Yue——

"This day is still here. After this incident, you leave the kingdom of God and re-enter my Taiyang line." The Taiyang King seemed to be thinking, and soon said to Gao Yue.

"I...who am I... why can I cause the spar idol to change, and what do I have to do with you?" The first question Gao Yue wants to ask is the first question. Although she is undoubtedly a god, she Recognizing that there is absolutely no such big energy, summoning the gods in the heavens.

"No need to ask more, years will tell you the answer--" Taiyang Wangshen said lightly.

"Then dare to ask King God, how many protoss will come here?" Gao Yue said again.

"A lot, as for how much, we will know at that time." Taiyang Wangshen slowly said.

Gao Yue took a deep breath. Taiyang Wangshen asked her to rush into the Taiyang line. For her, it was not clear whether it was good or bad, because in her opinion, follow Ye Di and let Ye Di be her own Backer is definitely her first choice——

"Little brother, although I don't know who the backer behind you is, the Protoss is definitely not one of you to be able to contend. The grievances between my Taiyang line and you are good." Taiyang Wangshen said to Su Jin.

"The Taiyang King God also insists on opening up "New God Era"?" Su Jin asked.

"The general trend, this is the path of all the gods of the Protoss. It is not for me to choose, so you can do it for yourself." Taiyang Wangshen slowly said.

Tracer and the lotus goddess looked at each other...

It always feels Taiyang King God has seen something, and Taiyang King God doesn't seem to like this Ye Di, this time I am afraid it will be bad.

"Traceer, Gao Yue, Lianhua, you follow me to meet Zuoluo Tianwang." Taiyang Wangshen said calmly.

"I'm not going to leave temporarily--" Gao Yue refused decisively. She has a ten-year appointment to stay next to Ye Di. In other words, she has ten years to raise the level of God through the Enlightenment Tree, and she will never leave. .


Taiyang King God frowned——

"We..." Tracer was also a little embarrassed, "Brother Ye, I'll go and take a look first. The same goes for Sister Lotus, anyway, don't worry, we won't do anything against you."

Su Jin nodded.

Seeing this, Tracer breathed a sigh of relief, Ye Di didn't think too much about the natural is excellent, if he was treated as an enemy, then he could think of his son's future fate.

Under Gao Yue's explanation, Taiyang King God was silent for a while, leaving Gao Yue, with Tracer and the lotus goddess, walking to the middle palace that day!

Lingzun had originally intended to ask for help, but Taiyang Wangshen must have found him. His self-feeling with his head covered is not too bad. It is better to show your face than not to show your face! Anyway, the current Spirit Venerable, all thoughts are ashamed, and he feels that he is really not as good as dying at His Highness Longevity!

The weird atmosphere--

In this day, always stay.

Even at night, in the entire Liuli Land, there are endless discussions about the news of the two kings and gods.

"The King God Taiyang descended, this is already the second King God, but even so, he still didn't take action against the Ye Emperor. Isn't even the King God afraid of the Ye Emperor?" Someone was puzzled and didn't understand too. The plan of King Yang and God of Zuo Luo.

"What's this? The son of Zoruo Tianwang was almost killed by Yedi, and he is still imprisoned by a hood. I haven't seen Zola Tianwang show up and fart. There must be a reason for this, not all because Night Emperor——"

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