My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3723: Dance of death

Twenty-one beauties, either holding a pipa, stroking the string, or posing with a sleeve.

When Su Jin watched them, these beauties also all stared at the most powerful night emperor in recent days——

The sword eyebrows are condensed like stars, with a supreme tolerance. This is the Ye Emperor, the strongest human race in this world! Many goddesses were secretly surprised, and even many women showed tension on their faces.

When Ye Emperor battled Ling Zun, they thought that Ye Emperor had no chance of winning. They never thought about it, but it was a one-sided crushing situation. Now, as the first level of the five levels, they are naturally under pressure, and they only need to pass these five levels. Off, the emperor of the night can challenge the'Zuo Luo Tianwang Shen'!

The time for a stick of incense is neither long nor short!

As Su Jin stepped into the void of the imperial palace, and when he was less than 100 meters away from the 21 goddess, he nodded with the other party, indicating that he could start.

Su Jin still has some doubts in his heart——

These twenty-one goddesses, with their eyes full of color, are obviously all gods, and why the high moon will cause the crystal idol to change.

"Human Yedi, although I can't wait as great as Lingzun Great God, I don't want to be looked down upon by you alone. If you want to despise me and wait, you will regret it!" It was the headed goddess with a red mole at the corner of her eye, whether it was temperament or The face is the crown of a group of women.

"Sister's name." Su Jin asked slowly.

The lead goddess looked a little disgusted, and said casually: "Luo Zhi."

"Good name--" Su Jin said lightly: "You wait for the 21 goddess of the Protoss, let's do it first."

Of course, the goddess Luozhi would not be careless. After seeing the other goddesses, they all nodded tacitly before saying: "Be careful, this dance is called the dance of death, the song is the soul funeral song!"

Su Jin grinned, slowly swept the front, sitting cross-legged in the void!

Goddess Luo Zhi frowned when she saw Su Jin so big, she knew that the emperor of the night must be sitting in the void to watch the dance and listen to the music, she was even a little depressed, the dance of death, the funeral song, could it not be scared? A human in the settlement area?


The string is melodious. Among the 21 goddesses, there is a piano player, and the sound waves that pop up are all the rules of the gods——

The void above the entire imperial city, for a time, seemed to return to the evil world. Those gods' rules caused natural changes in the heavens and the earth. The wind and rain were on the same path, and all kinds of lightning glowed with splendor, falling from the gathering clouds!

The colorful auspicious clouds, just a few breaths later, seemed to have lowered the sky, it was very strange!

"Can cause the world to change, these goddesses as the first level of existence, sure enough, no one can ignore."

The Chaosheng Banshee has a solemn face, and all the other demon girls are the same. Knowing the extraordinaryness of these goddesses, whether in terms of momentum or strength, the cooperation of these 21 goddesses seems to be intimate, and it is clearly 21. Goddess's means, but with the dance and music, there is no flaw in it.

"The dance of death and the soul funeral song, plus the rules of the 21 goddess' supernatural powers, they are added together, and they are more powerful than the spirits."

In the Great Emperor’s Palace, the two divine rainbows turned into an arc and fell directly in front of the Chaosheng Banshee and the others. When the night emperor played, Gao Yue and the lotus goddess would naturally not miss it.

It was Gao Yue who was speaking. Although she was a protoss, she had never seen any protoss before coming to the land of Liuli, so she was rather surprised by the methods displayed by the 21 goddesses.

"The goddess of Huanxi, do you think it would be that simple? Especially that Luozhi, the goddess is two levels higher than Huanxi Killing God, with her presiding and gathering the power of other goddesses, of course it is no small thing." .

"If it's only like this, Ye Di can easily overcome--" Gao Yue said.

The lotus goddess would not deny Gao Yue's words, if Ye Di couldn't even pass these five levels, he would naturally not be worthy to challenge the king, but the process would never be easy.

Five levels, Ye Di will definitely use some hidden power, otherwise it will be difficult to pass——

"The inferior root of the human race is softhearted." The lotus goddess said lightly.

"Emperor Ye just asked about his name, this guy really doesn't know what kind of crisis he is facing." Gao Yue sighed.

"So are you, otherwise, why would Ye Di let you live...have already gone with Xiaotian Fire God and others -" The Lotus Goddess couldn't help but said to Gao Yue.

"It's as if you are different from me, Sister Lotus, under the enlightenment tree that day, he said he liked your skin color, it was icy and clean, it was muddy, and it wasn't a demon." Gao Yue suddenly thought of what happened that night. , Looked at the lotus goddess with a smirk.

"It's out of the silt but not stained, clear and clear but not demon." The lotus goddess really can't help this Gao Yue, staying with the human race for a long time, this Gao Yue, whether it is character or other, all seems to have changed.

Gao Yue doesn't care.

Immediately, Gao Yue looked at the battlefield again and said, "Does Ye Di really want to sit and watch the Dance of Death? Do you think there is any danger!"

"I don't know." When the lotus goddess looked over, she was also a little moved.

The Ye Emperor sat cross-legged in the void, as stable as Mount Tai, standing still, and under the rules of the twenty-one goddess, who could have such courage, none of the high-ranking gods known by the lotus goddess could. Do it.

Not to mention the human race--

Luo Zhi was a little panicked. Although the soul burial song and the dance of death were nothing to outsiders, they were only meant to listen to dances, but within the scope of this battlefield, their power could penetrate an unknown amount of time and space. Many mysterious fantasy changes!

But... but Yedi still seems unaffected.

Is Su Jin really unaffected?

