My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3731: King of Silver

In the blood mist, is the ancient fierce!

Gao Yue stood beside the lotus goddess, and when he heard the words "Ancient Great Murder", he obviously felt the tension between Tracer and the lotus goddess!

"Awesome?" Gao Yue asked hurriedly.

"In that battle, the five gods participated in the encirclement and suppression of this evil. Our Taiyang line, killed eight gods, and the joy line was even more miserable, and thirteen powerful gods were killed. Otherwise, This fierceness won't let Zuoluo Heavenly King God take away--" The lotus goddess said with a chill.

"Five gods, a total of thirty-two gods died before they wounded and grabbed this lizard. You say it’s not that powerful." Tracer's expression was a little tensed. "This lion can wrestle with the king, although in the end It is not an opponent of Zuoluo Tianwang, but the strength is so strong that the five veins of the Protoss were frightened--"

"In order to catch him, more than 30 gods were killed, isn't this ancient fiend more powerful than the demon in the mirror." Gao Yue was a little dumbfounded.

"The Demon in the Mirror is not even qualified to give him shoes... This battle is hard to say. Although I admire the strength of Old Brother Ye, I also think that he has the strength to fight Wang Shen, but this ancient fierce , It will definitely be troublesome."

Tracer's confidence in Su Jin began to shake-

Really not optimistic.

The same goes for the lotus goddess.

"Emperor Ye has been along the way, not optimistic about his strong, countless, what is the fate of the demon in the front mirror, what is this ancient fierce, there is no room for refutation." Chaosheng banshee snorted.

Now that the Chaosong Banshee has said so, the Lotus Goddess and Tracer can't say anything--

"I hope that Brother Ye is in peace, I haven't realized the mystery of the Tao tree, sister Gao Yue, sister Lianhua, you..." Tracer looked at it, and suddenly felt the gap.

The lotus goddess said: "If you give me some more time, I won't pay attention to Lingzun, I think... Sister Gao Yue's choice is right."


Son of King God, Lingzun will be ignored by the lotus goddess after a while?


Tracer was full of envy, he knew that the lotus goddess had been greatly improved, and even the existence of high gods was not comparable to him.

"Dirty work and work harder, Ye Di treats you differently from them... The chance of the tree of enlightenment, you definitely have a chance." Gao Yue couldn't help but laugh and said.

"Sure! Sister Gao Yue will give me a few more words in front of Brother Ye from now on." Tracer said quickly.

"By the way, why did you come here, did the Taiyang King acquiesce?" The lotus goddess just wanted to ask this question, but now she has come to ask.

"Hey, don't mention it, I have to tell you something." The young Tracer hurriedly used God's words to transmit his voice silently, and he said: "Last night, the God of Taiyang and the God of Zuoluo seemed to have a disagreement. , The two kings and gods finally broke up unhappily, so I dared to come over without asking the Taiyang king and god."

different opinions?

Break up without joy--

what's the situation?

The opening of "New God Era" is imminent. Although Ye Di is a huge trouble, the disagreement between the two kings and gods represents discord within the Protoss. This is definitely not a good thing.

"What do you think happened?" The lotus goddess also asked Voice Transmission.

"Zuoluo Tianwang wants to kill Yedi, but our Taiyang Wangshen opposes it. We believe that there is a terrifying existence behind Yedi. Even the king is not the enemy of the existence. Such an existence is very important to the gods. It was a disaster of extinction, but Zuo Luo Tianwang thought that there was no such existence--" Tracer truthfully transmitted what he knew to Gao Yue and the lotus goddess.

The lotus goddess was a little confused.

A deep fear unconsciously began to flow out of his heart. This fear did not come from the night emperor, but from the opinion of the Taiyang King God!

Is there an invincible existence behind Ye Di? how can that be!

As we all know, the ancient sages are currently the only ancestors of the Gao family, and the bronze emperor who is greatly reduced in strength. These two ancient sages should not have the power of the king **** level——

Moreover, the Emperor Gao family did not support the Ye Emperor...If the bronze Emperor was invincible in the world, how could he choose to seal himself with the tears of honoring him, and enhance the strength of the Ye Emperor's Heavenly Bone Divine Martial Art? This is illogical.

An extremely terrifying and weird atmosphere spread between the three gods Gao Yue and the lotus goddess...The two gods seemed to really believe it, and Yedi might have unknown supporters behind the scenes.

Just when Gao Yue and their gods did not guard the house--

In the sea of ​​blood-colored fog, in addition to the occasional sound of chains, in the end there was a creaking sound of bones.

"Boy, you are very unlucky." The voice in the blood mist began to echo between heaven and earth.

"Oh?" Su Jin responded indifferently.

"My Yinmeng clan, whether in ancient times or in the present life, is favored by God. Our strength will grow with time. We are a true immortal clan, so it is your misfortune for you to meet me today. ——"

When the huge sound wave appeared again, in the sea of ​​bloody fog, an extremely exaggerated existence slowly stood up!

