My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3732: No light

The silver king, his face tends to be solemn——

The two fangs also trembled slightly. It really didn't expect that in this situation, he could still see the condensation of the violent ape. Unfortunately, the violent ape was finally exterminated.

"The violent apes are a clan worth being respected, and you... are just a villain who stole the talented magic of the violent apes! Today, I want to dispel this technique for the violent apes!"

The Silver King was wearing a chain on his feet and ran in stride. The entire void began to shake up and down violently because of his running!

When he ran close, the Silver Monarch King was a little shorter than the huge violent ape! This exaggerated contrast shocked the minds of countless monks——

"Rainbow, Yinmeng! The top two fiends in ancient times are about to collide!" Someone said excitedly.

"Although Violent Ape has a bigger name, this Silver Meng King is a real existence. At best, Violent Ape is only an eternal skill, and there is still a gap."

"There is a gap, there is a gap! But the caster is the night emperor, the human race is currently the strongest night emperor in the land of glazed glaze! How strong is his eternal spell?"

"Use this technique to contend with Yinmeng, without counseling at all! This battle is destined to be included in the history of the Glazed Glaze Land! I don't know if Ye Di can defeat the Yinmeng King!"

"If it is the king of the violent ape, there may be a scene. With such a fierce resistance, the king of the silver monk will definitely have the upper hand, and the night emperor should be miscalculated."

"Ape-strike technique, the talented magical technique of the violent ape clan, can be realized by the night emperor, it is really powerful, but according to this situation, the evil intent of the silver monk is obviously more serious, who can win Not necessarily—"

"It's unreasonable if the Ye Emperor doesn't lose! Those who beat the iron should also get tired! I hope the King of Silver Meng can overcome the violent ape and kill the Ye Emperor here!"

"Everyone knows that the ancient Yinmeng King ranked second, and the violent apes swept the world. At that time, there was nothing to do with it. I am more optimistic about Ye Di in this battle."

"The King of Yinmeng is alive in the world. The King of Violent Ape has long passed away, and even his bones have turned to ashes. The magical arts performed by the Emperor of the Night require power and blessings. In any case, they are no match for the King of Yinmeng."

"Ah! It's fighting—"



Two giant fists like mountains slammed together fiercely, and the fluctuations visible to the naked eye spread out between the two terrifying fists!

The space on the first floor was shattered by two fists. With this fist, neither side moved at all!


Tracer covered his ears with his hands, and his face was pale as paper. The sound and power of that punch even affected him, and when he saw that the night emperor's ape attack technique was not weaker than the silver king, The eyes are about to stare out!

The mystery of Ape Strike is not so!

This punch separates the two sides together. Although the violent ape is huge, it is obviously more vigorous. The violent ape condensed with ape-strike technique has an extremely powerful method, that is, one punch after another, one palm after another. With one palm, the attack is endless, until the opponent's defense is blasted and the opponent's life is destroyed, then you can stop!

And since Su Jin has realized the Ape Strike Technique, he has never fully performed a complete set. Now that he has the Silver King as his opponent, he really looks forward to it!

"Happy! It's been a long time!" The King of Yinmeng exclaimed happy!

It is a pity that the King of Yinmeng is well aware of his shortcomings, and his feet are still restricted by chains. If the emperor of the night is farther away, it will be difficult to use.

The Scarlet Violent Ape obviously also knew the limits of the Silver Monk King, Su Jin's heart moved, and the Violent Ape's claws gripped the chain in the distance.


The chain was torn off!


The King of Yinmeng was very surprised. This chain was extraordinary, it was made of meteorite iron, and it couldn't be broken. This night emperor's ape strike technique could help it lift the restriction?

"Don't be surprised..." Su Jin said through the voice of Scarlet Violent Ape: "It's just a trivial lock, now you can use it at will."

"Even so, don't expect me to be merciful to your subordinates!" The Yinmeng King snorted.

"No need."

On the two claws of the Scarlet Violent Ape, they slowly began to summon the "Ancient Mountain" and "Jinlai Mountain", each holding a magic mountain.

Between the heavens and the earth, there are breathtaking sounds everywhere--

Naguwangshan and Jinlaishan, in the previous battle of the demon in the mirror, people saw an invincible scene. Now, I did not expect to be caught by the violent ape, and hold the "Jinlai Mountain" and "Gu The blood-colored violent ape of Xiangshan's seems to be sublimated, and fits these two mountains incomparably.

"The luck of the demon in the mirror is really good--" Tracer smiled bitterly and shook his head, he looked at the demon in the mirror who was still in the light prison.

"If Ye Di used the ape strike technique just now to take out the two magic mountains, I am afraid that the demon in the mirror would not have the opportunity to use the Ten Desolate World Sky!" Gao Yue sighed.

"One technique can be terrible to this point, and the King of Silver Meng has also encountered an opponent. I feel that the next scene will be very bloody." The lotus goddess also expressed his opinion.