The answer is...really no. Under the superposition of several of his pupil skills, no matter how realistic the illusion is, the ultimate move in the dance of death is nothing more than the wonderful rules of death. He has the right to see and appreciate it. It's just about the other party's dance.

"The Dance of Death, which even the Protoss will have to be affected by us, is useless to you—" Goddess Luo Zhi was shocked, and said to Su Jin after repeated confirmation.

Su Jin yawned and said, "Dancing is really good. Can you do something that no one has seen before, and it's best to make people fascinated? You have danced for so long, and this king hasn't had a heartbeat. a feeling of."

"You--" The goddess Luo Zhi blushed, stared at Su Jin fiercely, and said decisively: "No!"

"Not really? Forget it, you should give up early." Su Jin said quietly.

Admit defeat?

Luo Zhizhen was unwilling to admit defeat, but this Human Race youth sat there like a lifeless rock, without any emotions, they really seemed to be facing a rock, playing the piano and playing music, dancing in an awkward posture——

"We can't admit defeat!" Luo Zhi threw Liuyun sleeves, the divine sleeves turned into colorful, seven colors, quickly wrapped around Su Jin!

About three breaths!

When Su Jin was seen from a distance, it was like being wrapped into a colorful hydrangea!

The imperial city under the auspicious cloud cover suddenly showed a trace of destruction sword intent!

Luo Zhi's colored eyes condensed, and he secretly shouted badly.


The colorful waves, Su Jin's full sword pattern fluctuations, have explained everything!

"Surrender?" Su Jin asked.

"Don't vote." Luo Zhi bit a row of silver teeth and shook his head flatly.

Su Jin stood up and said with a smile: "I love dancing so much, then I will accompany you—"

Before Luo Zhi was sluggish, Su Jin's voice was like a ghost, directly manifesting in front of her!

What a terrible speed! What a terrible night emperor!

You must know that Luo Zhi is a Protoss. Although she is far less powerful than Lingzun, she can escape the speed of her visual state, even Lingzun can't do it!

At one thousandth of the moment of hesitation, Luo Zhi's wrist was grasped by Ye Di——

This... this filthy human race, dare to touch her! When this thought appeared in Luo Zhi's heart, he was about to break out, and he immediately discovered the many rules of God in his body, as if he was suppressed instantly!

"I surrender! You passed the first level--" Luo Zhi was ashamed and angrily. Although she knew that Su Jin was very easy to deal with, she didn't expect her to lose so badly.

Did you surrender...

The corner of Su Jin's mouth raised and he directly pulled her closer, and Luo Zhi could feel his breath.

too close!

This distance is no longer what Luo Zhi can bear.

But the next moment, Su Jin leaned forward slightly, his lips even almost touched Luo Zhi's earlobe, moved his mouth slowly, and transmitted the sound to her—

Jiao, trembling fiercely——

Luo Zhi really stayed here! When she heard what Su Jin said to her, she was really at a loss.

"Do you want to become a king god?" Su Jin Chuanyin's original words.

"Do you want to be above the gods?"

"I have the tree of enlightenment, the two saints in the Taiyang line have already become high-level gods, if you want, you have to pay some price like them."

"After I fought against the God Empress Zuoruo, it will not be too late for you to decide—"

After the sound transmission was over, before Goddess Luo Zhi could say a word, Su Jin laughed away!

Goddess Luo Zhi looked at Su Jin and went west, the horror in her eyes had not faded. Was what Ye Di said just now for the truth? The two goddesses of Taiyang have become high-level gods! how can that be!

No wonder, no wonder the lotus goddess wants to leave without authorization, it turns out to be borrowing the tree of enlightenment! Last night, Luo Zhi stopped the lotus goddess. At that time, she was still curious about what the lotus goddess was going to do in the imperial city...

Watching Su Jin leave.

The goddess Luozhi’s heart seemed to be shaken by Su Jin’s powerful self-confidence. Just now, Ye Di threatened to fight against Zuo Luo Tianwang, and she will not make a decision until after the war. This is sure to defeat Zuo Luo. Heavenly king?

how is this possible! Goddess Luo Zhi didn't believe it--

"Sister Luo Zhi, is the night emperor so terrible? Can you ignore our death dance?" A goddess asked the goddess Xiang Luozhi.

Goddess Luo Zhi shook her head.

The gap is obvious. If the Yedi couldn’t defeat them, how could Zuoluo Tianwang set five levels——

"What did Ye Di tell you just now?" The goddess asked quickly, curious about what Ye Di did to Luo Zhi before leaving.

"He has the confidence to defeat Zuoluo Heavenly King God." Goddess Luo Zhi didn't say all of Su Jin's words, feeling that this is not a lie.

"Arrogant." A goddess said quickly.


Crazy, Goddess Luo Zhi didn’t feel that Yedi would be afraid of Zuoluo Heavenly King God, otherwise she would not break through these five levels, because she didn’t know where to escape.

With great concern, Goddess Luo Zhi raised her head and looked at the second pass.

Su Jin is really speechless. He originally wanted to kill in these five levels, but the 21 gods who just met in the first level were all goddesses, and he thought he was a literati. Unable to slap the girl who danced and melody.

Forget it...the second level...the second level comes again——

As far as you are, there is only one person! The woman seemed to have lost her soul, waiting quietly, her eyes were like the prosperous stars and the moon, she looked very frustrated, like a desperate human woman.

If it were not for this girl's faintly colored eyes, the vain law Wenluo behind, and the god's rules into the surrounding void, I am afraid that Su Jin would really think that he had gone on the wrong field and encountered the human race.

Su Jin stood still, and suddenly laughed and said, "I understand! Your Protoss...Yin and Yang are declining!"

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