It was a terrifying giant covered with hair, and there were still a few pieces of ragged leather armor covering his body. This silver king, a head can reach a large mountain, and two fangs are almost above the nose. !

Too huge--

"What a powerful Yinmeng clan, you are so powerful, how can you still be chained? Without freedom? I think you have been watching the door for Zuo Luo Tianwang for a long time, and your mind is not sober." Su Jin said calmly. .

"Fart!" The Silver Monarch King slammed into the void with both arms, and the two glared directly at Su Jin, "The despicable Protoss cub, caught me with tricks, otherwise my dignified Monarch King, how could I be so capable? !"

"Yeah, you dignified King of Silver, hate the Protoss, why do you still do things for them?" Su Jin asked.

"Because there are still many existences of our clan who have been locked in the prison by the God of Zuoluo, but rest assured, as long as you defeat you and screw your head off, he will naturally keep his promise and release my clan!" His eyes were hateful.

"The things Zuoluo Heavenly King God can promise you, I can do the same. If I let you do things and kill the other gods in the line of Protoss, how about I take the head of Zuoluo Heavenly King God and give it to you?"

Su Jin continued: "Your relatives, I can also help you rescue——"

"You are a human race, what is your ability to drive me! It's too troublesome, too troublesome! Why don't I just unscrew your head directly!" The King of Silver Meng laughed wildly.

The negotiation failed.

With regret in his eyes, Su Jin said lightly: "Then I have to kill."


Kill the King of Silver Meng?

Countless monks in the land of glazed glaze, only feel the blood and energy, there is a kind of dreamlike feeling in the body——

"The emperor has shown confidence that he wants to kill the silver king of the fifth level! This silver king I seem to have read records in ancient books. It ranks second among the top ten evil beasts in ancient times. He loves bones, whether it is human bones or other races. It doesn't pick any bones like this!" A monk took a deep breath.

"He's a ruthless person, I really believe it now. Ye Di is really a human lunatic. The **** smell of this ancient fiend has drifted to us. Compared with it, our strength is like the sea and the water droplets. The gap, but even so, Ye Di is confident to obliterate it!"

"Ye Di is no longer the original Ye Di... After the battle with the emperor, he may have obtained the supreme chance from the "Eternal Life Palace", which led to the complete awakening of the origin of the world-zun. Otherwise, how could he have such confidence and calmness? Face this fierce!"

"Fighting against the Protoss so many times, without losing a battle, Ye Di is absolutely arrogant!"


The Silver King now hears Su Jin’s wild words, and is obviously even more angry.

Back then, the God of Zoruo did not underestimate it like this!

"The previous four levels, I see all of them, you are not too strong!" The King of Yinmeng sneered, "I don't care if I change to another person. If you have a trick, take it back with me as soon as possible, otherwise I will crush you to ashes and make your soul uneasy!"

"One trick is one trick. If you say it, it's the spilled water, which naturally can't be taken back." Su Jin shook his head, he still has this bit of tolerance.

" really don't want to live anymore..." The King of Yinmeng was crazy!

In its view, one move is simply a humiliation to it! Who is it, the king of silver! The ancient fierce, invincible existence in the world, this little human race is too rampant!

Su Jin said indifferently: "I use a trick. If you can hold it down, it means I have lost and there is no way out. So don't use any name to scare me, it's useless."

"Good, good! You are the most rampant of the humans I have ever seen! Those ancient sages were not as arrogant as you back then! Let me see what magical art is that can make you so rampant!"

The Yinmeng King is now completely furious, and when he plans to make a move later, he will not give the opponent a chance. It will crush this human race Yedi, step his head under his feet, and let him admit defeat and beg for mercy first, or beg for mercy. Kind of begging for mercy!

Su Jin nodded--

A trace of fierceness began to exude.

That kind of violence, once appeared, as if not weak at all of the ferocity of the Silver King!

And all human races, even gods, seem to have an illusion, the illusion of being stared at by the supreme beast, this feeling is impossible even for the King of Silver Meng to make them feel!

The silvery king's face gradually stiffened--

In its view, Su Jin's methods are really many! There is a golden holy dragon in front, crushing the devil in the mirror! Now... Now this Human Race Yedi is surrounded by a **** storm!

The storm surged into the sky, and Su Jin's voice disappeared in the blood!

Immediately, an extremely arrogant scarlet ape, with hair like a wind pin, appeared in the world!

"This technique is called ape strike technique. This ape is a violent ape! I must have heard of it in ancient times." Su Jin's voice made the world dull.

Violent ape!

The violent ape who brought a catastrophe to the heavens...

The once violent ape clan, in the age when the human race was weak and the wild monsters coexisted, it crossed the world! Moreover, the violent ape ranks first in the ancient evil!

How could the King of Silver Meng know! If the king of the violent ape is still alive, it may still be afraid of one or two, but the talented magic of the violent ape clan was actually realized by a human race. It has become the ape-strike technique, turned into the only magical technique in eternity. This is it. Unexpectedly!

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