My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3738: King of War

The mysterious old tortoise is an orthodox protoss?

To the north of the back garden of the imperial palace, there is an old tortoise of the Protoss who has lived for a long time! That kind of feeling is an extremely sour experience for the monks in the entire glazed land.

Su Jin is now shocked, not losing to anyone, any god!

The old tortoise in the north of the back garden of the imperial palace, since he is a protoss, why should he help him? Moreover, the other party has to help him fight the King God, which is more than confusing to him——

However, his shock seemed to have been known to the two kings. After all, the special fluctuations between the protoss have already made Taiyang King God and Zuo Luo Tianwang God aware of the existence of Laogui.

This is also one of the reasons why Taiyang Wangshen knows the existence of invincibility in the imperial palace, and thus disagrees with Zuoluo Tianwang. Although the Protoss is still united on the surface, this old turtle has an unknown position and an unknown identity, and he knows the two kings and gods. I don’t even know which protoss the opponent is--

"The predecessors were born in the Protoss. I should have helped the Protoss, help the Protoss rule the heavens, and help a human race. I am also very curious." Although the Taiyang King God heard a voice in the palace of heaven.

"It's rare that there are gods in the world who admit that I am a Protoss...Unfortunately, the opening of "The New Era of Gods" is only a beautiful long-cherished wish of yours, and the result is doomed to fail." Old turtle said.

Upon hearing this, Zuo Luo Tianwang was unwilling! His expression was extremely excited. In his opinion, the supreme splendor of God was right in front of him, but how could he accept being so hit by such an old protoss!

"Why! Protoss is here, raising the flag, and then the entire heavens will become Protoss, the predecessors said, I am Zuo Luotian, I can't agree!" Zuo Luo Tianwang said with anger.

"It's very simple... the two words of the heavens, is there a **** in it?'Heaven', the heavens and the earth are humans, and the heavens are the roosts of the humans. The ruthless and aloofness of the gods, besides bringing a slaughter to the world, what else? "

The old turtle slowly said: "When the gods blood wash the heavens and human races, according to the speed of the birth of the gods, a thousand worlds will not necessarily give birth to a gods, and the heavens will be completely quiet at that time. This is against the law of heaven."

"Paradox! I, Zuo Luo, the Heavenly King God, don’t want to take action against my fellow clan. Seniors don’t want to force me. Since you choose to support the human race and support this emperor, then it depends on whether I can kill him and see the ants you support. , Can you defeat the Protoss!" Zuo Luo Tianwang said to the old turtle with his hands.

"Go to fight..." The old turtle said slowly: "When you know who I am from the Protoss, you will know that the Protoss is a false and absurd joke if the Protoss does not shoot against the same clan—"


Su Jin's face was weird. Although he couldn't hear the fluctuations in Old Turtle's tone, that tone was old in addition to being old, but he could analyze some of the situations.

This predecessor tortoise was blind in both eyes, could it be caused by the same race in the past? Yes, there is a high probability that this will be the case.

Zuo Luo Tianwang’s face turned dark, he never expected that this old turtle would be so shameless--

The current Zuoruo Heavenly King God, looking at this old tortoise, felt that there was no certainty of contending at all, unless he waited for the arrival of other King Gods, he might be able to solve it.

Moreover, the **** Zuo Luo Tianwang has determined that this old tortoise is determined and will no longer support the Protoss. This is definitely bad news for him.

With a sigh, it slowly spread from the palace in the sky...

That was the sigh of the Taiyang King God. At this time, the human race has the Ye Emperor, but the Protoss Old Turtle does not cooperate. There is this kind of existence to support the Ye Emperor. Although the Protoss is still very strong, there is another one. Uncertainty.

"Ye Di! This king is going to be true, and I will prove to the predecessors that the human race is useless! The future of the heavens belongs to our **** race!"

The God of Zuo Luo squinted his eyes, knowing that Laogui was just watching the battle and would not take action, he was even more determined to kill Su Jin.

Su Jin's expression began to be solemn.

Wang Shen’s pressure on him is still great. It seems that his ability to use the Nine Ways to fight against the Wang Shen is very minimal. He can only use the World-Honored Origin, or...

"Come on!" Su Jin's black hair fluttered and his momentum was obviously rising!

"This is called "Tian Ming Jian", which I obtained from an ancient battlefield in my early years. After countless years of sacrifice, it has become more than before."

Zuo Luo Tianwang has a pair of hands, and a handful of blue and red three-pointed treasures are condensed in his hands. The treasures are shining brightly and are inlaid with nine divine stones of different colors——

As Zuoruo Tianwang waved Baojian, the world changed, and countless avenues seemed to be waved by Zuoruo Tianwang when visible to the naked eye.

Stormy wind!


Su Jin only felt that he was facing a surging sea of ​​power, and if he waited any longer, with his current swordsmanship, he would definitely be overthrown by the opponent's three-pointed treasure!

Don't wait!

Su Jin's heart was stunned, amidst the great storm that Wangshen waved, he began to stand firm instantly!

The sky was dim, and the ancient whimpers, like the sound of the wind that turned into ghosts, shook Su Jin's body and stood firm, the surrounding void, as if turned into a parallel mirror surface, burst into pieces!

Even Zuo Luo Tianwang was obviously surprised! Under his feeling, a fierce might erupted from Yedi that made him unimaginable!

A strand of crystal red flashes quickly in the shattered void, and the surrounding wind seems to be blowing to one side, endless, Su Jin at this moment, whether it is temperament or physique, seems to be indescribable. change--

Especially his three eyes are brilliant red, the kind of supreme prestige, when displayed by the three eyes, it makes people feel like they can’t look directly.

