My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3733: Bloody world

Talent magic!

The talent of the Yinmeng clan——

The words of the lotus goddess made the female cultivators of Chaosheng Banshee almost completely stunned. When the Yinmeng clan possesses such overbearing power, does it still have ‘innate magical skills’?

"There is nothing surprising," Gao Yue said slowly: "The Tyrant Ape Clan ranked first in ancient times. They don't still possess the talented magical skills, but the night Emperor's use seems to be inconsistent with the record."

"Ape-strike technique was definitely an invincible magic technique in ancient times --" Chaosheng Banshee also said.


just now!

The silver king's eyes were scarlet, and gradually began to flicker with blood, that kind of **** color made its eyes look like two huge lanterns in the void!

Moreover, the aura of the silver monk's body is also rapidly soaring-

The time and space storm, at that moment, seemed to be shattered one by one by the aura of the King of Silver Meng, and it was swarming with **** light, and it became stronger under everyone's gaze!

"Why is the Silver King so powerful! What kind of method is it?" A monk felt that his soul would be swallowed when he glanced at it, and the height that could not be seen at a glance definitely created an indelible mark on the world. .

"The innate magic of the King of Yinmeng! This has been recorded with the innate magic of the violent ape clan! The violent apes is "Ape Strike", and the innate magic of the Yinmeng clan is "Blooding Heaven and Earth! It is now The land under your feet is absolutely insecure, it's no longer as good as destroying a few cities--" a monk said with a pale face.

"The world of boiling blood, melting the void, the earth, and the world, this is the most terrible from time to time. The most terrifying thing is that "the world of boiling blood" can put the silver king into a violent state, and that violent state can make it lose its mind! Reached several times the power of Ye Di!"

"So strong?"

"That's right, the power of the world of boiling blood caused incomparable shock in the past, and from the current situation of the Ye Emperor, it seems that this ancient fierce can't be restrained!"

"Emperor Ye is finally about to lose. One move, "Ape Strike", can't control the Silver King who has lived in the world since ancient times! This is just a magical technique he has realized. If he is the King of Violent Apes, maybe he will return Able to suppress the silver monk one or two, but now everything is not as good as he imagined—"

"This is the last level, the fifth level! It seems that there is no chance to see Ye Di fight with Wangshen! This silver king is like an insurmountable moat, making people desperate!"

"Compared with the Silver Monarch King, Ye Di is so small! When he uses the Ape Strike Technique, he is even higher than the Silver Monarch King, but now he is too weak in the state of the Ape Strike Technique."

"Why don't you use the power of the world-honored?"

"You can't use the power that is not the world-honored! Because according to the arrogance of the emperor, even if he loses, it is impossible to break his promise and get fat. If he wants to use "Ape Strike" to defeat the King of Yinmeng, he will only use this technique. , Otherwise, wouldn’t the people of the world and the gods of the world laugh at him?

"That would be a pity--"

at this moment!

The monks in the Glazed Land are all boiling!

The power of the King of Yinmeng makes people so desperate. The monks in the land of glazed glaze and one hundred thousand highest heavens, with an extremely complex expression, are watching this battle!

As a result, the human race has no strong person who can compete with the gods, this is the most complicated place.

Secondly, if the Protoss opens up the "New God Era", it is bound to bloodbath the land of glazed glaze and the 100,000 highest heavens. By then, the human race in this world will live a life of horrible slavery, and even the descendants will be ruled by the Protoss for countless years! This is the most unacceptable place for them!

Ye Di... Ye Di is a human race. He was also the enemy of their glazed glaze land and one hundred thousand supreme heaven, but now he has become the last backbone of the human race?


The Silver King did not speak, and now it seems to have only an offensive left, unless the opponent is killed by him, otherwise it will never stop!

Its breathing seemed to exhale patches of **** storms following the show of "Boiling World".

The void, as if being melted by that hot **** breath--

And the earth under the feet of the Silver King began to flash red, everything is blessing the Silver King, no one can think of what a terrible existence it will become in the next second, but at least from the current situation , Yedi’s aura is completely inferior to the opponent——

"Kill...Kill...Kill!" The King of Silver Meng roared at the sky. After the last word "Kill" fell, he stepped on Su Jin, his palms were also unambiguous, as if they turned into a clutch of heaven and sun. Outrageously down!

Under the endless blood, Su Jin turned into a **** violent ape, as if it were a little unclear--

Many people can't bear to see the scene where Su Jin was shot to death...

The King of Yinmeng is too strong!

The blood light filled the sky and the earth, and even that level of blood light made people feel tingling when they touched it with their fingers.

Chaosheng Banshee, Gao Yue, Lotus Goddess, Tracer and other existences almost hung their hearts in their throats! Almost screamed out!


The King of Yinmeng seemed to pause! The palm that it pressed against the Scarlet Violent Ape seemed to hit an obstacle!

"How is it possible!" The lotus goddess was startled, she saw it very clearly, and now she is actually very strong, after all, she has become a high-ranking god, and can clearly see the immediate response of the scarlet ape.

A touch of golden light appeared on the Scarlet Ape——

Those golden lights are what made the King of Yinmeng stop!

The world has changed!

The blood-colored world seems to be unable to cover the birth of the starry night. It is a kind of darkness that cannot be dispelled. At high altitude, all the stars seem to be active!

That is... that is...

In front of the imperial palace, the imperial virgin concubine was almost frightened to the ground! She couldn't believe that she could still see this scene in her lifetime!

The whole starry sky was all alive, and then, the stars in the distant unknown time and space seemed to be pleated and glowing and began to manifest!

Those vast star regions, which are like star snails, have begun to manifest one by one, converging!




Five hundred-

These five hundred star domains seem to be being swallowed by the starry sky above the glazed land, and gradually combine into an incomparably vast galaxy. The galaxy rotates slightly, as if there is an inexplicable existence driving this rotating galaxy!

"I haven't displayed the complete Ape Strike technique yet, now is your desperate moment--" Su Jin's voice was sent through the Scarlet Ape.

Complete ape strike technique!


If someone understands Su Jin, he will know that he has made the Ape Strike technique complete and complete from the golden holy ape clan! Ape Strike, as an invincible divine technique with both offensive and defensive capabilities, used to be nothing more than offense. Now when it is fully utilized, it is the complete ape strike including "Golden Pile of Heaven"!

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