Will it be bloody?

The King of Yinmeng can now be said to be a free body, and the attack will only be stronger, and the night emperor’s ape strike technique, holding the two magic mountains of the age, the combat effectiveness will definitely rise to a level——

Of the two, who would be more violent?

"Come on! The Yinmeng clan, although they are already lonely, they are definitely not reduced to the point where they need the human race!" The Yinmeng king stepped on the void, leaped into the sky, covered in blood, standing on the sky with arms. One sheet is a sense of being able to catch the stars and catch the moon!


At the moment when the Silver King opened his arms, a gray and bone-like wolf-tooth hammer was condensed. It was held in one hand and waved as if it could command the heavens instantly!

The Scarlet Violent Ape also jumped up. This leap seemed to transcend time and space, and the entire huge figure turned into a **** flowing shadow. When it reappeared, the "Gu Xiangshan" directly blasted on the shoulder of the silver king!

This kind of attack speed really caught the King of Yinmeng off guard. When it just reacted, it had already been recruited. The'Gu Xiangshan' seemed to shatter the animal bones in its left back shoulder, but this little injury caused it. The words are not heavy!

"Eat my hammer!" The King of Silver Meng swept away, the power turned into visible arc-shaped ripples, sweeping the void, and Su Jin turned into a **** violent ape, just looking at the wolf-tooth hammer Avoid the side!

not bad!

The King of Yinmeng commented on Su Jin in his heart, and its own injuries improved in an instant. It was like an immortal **** of war, no matter how many injuries, it could heal instantly!


The Scarlet Violent Ape appeared for an instant, and then left again—

The speed of the Silver Monarch King has also increased significantly. It will either block the bombardment of the two magic mountains, or slash with the palm of the hand. The two sides are like water and fire, and the battle is smooth!

Half a quarter of an hour later!

The silvery king who was short, covered in blood! Su Jin's attack frequency is too fast, no matter how powerful its recovery ability is, it can't withstand this kind of rain-like bombardment!

"Damn human junior! You see how I can deal with you!" The Silverman Queen retreated a distance, and when he tried to recover, he dissipated the Spike Hammer, and his hands grabbed the boundless ground!


A sacred mountain rises from the ground!


The mountain slammed into the scarlet violent ape that Su Jin transformed into!

At that moment, the earth and rocks burst into pieces!

"Get up! Get up!" The Yinmeng King's body soared, and finally it has soared to the sky above his head, with its feet on the ground! With its hands, it dug up a mountain range, embraced the mountain with its arms, and started to smash the Scarlet Ape!

The surging blood light, like an eternal calamity, constantly flashes between the heaven and the earth! Su Jin's Ape Strike Technique was calm and unhurried, and the entire ape Strike Technique condensed into the Violent Ape would only become stronger and stronger unless the effect of the Ape Strike Technique disappeared!


Gu Xiangshan was brutally smashed against the mountain by the Scarlet Ape! The mountains are fragmented, and the body of the Silver King standing between the heavens and the earth has moved back a big step, and that big step is three thousand miles away!

"Damn **** war!" The cultivator in the glazed land below was bad luck! Constantly cursing!

"The King of Yinmeng, crushed a **** city with one foot, this is no longer a safe place!"

"Pull the mountains and step on the life and spirits! This silver monk is too tyrannical. Our human race in the Glazed Land has lost three cities in this area, and countless deaths and injuries!"

"Quickly go! Here comes again—" Someone was so scared that they cried and called their mother, and the fart was pissing!

The Silver King raised his right foot and stomped fiercely! The earth cracked, and the land where the King of Silver was starting to crack a terrifying continent!

"Go--" The King of Silver Meng digs up his palm and slams into the Scarlet Violent Ape that Su Jin has transformed.

There is no light!

The dust blocked everything, and even Su Jin hadn't expected the tyranny of the King of Silver Meng! Moreover, in his own perception, the injury is being healed at an unimaginable speed. If it were him, he would have fallen down long ago!

"This kind of attack is useless to me." Su Jin's voice roared through the Scarlet Ape again.

"I have a way to kill you! Don't worry!" the voice of the Silver King.

There is a way?

In short, the female nuns in the imperial city now feel absolutely bad--

The entire imperial city seemed to be overturned at any time, and the figure of the silver king in the distance always gave people a feeling of invincibility.

"King of the Silver Monk, why is it so terrifying!" Gao Yue has already lost her face now. She never expected that after fighting against the Ye Di for so long, the Lord of the Silver Monk had not fallen yet, and on the contrary, there was a kind of more courageous in the war. trend.

"Not good—" The face of the goddess lotus was suddenly tense, and her face was instantly bloodless!

"What's wrong?" The Chaosheng Banshee asked urgently.

"The King of Yinmeng is about to use their Yinmeng clan's innate magic arts! Yedi can't stop them at that level of innate magic arts!"

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