"No World Honored..." Zuo Luo Tianwang did not dare to be careless. He naturally knew the legend of "No World Honored", but he didn't expect that after so many years, the origin of not World Honored would still be restored, and the world without the World Honored would survive.

Of course, the fierce prestige of the World-Honored One is only worse back then! Now, how much strength the emperor can display back then can only be known by trying!


Countless monks in the Land of Glazed Glass, staring blankly at the scene--

Although they most likely guessed that the Yedi is not the power of the World-Master, they didn't expect to reach this point!

"At that time, "Eternal Life Palace" was opened by the emperor, and the golden light in the door was reflected on him. He didn't know what opportunity he got! Not only did he keep the origin of the world-honored person, he also cut off our emperor and blocked it.' Eternal life with a knife!, now... He is stronger now..." There is a monk in the Glazed Land, which is somewhat difficult to accept.

"Emperor Ye did not have such a strong performance when he was against the emperor! We have witnessed almost all of his growth! He was greatly improved after the emperor's fall, and after being blessed by the Longevity Palace."

"That senior Protoss, I’m afraid he also helped him a lot, otherwise, how could he have so much confidence against the King God? Now the power of this world-honor is too strong, and it can overturn the void and make Zuoluo Heavenly King’s face full Solemnly--"

"This is just the first appearance of the'non-world-zun' divine power, what will be the real means of not being the world-zun? At that time, his'non-world galaxy' has caused a lot of trouble to the emperor. Now he can definitely perform the "No World Galaxy"!"

"The impression that the Eternal Galaxy gives people is terrible. Looking back on it, it is still vivid. What will be the effect of the Yedi now fighting against the King God and playing "The Eternal Galaxy"?"

"Wang Shen, will he be solemn too? Earlier, he still uttered wild words, underestimating Ye Di, saying that Ye Di's attack would not touch him at all, but he was also severely beaten by reality..."

"No one can underestimate Ye Di. There are several arrogant Protoss, which is a lesson from the past."


Every time, when Ye Di showed the power of the world-zun, he always became the focus of the audience's most attention!

Those enchanting girls, apart from the red hearts flying in their eyes, have already been dominated by the invincible spirit. Yedi is still so young, but already has the power to contend with the king, this... how can this not be worshipped ——

"The power of the world-honored...I have heard..." When the lotus goddess watched Su Jin thoroughly exhibiting the state of'not the world-honored', her heart trembled fiercely. Their ruthless protoss is famous Yes, but now Yedi's temperament is absolutely exaggerated.

"Have you moved Fan's heart?" Gao Yue asked with a smile.

"After staying with the human race for a long time, it will inevitably be affected. After you and I return to the sacred land of the Taiyang line, you will gradually get used to it." The lotus goddess's face returned to indifference, she wanted to cover up, but the blush just now The performance of ear fever was captured by Gao Yue and some enchanting girls.

"I feel that Ye Di is stronger than the unworldly state when he shot us before, and it's more than twice as strong." The fallen angel ruler said.

"Do you know the power of Yedi? Have you fought against the Lord?" The lotus goddess asked the fallen angel dominating sister unexpectedly.

"Of course! We were completely suppressed by the night emperor at the time. It can be said that it was crushed. There was no chance to escape from "Unworldly Galaxy"."

"Double the strength? From the moment he just showed it, I feel several times stronger than when he fixed me." Gao Yue hummed.

The women were stunned--

This is definitely a very high evaluation.

You must know that this was only a recent event. Gao Yue deliberately wanted to trouble Ye Di at that time, and wanted to kill the World Zun Ye Di. As a result, he was beaten by Ye Di’s routine, and instead he lost the gambling contract. He was accompanied by him for ten years. approximately.

Furthermore, Gao Yue is a god, a true god! As soon as this statement came out, who would dare to question that Ye Di did not resist the power of the King God?

"Judging from the current momentum, the Yedi and Zuoluo Heavenly Kings should be similar. Whether it is power or coercion, they definitely dominate the existence of the entire glazed land..." The lotus goddess felt it carefully and admitted.

"Well—" Tracer also nodded solemnly.

Tracer now feels like a trash. When Ye Emperor caught him not long ago, he couldn't escape from Ye Emperor's palm. At that time, he couldn't even force Ye Emperor's unworldly power to come out.

It's really incomparable!

The dim world, the sun, the moon and the stars all seemed to begin to emit a weird crystal red light, and Zuo Luo Tianwang's expression became more and more dignified, and his heart was actually under the pressure of the world-honored man.

You know, from the beginning Zuo Luo Heavenly King God didn't see Ye Di in his eyes.

"Ye Di! Suffering to death--" Zuo Luo Tian Wang was like a mad dragon going out to sea, dragging the three-pointed treasure, without any fancy, appeared directly 100 meters in front of Su Jin, and he went up into the sky. The Lightning of God Thunder is like a flourishing firework, spreading all over the area!

"Unworldly Milky Way—"

Su Jin's low-pitched voice, his loneliness, his arrogance, his ruthlessness, and even his self-confidence, all seemed to fully demonstrate the power of ‘unworldly’.


One billion miles!

Five billion miles!

Ten billion li!

In the end, the starry Xiao Han, who was more than 20 billion li, was instantly occupied by the crystal red power, and Su Jin stood proudly under countless stars, facing the three-pointed Baojian who was smashing down, he was not afraid. !

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