My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3730: Ancient culprit

Although the demon in the mirror expected that the night emperor would be very strong-

But according to the current situation, the strength of the night emperor has exceeded the imagination of the devil in the mirror by twice, or even more than three times!

"The mirror of the world! Open!" In the mirror, the demon king's power soared, and the blood spattered all over him, and as his voice fell, the whole world seemed to have opened a window.

one side!

Fifty sides!

The last countless mirrors begin to manifest! Countless mirrors are under the sky, attracting countless tyrannical storms that are chaotic in time and space, and they begin to wreak havoc in his last blue world sky——

The bright moon dimmed and turned scarlet.

The blue ocean is rolling, and the waves are rising!

Time and space storms, from every mirror surface, across time and space, are drawn in, and the divine rainbow and neon colors that cross the sky and the earth have swept everything!

Look at the golden sacred dragon, in the storm, still choose to crash down! The power of the two magic mountains, as if exhausting all the evil spirits in the world, slapped fiercely in this last desert world!


The unbearable huge movement exploded under the sky!

The demon in the mirror only felt the origin of the magic path in his body, collapsed and sparse. Fortunately, when he finally came into contact with that ancient mountain, dozens of mirrors appeared in front of him, otherwise his magic body would be blown up!

The terrifying storm was sucked away by the huge vortex formed by the turbulence of time and space. Someone saw a figure in the sky, like a broken kite, falling rapidly!

Whoosh~~~ A figure directly caught the demon in the mirror——

"Brother Ye is amazing... where there is dirty work, there will be me Tracer. From now on, this kind of work will be on my body!" The young Tracer grabbed the demon in the mirror and was shocked by the other side's injury. At the same time, flattering smile said: "Brother Ye, still the old rules?"

Su Jin nodded silently.

"Go! Get up!" Tracer laughed.

The demon in the mirror still had a trace of saneness, but now after hearing Tracer’s words, he tried to open a gap in his eyes, but he felt a burst of darkness covering his head. He knew that he was covered in quilt like Lingzun and Huanxi Killing God. Living!

Just because of Tracer's move, it was so mad that the Demon Lord in the mirror was so angry that he almost couldn't hold it back in one breath and passed away——

"Ye Di!! Father God will not let you go!"

In the light prison in front of the imperial palace, Lingzun knew the treatment of the demon in the mirror. The demon in the mirror was originally his confidant. In order to save him, he is now severely injured, and everything is because of this **** night emperor!

"Be quiet--" Tracer brought the demon in the mirror to the palace, and threw the demon in the mirror into the light prison directly, reminding Ling Zundao.

"Good! Good! Taiyang line, I remember it." Lingzun was covered with a head, with a dark hatred in his heart, threatening.

"You have completely misunderstood Brother Ye's good intentions, and the hedging is entirely for your good." Tracer said seriously.

"Hehe, you lick the dog, you'd better hope I don't go out one day, otherwise, I will be the first to kill you!" Lingzun became angry.

"Don't worry, I can say what you want. After all, you are the Spirit Venerable, a high-ranking god. I said that Ye Di has good intentions, and I am definitely not lying to you two."

Young Tracer looked at Lingzun and Huanxi Killing God, and continued: "If Ye Di cuts off Zuola Heavenly King God, wouldn’t you be miserable? Plus Zuola Heavenly King God is your father, Ye Di can’t bear it. You see the scene of the fall of God Father..."

"Shut up! You dog! You let me go... I have to tear your mouth when I go out!" Ling Zun went crazy.

"Traceer, you are not afraid that Zoruo Tianwang will trouble you when you say this!" The joyful killing **** who fell into silence, finally asked Tracer with a threat.

Tracer crossed his arms in front of him, and said with a smile: "The King God doesn't bother to kill me, aren't you the same? Contempt for our Taiyang King God, but does the King God care about you?"

"Liangzi is knotted, you are waiting--" Huanxi Killing God finished speaking and stopped speaking.

Tracer is not afraid of threats now.

In his opinion, the current Ye Di can completely fight Zuo Luo Tian Wang Shen, and as long as Ye Di wins, he will take the time to let Ye Di unfold the tree of enlightenment, and use it to raise the ‘Divine Rank’ himself! When the time comes, these two gods must be beaten up!

However, for the monks in the Land of Glazed Glass, the mood is absolutely extremely complicated.

From the first battle of the gods Gaoyue to fight the night emperor... the gods that the night emperor encounters, from the low-level, up to the son of the king, are not defeated!

Even such a terrifying demon in the mirror is beaten like this, it can be said to be an absolute crush!

Destroy the ancients!

"Once the fourth level is over, as long as the last level is passed safely, Zuo Luo Tianwang will show up and have a true peak duel with Ye Di! It's a pity that the demon in the mirror was completely defeated by Ye Di -" Yes Said the monk in the land of glazed glaze.

"There is still suspense after passing the five levels. In this last level, the existence that can be arranged by the God of Zuo Luo in the fifth level is absolutely terrifying. It can only be said that the demon in the mirror has bad luck and encountered the powerful Ye Emperor. That's it."

"The monster in the mirror in level 4 is already so terrible. I am afraid that level 5 is unimaginable. I hope it can cause a little trouble to Ye Di, but one thing is certain. Ye Di will pass five levels. The question is whether the opponent can A blow to him—"

"A blow... Just now the demon in the mirror almost made it. Unfortunately, Yedi was ruthless to the enemy and he was also ruthless. The demon in the mirror was forced to give up only when he was forced to give up. People have no temper at all."

"How strong is Ye Di? He still has the strongest power yet to use..."

"I hope I can see the power of the World-Honored One in this fifth level. Otherwise, he will be sad with one move. If he doesn't use the World-Honored source, he may be able to win with one blow."

"Who will be in the fifth stage——"


Su Jin continues to go west!

He was not too satisfied with the time spent in the first four levels, and now he is getting closer and closer to the imperial palace that day. Of course, he won't be too careless about the upcoming fifth level.

About ten breaths--

Directly in front of Su Jin, a blood mist appeared, and that blood mist was like a halo, and it was unknown what kind of threat it contained.

Ding Ding Ding~~~

Vaguely, there was the sound of chain crashes in the blood mist, and Su Jin's eyebrows were erected, revealing some conditions in the blood mist.

Not a god.

Su Jin frowned slightly, and in the blood mist, there was a faintly chained giant on his ankle. The fierce aura exuding from the opponent was so strong that he had never encountered it.

Outside the imperial palace, Tracer and the lotus goddess both became dignified, and the blood mist rising from the circle was naturally very familiar to both!

Back then, Tracer and the lotus goddess participated in that battle... and the existence in the blood mist finally caused the Protoss to suffer heavy losses, and was finally captured by the God of Zoruo——

The lotus goddess' heart seemed to jump out, she and Tracer looked at each other, and the two of them said in unison: "The ancient fierce..."

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