My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3734: Come to fight!

high altitude!

The originally seemingly vast and distant galaxy has expanded to the point where it covers the entire "Land of Glazed Glass"!

And just after Ye Di's voice fell, the figure of the Scarlet Violent Ape was also beginning to develop in a terrifying direction!

I saw the scarlet ape, holding his arms to the sky, the whole reminder, it was growing crazy!


The head of the violent ape was plunged into the sky once!

Go up!

Rise and rise -

That kind of momentum, I don't know how many protoss' faces were seen in cold sweat, and the **** violent ape that Yedi condensed was still growing at a speed!


Pieces of thunder, like a net of heaven and earth, blasted the heaven and the earth, and the king of the silver monk was also at this moment. It never forgot the golden pile of Zhentian gold of the violent ape family, but when it ruled the silver monk family, the violent ape This magical technique has been separated from the ape strike technique, as if it was inherited by the golden holy ape.

It just never expected that the Ape Strike Technique would achieve perfection in a human race!

Fight! When the world of blood boiled to its peak, the mind of the silver monk also seemed to be covered by endless killing intent, and it continued to attack!

And now it is so small and pitiful compared to Su Jin——

The size has reached the height of the instep of the Scarlet Ape!

One can imagine how to make up for this gap!

Fortunately, the attack of the Silver Monarch King is extremely violent, but it is far from successful! Its attack, when attacking on the Scarlet Violent Ape, must be resisted by a layer of weird yellow light, and the Scarlet Violent Ape seems to have also stopped still, turning its whole body into gold, making a gesture of supporting the sky with both hands!

"This...this..." The cultivator in the Land of Glazed Glass was already embarrassed!

That vast golden color, coupled with the blessing of the spiraling galaxy above it, gives Violent Ape power, this kind of defensive power, not to mention the King of Silver, even the King of God... even the King of God can't break it!

"It's too good to break this night emperor! The ape strike technique of the violent ape clan has indeed brought a catastrophe to the heavens!"

"Crazy, I feel crazy! Ever since the emperor came to the land of Liuli, he still had this blow hidden. When the emperor was fighting against the emperor's "Eternal Life Knife", if he used this technique, the emperor had to give him Kneel down—"

"Invincible attack and kill, invincible defense! The Ape Strike Technique is truly perfect! No matter how strong this silver king is, he cannot hurt the Scarlet Ape at this moment!"

"With this technique, nothing can be done!"


Emperor City!

Imperial Palace!

After a daze, Gao Yue suddenly said: "I'll just say that before, the ape strike technique was weird. Although it was strong in the fight, it lost the defensive position. Now Ye Emperor is using the complete ape strike technique."

"Invincible defense, the invincible defense of the night emperor...Zuo Luo Tianwang does not lose, even if the silver king loses, he can force this technique to wake up the gods." The lotus goddess sighed. .

"It's a pity that the night emperor is only a human race. If it is the violent ape clan, the silver monk would have been beaten to the ground. The ape strike technique can only be performed perfectly when the violent ape clan is used, but it is not bad." Tracer is now full of heart. It's all a word of'serve'——

"When it turns into a golden pile state, the violent ape can't move... but the silver monk can't stop the attack, otherwise it will only be consumed." Gao Yue said.

"The Silver King has lost his mind. It seems to be smashing an unbreakable mountain, and once its **** world disappears, its combat power will be greatly reduced, so Yedi won." The lotus goddess also agreed.


This will be a long wait-

After about a stick of incense, the King of Yinmeng used its violent power to boil the world for nothing, and when it was able to control its mind, its power had begun to go downhill!

"I lost." The King of Silver took a deep look at the scarlet violent ape in the state of turning into a golden pile of heaven, and said through the voice: "Boy, you are very good, if you can defeat the God of Zuoluo, unscrew him What's wrong with this king's slaughter of the gods for you!"

The vast vortex of the galaxy slowly dissipated a wonderful scene...

The violent ape in the state of the golden stake in the sky also gradually reduced, and finally disappeared——

When Su Jinzhen's body appeared, his body shook slightly, his face was pale, and he nodded to the King of Silver Meng, as he agreed to the other party's request.

This battle!

Fifth level! Ye Di Sheng!

There was a burst of crazy drums in the emperor city. It was the drums of the Four Tigers for Yedi's victory!

"Win! The night emperor has passed five levels!" The cultivator in the Land of Glazed Glass was also amazed. Many people thought they were suspenseful, but the Silver Monk King directly surrendered.

"The Violent Ape under invincible defenses can keep it for as long as he wants to stay. The Silver King knows that after his power has decayed, he will no longer be able to withstand the subsequent attacks of Ape Strike. Convinced."

"The great evil in ancient times has been defeated...Unfortunately, this is just the method of the king god. Yedi has obtained the qualification to challenge the king god. Compared with the king god, these five levels are simply a pediatric showdown. The suffering of the night emperor is still there. Behind."

"When will Zuoluo Heavenly King God appear? Yedi's complexion is not pretty, obviously consumes a lot of money, and may even be injured—"

"The battle between King God and Human Race Yedi, according to the despicable behavior of God Race, shouldn't give him a chance to breathe?"


In all the discussions, the King of Yinmeng walked lonely towards the palace in the sky, and it seemed to be indifferent to this failure——


A chain drilled directly out of the void and tied its ankles. The Yinmeng King got angry, but didn't say anything. It was a short-lived freedom, and he didn't have any hope that the Yedi could defeat the God of Zoruo.

Su Jin, will you continue to move forward?

The answer is inevitable!

"Wang Shen, raise your head to fight--" Su Jinfa made the strongest declaration before the war!

Come to fight!

All the gods, including the land of colored glaze, and the monks of the 100,000 highest heavens, were all frightened by Ye Di's rhetoric!

In the Emperor City! Imperial Palace!

The existence of Chaosheng Banshee, Lotus Goddess, Gao Yue, etc., including a group of beautiful demon girls with Yingying Yanyan, all flushed, seemed to be affected by the aura of the night emperor!

The five levels are the dilemma of the **** Zuo Luo! Now Ye Di has stepped on it!

"Human monkey... you really didn't disappoint the original god... you recover for a while, I don't want to be laughed at by those human ants——"

In the palace in the sky, a voice full of breath slowly spread throughout the world.

That's... That's the voice of Zoruo Tianwang! This Zoruo Heavenly King God really dared to give a chance. Doesn't he need to worry about the invincible ape attack scene just now? Of course, Su Jin would definitely not be able to use Ape Strike in a short time.

"No need!" Su Jin said lightly, "It's enough to cut you--"

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