My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3725: Well-deserved name!

Yutang's methods made Su Jin feel extremely wonderful——

Of course, Su Jin's self-confidence is not comparable to this woman. He glanced at the endless vortex abyss under his feet, and his expression gradually returned to calmness.

What if you go down?

Su Jin no longer resists the force of sucking, and the surrounding scenes are like the flow of time, falling into that whirlpool in a blink of an eye.

And in the land of colored glaze--

Many people are amazed!

Just now, Su Jin used his finger to point at Yutang's eyebrows, but at that moment, the two of them turned into a ray of light and disappeared! The place where Su Jin and Yutang were originally located is like a spatial origin, which is amazing!

"How did it disappear--" The people in the land of colored glaze felt the danger, the smile before the Yutang disappeared was too strange, such a beautiful woman, in the end, it feels like it can make people unknowingly look out of her body. Cold sweat!

"The big thing is not good, Ye Di stepped into the rule world of that goddess, it seems that even he can't get out of it, it's really amazing."

"What kind of world is that... The night emperor wants to fight the'Zoruo Heavenly King God', and he needs to pass five levels. This is only the second level. It's too difficult. The Emperor is not a vegetarian either. Can come out."

"There really is such a miraculous woman in the world? She seems to have two personalities, is it really the human body, the power of the gods? No, her eyes are colored, although the color is lighter than the eyes of other gods——"

"Yedi had better never get out."


The mysterious world.

The gray makes Su Jin feel distressed——

Even if he took a breath, Su Jin could feel the endless sadness in it.

Su Jin was not cautious, his eyebrows were sharp, and he swept at will. To his surprise, he couldn't see the entire scene of this gray world with "Maha Town Prison Eye".

"Baizhang, interesting." Su Jin smiled. Although it is not the first time that he has encountered this situation, his current strength, Shentong, can only see the range of 100zhang, which really surprised him.

And as Su Jin observed the surrounding situation, a red shadow flashed across his left hand position, and within a tenth of a second, he caught the opponent with his **** pupil——

The woman in a bright red dress, holding a red umbrella, is also particularly conspicuous in the hazy gray world.

"A humble slut, even delusional about begging for mercy from a human race, isn't it good to be a god?" The woman holding the red umbrella, whether it is from the back or the profile, is exactly the same as the Yutang in the real world.

Really hammered.

Undoubtedly win the home.

Su Jin just has an intuition. With this woman's mystery, Zuo Luo Tianwang arranged for the second level, it must be that Wang Shen extremely trusted this woman's ability, and he did not understand this woman——

"If you can become a Protoss, it is naturally a good thing." Su Jin said lightly, and then said: "But you can't be yourself, you can't even control your own destiny, that's the saddest thing."

"What do you know!" Yutang turned around abruptly, the fierce intent on his face, as if incompatible with the Yutang in the real world.

Su Jin is still very impressed with that Yutang with eyes full of sadness——

"As you wish, your world, I am here, let your Protoss take the lead." Su Jin stretched out his hand and made an invitation gesture.

"Hahaha, then let you see my power to dominate the world! Don't be afraid to tell you that my divine power has surpassed the divine power and has become an existence that your humble human race can't imagine." Yutang said with a red skirt. With a swipe, the gray surroundings seemed to freeze in an instant, even if the breeze stopped--

What power is this...

Not like time, not like magic.

At first, Su Jin thought that the opponent's power was very similar to his own "Concentration Technique", at least the effect was very similar, but when he felt it carefully, he found that it was not the case.

First of all, Su Jin was not frozen, but in the surrounding world, during the three breaths after the freeze, cracks began to appear like the corners of snowflakes——


Su Jin chuckled, nine rays of light all over his body, like a divine flame, directly rose up, and a ray of crystal red was hidden in the nine rays of light.

"Huh? It's not dead... How did you resist me from destroying heavenly power? My heavenly power is omnipotent, not to mention a divine body, even if you are a king god, you have to turn into powder!" Yi Ning, her surprise and surprise were far better than Su Jin.

"Because my body is not in the Three Thousand Dao, not in Reincarnation, not in the Three Thousand World, you say that your power is beyond the divine power, that's just your side words." Su Jin said.

Yutang looked at Su Jin carefully--

She didn't believe a word of Su Jin's words, this human race did have some abilities that could make Wang Shen treat it so carefully.

"Is it right? You will know right away!" Even though Yutang Dang gently pushed out the red umbrella in her hand, her whole body was floating up, like a dragonfly, and finally stood on the red umbrella.


Yutang's hands seemed to be able to wield any power rule here, and in the gray world around her, strange and difficult transparent waves were flooding her!

"Finding order from chaos is to correct the chaos. To break the order is to break the rules set by the gods for the gods. I can dominate the gods, but... I had an accident when I proved the way of heaven!"

Yutang said with hatred, "You must not believe this human race! If you don't believe it, there are endless gods around you that will drive you into the cycle of destruction and reincarnation. The gods of the heavens, the future is definitely not in the same vein. That little **** is in charge!"

Su Jin looked at it casually, and was shocked in his heart——

From Yutang's words, Su Jin guessed something.

There was a metamorphosis of the spar idol before, which could summon the gods of the heavens. The little **** mentioned by Yutang should refer to Gaoyue, and the spar idol was caused by Gaoyue.

Later, Taiyang King God also arrived, which shows that Gao Yue should be an existence that can compete with Yutang——

"After you seize the house, you can no longer reach Consummation. You and the real Yutang have become two extremes. Forget it, you can use all your methods, but you have to think clearly about the consequences. Since you said to set things right, then This king will give that sad Yutang a chance to completely integrate you with her." Su Jin said calmly.

"Presumptuous!" It seemed that Yutang in red could not hear such words the least. With a wave of his lotus arm, many gods began to manifest like a well-trained army of protoss!

Su Jin stood still--

He looked at a flame-steaming **** and stood up in the gray world. The god, giant ears, six vertical eyes, holding the flame axe in his hand, slashed at him!

Su Jin raised his hand and pointed at this god——



The imaginary traces of kendo, as if cut a line of sky, cut directly from the waist of the giant **** holding the **** axe!

"In my world, your swordsmanship still has such a mighty power. Why can't I control your power after taking the hands of this sky!" Yutang was really lost and asked aloud.

Watching the giant **** holding the flame **** axe fell, Yutang was really unbelievable. This flame giant could step through the sacred peaks of the Baishan Mountain with his foot, but now he was cut by a finger!

This Ye Emperor really deserves its reputation! Can kill the existence of digital gods——

"Be a normal person--" Su Jin said lightly.

"I am a god! God of the future Protoss! You..." Yutang was startled, and quickly waved the imaginary gods and stepped towards Su Jin!


Su Jin's feet are bright and golden! A vast and far-reaching Golden Avenue, directly shattered the void! This Cotai Strip is really brilliant.

More than bright!

The power of Buddhism and Taoism contained in the Cotai Strip is beyond Yutang's imagination!

While Yutang was staring at it, the Golden Avenue shook and trembled when it was visible to the naked eye, and directly stepped onto the gods and swept them into nothingness!

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