My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3724: Yutang

Yin is prosperous and Yang is declining-

When hearing these four words, everyone in the world was surprised.

In the whole world, I am afraid that only Ye Di dared to speak such words in front of the King God. Even if Gao Yue and the Lotus Goddess heard them, they should not be thundered.

"Ye Di is really shameless." Gao Yue said to the lotus goddess with a weird expression.

"Zuo Luo Heavenly King God, dozens of sons, this guy said that our gods are prosperous and declining..." The lotus goddess is also quite helpless, and he never expected Ye Di to say that.

"Who is this woman? Is she better than Lingzun? She was arranged in the second level of the five levels." Gao Yue returned to her serious tone and hurriedly asked the lotus goddess. Because although she is a protoss, but she does not understand the protoss, the lotus goddess should know this woman.

Lotus goddess:...

After a pause, the lotus goddess said unsurely: "If my guess is correct, this woman should not belong to the Huanxi line. Her origin is a mystery. By the way, Yutang is her name—"

The lotus goddess is becoming more and more certain, because the Huanxi line and the Taiyang line have always been incompatible with water and fire, and it is precisely because of the opening of "New God Era" that they are so close. They still understand each other. Girl, the lotus goddess just heard--

"Yutang...what a strange name." Gao Yue said slowly.

Now, I don’t know how many people are talking about the scene on the empty road.

The monks in the land of colored glaze, when looking up, were also amused by Ye Di's words of "Yin is prosperous and Yang is declining".

"Isn't the yin prosperous and the sun declining? The first level involves more than 20 goddesses playing, and now another one is arranged in the second level. Could it be that Ye Di will pity and cherish jade, and is reluctant to kill the goddess of the **** race?" Someone laughed.

"What is the difference between the Protoss and the Humans? There is a big difference in the ratio. Or let the God Zuo Luo come out directly, unless the God Zuo Luo cherishes his life and is reluctant to die—"

"This goddess is very wrong, like a piece of ice that never melts. She seems to be living in her own world. Even Ye Di is so mocking, she didn't even look at Ye Di."

"This woman's aura is too weird. Since she can exist as the second level, she definitely has unexpected power, and even... even the power can exceed the spiritual master. Of course this is just my guess."

"Emperor Ye's fight with the woman is really merciful. He didn't kill any of the goddesses just now. Could it be that the God of Zuoluo can be sure that Yedi will pity and cherish jade?"


At this moment--

Su Jin's heart can no longer be described with surprise.

Fortunately, after a short while, the woman looked at Su Jin slowly without blinking.

Look at each other.

Su Jin felt a little bit in his heart, is there something wrong with this woman's body? She has outstanding temperament and a beautiful figure, but deep in these eyes, she seems to resort to endless sadness——

There is a problem, this woman definitely has a big problem.

"Human--" Yutang thought for a while, and the sadness in her eyes was released. She asked: "Can you make me perfect?"

As soon as the voice fell, Yutang's eyes, including his temperament, seemed to become extremely sharp!

Su Jin vaguely guessed something, and said lightly: "The warm body of the human race, the power of the **** race, in our human race, this is called the art of seizing homes, no wonder your eyes are so sad--"

"Human Yedi! Suffer to death!" Yutang seemed to be a different person, gently raised his lotus arm, and said softly: "Destroy the sky, open!"

At this moment, the void seemed to tremble completely, and the violent tremor seemed to collapse at any time! And when the "Destroy Sky Curtain" unfolded, the sun, moon and stars shattered the world, and Yutang's feet turned into a rolling star. The powerful law and divine power were all revealed in her god's rules!

Su Jin sighed silently, looking at the pressure of the void in all directions, all pressed towards him, around his physical body, there were continuous void cracks extending out——

In the past, Su Jin might still be injured, but he really didn't care about this level of void rift.

"Broken." Su Jin is like a Taoist fairy, extremely elegant, his unique temperament, which is hunting in the wind, instantly attracted the eyes of all creatures.

Su Jin just stretched out his finger and smashed "Sky of Destruction", and the Yutang's God's rules were also shaken by him for the most part!

"The power of stars, kill!"

Yutang's beautiful body vibrated continuously, ten thousand rays of starlight, like a silver line, as they gathered in front of her open hands and—



A piece of God’s rules, under the convergence of "Star Force", began to draw a circle of weird law totems, that totem continued to grow in front of Yutang, even if she turned it out again——

Su Jin stood quietly on the spot, and when the law of the gods arrived in front of him, he raised the right arm of Tiandao and sipped gently: "Broken and broken--"

That day, Dao's right arm, surrounded by a virtual six-finger dragon claw, slammed it on the "Law of God" composed of the power of stars!

shock! There are not only huge noises in the void, but also that kind of terrifying collapse and great movement!

Yutang seemed to have expected it. Knowing that this blow could not kill Ye Di, she was about to retreat and wanted to get a distance, but she did not expect that Human Race Ye Di was so fast, so she stretched out her fingers in a blink of an eye and deceived her. , Clicked on her forehead——



Su Jin used the nine powers to suppress and resorted to the ‘soul-fixing technique’, but even so, the effect was far beyond his expectations. This Yutang’s body was shaking violently, and it seemed impossible for her to be controlled!

"Let me walk into your world..." Su Jin's voice seemed to be soothing, and it seemed to be indisputable. For unknown reasons, Yutang instantly fell silent.


"Is this restrained?" Gao Yue exclaimed. She saw that Yutang was not easy, but Yedi was so easy to restrain the other party, but it made her a little strange.

"No, in her world, don't let anyone come near. Legend has it that Zuoluo Tianwang wanted to use the rules of the king to enter her world, but he failed. The Yedi is very risky to do so." The goddess said.

Gao Yue's expression became serious, "You mean...this Yutang did this deliberately. She wants to kill Yedi in the world she is immersed in?"

"It's very likely--" The lotus goddess took a deep breath.

Su Jin’s fingers were still quietly touching Yutang’s eyebrows. He felt as if he was trapped in an irresistible vortex. In the depths of the vortex under his feet, there seemed to be an endless depth. Some kind of inhaled into it, and he could never live. The sense of going out.

"Dead...dead..." Yutang smiled very abnormally, the effect of the concentration technique had little effect on her, and now Yedi would be trapped because of his curiosity! Because her world is her biggest ultimate move!

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